The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 421 I want to challenge you!

Chapter 421 I want to challenge you!
Since coming to South Korea, Wu Di has cultivated himself and kept away from people and things that are intriguing, just to calm down his heart and return to the pure state of mind where he was passionate about e-sports and worked hard.He has been doing this and thinking this way, but at this moment, after he got this shocking news from Gao Tianxiu's mouth, he immediately lost his composure!

He can endure the unfair treatment of him by the team owner Tao Zheng; he can endure the accusations - even the loyal fans of the brilliant team can't understand the reason why he didn't come back in the brilliant team; he can also believe that Tao Zheng still loves him in his heart Because of the career of e-sports, that's why he let his good brother Lu Tian and his admirer Zhang Ting stay in the Brilliant team, taking care of the team that had given everything for it instead of him.

But now Tao Zheng actually sold the team? !And it was sold to a Korean?

All of a sudden, Wu Di felt uncomfortable in every possible way.He is just a professional player, not a businessman who is good at playing tricks. Even though he hopes in his heart that the brilliant team can continue to develop smoothly, but now he is helpless.

Gao Tianxiu squinted her eyes to see Wu Di's mood swings, so she couldn't help asking:
"Student Wu, are you familiar with the Brilliant team? If you are, you should know that this team is one of the old strong teams in China. It has all kinds of hardware and software facilities. After I take over, it will definitely develop vigorously. Newcomers, including myself as a newcomer. So, if you knew the details of it, wouldn't you reject me?"

"I refuse! I won't join the Brilliant team!" Wu Di raised his tone, causing Lulu and Mu Piaopiao to frown.They could see that Wu Di felt a little angry.

Both of them knew that the Brilliant Team was the place where Wu Di grew up and became famous, and his deep affection for the Brilliant Team was definitely not what the outside world commented on.Although he did not choose to realize his e-sports dream by returning to the Brilliant Team, but in his heart, he must be hard to let go of this familiar place.

However, at this time, a Korean rookie came out and said that the Brilliant team had changed ownership in name?Such a blow must have made Wu Di feel quite uncomfortable and entangled.

After Wu Di yelled out his reluctance to join, he fell silent.His mind was running fast. Although he couldn't control the life and death of the Brilliant team, he just wanted to know what happened in this place he both loved and hated!
Gao Tianxiu's overreaction to Wu Di was very strange.After looking at him quietly for a while, he could only sigh:

"Well, since you have a plan in mind, I won't force others."

After finishing speaking, Gao Tianxiu was about to turn around and leave.But when he took a step, Wu Di immediately shouted coldly behind him:

"Wait a minute, senior. I still have something to ask, and I want to clarify."

Gao Tianxiu stopped in her tracks, turned around, and saw [Classmate Wu] with a rather complicated expression.

"Do you have any questions? I think that since you don't want to join the Brilliant team, there is nothing to talk about between us. Although, I still have some regrets. In my impression, Li He The one who suffers, you are the second. And one of the only two."

Lu Lu next to him was straightforward, and immediately followed his words and asked, "Could it be that you are the first?"

"Yes, I was indeed the first one. In the year when I just entered the e-sports department, I also participated in the summer camp training. I also won the top three results. I also had a match with Li He. The mentoring match. In that mentoring match, although he defeated me, who was just a fledgling,...he won not easily at all."

Gao Tianxiu talked about her experience in a flat manner, which also gave Lulu an idea...

At this time, Wu Di couldn't wait to interrupt the conversation between the two, and blurted out:
"Who are you? How did you acquire most of the shares of the Brilliant Team? Can you tell me?"

Gao Tianxiu was taken aback for a moment, and then said with a casual smile: "I can tell you. My family is one of the famous conglomerates in Korea, and its economic strength is among the best in Korea. Let alone buying a brilliant team, even if it is ten brilliant teams , my family and I can easily eat it in one bite. The reason why we want to acquire the Brilliant Club is that this club is very special, whether it is its past record and history, or its various hardware and software facilities, They are all suitable for my family. That’s all, I don’t mind telling you a little bit more—we have acquired a 51% share of the Brilliant Team. Although it is not a listed company, there is no share, but my family and I After intervening, it will become the first listed e-sports club!"

After Wu Di finished listening, he gradually regained his composure.After carefully analyzing Gao Tianxiu's words in his mind, he said with a soft smile:

"Heh, is it another business giant who is interested in the huge profits of the e-sports industry? Going public is indeed a good way to expand rapidly and collect money. But, senior Gao Tianxiu, I would like to ask, you just said that my concept is superficial, no It is worth an annual salary of 20. What about you? Is your idea to make e-sports completely industrialized and profitable? Deep down in your heart, you don’t actually love e-sports. You just want to strengthen the strength of the brilliant team so that it can To compete for the world championship, once you become famous, raise funds to make it public? May I say, you are eager for quick success?!"

