Chapter 420 Amazing news
Gao Tianxiu, who ranked first in the year-end ranking of the e-sports department for three consecutive years, is well-known, not only in the entire e-sports department, but even the Korean professional e-sports circle knows that there is a superstar in the e-sports department of Central University rookie.

This young man named Gao Tianxiu is only in his early twenties. He has excellent e-sports talent and extraordinary strength. If he can be recruited into his team, he will definitely give the team a shot in the arm.However, no matter which team, even the two top teams in Korea, SOS and KKT, came to visit in person, this unusual rookie refused without hesitation.

Soon, he became famous, on the one hand because of his outstanding talent and strength, and on the other hand because of his seemingly defiant performance.

Originally, he had earned enough credits to leave here in the first year of the e-sports department, but this super rookie who didn't know what was going on in his head had been in the e-sports department for three full years. Long!

No one knows what he has been doing in the past two years, and no one knows how many potential newcomers you have recruited in the past two years. What everyone knows is that he just issued a statement on his exclusive website not long ago: this This month is his last month in the e-sports department.After passing, he will tell everyone in the e-sports circle what he is doing!
Gao Tianxiu was dressed in black, solemn and elegant, walked slowly to Wu Di's side, tapped on the table lightly, and smiled lightly: "Hello, I'm Gao Tianxiu, a third-year student in the e-sports department, oh , To be precise, I should be considered a senior student. Are you Wu Youzhi Wu's classmate?"

This Gao Tianxiu was unexpectedly talking to Wu Di in Chinese!Moreover, his accent is very pure, without hard work and hard work, it is impossible to reach this level.

Wu Di raised the brim of his hat curiously, and was immediately stunned by Gao Tianxiu's sharp eyes like eagle eyes.

Gao Tianxiu's eyes were introverted yet flamboyant, which made Wu Di amazed.

In Wu Di's impression, e-sports professional players almost spend more than ten hours in front of the computer screen every day due to years of training and competitions.Therefore, over time, the eyes of professional players should actually be a little lazy and tired.Gao Tianxiu's sharp eyes, which seem to be the same as those of the superiors, are really rare among professional players.

"Hi, I'm Wu Youzhi, what can I do?" Wu Di replied politely.

After Gao Tianxiu confirmed Wu Di's identity, he looked at Wu Di from head to toe without saying a word, and finally his eyes focused on the peaked cap on Wu Di's head.

"This hat...has a nice style, where did you buy it?" Gao Tianxiu asked an irrelevant question.

"This peaked cap? I bought it in China. If senior Gao Tianxiu likes it, I can ask a friend to mail order one for you."

Wu Di replied calmly.Through Li Xiangyuan's introduction, he naturally knew that this Gao Tianxiu was the first-generation super rookie of the e-sports department at the end of the year.

"En. I remember... the style and color of this peaked cap are very similar to a person. Are you imitating him, or are you going to cross him? You must be familiar with this person. His name is Wu Di, and he was once the number one in the world. genius."

Gao Tianxiu stared at Wu Di's hat with blazing eyes, but a tongue-twisting question came out of his mouth.Lulu and Mu Piaopiao beside him heard something wrong with Gao Tianxiu's words, so they immediately looked at him vigilantly, and subconsciously moved towards Wu Di's position.

"Don't be nervous. Everyone should have a dream. Even if this dream will never come true, we can't deny anyone's efforts to dream it. You are indeed like him, are not him." Gao Tianxiu finally said The sight shifted from the peaked cap to Wu Di's face, and then he said something that made Wu Di dumbfounded.

I'm... a lot like myself?But am I not myself?
Wu Di was a little puzzled by Monk Zhang Er, and looked up at Gao Tianxiu in surprise, but he still couldn't see anything from this sharp-eyed guy.So, he had to force a wry smile and said:

"Thank you senior for your praise. I am indeed not Wu Di, nor is he an imitator. I just simply like this peaked cap.

In addition, I would like to ask the senior, why do you so conclude that I am not Wu Di? "

The corners of Gao Tianxiu's mouth curved, and a meaningful smile appeared:

"I have carefully studied all the videos of Wu Di, including all his words and deeds at the press conference. He is an arrogant and flamboyant person, and there is a complicated temperament in his eyes that looks at the world but defies anyone. And your eyes , very clear, very simple, so I concluded that you are not him.

Well, the prologue is over.Since you are not him, I will open the skylight and speak plainly.I, Gao Tianxiu, on behalf of Huaxia Kingdom's brilliant team, formally extend an invitation to you!I want you to be part of our team!I have already heard about your performance - there are not many rookies who can make Korea's number one e-sports star Lee Hyuk suffer a little... Oh, no, very few.

