The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 419 Three Major Junglers

Chapter 419 Three Great Junglers
After Li Xiangyuan was stunned for half a second, he suddenly realized:
"I understand! Watching you play in qualifying these days, I noticed a rather obvious phenomenon! Although you are like me, you can play in five positions, and your level is higher than mine, but you are in the position of When I was playing in the jungle, I always felt that something was missing.

Your jungle level is sometimes very high, and sometimes it is very low... To be honest, I always feel that among the five positions, your jungle position is very unstable.You ask me who are the best junglers in the e-sports department, do you want to ask them for advice? "

Wu Di smiled lightly: "That's exactly what I mean, do you have a suitable candidate?"

Immediately, Li Xiangyuan opened the chatterbox:

"Ha, captain, you're asking the right person! Because I'm good at five positions, I'm not like other students who are only interested in the strong players in specific positions. I'm interested in all the experts in the e-sports department!

In the year-end ranking of the e-sports department last year, I only ranked around twenty, and there are more than a dozen masters above me.However, among the dozen or so people, I think you should be interested in only three people.

The first person is the number one beauty in our e-sports department, that is, Yin Xueer, the owner of Cui Yonghyuk's acting account!Don't underestimate this female classmate, although she is a daughter, her e-sports quality is an astonishing 95 points!She ranked fourth in the final ranking of the previous year!Moreover, her main focus is the jungle position.This girl, once she gets the two heroes she is good at, the blind monk and the clown, it will be difficult to fight against the early stage.And this, maybe she inherited her brother Yin Xiangtie.Do you know Yoon Sang-chul?The leading jungler of the KKT team, one of the best professional teams in Korea, is second only to Lee Hyuk, the number one e-sports idol in Korea!
However, this female classmate is young and has a good temper, but she is not very talkative and doesn't care about others.In short, it is a little difficult to approach.If you want to ask her for advice, I think you'd better give up this idea.First, there are too many flower protectors around her, and any strange man who approaches her is likely to be taught a lesson afterwards; second, even if you have the opportunity to sit face to face with her and communicate, she The cold temper without three sentences in those 10 minutes will also make you lose interest in the conversation.

Captain, if you really want to learn the essence of jungle, I recommend this person to you—Junior Huang Shanhong.However, I heard that this summer, he has already been spotted by an upstream professional team and offered a lucrative rookie contract.But he didn't accept it!No one knows the reason why he rejected the professional team, and no one knows what he is planning in his heart. Tomorrow is the opening ceremony, and he should also welcome you as a representative of the old students of the e-sports department.Because, his year-end ranking is... No.2!He mainly plays two positions, mid laner and jungler. Although it seems that his mid laner is stronger, I think his jungler is not inferior to Yin Xueer.This man is very talkative, maybe you can get good results from him, Captain.

As for the last person, of course it is Gao Tianxiu who has won the year-end ranking crown of the e-sports department for three consecutive years.This kid is also a different kind. He is two years younger than me, and he is about the same as you, the captain.From the first year he entered the school, he was the number one, and three years later, he is still the number one!His best positions are ADC and jungler.Moreover, I heard that he originally only specialized in the ADC position, but after a long talk with director Jin Huien one night, he began to devote his energy to the jungle position.And after more than half a year of practice, his jungle position... is superior to Yin Xueer and Huang Shanhong!In addition, it is worth mentioning that Gao Tianxiu only lost one match in last year's qualifying contest!With a super high winning rate of 99%, he continues to be the number one in the year-end ranking of the e-sports department. Countless professional teams have offered him an olive branch early, but this guy didn't even show a good face. guest staff!He flatly refused all invitations without any room for negotiation.Later, I heard from some well-informed students that the reason why Gao Tianxiu rejected all team invitations was because he wanted to create a professional team by himself!
This top-ranked expert student has interviewed many newcomers with good abilities in the past two years, and the purpose is to lure them into the group.However, so far, it seems that not many people are willing to start with him from the bottom league. Most of the students still hope that those long-established professional teams can find themselves, so that they can reach the sky in one step.

By the way, he will stay in the e-sports department for a few months this year, and then he will leave to formally set up his own team, so I guess he may fall in love with you without knowing it.Maybe he will have the idea of ​​recruiting you, captain.

In short, if the captain needs to improve the strength of the jungle position, the above three people are likely to be able to help you. "

Yin Xueer, Huang Shanhong, Gao Tianxiu... After Wu Di memorized the names of these three people silently, he suddenly found that these three people were all top four experts at the end of the year, so he couldn't help asking:
"The jungle position seems to be very popular in the e-sports department. All three of them have good jungle skills. Are the players in other positions not as strong as them?"

