Chapter 423 Yasuo VS Wei
The heads-up match has officially begun!
Wu Di opened his eyes, let Yasuo quickly upgrade three skills, then opened the equipment purchase bar, and decisively bought a pickaxe worth 875 gold coins (+25 attack power) and a long sword worth 360 gold coins (Add 10 points of attack power), and bought 4 more bottles of red medicine that can continuously restore health, and the initial gold coins of 1375 have just been spent.

(Heroes who enter the Howling Abyss map are level 1375 as soon as they come out, so the hero can point out three common skills at the initial stage. Moreover, the initial gold coin is [-], which allows the hero to make some commonly used small items when going out Equipment, and after the hero leaves the place of birth, even if he returns here, he can no longer buy any items and potions.)
Suddenly seeing Wu Di's outfit, some Korean students who have studied Yasuo couldn't help laughing in their hearts:
Newcomers are newcomers!I don't understand Yasuo's characteristics at all!Yasuo's passive skill can double his critical strike chance, so the best starting item for this map is a [Blade of Greed] that increases the critical strike chance by 10%!The Blade of Greed can not only provide Yasuo with a higher critical strike chance, but it is also a salary item. As long as Yasuo makes up the knife steadily, he will definitely get more money than his opponent. More importantly, Greed The follow-up synthetic equipment of the Blade [Static Electric Blade] (commonly known as the electric knife) is officially Yasuo's first output core equipment!Yasuo, who made the electric knife, will have a qualitative leap in heads-up strength with the same equipment.This rookie doesn't understand anything, yet he has two equipment that increases attack power?Ah!It turned out to be another bluffing paper tiger who couldn't even figure out Yasuo's basic builds!
However, Wu Di, who has turned on Bingxin state, has already simulated many future scenarios in his mind, and the reason why he chooses this outfit is what he thinks is the most effective and reasonable outfit!
Wu Di learned from his uncle, and he practiced Wang Dao Liu, and he paid attention to the play style of attacking to the extreme, and then he himself transformed the Wang Dao Liu, extending the end game style. Although he pays attention to attack, he pays more attention to Advance and retreat timing and pertinence.The reason why Wu Di chose such a build is to make Yasuo's attack power reach the maximum that can be achieved on paper, and secondly, because of his character and style of play, he doesn't want to hand over the winner Depends on the character's [Critical Strike Chance]!
Perhaps Yasuo, who made the Blade of Greed, could hit a few critical strikes in the confrontation with Vi in order to gain an advantage in the lane, but he is more willing to believe that under the absolute data, Yasuo can cause damage to enemy heroes value.What's more, if the blade of greed is made, although it can increase Yasuo's critical strike chance, its attack power will not be as it is now, and it will be above 100 points when going out.In addition, this game is just a one-on-one match, not an official 5V5 match. Yasuo's outfit doesn't need to be considered for the team. All he has to do is to ensure that his play does not contain any luck The output of the factor!

The two core output equipment of Yasuo are indeed the Electric Knife and the Infinity Blade, and the starting equipment that Wu Di bought is also a small piece of equipment of these two pieces of equipment, and it has not deviated from the idea of ​​making core equipment, so all factors are considered After that, Wu Di decided to adopt such a go-out outfit!

On the other side, after Gao Tianxiu opened the item purchase bar, he did not buy any items for a long time.In his heart, he was also thinking about what kind of starting outfit his opponent would make.

A duel between masters depends not only on extraordinary momentum and sharp operations, but also on details!Attention to detail is a major characteristic of Korean professional players.Many times, most e-sports viewers will find the following phenomenon when watching the games of Korean teams:
During the laning phase, it may be the first time they confront an unfamiliar opponent, and they don't know the opponent's operating habits and characteristics, so they play a little conservatively, and the situation is not dominant.And when the first game is over, after careful analysis, they can change a few runes or talent points to give themselves an advantage in the laning phase!
A few runes or talent points are just to change some basic qualities of the hero, but after these subtle changes are completed, the Korean players can gain the upper hand in the second round of the contest.

Therefore, Korean players' attention to detail also makes them opponents not to be underestimated.Details determine success or failure. This sentence is vividly reflected in Korean professional players.

After Gao Tianxiu pondered for a while, she suddenly revealed a mysterious smile that made it impossible to understand.

【Ah!Under this map, the hero is level 1375 when he goes out, and he can have 5 gold coins.What I have been researching and learning is the starting equipment under normal 5V[-] conditions, which is completely useless for this map.That being the case, then I will use the way I am most used to to produce it. 】

With this in mind, Gao Tianxiu asked Wei to buy two long swords worth 360 gold coins, one Dolan's shield worth 440 gold coins, and 5 bottles of red medicine and one bottle of blue medicine. In the end, he only had 5 gold coins left unused.

