Chapter 426
There was an uproar.

Apart from the head-to-head exchange in the first head-to-head confrontation, Wu Di was confident and steady in the subsequent heads-up match. It wasn't until after he took five heads of Wei that the Korean teachers and students realized that the Chinese rookie's victory was a little bit different. Take it for granted?

Who is this kid?To be able to beat the top card in our e-sports department lightly?Why haven't I heard his name before?Did this Huaxia freshman come to our e-sports department to make trouble?
Wu Di ignored everyone's suspicious and surprised eyes, he just glanced at Gao Tianxiu silently.He wanted to tease Gao Tianxiu jokingly on the public screen, but he suddenly found that the raised fingers were a little stiff.

If it was the former Wu Di, he would have vented his anger in words long ago, but since he made up his mind to calmly seek and recover all his memories, after defeating Gao Tianxiu, he was unexpectedly a little disappointed.

I defeated him, so what?The Brilliant team has changed hands. The team I have fought for for several years has long been a different person, and it is no longer worth remembering.Relying on the last ounce of love for Brilliance in my heart, I took the initiative to challenge its future boss, and defeated him with a crushing momentum... But so what?
At first, I was not reconciled to the change of ownership of the Brilliant Club, and I wanted to challenge this Korean to express my dissatisfaction, but after defeating him, what can I gain?The earth will still turn, the glory will still be transferred, and I will still be a person with amnesia...

In the past year or so, I was obsessed with the people who wanted to revenge and plot against me, and I kept desperately trying to restore my memory in ways that were counterproductive. I approached Chen Linlin to use hypnosis, which is a clear proof.But so what?
With the help of Chen Linlin, I practiced the style of killing gods. It seems majestic and majestic, killing all directions, but in reality?In fact, it was just that the anger in my heart found a way to vent, but it had an indelible reaction to my own recovery.The hidden injury to my right wrist, the misfortune I encountered in the Yangcheng Tournament, all of these are not all because of the obsession in my heart?

Letting go... Only by letting go, can I gain a new life; only by letting go, can I see myself more clearly, and find the most correct path to my e-sports dream!

After this battle, Wu Di suddenly discovered that his state of mind had matured a lot.Somehow, he understood [put down]!
Those who can't let go of the past can only live in the past forever; those who can let go of the past can make great strides towards a better future!
Wu Di's mind began to play like a movie, going through all the things that happened in the past year or so in his mind.Afterwards, his eyes brightened a lot, and he knew that he had successfully done it!Yes, this feeling is the free and easy after [letting go], and the firmness after [letting go]!

At this moment, Wu Di let go of his attachments and old thoughts, then... he should usher in a new life next!


However, Gao Tianxiu, Wu Di's opponent, was also agitated in his heart, far less calm than he appeared on the surface.

He rejected the solicitation of all Korean professional teams, in order to painstakingly plan a platform that is more suitable for displaying his abilities.And just when he had just won the control of the Brilliant Club and was about to make a big splash, he was slapped in the face by a freshman from China? !

A little-known Chinese rookie can play with himself casually between applause, so how many masters in the e-sports world can play with himself like this?
Gao Tianxiu didn't complain about Wu Di, on the contrary, he began to doubt his own strength.A series of reputations such as the genius of the sky, the future hope of Korean e-sports, the only rookie trained by the e-sports department who can become the world's top player, etc., all disappeared without a trace after the battle with Wu Di.

This little-known Huaxia newcomer can beat me, so what level can my strength rank in Huaxia?
Gao Tianxiu was thinking ecstatically, and soon got rid of this doubt: Heh!It seems that China is really a land of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, so my trip to China will definitely be full of fun!Wu Youzhi, I have written down this name. One day, I believe we will have the chance to compete again!I can't wait to go to China to participate in the Super League!Countless masters are the ones I want to challenge!
Gao Tianxiu, who lost the heads-up match, did not stay in the lecture hall.After he figured it out, he immediately got up and left here in full view, with a faint confident smile on his face all the time.Before going out, when he passed by Wu Di, he stopped, turned his head to look at Wu Di, and said with a low laugh:

"You are a good opponent. I hope we can meet in the World Club Champions League in the future!"

After finishing speaking, Gao Tianxiu walked out of the classroom without looking back...

Immediately afterwards, Wu Di, who just had an epiphany of "putting down", was stunned, and remembered from Gao Tianxiu's words that today is the opening ceremony of the S11 finals!This information... occupied Wu Di's brain in an instant.

