Chapter 417

Wu Di paused, and then asked Lulu to pass on the message:

"After such a person is recruited into the team, which position should I give him? There are only five positions in the League of Legends game, and there is no sixth position! Every position has distinctive players firmly occupying the main position. What's the use of asking him to come? All-rounder? E-sports teams are the most taboo players like this! In China, there is a saying to describe this kind of phenomenon-knowledge of all [-] kinds of martial arts, all kinds of plague. Of course, I said It’s an exaggeration, but it’s the truth. If you focus on one position and develop your own characteristics, you might have been selected by a professional team long ago.”

After Li Xiangyuan heard the words, he clapped his hands and shouted:

"What you said... really makes sense! What you said made me suddenly enlightened, but... I really think that I can play all five positions, and I will play any position from the perspective of the team and not be aggressive. , very stable."

Wu Di smiled lightly, and continued: "I can see that. But in the contemporary e-sports professional teams, there are few teams that need all-rounders. What they need are players with outstanding characteristics. Let me ask you, have you ever participated in professional e-sports teams? Trial training for the team?"

"I have participated. But after each trial, their staff members are shaking their heads..."

"Heh! They shook their heads. It's not that you are not strong enough, but that your position is too unstable, and they can't find a suitable direction to guide your development. Originally, you can play the support position, but this position cannot be fully utilized. Out of your level, let you play other positions? More players with distinctive features are more suitable than you. That's why they shook their heads."

"So that's the case. Then... then what should I do? I never thought that this characteristic of mine would make me lack [characteristics]! If I had known earlier, I should have specialized in one position!"

Wu Di patted him on the shoulder and comforted him:

"Don't be discouraged. One last question to you, do you want to be a professional gamer? Put aside your life woes."

As soon as he heard this topic, Li Xiangyuan's heart was full of aggrieved and unwillingness, and he nodded excitedly and said:

"I want to! I really want to! I would rather serve tea and water to those top players than join a professional team! But... I don't have a chance. Hey, that's all, you woke me up, in my opinion, it's time for me to give up this idea It's..."

"If... I give you a chance to become a professional player, but you can only play as a substitute, would you like it?"

Li Xiangyuan once again sighed like a deflated ball:
"It's not that I don't believe you, it's that you are just a freshman in the e-sports department. Even if you have a good network in China and know a lot of team management, you can help me find a substitute position. In Korea's e-sports rivalry, I can't go with you either."

"Heh, are you willing to give up your e-sports dream because of those ridiculous concepts? Don't forget, I'm from China, but I haven't come here yet, trying to learn about the e-sports atmosphere in Korea. Everything is a big deal However, it is bound to be informal, e-sports has been ignored by the world for so many years, it is time to change."

After finishing speaking, Wu Di stared at Li Xiangyuan quietly, waiting for his reply silently.As he said, e-sports is a nascent sport that needs to prove itself. If a lot of energy and time are wasted on internal battles, it will be even more difficult for this project to be recognized by the world.

"I...I want to play a few more qualifying matches with you." Li Xiangyuan suddenly made a request.

It turned out that he was two years older than Wu Di, and he didn't understand where the confidence in the eyes of this Huaxia freshman came from, so he asked Wu Di to play a few qualifying matches again to see his strength.If he is determined to follow Wu Di, then he must know what level the Huaxia man in front of him has reached!
"Hmm... okay." Wu Di thought for a while, and agreed to Li Xiangyuan's request.

Then, the two started a qualifying match again.In this game, Wu Di went all out, used Bing Xin's state, and showed all the styles of play he had mastered in front of Li Xiangyuan's eyes.

This... This is a qualifying match around the diamond rank!He got more than 30 heads, and none of them died?The several situations that seemed to be full of dangers all ended with him escaping with the limit of remaining blood.In this qualifying match, he has never seen him let go of any skills!
Li Xiangyuan was stunned by Wu Di's luxurious data.

As we all know, the higher the rank in the qualifying match, the harder it is to have 30 kills, which dominates the audience. The most amazing thing for Li Xiangyuan is... Wu Di controlled the hero's death count to zero.

What kind of calculation ability and extreme operation is required to achieve zero casualty performance in the diamond ranking match?

Li Xiangyuan has been on the public server for a long time, so he naturally knows that such data is a rare occurrence in a hundred years!It's almost impossible to get a lot of heads while ensuring that you don't get killed!

