The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 418 The No. 1 Team in the World

Chapter 418
Li Xiangyuan stood in place as if he had been petrified, neither sitting nor standing.After a while, he stammered and asked:

"King... King's team? You own a team? You invited me to join? And, is it already a company?"

Lulu guessed that Wu Di's language barrier would be inconvenient to communicate, so she took the initiative to take on the role of lobbyist.

"Of course. Due to some special reasons, the King's team has not yet become a top team, but its strength should not be underestimated. Moreover, he directly rated you as a B-level player. It is enough to prove that he attaches great importance to you. You know, the other members of the King's team are only rated as C or D rank."

Li Xiangyuan, who has not recovered from the surprise, immediately said modestly after hearing that his entry level was higher than that of the old players:

"Ah? No, no, no! I'm definitely willing to join the King's team and follow student Wu. But I haven't made any achievements. Once I enter the team, my salary is higher than that of other veteran players, which will definitely attract criticism! I still start from the lowest level. Let's start. Besides, I'm joining the professional team of Huaxia Kingdom, it's better to keep a low profile, keep a low profile..."

Lulu covered her mouth and laughed wildly: "Hehe, don't worry, your starting point is higher than other team members, and your strength is also good. Of course, it is worth the price. I didn't expect you to be quite a good person, and you won't ask for extravagant prices. Many newcomers are arrogant and ambitious. If you have some skills, you will feel that Lao Tzu is number one in the world."

Li Xiangyuan touched his forehead, and said with a little shame: "I don't think I'm great. After student Wu analyzed my characteristics, I can understand why no team is interested in me, but I don't want to give up the e-sports in my heart." Meng, plus student Wu's strength is too amazing, so I just wanted to... join his team and try. Actually, from you saying that I am the highest level in the team, I can tell... the king's team is mostly one Let’s start a semi-professional team. If so, I don’t have much hope, I just want to see if I can really become a qualified professional player.”

As soon as this word reached Lulu's ears, she immediately defended Wu Di:

"What semi-professional nature? That's Wu... The classmate hasn't managed it properly! Really, I praised you, and you just said something that displeased me. If you really give me some color, you will start a dyeing workshop!"

Li Xiangyuan came from a simple and remote area, and when he saw Lulu was a little angry, he quickly waved his hands and explained:

"No, no, no, I really didn't mean to look down on King's team! Well, I'm stupid, I can't speak, and I have a simple mind, so I was used by Cui Yonghe. Lulu, don't be angry!"

At this time, Wu Di saw that the two of them were chatting and seemed to have a discordant tone, so he asked about the cause and effect, and laughed dumbly: "Lulu, it's okay, you don't have to do this, a me who has lost memory, It is impossible to lead everyone to the peak of e-sports. I see it very openly now. My mouth grows on others. We don’t care what we say. This Lee Sang-won seems to be a person who has endured hardships, and his conditions are very suitable. Team King, I still like him very much.

In this way, you give him an appetite.You said that after I graduated, I told him an amazing and explosive news, and although he agreed to join the Kings team, but now there is no game to play, and all the players are conducting special training in secret, so he can only be with us , continue to study in the e-sports department.But I will pay the salary, and I will call him on time every month. All he needs to do is to keep getting stronger! "

When Lulu saw that Wu Di was very open-minded, of course she would not embarrass Li Xiangyuan. After telling Wu Di's words, she asked some of his personal information according to Wu Di's intention. After a while, someone knocked on the door of Wu Di's room.

Lulu hopped to open the door and got a fax.The content of the fax is naturally the labor contract that Ye Wuhen asked people to rush out without stopping, in duplicate, one in Chinese and one in Korean.

Li Xiangyuan was holding the Korean version of the labor contract blankly, his jaw almost dropped to the ground.He never expected that the efficiency of the King's team is so high, it is amazing.But of course all of this is due to Ye Wuhen who is still undergoing secret special training with a well-known team.

Lulu walked up to Li Xiangyuan, pointed to the labor contract, and asked in Korean: "Sign or not? Hehe, after signing this contract, you will be a member of our King's team. According to the ancient Chinese saying, life The person who is the king, death is the ghost of the king."

How did Li Xiangyuan know that it was Lulu teasing him, his expression changed from happy to worried in an instant, and he asked worriedly:

"Huh? E-sports competitions... are not dangerous, right! You said that if it was a traditional sport, you would break your leg if you played football, or sprain your ankle if you played basketball, but this e-sports just sitting on the computer. Well, it won't be life-threatening.

Lulu...don't bully me for being stupid, just say something to scare me on purpose. "

Immediately, Lulu was amused by Li Xiangyuan's expression, and she told Wu Di this. She wanted Wu Di to have fun, but she found that she seemed to have done the opposite!Wu Di's face instantly sank.

