Chapter 429 Intimidation

About half an hour later, the three of Wu Di came to the barbecue roadside stall again.

Lulu patted her chest, which was not too small, and said loudly: "Open your belly! Brother Wu Di, I will be the host today, and you can eat whatever you want. Later, if you want to go to the movies and sing KTV All right, it's all mine."

Wu Di pursed his lips and smiled: "Okay, I'm very hungry today, you have to be careful with your wallet."

Another four or ten minutes passed by, and Lulu changed from watching Wu Di eat with joy, to a small mouth that opened into an O-shape—Wu Di ate a full amount of food during this period. It was three times as much as she and Mu Piaopiao combined!
Under the surprised eyes of the two women, Wu Di rubbed his belly, laughed, and suggested:
"Enough to eat and drink, let's go, you two Korean hands, take me to the scene of the Champions League final."

The two women were dumbfounded at the same time.

After a while, Lulu looked solemn, and after looking at Mu Piaopiao, she took the lead and asked, "Brother Wu Di, it's not that sister Piaopiao and I don't allow you to go... But, you should also know that the organization, including the framed The man in black who passed by may be there! If you go rashly, this is not Tianfu City. If you encounter any danger, it will be difficult for the three of us to get rid of it. I watched this session The list of teams participating in the Champions League, the legendary team is impressive! When the legend arrives, Jones will come, and if Jones is there, the organization in black that is closely related to them should also be present!"

Lulu's worry is naturally reasonable.But Wu Di didn't care about it.He still maintained that faint smile, and after looking at the expressions of the two women, he slowly responded:

"Of course I know that your worries are likely to happen, but I have to go. I already have a detailed plan in my heart. I need to go there and meet some old acquaintances."

"I'll help you see." Mu Piaopiao said concisely, but his words still revealed his worry.

"It's okay, don't worry, before I go out, I have sent a text message to some trusted acquaintances. As long as I get to the e-sports venue, they will find me. As for your worries... I don't think there is any problem at all Sister Piao Piao, aren't you a makeup master? Come and give me and Lulu a different look."

Wu Di insisted on going, but the two women had nothing to do.So, after returning to the student dormitory, Mu Piao Piao kept a cold face and was busy on Wu Di's face for a while, trying to change Wu Di's appearance a lot - now Wu Di looks like a male model who can go on show.

Then, Lulu took out a dark suit from her room, and after asking Wu Di to change into it, the two women stared wide-eyed and stood there for a while.

"Wow! Brother Wu Di, with your outfit, you are absolutely qualified to go to the catwalk show! Sister Piao Piao really has a way. If we hadn't known it was you, and replaced it with someone else, I would never have thought of the famous e-sports world number one." One day, there will be such a chic.

Especially your hair style, very handsome.It seems that the medium-length hair you have kept in the past two years is very useful.At least for now, people who are not familiar with you will never recognize you! "Lulu turned left and right around Wu Di, swaying in amazement.

And Wu Di looked at himself in the mirror, and suddenly felt emotional:

"It's been eight or nine years since I first stepped into the e-sports circle... I didn't expect that time really makes people old, I can wear this expensive suit in a decent way, just to show off. "

Unexpectedly, when Mu Piaopiao heard this, he immediately poured cold water on him: "You are still a dog, and you can barely get away with it. Remember, there is a price for me to do things for you-when I am free, I will I will do my best to fight you again!"

Wu Di smiled and replied: "We don't need to fight any more, but I can teach you League of Legends. Compared with fighting, I think I still prefer e-sports. If you are really so unwilling to admit defeat, practice hard League of Legends, for Aunt Wanwan, for myself, after you finish training, come and challenge me."

At this time, it was getting late, and the Champions League finals had already officially started. According to the schedule, today's powerful teams from various countries will have the opportunity to appear on the stage.

So, after getting ready, the three left the campus in a hurry, stopped a taxi at the gate of the university, and went straight to the e-sports venue in Seoul.

However, when the three of them left by car, two figures also hurried out of the school, stopped another taxi, and followed Wu Di and the others.

Sitting in the second car were a man and a woman.

"Gao Tianxiu, if you want to go to watch the Champions League live, just say so. Why do you need to find an excuse to drag me? After you finished the challenge today and were defeated by that Chinese rookie, didn't you already ask the leader of the e-sports department?" Did you apply for dropout? Since you are no longer a student of the e-sports department, why are you dragging me?" It was Jin Huien, the deputy director of the e-sports department who spoke.

And the calm man beside her is Gao Tianxiu who Wu Di defeated in the challenge today.