At this time, Wu Di put down the mouse early, rubbed his wrist lightly, and a few beads of sweat slid down his mouth along with his cheeks. After wiping the beads of sweat, he turned his head and smiled at Lulu:

"Heh! Although this Korean player is not favored by Korean professional teams, he is very suitable for my requirements. A player who can play in all positions is what I dream of. In order to make him make up his mind faster, I This qualifying match is full of firepower. I am exhausted, you can ask him if he is satisfied with my strength."

Now Lulu is no stranger to Wu Di's performance in the game, so she passed the words to Li Xiangyuan in a bland manner.Upon hearing this, Li Xiangyuan asked back: "Aren't you surprised? Are you not surprised? This kind of performance... even a top professional player would be very difficult to achieve."

Luluyun smiled lightly, and said calmly: "It's normal, if he is physically strong, he can perform this kind of performance at any time. He just tried his best to make you trust him, and now he is a little tired gone."

Li Xiangyuan didn't believe that Wu Di, a Chinese man, could control the fact that he played the same data twice in a row, so he suggested to Lulu again:

"You ask him to fight me again! As long as he can get more than [-] kills, without mentioning zero casualties, I will immediately make up my mind to go to China with him!"

Li Xiangyuan's attitude is very firm.He stared at Wu Di intently, wanting to see clearly whether this freshman achieved such phenomenal stats because of luck, or whether he really has this ability!

After Wu Di heard it, he thought it over and over again, and finally agreed to do it again.

Therefore, with great expectations, Li Xiangyuan once again started a qualifying match with Wu Di.And after 10 minutes, their side won the victory of course, but the stats of the heroes controlled by Wu Di... still haven't changed at all!
31 kills, 0 deaths and 7 assists!

Exactly the same as last time!This is a coincidence?Or did he do it on purpose?impossible!No matter how strong a person is, can he grasp the data so accurately?

Li Xiangyuan never thought that Wu Di was so strong!

But Wu Di laughed, and said: "Ha, the statistics are the same as last game, this is luck. League of Legends is not a one-person game, it is a coincidence that the same statistics can be played in two consecutive games. Oh, yes, Lulu, You tell him, I can't play any more, I'm already exhausted, besides, this is a qualifying match of about five groups of diamonds, I can still grasp it, but at a higher level, masters emerge in endlessly, I can't guarantee to play like this at any time Gorgeous data. After all, there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky."

After hearing Lulu's translation, Li Xiangyuan let out a sigh of relief.If this Huaxia freshman can guarantee the exact same stats in the diamond rank, then even if the former world number one came to the scene in person, it may not be able to do it...

After a while, Li Xiangyuan, who was in a daze, finally came back to his senses.It wasn't until now that he realized that this Huaxia freshman was definitely a top-level professional player!

"Lulu, I am willing to follow him to Huaxia Kingdom! Can you tell me his real identity?" Li Xiangyuan begged very urgently. When he was desperate in the e-sports department, he suddenly killed a Huaxia who was willing to choose him. Man, at this moment, he had already forgotten all those so-called unwritten prohibitions.

After listening to the translation, Wu Di smiled mysteriously: "It's not the time yet. I haven't finished my studies in the e-sports department yet."

Li Xiangyuan was taken aback, and couldn't help asking: "What? You still want to study here? With your strength, you are definitely among the top professional players. What can you learn here?"

Wu Di raised his finger, pointed to his heart, and said with a smile: "I'm here to learn the advantages of Korean e-sports, and use it to calm myself down. As for why I did this... just like many masters who have retired to the mountains and forests , I also have difficulties."

"Difficulties? What difficulties? Then let me wait for you to solve your [difficulties] before I can become a professional player? If I can't become a professional player in a short time and have a stable income, I The only option is to go back to the hometown to farm! To be honest, why I drank so much that day is also because I think of this, and my heart hurts!"

Li Xiangyuan's expression was gloomy, he thought that Wu Di was just joking with him, and he didn't want to point out a clear way for himself.

Wu Di made some calculations, took out the phone, and in front of Li Xiangyuan, called Ye Wuhen who was secretly trained in China far away.

Li Xiangyuan couldn't understand what Wu Di was talking about, and thought he was just teasing him, so he stood up quickly, ready to leave this awkward place, but unexpectedly Wu Di asked Lulu to translate a paragraph for him after the phone call.

"Lee Sang-won, a Korean, is good at five positions. He is rated as a B-level player. He has a fixed monthly salary and can participate in the bonus share of the team's competition. After 10 minutes, there will be a labor contract in both Chinese and Korean versions." In your hands, if you agree, you can wait here; if you don’t want to join my team, you can leave now. Oh, my team is called... [King’s team]!"

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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