He calmly said to Lulu: "Translate it for him, and say that joining my team is indeed dangerous. And the degree of danger is not low! As for why my team is so unbalanced, you just talked about my graduation At that time, I will tell him all the reasons, before that, all we have to do is to experience the purest e-sports life."

Of course Lulu knew that Wu Di was thinking of that organization, Danqing, and the man in black wearing sunglasses.So she also withdrew her smile and told Wu Di what she said.

As a result, after Li Xiangyuan heard it, he sat on the armchair in silence, looking at Wu Di and Lulu for a while, and then at the labor contract in his hand, as if he was struggling a lot.

After about a cup of tea, Li Xiangyuan showed a weak expression, and asked tremblingly:

"Student Lulu, I want to ask Student Wu one last question! Can you translate for me... What is the ultimate goal of Team King? I won't ask any other questions."

"Win the world championship and become the strongest team in the world!" Lulu blurted out proudly, without even asking Wu Di for instructions on how to answer.

Li Xiangyuan seemed a little worried, and still pointed to Wu Di, motioning for him to speak out.Lulu was helpless, so she conveyed his meaning.As a result, after thinking about it for a while, Wu Di ingeniously asked Lulu to teach him the Korean language of what he said just now.After the two babbled for a while, Wu Di finally managed to master the relatively correct Korean pronunciation.

Then, he walked up to Lee Sang-won, and said in broken Korean [Team King, the goal is to become the world's number one team, and the dream is to build a fair, transparent and positive e-sports empire! 】

Although the pronunciation was not standard, even a little funny, but Li Xiangyuan could tell that Wu Di was not joking when he spoke!His eyes are determined and resolute. If other people said these words, maybe he would just laugh them off, but after Li Xiangyuan saw Wu Di's astonishing true strength, he believed...Wu Di is a man of his word. to the people!
Suddenly, without further ado, Li Xiangyuan found a signature pen from Wu Di's room, and wrote his name on the labor contract with flying colors!Then he silently handed the contract in front of Wu Di, and asked Xiang Lulu like a coy girl, "I've already signed it...can I just sign for classmate Wu next?"

Lulu nodded, looked at the contract, but did not hand it over to Wu Di.

Li Xiangyuan was a little puzzled, and Wu Di was also puzzled.And Lulu laughed dumbly and said:

"Why do you still need to sign? Senior Wuhen has already signed it!"

Wu Di took the contract in his hands, turned to the last page, and took a closer look. Sure enough, Ye Wuhen had signed his name at the end in Chinese.Although he couldn't understand the whole article in Korean, Ye Wuhen signed his name in Chinese, so he could still read it clearly.

"What's going on here?" In Lulu's ears, two languages ​​with the same meaning rang out at the same time.

Lulu first said to Wu Di: "It's very simple, have you forgotten that Senior Wuhen is the interim manager of Team Kings? A few months ago, he put himself in this high position! Although his salary It's just the standard of D-level players, hehe, so he is the No.1 choice to sign these contracts and other things, and you can only stand aside."

Then, she explained to Lee Sang-won in Korean:
"It's like this. The King's team is temporarily managed by this Chinese man named Ye Wuhen, so his signature has the most legal effect. Don't worry, we won't cheat you."

After Li Xiangyuan listened to it, Yang Tian let out a long sigh, and then said weakly: "Hey, that's all, no matter whether you are cheating me or not, I am willing to get into this trap! If Team King's goal is to become the number one team in the world , I believe that I can also contribute a little. Now...shouldn't it be time to shake hands?"

Li Xiangyuan took the initiative to stretch out his hand, and after Wu Di was stunned for a moment, he quickly stretched out his right hand and shook Li Xiangyuan firmly.

"Welcome to join us, let us work together!"


In the next few days, except for eating and sleeping, Li Xiangyuan would not be with Wu Di, and the rest of the time was like a brown candy. He insisted on watching Wu Di compete in the qualifying competition.Lulu on the side was very upset that this light bulb interrupted her [two-person world] with Wu Di, but Wu Di was very welcoming, which also made her not give Li Xiangyuan a good look.

The night before the official start of the e-sports department, Wu Di and Lulu both entered the strongest king rank in the new Korean server, which also made Li Xiangyuan, who was watching the game, widen his eyes (although his eyes are small, it is not clear whether they are open or not. It's hard to judge).

"This...Student Wu, oh, in private, you should call Captain! Captain, I want to ask, through the performance of the past few days, I have already seen that you are a super player! You with extraordinary strength, come here What do you want to learn in this e-sports department? Can what you learn here still make you better?"

"You reminded me, Li Xiangyuan, can you tell me, in the e-sports department, which players are worth noting? Especially those who specialize in junglers?"

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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