The two long swords increase the attack power by 20 points, which can make Wei not inferior to consuming and exchanging blood with the opponent, and the shield of Dolan can reduce the damage value of the opponent's general attack by 8 points and increase the value of life by 100 points and a certain recovery effect , is the most commonly selected equipment for heads-up.

Five bottles of red medicine and one bottle of blue medicine allow Wei to obtain a good recovery ability.This outfit was immediately recognized by all the teachers and students of the e-sports department.

Subsequently, the heroes of both sides rushed to the line non-stop.However, Yasuo stayed under his defense tower and did not take the initiative to attack before the soldiers arrived.

【Oh, it seems that he still has self-knowledge.Although both sides are equipped with the two summoner skills Ignite and Flash, Yasuo may not be able to outperform Wei with this kind of out-of-the-box outfit.There is a qualitative difference between Yasuo who is next to the pawn line and Yasuo who has no pawn line. 】

[Isn't that right, although Yasuo's Q skill Steel Flash can knock the opponent into the air, but before that, it needs to complete two recharges!That is to say, after hitting the enemy target with the Q skill twice in a row, Yasuo can knock the opponent into the air when he releases the third Q skill.Such harsh knock-up conditions, if there are no minions to allow him to superimpose the charging effect, it is basically not easy to hit the third Q skill knock-up effect in a one-on-one fight. 】

【You're only half right, it seems you don't know much about Yasuo.I have studied Yasuo, although his Q skill is one of his main output skills, but please don't ignore his E skill Slash!His Steel Slash is a straight-line attack skill with a very short distance. When he is singled out with the opponent's hero, he may not be able to hit the opponent every time, but when he appears on the line, his Steel Slash can guarantee Super high hit rate.Because, when he releases the E skill step forward, if Yasuo uses the steel flash immediately, this skill will no longer be a straight-line attack skill, but will change into a group attack in a circular range.Moreover, every time he uses the E skill with a displacement effect, he can superimpose the damage value of this skill, combined with his Q skill, it will definitely make the opponent suffer! 】

【Ha, both of you can speak better than you can sing. Are your Yasuo skills high? 】

Just as the Korean freshmen were commenting on the hero Yasuo, Lulu, who was sitting at the back of the lecture theater, pulled Mu Piao Piao, who was somewhat reluctant, and sat on the seat in the front row, and interjected a sentence to make all the Koreans The students temporarily focused their attention on this Chinese girl with an angelic face.

【Yo, who did I think it was?It turned out to be another classmate of Huaxia...Why, you two still think that arrogant Huaxia freshman can defeat Senior Gao Tianxiu? 】

Lulu squinted her eyes, glanced around at the Korean students who cast mocking glances at her, and said solemnly:

"Defeat Gao Tianxiu? Of course you can. Actually, I just want to know how many minutes Gao Tianxiu can survive!"

As soon as these words came out, even the teachers and leaders of the e-sports department, who seemed to maintain a teacher's demeanor on the surface, glared at Lulu.This girl... What nonsense is she talking about?Don't Chinese people know the virtue of modesty and prudence?Are Chinese people so arrogant regardless of men and women?

However, after Lulu uttered her big words, she didn't pay any attention to the students, but stared intently at the magnified game screen on the projector, quietly waiting for her admirer to use actual performance to make these students Man shut up!

After the soldiers from both sides came to the line, Yasuo, who had been living under the tower, finally started to move and strode forward.

Players who have played Yasuo know that Yasuo actually has another nickname called [Perpetual Motion Machine].The implication is that if you're going to use Yasuo, you have to keep him moving all the time.

This point is based on his passive skill [Way of the Wanderer].

[Rogue Way]: Passive skill, no shortcut key.Yasuo's critical strike chance is doubled.Additionally, Yasuo builds up a shield as he moves.The shield triggers when he takes damage from heroes or monsters.Shield size increases with level.

That is to say, as long as Yasuo is moving, he can accumulate shields, and when his shield is broken, he can continue to accumulate shields through displacement.Its name of "perpetual motion machine" comes from this.

At this time, when Wei and Yasuo met, Wu Di immediately took a look at the position of the pawn line, and then made a bold move - he walked directly in front of Wei, looking like he was going to exchange blood from the very beginning Attrition tactics?

And Gao Tianxiu seemed to have expected that the opponent might attack him by force, so he also began to manipulate Wei to do a swinging step operation of shaking from side to side.In order to avoid the straight-line Q skill, the swing step is naturally the best coping technique.

However, what surprised everyone was that after Yasuo approached Wei, he was attacked by a bunch of minions, and just made a general attack on Wei? !

Just a normal attack?Didn't use the Q skill to charge up?Even if you are a novice, you know how to use the Q skill, right? This Huaxia newcomer...can't play Yasuo?

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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