After hearing this, Li Xiangyuan smiled wryly and said: "Captain, it's not that others are not strong, but these people are too strong! Their jungle rhythm is almost impeccable. I have seen the confrontation between these three people. In terms of performance, we must steadily overwhelm the other two."

"Okay, you should continue to improve your strength according to the plan I gave you. I will find an opportunity to get in touch with those three people to see if they can help me as you said."

Early the next morning, Wu Di got up early, and went to the lecture hall dedicated to the e-sports department with two other friends, preparing to attend the upcoming opening ceremony.

The annual opening ceremony is not only a necessary procedure to welcome new students to the e-sports department, but also to encourage all e-sports students to study hard, strive to become the darling of professional teams as soon as possible, and add more glory to the e-sports department.

Before the ceremony started, some senior seniors gathered together, pointing and commenting on the thirty or so freshmen this year.

[Hey, among the newly recruited students this year, there are actually seven girls!Haha, it's not tiring to work with men and women. The e-sports department just needs to recruit more female students. Otherwise, it will be too boring to study in the face of a large group of old men. 】

[Go aside!You just dare to show off your prestige with your mouth. Do you dare to say this in front of Director Jin Huien?It's not that you don't know, as long as you step into the Korean e-sports circle, you won't want a woman until you retire!Or at least you don't dare to hold a girl's hand openly and swagger through the streets. 】

[Say no.You talk about Director Jin all day long, do you have a crush on her?Hahaha, I guess so!Hey hey hey, just kidding, just kidding, don't hit me. 】

【Stop messing around!I heard that this year's freshmen are exceptionally strong!Among them, a freshman who ranked third in the training camp also caused Lee Hyuk, the number one e-sports idol in Korea, to suffer a lot!I heard that in the end Director Jin came out to smooth things over and stopped the coaching match, otherwise, something appalling would happen later, it's really hard to say.Moreover, it is said that this powerful No.3 a Chinese! 】

【What?What are the leaders of the e-sports department thinking?Why let a Chinese person enter our e-sports department!Don't they know that our South Korea and China are on fire in e-sports? 】

[You are so excited!The leadership of the e-sports department agreed to the Chinese people joining, and to some extent, it is a reflection of the generosity of us Koreans!But, hehe, don't let me meet that Huaxia man in the ranking competition, otherwise, he will feel that he is actually just a tiny speck of dust! 】

A group of seniors were chatting and beating brazenly, when suddenly a well-proportioned man with an extraordinary bearing walked up to them, and asked directly, "Who is that freshman you mentioned just now who can make Li He go to pieces?"

When everyone saw it, they immediately withdrew their cynical attitudes, and one of them responded respectfully:

"Senior Tianxiu, they seem to be talking about a Chinese named Wu. I heard that he made Li He suffer a little during the training camp..."

Gao Tianxiu looked around, and soon saw Wu Di wearing a black peaked cap in the last corner of the lecture theater, and the two Huaxia girls beside him.

"is it him?"

"Yes, those two Chinese girls entered the e-sports department with him. It should be him."

After asking, Gao Tianxiu looked at Wu Di expressionlessly, only to find that this guy had been sitting motionless in the corner, not looking around like other freshmen.

Gao Tianxiu showed a meaningful smile. After thinking for a while, she started to walk slowly towards Wu Di's position...

And when Gao Tianxiu clearly showed a strong interest in Wu Di, on the other side of the lecture theater, the senior girls from the e-sports department also got together and whispered about this year's freshmen.

【Xueer, how is your body?We were all very worried when we heard that you were seriously ill. 】

A beautiful woman who was obviously tired smiled slightly, and replied lightly: "Thank you for your concern, senior sister. I'm almost fine. The doctor said I need to rest more."

【Heh, sister Xueer, don't be too cold. If you smile a little more, there will be countless men rushing towards you, so you can also choose a suitable husband from them. 】

[Senior sister laughed at me, I don't know why, I just don't like talking to boys...]

[Look, there are many handsome guys among the freshmen this year.Take a look, see which one you like, the senior sister will tell you. 】

【Sister Xiu En, you are kidding me again. 】

At this moment, several pretty girls also spotted Gao Tianxiu, and at the same time, the freshman who was wearing a peaked cap and refused to expose his appearance to the public, so they, who were keen on gossip, had the same question in their hearts :
Gao Tianxiu, do you want to recruit new students again?

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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