Therefore, if you are interested, there is no trial training or assessment, we will cultivate you as the absolute core!The first-year starting salary for newcomers... 20 RMB! "

Gao Tianxiu's tone was neither slow nor urgent, neither suppressed nor raised, but when Wu Di's words reached Wu Di's ears, it caused an uproar in his heart!

"Wait, which team do you think you represent? Huaxia Kingdom... Brilliant Team?" Wu Di's eyes widened, and he showed a surprised and inexplicable expression for the first time since coming to Korea.

Gao Tianxiu still looked calm and breezy, he smiled slightly, and replied: "Yes. You are from Huaxia, and you will definitely not join a professional team in Korea, so my suggestion...before I came here , I’ve made up my mind—you will definitely not refuse! Go back to your home country, go back to a place you are familiar with, join a professional team with a long history, and then go beyond that world’s first talent. achievement. I think, you shouldn’t reject this wonderful reverie, right?”

The fact that Wu Di once represented the Brilliant team and failed to win the world championship for three consecutive years is naturally a hot topic of gossip in the entire e-sports world, and the so-called "achievement that the world's first genius failed to achieve" in Gao Tianxiu's mouth naturally refers to Take the world championship!

Wu Di's heart suddenly set off a huge wave.If what Gao Tianxiu said is true, then... what happened to the Brilliant Team? ?A few days ago, Cody, one of the four strongest members of the first generation of e-sports players, joined the brilliant team at the age of 40; now, a super rookie from the e-sports department of Chung-Ang University said in front of him Can he recruit himself on behalf of the Brilliant Team?Who is this Gao Tianxiu?

Wu Di, whose mind was full of question marks, stared intently at the mysterious man in front of him, but no matter how hard he racked his brains, he couldn't get the answer he wanted.In desperation, he decided to follow the man's words!
"Excuse me senior Gao Tianxiu, you said that you can make such a promise to me on behalf of the Brilliant team...Aren't you Korean? How can you have the right to speak for an old Chinese team? Besides, since the birth of e-sports, Huaxia Although China and South Korea have never publicly stood on the opposite side, they are actually incompatible."

After hearing the question, Gao Tianxiu withdrew her smile, and solemnly said something that made Wu Di dumbfounded:
"I'm sorry. In what you said just now, there were some unfavorable words that lowered my impression of you. The starting salary for new recruits I gave you is no longer 20, but 15. The reason is also very simple—— —It is impossible for a player who really loves e-sports to speak superficial words such as the distinction between national boundaries. Although your eyes are very clear and pure, your heart is still not at the level it should be.

Do you know why South Korea and China have been fighting in the e-sports arena for many years, but both have achieved nothing in recent years?Oh, it is because of the existence of this ridiculous concept of national border opposition!If you can't get out of the prison, you will never be able to improve yourself. This is my first advice to you. "

Wu Di was startled, and after a while he became more interested in Gao Tianxiu's details, so he didn't react too much to Gao Tianxiu, but asked calmly: "Senior, it seems that you haven't answered my question yet?"

This time it was Gao Tianxiu's turn to show a hint of doubt.He never imagined that the newcomer in front of him would be able to maintain this elegance in the face of himself who was as sharp as a knife.

"Oh, I was too impatient and underestimated you. Since you want to know, I'll tell you. I will officially join the Brilliant Team as the largest shareholder and member of the Brilliant Club in a month's time! This identity should be able to dispel the doubts in your heart, right?"

As soon as these words came out, Wu Di and the two friends beside him were shocked.The implication of these words... is that Tao Zheng, the owner of the Brilliant Club, sold most of the shares to the Korean in front of him?Is this going to change the rhythm of the day?
During his short trip to Quancheng, although Tao Zheng had played tricks with him, trying to take away the money he deserved, his businessman's face was vividly displayed.However, Wu Di could tell that this old fox would never make such an intriguing move!If a businessman can't gain the absolute right to speak in his own industry, then he can only explain one thing: Tao Zheng is going to give up the Brilliant Club? !
Tao Zheng, what the hell are you doing!You first let my elder brother Wu Shuang join the Brilliant team, and then let his master, Cody, the best of the first generation of e-sports players, join the Brilliant team as a player and coach... I thought you To take another journey where I fought so hard and never thought you'd sell most of your shares?
Tao Zheng, what the hell are you thinking?
 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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