Chapter 427 Five Years
In the 1V2 match just now, Wu Di defeated the two women with a shocking performance!

When the words "failure" appeared on the laptops of the two women, they did not know what words to use to describe Wu Di's performance.Although neither of them is a professional player, nor is it a top player with extraordinary strength, the fact that Wu Di defeated them by himself still shocked the two women.

And when Wu Di said that his memory was about to recover, Lulu had already forgotten the outcome of the game, and began to celebrate loudly like a lark singing cheerfully.However, Wu Di calmly waved his hand and said:

"Don't rush to celebrate, Lulu. I have to watch the live broadcast of the Champions League to know what the most critical key is. Now is a very special moment, and we can't be too happy too early. Since my subconscious If it reminds me to focus on the Champions League, then there must be a key to my memory."

Therefore, the two women could only accompany Wu Di silently.After waiting for a while, the S11 finals finally officially kicked off!
This time the Champions League Finals will be held in Seoul, the capital of South Korea.In order to host this most important e-sports event, the Korean League of Legends Organizing Committee also did its best. Not only did it decorate the competition venue magnificently, but also invited a group of entertainment stars to serve as the opening ceremony hostesses. guest performers.

Looking at the Korean stars on the TV screen and the dazzling flashing neon lights, Wu Di fell into a trance in an instant.Fragments of some memories began to appear in his mind:

A few years ago, when he was just an ignorant boy, he had already entered the finals of this top e-sports competition in the second year of joining the brilliant team.At that time, he was only 14 years old.

He looked at the dazzling multicolored lights, and when he watched entertainment stars ten years older than himself jumping, dancing, singing and talking on the stage, he was completely infected by the atmosphere.

It is a very exciting thing to be able to stand on the stage and accept the envy and admiration of everyone.

This was the initial thought in Wu Di's mind at that time, and it was also the biggest reason why he would practice hard and improve himself in the next few years.

He longs for the stage, longs to stand where the world sees him!
That year, at the amazing age of 14, he used the same amazing performance to [end] three e-sports idols who were popular all over the world at that time, and at the same time recorded his name in the history of e-sports.

The halo of "World's No. [-] Genius" was also given to Wu Di by the majority of e-sports fans in this year.

When the golden trophy of "Best Newcomer of the Year" was held in Wu Di's hands, he smiled happily. The smile was sincere and pure, but at the same time it was also domineering.From that moment on, Wu Di was swayed by a thought:

So what about the famous seniors?Wouldn't they also be defeated by themselves, or would they also fall?All I have to do is replace them and become idols worshiped by e-sports fans!My gaming dream?Become the strongest in the world!
It was also from then on that Wu Di forgot what his uncle taught [respect the teacher and respect the way], and the e-sports spirit that the uncle implemented-persistence and respect.Wu Di's sudden birth, and the best newcomer trophy in his hand, made his young heart begin to be attacked by arrogance and arrogance.

Since then, when Wu Di stood on this world-renowned e-sports stage for the second time, the purity and sincerity in his eyes disappeared, replaced by the look of arrogance!
This time, four more long-established e-sports seniors were defeated by Wu Di's final style of play. Wu Di's Chinese pinyin WUDI has also begun to be widely spread by foreign fans.This year, with the same amazing performance, he helped the Brilliant team achieve the best result in the world's top four...

Another year flew by, and when Wu Di stood on the stage of the Champions League Finals for the third time, his eyes were full of arrogance!In more than three years of professional career, he met gods and killed gods, met Buddhas and Buddhas. Whether he was a newcomer of the same generation or a veteran who had fought for many years, he seemed so vulnerable in front of Wu Di.Wu Di ushered in his best time.

However, Wu Di, who was going smoothly, was the first time he insulted his teammates and publicly criticized the coach's tactics when he stood on the biggest stage of e-sports for the third time.His "Terminator" reputation is getting louder and louder, but his "bad boy" performance is also getting more and more widespread.It was also from this year that Wu Di became a professional player with mixed reputations.

Wu Di didn't care about it at all.

"Two or three years ago, I was the number one genius in the world. Two or three years later, I am already the number one player in the world! My team will definitely win the world championship! Everyone in the team should take me as the core! Also, a word to all the established players and newbies out there - are you ready to be crushed by me?"

These words are the original words of Wu Di, who is only 16 years old, in an interview with the international e-sports media.

It is also these words that made Wu Di not only an unstable factor in the Brilliant team, but also made him a thorn in the side of the world's top professional players.