Gao Tianxiu never thought that a rookie in the e-sports department could talk to him like this, regardless of his disrespectful attitude, his words obviously sneered at his own actions and dismissed them?
"Hehe, isn't there an old saying in your Huaxia Kingdom? Different ways don't conspire with each other. I think our conversation can end here."

Wu Di nodded silently, and unexpectedly showed a candid smile to Gao Tianxiu, then got up suddenly, and left the lecture theater.

Gao Tianxiu looked blankly at this freshman who looked somewhat like the first genius in the world. After thinking for a while, he shook his head, walked to a secluded corner, and started making phone calls...

Lulu and Mu Piaopiao wanted to chase Wu Di, but Wu Di let them stay where they were.After he left the lecture theater, he walked to a sparsely populated grove and called Ye Wuhen.

"Hey, Senior Wuhen? I want you to help me investigate something. I need to know the current situation of the Brilliant Team!"

Wu Di originally thought that Ye Wuhen would agree, but he heard a sigh from the receiver clearly.

"Hey...captain...the paper still can't cover the fire? You know all about it?"

"What's wrong? Is this difficult? What do I know?" Wu Di was puzzled.

"It's not difficult... because I already know what happened to the Brilliant team recently." Ye Wuhen said truthfully.

Wu Di was stunned for a moment, and after calming down, he said calmly: "Then tell me, I can bear it, no matter what the result is, I can bear it, you don't have to worry about me."

After Ye Wuhen sighed again, he told Wu Di in detail what happened to the Brilliant team recently.

It turns out that Cody's comeback and joining the Brilliant team was not the original intention of the team owner Tao Zheng!
What is Cody's identity?One of the four strongest members of the first generation of e-sports players, his appeal and strength are not comparable to contemporary e-sports players. How can the brilliant team, a wealthy team that is gradually declining in the eyes of the world, have such economic strength and strength? Attraction to let Cody join?Even though his apprentice Wu Shuang has already joined the Brilliant team, with his old qualifications, he doesn't even bother to join forces with his apprentice.

Ye Wuhen told Wu Di that the man in black next to Wu Shuang was operating all of this!Somehow, the man in black got Cody to join him.He couldn't find out the identity of the man in black, but he knew that the man in black had a very obvious appearance feature - whether it was day or night, wind or rain, he would always wear a pair of huge sunglasses!

Hearing this, Wu Di's eyes were bloodshot again - this man in sunglasses must be the foreigner who attacked him back then!And he had a close relationship with Wu Shuang?Still in touch with Cody?
Ah!Well, I still had some doubts in my mind before, but now it is completely clear!
Then, Ye Wuhen also told Wu Di the issue that Wu Di was most concerned about: After Cody came back, Tao Zheng held a brief press conference, announcing that the Gao Group, one of the largest conglomerates in Korea, will acquire 50.00% of the Brilliant Club. Amazing news for shares!Once this news was released, everyone in the Huaxia e-sports circle was shocked.

What is even more unbelievable is that after Tao Zheng sold the e-sports club he had painstakingly managed for many years, he disappeared from the world.All the calls were unreachable, and all the addresses were gone. Only a short sentence was posted on his personal Weibo: I went on a trip to relax, thank you for your concern, I am fine.

"That's how things are. I know that Captain, you are focusing on recovering your memory now, so I didn't tell you these things. I'm afraid it will affect your mood and emotions..." After Ye Wuhen told all the things, he still comforted Wu Di One sentence.

Wu Di smiled lightly, without rushing: "It's okay, I just want to find out what happened. Senior Wuhen, you don't have to worry too much, I will stay in Korea well. Well, you can do your work. "

After speaking, Wu Di hung up the phone.Then he looked up at the sky and stared blankly for a while.

Afterwards, he collected his mood and walked back to the lecture hall dedicated to the e-sports department.At this time, the leaders of the e-sports department and Jin Huien were already sitting on the rostrum, and the opening ceremony was about to be held.

Gao Tianxiu, as the representative of the seniors, also sat on the rostrum. He and Wu Di looked at each other, but he was surprised to find that in the eyes of this previously tepid, elegant and quiet newcomer, there was a huge wave of love towards him. hostility?

After the opening ceremony was carried out step by step for about half an hour, a unique part of the e-sports department came next: the rookie challenge!
In order to encourage newcomers, the e-sports department specially gives newcomers a chance to challenge their seniors at the annual opening ceremony.

When it was Wu Di's turn to come on stage with the No.3 result of the summer camp training, he pointed at Gao Tianxiu and said in a deep voice, "I want to challenge you!"

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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