"Hehe, Sister Hui En, I'm not Li Hyuk, you are very unhappy. Well done, don't look at me with that murderous gaze, for you, for Li Hyuk, I won't talk nonsense... okay , I admit that I am intimidating, I want to drag you into the water.

I've come here to give you a surprise.That Huaxia newcomer, I suspect that he is not a newcomer at all!At first I was a little stunned by his beating, and I couldn't figure it out for a while, but then I thought about it carefully, it's not right!My strength is definitely at the top level, how could I be defeated by a rookie?
I have been busy for the past three years. I have to improve my e-sports strength while planning the overall situation. I am very tired, so I was taken advantage of by that kid. "

The corner of Jin Huien's mouth twitched, and he said dissatisfiedly: "Even if that Chinese man has a great background, what does it have to do with me? To tell you the truth, I tried his words as early as the summer camp training. He didn't want to stay at all. Developed in South Korea, so I will not spend much effort on him. The proposition of who he is has nothing to do with me!"

Gao Tianxiu smiled triumphantly: "Haha, if this Chinese man is just an ordinary character, then I wouldn't have the slightest interest in knowing who he is. But, sister Hui En, don't you find it strange? An ordinary character will make you Can't find out his real origin? An ordinary person, who has special admission qualifications for the e-sports department? An ordinary person, in this dim night, will disguise himself as a male model and rush to a certain place? "

Jin Huien snorted coldly, and said indifferently: "So what? I said, this man will not be cultivated in our e-sports department, so I am really not interested in knowing who he is! You use the relationship between Li He and me to explain Threatening me to follow them all the way with you, I am extremely angry! Now I solemnly warn you, this is the only time I will listen to your mercy, there will be no next time!"

The corner of Gao Tianxiu's mouth curled up, and he sneered, not to be outdone, and said:

"Jin Huien, although today is the day I officially leave school, but before that, I have donated [-] million won to the e-sports department in my own name! Publicly speaking, I still do my best to this place where I stayed for three years. From a personal point of view, my family has done everything possible to make Lee Hyuk the number one e-sports idol in Korea. I think this is not a unique case. I thought that you and I should be the same The relationship between good friends, it seems that I am still thinking wrong... Well, since you don't recognize this, I don't believe in it. Let's take advantage of it. Whether you want it or not, I hope that starting today, You must always pay attention to this Huaxia man, and report everything about him to me at any time!
Otherwise, your relationship with Li Hyuk will be made public!And since my family can make him the nation's number one e-sports idol, it can also make him fall from heaven to hell in an instant! "

The cruelty in Gao Tianxiu's words is self-evident.

Kim Hye-eun and Lee Hyuk have been in an underground relationship for many years, and the relationship between the two has always been very good. In addition, Lee Hyeok will hang up his boots and retire after playing for two or three years at most, so Kim Hye-eun does not want him to give birth to too many children at the end of his career. There are many right and wrong.After weighing the pros and cons for a while, although Jin Huien was a hundred reluctance in his heart, he still gave in.

"You! Forget it. Now that I've said the truth, I won't say any more. But I can't guarantee that I can tell who this Huaxia man is with my eyesight!"

Seeing that Jin Huien's attitude had changed, Gao Tianxiu immediately smiled wickedly:

"That's right, sister Hui En, we are still good friends, right? You don't need to help me find out who he is, I just need you to report his movements to me. Who is he... Actually, I have already I guessed a few points, but I’m not sure.”

At this time, under the reminder of Gao Tianxiu, Jin Huien also became very interested in Wu Di's identity:

"Who is he? Are you so nervous about him? Aren't you going to Huaxia to develop? He is still a freshman in the e-sports department and does not pose any threat to you. In my opinion, he can only be regarded as a He is a young man with good talent."

Gao Tianxiu waved his hand and said with a smile: "Sister Hui En, it seems that you still don't know me too well. By the way, have you heard the theory of Brother Shui, the legend of Chinese e-sports? And the formula for calculating the combat power index? To tell you the truth, my combat power index is... 4500! It is nearly a thousand points higher than the average of the first-line professional players in China! You can beat me like this without any effort, the combat power index of that Huaxia person, How much should it be? 5000? 6000? Or [-]? In today’s e-sports world, how many people can easily beat me? And the top players who can beat me are busy preparing for the Champions League finals! At his age ...This level of strength... Sister Hui En, guess who this Chinese man should be?!"

In an instant, Jin Huien almost subconsciously came up with a long-lost name in his mind... WUDI?

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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