Chapter 428 Fusion
Sections of memory fragments that made Wu Di's heart palpitate poured into his mind like a tide.The sky-high wall that prevented Wu Di from recovering his memory also began to collapse one by one, and countless people and things rushed into Wu Di's brain. An extremely pure smile.

He fell on the bed, opened his hands, and closed his eyes, allowing these memories of more than two years to pour into his mind.

Lulu and Mu Piaopiao suddenly saw Wu Di's appearance, and thought that he had a relapse. Just when they were about to call someone to give Wu Di emergency first aid, Wu Di waved his hand and said calmly:
"Thank you for your kindness, you two, go out for a while, I want... to be alone."

Lulu turned her head to look, just in time to see Wu Di sitting up slowly, her eyes were clear, those hesitations and hesitation had disappeared, and those fanatical entanglements had disappeared.

"You... Brother Wu Di, have you fully recovered?" Lulu looked at Wu Di suspiciously, both surprised and delighted.

"Well, I recovered, but I feel a little drowsy. The brain can't accept the large amount of information for a while. I want to have a good sleep, so I would like to ask you two to go out first."

"Okay, okay, great! You've finally recovered! Sister Piao Piao, let's go out first and let brother Wu Di rest for a while. Hahaha, I want to tell the good news to the teammates of King's Team!"

Lulu shouted excitedly, her joy was beyond words.Mu Piaopiao frowned after looking at Wu Di, and silently followed Lulu out of Wu Di's room.

However, Wu Di did not lie down to rest, but walked to the bedside, staring at the beautiful scenery outside the window, dazed.

It turned out that there was an antecedent reason for the drastic change in my temperament after amnesia.The night before the final, I had already thought through a lot of things, and I was about to flex my muscles to help the team win the first world championship. After completing this necessary thing, I would come to the door to apologize to those who had hurt me.Ah!Nine times out of ten, life is unsatisfactory. Who would have thought that at the same time that I had a complete understanding, I was tricked by others, so that the current me has wasted more than two years of time!

E-sports, persistence and respect, uncle, all professional players, the people I love and the people who love me, I, Wu Di, am back!

Before he knew it, Wu Di clenched his hands tightly, and the blood that had been buried for a long time boiled again in his heart.

My e-sports dream... I am here, I want to make you a reality with my own hands, I want to build a fair and transparent e-sports kingdom, and I want the world to know that e-sports, like traditional sports, deserves respect!

This is my ideal, my ambition, and I am willing to give everything for you!

After Wu Di went through all his memories, he made a detailed plan in his mind.Next, he wants to test whether he has recovered all the memories of the League of Legends!

So, he turned on the computer and played three qualifying matches in a row.In these three games, he used the three heroes of Lee Sin, Mantis and Sparta, the Lord of War.And after every qualifying match, his side naturally won, and his KDA was astonishingly above 20!

You know, his current account is already in the diamond group, and the opponents he encounters are all of this rank, and the level is not too bad, but he still beats his own team with his outstanding performance alone. The rhythm was brought up, and it made the opponent intimidated. He was always afraid that this terrifying jungle hero would appear out of nowhere and beat him up.

Level [-] anti-jungle, level [-] top lane gank or anti-squat, level [-] and [-] middle lane roaming back and forth, level [-] bottom lane force gank, drive away the opponent or get the head, and then snatch the first dragon... These junglers Of course, Wu Di can use common tricks with ease.And the finishing style of play in his mind made the opposing jungler miserable.

The so-called ending flow means targeting from the very beginning to the end!
No matter which hero Wu Di uses, he always knows the movement of the opponent’s jungler, as if he has turned on the full map, and then makes the most correct moves, so that the rhythm of the game is always firmly in his hands.

And Wu Di is very clear that the reason why he can easily infer the opponent's position and intention is because his memory has already recovered!These consciousnesses come from his rich combat experience.

The recovery of memory not only brought Wu Di's various styles of play to perfection, but also brought back his unparalleled battle experience.

Many times, one or two of his instinctive reactions have already deflated his opponents!
"Recovered... It is indeed all recovered! My League of Legends memories are all back. Moreover, when I am using Bing Xin state and various styles of play, I am completely smooth and smooth, without any sense of stagnation. Even, I still I tried the God-killing style of play and the God-killing state created after amnesia... According to Brother Shui's theory, the "God-killing state" should also be a second-level supernormal state! Although it will increase my physical load , but I, who is conscious, can completely control myself to use it for a certain period of time! Bingxin state and killing god state... one is formed by Aunt Wanwan's careful teaching, and the other is forced to develop because I am not satisfied with the status quo; One is the foundation of the second-hand style of play, and the other is based on the domineering style of play and the finishing style of play.