Moral support from many, scant support.This principle can be applied not only to feudal emperors, but also to Wu Di at this time.

At first, both his teammates and fans thought that Wu Di was just a teenage boy, and his temperament was not mature enough, so it was nothing more than a small fight, but Wu Di actually said such arrogance in an interview with the international e-sports media. With his arrogant words, he became the target of public criticism all of a sudden.

His teammates began to sneer at him, and fans began to abuse him, but Wu Di still went his own way without paying attention to others.

It was also in this year's finals that the Brilliant team met the Legendary team, and Wu Di met his destined opponent-Jones.The strengths of the two teams are similar, but Wu Di thinks that he is superior to everyone else, so in the final, he began to ignore the warnings of the coaches and teammates, and dictated their decisions.

As a result, because the young and energetic Wu Di was successfully irritated by Jones, causing him to play seriously abnormally, the Brilliant team also lost the best chance to win the world championship...

In the post-match summary meeting of the Brilliant Team, Wu Di taunted everyone in the Brilliant Club, and then slammed the door out. At this time, he had completely forgotten the spirit of e-sports and his own reality. Dream, also forget the diligent teaching of the uncle.

Since then, it's not that the Brilliant team has never thought of expelling Wu Di from the team, but his strength and talent are too strong!With him or without him, the Brilliant team is completely two teams. Therefore, Tao Zheng, who has taken a fancy to Wu Di's huge commercial value, put all the suggestions of everyone behind him, and supported Wu Di to continue to stay in the team. Top card, enjoy various privileges.

And it was this decision that made Wu Di even worse.His mentor, the uncle, wanted to introduce him to a job as a live broadcast commentator because of his livelihood, but he flatly refused.And the reason for his refusal, are you worthy to be my master?I am the strongest in the world!
The uncle left disappointed, but Wu Di was a smash hit.At this time, he has perfected the finishing style of play, and there is no opponent in the e-sports world that can fight him.In his prime, he also learned a lot of bad habits.He started to make trouble everywhere, and started to do so-called fighting against injustices... All of a sudden, his e-sports prowess and his notoriety climbed to the highest peak together.

the following year.

The brilliant team and the legendary team met again in the final.This time, Wu Di was still unrepentant and gave pointers on the tactics without authorization.The coach and teammates are helpless, because of the boss's favor, they also have nothing to do.Just like that, the arrogant Wu Di was once again enraged by Jones' tricks on the spot!And the Brilliant team also missed the world champion again...

When Wu Di stood on the biggest e-sports stage for the fifth time, he was already 18 years old.Wu Tianhao made repeated orders to himself, directly stating that this is his last battle in the e-sports arena, if he can't win; at the same time, the boss Tao Zheng is unwilling to make public anger again after being burned by Wu Di, so he gave Wu Di an ultimatum... You must win the championship, otherwise you will be sold by the team!Even her childhood sweetheart, sister Xia Ninghan, did not accompany Wu Di to the Champions League for the first time.You know, no matter what happened to Wu Di in the past, Xia Ninghan will definitely follow her everywhere...

Although Wu Di was unwilling, he still had the worst temper in the world, but the strong pressure from these three aspects made him restrain himself a lot on the surface.He stopped talking, but calmly faced the challenge, and helped the Brilliant team reach the finals for the third time along the way.

This time, Wu Di saw that if he restrained his temper and formed a joint force with the team, the Brilliant team would truly become an invincible and ever-victorious team!This phenomenon also made the 18-year-old him feel remorse for the first time.Before the final, he began to think about what he had done in the past five years.

Refusing to practice together, molesting female e-sports players, refusing to provide retirement opportunities for masters, insisting on going his own way in the game and not implementing the established tactics at all... Wu Di learned to reflect at this time.The growth of xinxing also made him regret for the first time.

He stayed up all night.Dimly, he recalled a sentence he said to his uncle several years ago:

Uncle, I want to become a world-famous pinnacle king, but I want to make e-sports recognized by the world through my own efforts!

In the subsequent finals, he wanted to do his best to help the team win the first world championship trophy.Then, I apologize to my teammates and everyone I offended, and apologize to those veterans of e-sports who have been hurt by me.

But...he had an accident in the final...

Memories of the five-year e-sports career kept flashing in Wu Di's mind.Wu Di, who was staring at the TV, watched, his eyes showed hot and firm eyes...

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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