Chapter 424 Yasuo VS Wei
Gao Tianxiu was a little baffled by Wu Di's operation.

The opponent's hero's outfit like this must be to attack first, in order to gain the upper hand and gain an advantage in exchange.However, this Yasuo desperately came to his body, just to attack Wei once?No skills?Don't accumulate your own sword intent?

Gao Tianxiu would not underestimate his opponent, but Wu Di's actions obviously puzzled him.But after thinking about it, the Wei he controls won't just sit and wait for death - he has already sent a [Body Penetration Strength] at the opponent, causing damage to Yasuo, and at the same time using this skill to add a shield for himself !
Although Yasuo's passive skill can add a shield to counteract the damage, after Yasuo attacked Wei once, six minions pointed their guns at him one after another, and the long-range engineers even fired three times in a row. Sword, coupled with Vi's damage, his fragile shield immediately shattered.

Just when all the Korean teachers and students thought that Wu Di's move was the beginning of death, Yasuo immediately retreated, and in the process of retreating, he shot a cold arrow at Wei Tu and issued the Q skill [Steel Flash 】!
Gao Tianxiu seemed to have expected such a surprise attack from his opponent. Before Zhan Gangshan's wind blade hit Wei, he let Wei slide to the left, dodging Yasuo's first Q skill!However, Yasuo's Steel Slash still hit two enemy infantry, accumulating the first layer of sword intent.

Next, Gao Tianxiu took advantage of the shield on Wei and tried to approach Yasuo, preparing to fight him head-on, but Yasuo didn't even think about confronting him head-on - Yasuo went straight Ji [Stepping Front Slash] hit an enemy infantry, and used this skill to get behind Wei.

At this time, when Gao Tianxiu saw Yasuo was close at hand, he immediately asked Wei to make a power-storage action, preparing to release the Q skill to knock Yasuo into his army.But at the same time Wei released the Q skill [Powerful Punch] at the same time, Yasuo flashed his figure again, using the displacement effect of [Step Forward Slash] to come to an enemy archer further behind— ——Wei's powerful punch missed the opponent!
"What a pity! Vi could stop Yasuo by half a millimeter, and then beat him up."

"It's okay, that Yasuo is an idiot, now he ran to the opponent's rear, there is no barrier, he will still be beaten by Vi. Look! Vi has already walked in front of Yasuo and started attacking him !"

Several Korean freshmen were not very familiar with the hero Yasuo, so they made judgments, which made Jin Huien, who was watching the battle, frown.Her eyesight is extremely strong, and she saw through Yasuo's initial basic attack in an instant, what exactly was Yasuo's intention!

Yasuo's initial basic attack was not to attack Vi or take the initiative to attack, but to... change the positions of the six minions!
When laning, after the minions of both sides reach the line, they will only take the opponent's minions as their first attack targets, and their positions are very fixed-three infantry are at the front, and three archers are behind.And if one hero takes the initiative to attack the opponent's hero, the minion will shift the attack target to the enemy hero who made the attack within a certain period of time, and if the enemy hero moves, the minion will also move to enter itself attack range.However, if the enemy hero stops attacking, the minions will also stop chasing after a few seconds, and continue to fight with the enemy minions.

When Jin Huien saw that Yasuo started to use the E skill [Step forward] to show off the operation, he also clearly saw that the positions of the six minions had undergone some slight changes under Yasuo's initial attack-three infantrymen No longer in a straight line, the three archers also went up and down, and the formation was no longer neat.

Father, like son.After Jin Huien saw the current positions of the six minions, he understood that Yasuo wanted to use the front step to show off the extreme operation among the scattered minions!
Yasuo's E skill is very special and can be used continuously to stack damage, but it also has a restriction on its use, that is, it cannot be used again on the same target within a few seconds.

The six minions were disrupted by Yasuo's general attack, and it happened that Yasuo could use these minions to make displacements. This approach... so clever!

A thought suddenly flashed into Jin Huien's mind, a thought that she couldn't even imagine: Gao Tianxiu...maybe lose!
Gao Tianxiu, who was calm in the battle, hadn't discovered the effect of Yasuo's initial basic attack. After seeing Yasuo running to his back row, although he missed a Q skill, he still controlled Wei to come to Yasuo's side , ready to fight it close to hand.

But obviously Wu Di didn't want to fight Gao Tianxiu. When Wei was about to touch Yasuo, this warrior used another elegant [step forward cut] to pass Wei Lai!

Moreover, every time Yasuo hits the ground, he will attack the creeps. If Wei can't stop Yasuo's "perpetual motion" action, the first wave of creeps will be cleared by the opponent first.With that, Vi faces off against several enemy minions and a never-ending Yasuo!

After thinking of this, Gao Tianxiu immediately made a decisive decision: repay the other with the same way!Since you want to clear the pawn line quickly, then I will let you clear it!After clearing my minions, let me see if you can still make such elegant moves!