These two states that seem to be unable to coexist peacefully... can they be combined into one under my clear consciousness?
If I succeed, then the new state will allow me to combine rigidity and softness, and I can retract freely; but if it still ends in failure, these two states are still incompatible and difficult to integrate.When I lost my memory, I didn't dare to try it, fearing that my old illness would be revived, but now I have fully recovered... Then, let me challenge it! "

With this in mind, Wu Di quickly started the next qualifying match.This new idea of ​​honing yourself with diamond-level opponents carries a decent weight.

However, while fighting, Wu Di felt that it was quite difficult to integrate these two states, and to switch between fanatical domineering and calm and restrained at any time.Water can extinguish fire, and fire can start a prairie fire. It is still unrealistic to blend the two states of mind at the same time...

After a round, although Wu Di won the game again, the ideal plan for integrating the two states in his mind still failed to come true.

Of course, Wu Di will not give up on this.He played several qualifying matches again, trying to find the fusion point of these two states and various styles of play through actual combat, but he failed in the end.

"It still doesn't work... Forget it, I just recovered all my memories today, and I shouldn't be too hasty in everything. This concept should be correct. As long as I can find the matching point of these styles of play and status, I can completely control them. According to The situation on the court adopts the most reasonable style of play and strategy at any time. And if I can really do this, then maybe I can really develop an ultimate state by myself!"

Wu Di fell into deep thought.After a while, he was interrupted by a hasty knock on the door.

The one who knocked on the door was naturally Wu Di's Lulu, who filled half of her heart.

"Brother Wu Di, why are you so slow? Oh, you just recovered, you must be a little tired. I was wrong, I missed the underwear... I shouldn't have woken you up like this." Lulu said with a look on her face. sorry.

Wu Di tapped Lulu's forehead and smiled knowingly: "Oh, what underwear is missing. You are a big girl and a beautiful woman, how can you talk without caring about your own image? I'm fine, just a little hungry .Come on, let's go out to eat."

"Okay, brother Wu Di, what do you want to eat? Or go to the barbecue restaurant last time? Also, if you don't think I'm long-winded and troublesome, you have to tell me your future plans, yes Go back to China directly, or continue to stay in the e-sports department?"

Lulu saw that Wu Di's face was ruddy and full of energy, it must be the result that he has returned to normal.So, happy, she was like a doll again, bouncing around beside Wu Di, asking questions.

Mu Piaopiao on the side had already observed Wu Di silently for a long time, and after Lulu's enthusiasm passed, he asked:
"Rediscovering my sense of self...isn't it good?"

"Thank you for your concern. This feeling is quite good. I will continue to rely on Sister Piao Piao for my personal safety in the future, ha ha."

Wu Di's tone was neither humble nor overbearing, neither arrogant nor impetuous, very calm.

Mu Piaopiao felt the essential change of Wu Di, and smiled at him for the first time:
"Unexpectedly, you who have fully recovered, the feeling of speaking is also a bit comforting. Don't worry, I am entrusted by others, and I will do my best to protect your safety. But... I want to see your current self-protection ability, Is it also as the client said?"

"My ability to protect myself? How do you say that?" Wu Di was taken aback, not knowing what Mu Piao Piao meant.

"Your father Wu Tianhao once approached me and asked me to protect you in South Korea. I agreed, so I came. But he also said to me—[Hey, Piao Piao, I know you are a person who refuses to admit defeat] , the skill is not bad, I feel a little wronged for letting you be the bodyguard, but... If that brat can recover to normal one day, you can ask him to practice! The sparring opponent.]”

Wu Di laughed dumbly and said: "Ha, my father really likes to make trouble for me. Do you really want to fight with me?"

Mu Piaopiao nodded, and had already made a posture ready to fight.

"Lulu, let me give way. I also want to see if I have enough self-protection ability after recovering my memory."

Wu Di aggressively pulled Lulu behind him, and immediately after making a breathing movement, he attacked Mu Piao Piao in the next instant...

The two fought for a full 3 minutes before ordering.Although Lulu's skills are good, her eyes are staring!

After recovering his memory, Wu Di was able to firmly suppress Mu Piao Piao?

Looking at Mu Piaopiao's surprised face, Wu Di strode forward directly, leaving a back for her to observe.

In the end, Wu Di's voice reached her ears: Don't fight with me... I once won the heart of a daughter of an international consortium by fighting...

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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