The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 413 Anne Without Flash

Chapter 413 Anne Without Flash
Lee Sang-won, who only wanted to become a professional player, didn't even notice the eye contact of the two people beside him.Moreover, he also ignored a fact that was extremely unfavorable to him - Cui Mingxiu and Cui Yonghe were originally cousins!

Cui Mingxiu walked out of the room with a smile, and sent a text message to Cui Yonghe on his mobile phone: [Finish today's qualifying match with him, and take him to drink after the game!Don't worry, his financial conditions are not rich, and he has been living very poorly. When we take him to the most expensive barbecue restaurant to eat, we will definitely be able to drink a lot of sake for him!After he gets drunk, we will help him back to the student dormitory... Aren't there two Chinese girls in the freshman class?We'll throw this simple-minded guy into the dormitory of either of those two girls!Hey, tomorrow morning this idiot can roll up his bed and beat people up!
I'll figure out the key, you just need to be patient and play a good show, remember, stop talking nonsense, and you have to show a friendly look. 】


Both Wu Di and Lulu were puzzled.After getting the second head, the opponent's bottom lane duo seemed to be disconnected, and it has been a long time since they appeared in the field of vision.

And the operator of the wheel mom is obviously very satisfied with this violent assistant Annie, and also constantly sends out offensive signals on the screen, and quickly pushes down the opponent's bottom tower.

At this time, the policewoman and the bull-headed chief appeared again, which also made Lulu stick out her tongue, and said playfully:
"I thought I could win this game without bloodshed. In the end, the opposite side reconnected."

Wu Di was in a good mood, and replied: "Oh, you can't win without martial arts. It's useless to defeat your opponent by disconnecting. Okay, you can walk around, my Annie made a core equipment Now, next, it's time to witness... the head harvester!"

Lulu glanced sideways, and suddenly found that Annie had already purchased the [Amulet of Ascension] after returning to the city!
Ascension Talisman: 20% skill cooling time reduction, provide a certain amount of life recovery, mana recovery; and automatically increase a certain amount of gold coins for the wearer.

UNIQUE Passive - Tribute: Every nearby enemy minion that you don't kill gives you 3 gold and heals you for 10 health when killed.

Unique Active: The movement speed of nearby allied heroes is increased by 40% for 3 seconds (cooling time 60 seconds)
Among the many attributes of the Ascension Talisman, there are two attributes that Wu Di values ​​most.One is that it reduces the cooling time of skills by 20%, and the other is the acceleration effect of its active release.

As we all know, Anne is a mage hero who relies more on ults. The reduced cooldown time of her skills means that her ults are cast more frequently; The most powerful weapon for raiding.

The bot lane combination of Wheel Mom and Annie has long been developed into an unpredictable style of play: when Wheel Mom and Annie come to the vicinity of enemy heroes together, they use Wheel Mom's ultimate move and Ascension Talisman at the same time. After the active skill, the two heroes can instantly get the special effect of 100% acceleration, and the two of them can come to the enemy hero in the blink of an eye, catching them by surprise!
Annie can stun the opponent, and the burst damage of the wheel mom is extremely high. When the two appear in front of the enemy hero with lightning speed, they can give the opponent a surprise attack, and they can also take it away in a flash. The life of the opposing hero.

And this method has a high success rate when dealing with enemy heroes without [Flash]!
Although Anne with [Flash] is very different from Anne without [Flash].But under this specific combination, Annie, who made the Ascension Talisman, also made the opponent terrified!
So what if there is no [Flash]?Anne who didn't flash, taking the head of the enemy hero is still as simple as picking something out of a bag!
Next, Wu Di did not break his promise.He controls Annie and Wheel Mom to start roaming the field, as long as the opponent is not in a group, they dare to swarm; as long as Annie and Wheel Mom's ultimate move and the active skill of the Ascension Talisman are cooled down, they will appear. nearby.

A few minutes later, Annie and Wheel Mom used the same trick to continuously surprise their opponents from outside the opponent's field of vision. They made four lightning strikes and only missed one.Wherever the two of them went, the enemy was flying around, and they successfully collected several heads, which became what Wu Di called "head harvester".

With these two super-mobile mobile fortresses, the rhythm of the game was gradually controlled by Wu Di.

The game quickly lost its suspense.The policewoman and Niutou disappeared online for a period of time for no reason, and Annie and the wheel mother wandered around. After resisting tenaciously for a while, the other party hastily announced their surrender.

In a passerby game like qualifying, each player has different temperaments, some are persevering, and some can only play with the wind, so once there is a disadvantage or defeat, the side with different opinions will basically surrender. Finish.