Originally, after Wu Di saw through the entanglement between himself and the Brilliant Club, and realized that "letting go" was his bright road, he already felt that his memory was showing signs of recovery.However, the sky-high wall that blocks his memory is still strong in his mind, no matter how hard he tries, there is no obvious sign of its collapse.

However, Gao Tianxiu's unintentional words just now made him suddenly start chanting the words [Champions League]...

The key to restoring memory in the Champions League?Could it be that if I go to watch the live broadcast of the Champions League, I can find the key to restore my memory?

Suddenly, Wu Di stood up immediately, followed Gao Tianxiu's footsteps, and left the auditorium without saying hello to anyone.In his mind, it seemed that something was breaking apart, and he had experienced this feeling four times!
Wu Di was overjoyed, because he knew that what collapsed was the endless wall that blocked his memory!
Definitely something to do with the Champions League!The key to retrieve all memories must be related to the Champions League!

Wu Di strengthened his belief, he didn't want this feeling to be fleeting, so he rushed out of the classroom ecstatically, and then went straight to his dormitory.He only felt that his subconscious mind in his mind was calling him to do something closely related to the League of Legends - to watch the live broadcast of the Champions League!

It's September, and today is also the start of the League of Legends No.11 World Club Champions League!The subconscious mind in his mind is what made him rush to watch the upcoming S11 opening ceremony!

At this time, all the teachers and students in the e-sports department were completely stunned after seeing Gao Tianxiu and Wu Di's crazy expressions and actions, not knowing what to do.In the end, Jin Huien was the first to react and continued to host the opening ceremony of the e-sports department.

But Lulu and Mu Piaopiao immediately ran out of the classroom to look for Wu Di after being dazed.

After the two women saw the running back, they also saw his whereabouts clearly.Afterwards, the two women finally saw Wu Di who was a little excited in Wu Di's bedroom.

Seeing the second daughter suddenly, Wu Di was pleasantly surprised and said, "I think I'm about to regain my memory! The subconscious mind in my head told me to watch the opening ceremony of the S11 Champions League finals quickly! I just can't get this Korean TV, it's full I don’t know which channel is the e-sports live broadcast channel! Help me quickly.”

The two women looked at each other, wondering what Wu Di wanted to do, but Lulu followed Wu Di's instructions and switched the TV channel to the exclusive e-sports live channel.

At this time, there was more than an hour before the start of the S11 finals. Lulu saw Wu Di's expression was very enthusiastic, but there was a little confusion in the enthusiasm, so she hurriedly asked, "Brother Wu Di, what's wrong with you, is it okay?"

With joy on his face, Wu Di answered bluntly:

"It's okay! I insisted on teaching Gao Tianxiu a lesson in the heads-up match, because I still can't let go of the Brilliant team, the teammates who have fought together, and the affection for it in my heart. However, when I The moment I defeated Gao Tianxiu, I had a sudden epiphany. Yes, everything is over, no matter how brilliant and dazzling I and the Brilliant team were, now I and it have become a piece of history in the development of e-sports.

And if I want to fully recover, I must learn what Xiao Li said [let go]!The victory over Gao Tianxiu was an opportunity, an introduction. I felt that I had indeed let go of everything in the past. I wanted a new life, a new start, a complete self, to realize the grand and lofty goal. E-sports dream!

It is based on this inducement that I feel that I can recover all my memories if I am almost there!And my subconscious told me, just watch the live broadcast of the Champions League final, you can find the key point! "

Watching the live broadcast can restore memory?
Lulu and Mu Piaopiao looked at each other again by coincidence, and shook their heads, wondering what Wu Di's situation was like at this time.

But Wu Di poked his palm and said excitedly:
"Since the opening ceremony has to wait a while, let's play a fun game. I will fight you two alone, using the map of the Howling Abyss."

Faced with Wu Di's bizarre request, the two women were even more puzzled by Monk Zhang Er.But Wu Di insisted on fighting, so the two women had no choice but to bring their own laptops, and started a different 1V2 match according to Wu Di's request.

The game is over quickly.Wu Di looked at the two little friends who were a little downcast, smiled lightly, and said:

"Thank you both, for your blessings, I seem to have remembered a lot of jungle positions. Next, I will watch the live broadcast of the finals. I believe that today should be a good day to remember!"

(PS: Well, after many investigations and personal practice, Yasuo's wind wall can't resist the attack of the defensive tower... I'm wrong, the previous part has been revised, please forgive me, uncle is old, and he is not thoughtful, hehe. The following chapter is slightly sensational...)
 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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