So, after making up his mind, Gao Tianxiu immediately controlled Wei, instead of chasing and beating the windy Yasuo, he went directly to the opponent's minions and began to quickly clear the line of troops.

After Wu Di saw Wei's actions, he ignored him, but quickly accumulated the second Q skill, so that his third Q skill could blow the opponent away!
A few seconds passed, and while Yasuo cleared the pawn line, he also touched Wei's side again without anyone noticing!

Gao Tianxiu was extremely powerful, so he naturally knew that the opponent was looking for an opportunity to attack.After understanding this, a confident smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he immediately released a [Strength Through the Body] towards his back!
This E skill seems to be bombarding the enemy minions, but in fact it just hits Yasuo who is coming from the wind!
"Ha! Senior Gao Tianxiu has such a strong predictive ability! This E skill was released just right, and it happened to hit Yasuo who also used the E skill. This Yasuo is so stupid, E came to fight recklessly? Looking for death! He didn't make a move. The equipment that increases the chance of critical strike obviously cannot rely on luck to defeat Senior Gao Tianxiu."

"Yasuo dare not fight head-on with Vi. The passive effect of Vi's W skill Explosive Punch is very restraining to Yasuo! Just let Vi perform three basic attacks on the same target, not only can it cause additional damage to enemy heroes The super high damage and armor-piercing effect can also increase Wei's attack speed! As long as Wei continues to make basic attacks on the target, this effect can last forever! It seems that this freshman in Huaxia still understands Wei's characteristics. He has always been Show off those boring operations, but if you really want to face Wei, Yasuo will definitely be at a disadvantage! If this guy doesn't give out equipment that increases the chance of critical strikes, he will die, and he has no chance of winning!"

Another two Korean freshmen commented on Wu Di's Yasuo. Lulu wanted to defend Wu Di when she heard that, but Mu Piaopiao beside her stopped him:

"Don't talk, look at what that guy is doing!"

After hearing Mu Piaopiao's reminder, Lulu once again focused on the game.At this time, although Wei's body-penetrating strength hit Yasuo, Yasuo's E skill also hit Wei after accumulating the highest damage!

Gao Tianxiu applauded secretly in her heart, thinking that if you didn't come to find me desperately, you would take the initiative to send me to my door. Of course, this is the best thing!

Wei raised her fist the size of a sandbag, just touched Yasuo's body, but found that she was blown into the sky soon!
Then, Yasuo took advantage of this excellent opportunity and made a slashing operation at Wei. After it landed, he no longer flinched, but fought hard with Wei?

Wei's favorite way of fighting is hand-to-hand combat. Gao Tianxiu's smile became even stronger when he saw that Yasuo had given up his elegant fighting style and switched to fighting with him.

After the two fought hand-to-hand, they were evenly matched, and the health points of both sides dropped to about [-]%.At this time, just as Yasuo was about to take advantage of the arrival of the second wave of soldiers, Gao Tianxiu's eyes widened suddenly, and Wei made a posture of accumulating power!
Although Yasuo is elegant, the [Pause Point] after the E skill is released is still easy to be caught by the opponent.When Yasuo came to a minion again by stepping forward, Wei's Q skill [Powerful Punch] came later!

This punch accurately hit Yasuo who had just landed, causing Yasuo's health to drop again, and his movement speed to drop suddenly.At the same time, a crimson light ignited on Yasuo's body - Wei's ignition has been handed over!
Wei used Ignition, which was undoubtedly a signal to kill Yasuo, and Wu Di knew his opponent's intention well, and he had already made the same move when the opponent was hanging on Yasuo with Ignite!
Is this a reckless rhythm?Wei's equipment and hero characteristics are obviously more suitable for reckless fighting!
At this moment, Yasuo released his W skill [Wind Barrier].This transparent wind wall was placed in the pawn piles of both sides, but for Wei, it couldn't resist any of his skills at all.

All the freshmen in Korea are laughing at Wu Di, laughing at him that this wind wall must have made a mistake in his busy schedule, and he pressed it out in a hurry.Immediately afterwards, they saw that Yasuo, who was fighting hard, was about to fall!

However, in the blink of an eye, Wei failed to kill his opponent first, but fell down first - the general attack of a bunch of archers and the attack of infantry made him confess here with residual blood!

However, in less than half a second after that, Yasuo was still unavoidable, and fell to the ground along with Wei...

The head to head ratio is 1:1!Vi and Yasuo were killed almost simultaneously.

The excitement of the Korean teachers and students lasted less than a second, and disappeared without a trace because of Wei's death.

【what happened?Yasuo, who was fighting Wei close to hand, could change his life?And neither side handed over the flash? 】

At this time, Jin Huien, who had a sharp eye, muttered to himself: "Yasuo's wind really well placed."

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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