After winning this game, the enthusiastic Lulu certainly refused to stop there, and continued to drag Wu Di to fight in the qualifying match.In another student dormitory that was 300 meters away from them, Lee Sang-won and Choi Yong-hyuk temporarily put away their little thoughts and concentrated on scoring in double row.

However, in order to avoid further disputes with Cui Yonghyuk, Lee Sang-won simply stopped taking the ADC position, but went to play the top laner, mid laner and jungler all over again; He didn't raise any objections either, but kept a contemptuous smile and continued to hit his bottom lane.

The day passed quickly.

Wu Di and Lulu went smoothly, they have won nine games in a row, and directly jumped a level to reach the Platinum Second Group.As the pair of partners Lee Sang-won and Choi Yong-hyuk were not on the same route, they both tacitly played their own games, and they gave full play to their due level, and achieved a good result of eight games and one victory.

At this time, Wu Di raised his head and looked out the window, and found that it was getting late, so he said to Lulu:

"It's the last match. It's a good sign that we won all the matches today, but we should try our best not to get fatigued in qualifying. There are so many Korean masters."

Of course Lulu obeyed Wu Di's words, and after blinking her big watery eyes, she happily started the last qualifying match of the day with Wu Di... But what they didn't expect was that a sneaky figure was used Under the cover of night and the negligence of the management personnel, they sneaked into the management room on the first floor of the apartment building where the two lived, and stole the spare key of Lulu's room...

"Haha, ten consecutive victories today! It's a day worth celebrating, Brother Wu Di, shall we celebrate?" Lulu happily put down her keyboard and mouse, and circled around Wu Di like a lark.

Wu Di didn't want to spoil the Barbie doll's interest, so he nodded in agreement and said, "Okay, how to celebrate?"

"Let's go eat? Korean barbecue is world-famous! We have been here for almost a month, and we are training and training all day long, or qualifying and qualifying. It's so monotonous. Right now It's not too late, you're hungry too, let's go out for dinner together!"

Lulu smiled slyly, and naturally had her own wishful thinking in her heart: Hehe, I must win this exclusive date opportunity!

However, Wu Di, who only wanted to experience pure e-sports with all his heart, failed to notice the admiration in Lulu's eyes. Although he nodded and agreed to celebrate today's ten-game winning streak by eating, but then asked Lulu asked a question that made Lulu instantly unhappy: "Okay, I also want to go to Chichi Korean BBQ. Oh, by the way, should I call Piao Piao? She must be bored by herself .The three of us happened to relieve fatigue together."

Lulu pursed her lips, and her enthusiasm was halved: "Are you sure you want to call sister Piao Piao? Sister Piao Piao can't speak ten words a day. If you call her, it will affect the atmosphere."

Wu Di laughed dumbly and said: "Oh, no matter what, in this huge South Korea, I only know you two Chinese people, call me, it's okay? She doesn't like to talk, just wait for her, we will eat us of."

So, Lulu reluctantly knocked on Mu Piao Piao's door, asked casually, and prayed in her heart that Mu Piao Piao would never come to be the light bulb.But the result made her very disappointed - Mu Piao Piao agreed to have a barbecue together without any hesitation.

Lulu was not reconciled, and couldn't help asking: "Sister Piao Piao...why did you agree so quickly?"

"I'm hungry."

Mu Piao Piao remained expressionless, and walked in the front alone...

The three of Wu Di walked together, and at Lulu's suggestion, they sat down in front of a barbecue stall near Chung-Ang University in South Korea.

Facing the dazzling array of delicacies, Lulu also let go of her ladylike airs, and ate together with Wu Di.The two ate greasy mouths, but enjoyed it.On the other hand, Mu Piaopiao still looks cold, eating the most famous food in Korea in an orderly manner.

While eating, Lulu's interest increased greatly, and she proposed to drink some sake, but Wu Di refused to agree, and Lulu had no choice.Just when she was about to give up her persuasion, Mu Piaopiao, who had been silent beside her, opened her mouth directly, asked the boss for three bottles of sake, and purposely ignored Wu Di and said sarcastically:
"A majestic seven-foot man, are you still afraid of this extremely low-alcohol sake? You are cowardly, like a woman. Are you afraid that we women will get you drunk? Hmph, you are as timid as a mouse."

Although Wu Di had a calm mind, being reprimanded so hard by Mu Piaopiao still aroused his male blood in an instant.

"Isn't it just drinking some sake? What a big deal? Come on, just drink!"

However, Wu Di obviously overestimated his drinking capacity and underestimated the lethality of sake... Just after drinking half a bottle, he felt dizzy...

At the same time, Lee Sang-won has been dragged to a more expensive barbecue shop by the two cousins ​​Cui Yonghe and Cui Mingxiu of [Enthusiasm], and unable to withstand the persuasion of the two, he began to drink heavily to commemorate the unfulfilled heart E-sports dream!

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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