The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 430 Friendship is offside, lover is not full

Chapter 430 Friendship is offside, lover is not full
Jin Huien looked at the taxi not far ahead in shock, her mind went blank.

If it is really what Gao Tianxiu said, this Huaxia freshman is that person, why did he come to the e-sports department?Unknowingly, she recalled that this guy made a brief appearance in Huaxia Guoquan City last year, but the e-sports reporters kept asking him if he would make a comeback in the Brilliant Team, ignoring another crucial question —has he fully recovered?

But if he is back to normal, why did he travel all the way to South Korea?What is the purpose of his trip?
Jin Huien shook his head, puzzled.

Seeing this, Gao Tianxiu smiled: "Don't think too much, Miss Hui En. I'm just a guess. After all, this guy has rarely appeared in public in the past two years. Although this Huaxia freshman is very similar to that person, his eyes are completely different Different! A person, no matter how much his appearance has changed, but his eyes are the windows of his soul, which can best reflect his inner world. I focused on observing his eyes today, and compared with that person, there is no half resemblance at all."

Jin Huien frowned and asked, "You say it's him one moment, and it's not him the next moment, and you want me to pay close attention. What exactly do you want to do?"

Gao Tianxiu was amused by Jin Huien's question:
"Haha, sister Hui En, you have always been shrewd, why don't you understand my plan? I am about to go to China and start fighting for the dream in my heart, so I must understand all the opponents I may encounter in the future!
If this Huaxia Freshman is that person, then he will undoubtedly become my number one opponent, and I will naturally put most of my energy on him; and if there is nothing special about the true identity of this Huaxia Freshman , I will still find a way to let him join the brilliant team!I still say the same thing, the guys who can easily defeat me are all top powerhouses.Such a good seedling... can only be used by me, or it will be kicked away by me as a stumbling block!

Now that our Gao family has made a move, we are determined to win the huge e-sports market in China! "

Jin Huien turned her head and saw a completely different Gao Tianxiu.Although in the three years in the e-sports department, Gao Tianxiu is low-key, cautious, approachable and friendly, and is recognized as the best-behaved rookie in the e-sports department and even in the e-sports circle.

But at this moment, Gao Tianxiu in Jin Huien's eyes seemed to be a completely different person, fierce and gloomy, and quite domineering like a superior, such a guy...I kept seeing it wrong.

However, Jin Huien, who is also astute, did not show any surprise. She pretended to be indifferent and replied:
"Don't worry, you take one sister Hui En, I can't help you. No matter who this Huaxia freshman is, I will help you pay attention. Huh? The taxi stopped? This is... the Seoul e-sports venue! "

Jin Huien looked up and found that the destination of Wu Di and the three was actually the e-sports venue that was hosting this year's Champions League Finals.

"They got out of the car, do you want to follow?" Jin Huien asked softly, wondering whether the three freshmen came here just to see the demeanor of those top e-sports stars, and not for other purposes.

Gao Tianxiu was also thinking about the same question.After the three of Wu Di had entered the venue, he hurriedly urged Jin Huien to get off the car and continued to follow the three of Wu Di with him.

After Wu Di walked into the venue, he stopped in his tracks. He bowed his head and said to the two beautiful friends:
"Be careful. Although I've changed my outfit, most people won't recognize me, but I still have to be careful not to show any signs. You two go to the venue to find a seat first, and I will stay alone for a while."

After hearing that Wu Di wanted to act alone, Lulu and Mu Piaopiao refused in unison:

"But I have to stay alone for a while." Wu Di still insisted on his idea.The two girls couldn't help the stubborn Wu Di, so they decided to take the next best thing, and suggested: "You can act alone, but one of us must keep a distance of ten meters from you! Otherwise, no matter how old you are For legitimate reasons, we will not let you act alone!"

Wu Di smiled and didn't continue to stick to his point of view.Then he pulled out his seldom-used cell phone and sent a text message.

At this time, a Champions League group match is being held at the venue.Both participating teams are not too well-known freshman teams, but the tens of thousands of e-sports fans present still generously gave applause and cheers to these two teams that often performed brilliantly, so most of the The audience did not notice Wu Di and the other three who had just entered the stage.

Wu Di walked to a corner, and Mu Piaopiao followed him like a shadow with a distance of about ten meters. After a while, a young blonde woman came in front of Wu Di.

Just when Mu Piaopiao became wary of this woman, she saw this exotic woman directly make an astonishing move that made her speechless——she stretched out her hands, and tightly hugged Wu Di, who was only half a head taller than herself. embraced!
Seeing this, Mu Piaopiao thought that this foreign woman would be unfavorable to Wu Di, so she hurried to Wu Di in three steps at a time, but she found that Wu Di turned his head and smiled at her, saying: "Don't be nervous, This is one of the acquaintances I want to meet."

After hearing this, although Mu Piaopiao was amazed by the wild and unruly behavior of the foreign woman, he still retreated to his original position sensibly.

"Hi, Yuna, it's been half a year since we last met, how are you?" Wu Di laughed softly.

Yuna shook her head coquettishly, and after taking a deep look at Mu Piao Piao, she turned her head and said:

"If you recover, I'll be fine; if you haven't recovered, I won't be fine! Hey, this Huaxia girl looks very good at skills. When did you change your taste? Do you like girls with high strength? It seems It is a very wise choice for me to practice my fighting skills unremittingly every day."

Wu Di interrupted Yuna, dumbfounded, and said, "Don't get me wrong. She is my father's personal bodyguard... The purpose of my coming here has been clearly stated in the text message. What do you think?"

Yuna moved her plump breasts towards Wu Di's chest, still with an awesome look of not losing money:

"You bad boy, now that you have recovered, you should remember what you promised me back then, right? Do you want to go straight to the point and finish the business? I don't agree! I want you to give me a clear answer!"

Wu Di took half a step back calmly, and quickly broke away from Yuna's arms at a speed beyond Yuna's imagination. Then he looked directly at Yuna's delicate face and said with a smile:

"If I say I can't remember, you will definitely remind me persistently, so I can only say that I can't do what I promised you, or I don't have the energy and time to complete it now. promise."

Yuna was shocked.What shocked her was not Wu Di's words, but his swift movement of getting rid of her embrace at that moment!

"You... It seems that you have really recovered. Judging from the simple action just now, at least your fighting memory has been fully recovered. Well, I am also relieved. At least under the condition of one-on-one, you already have enough self-preservation ability."

After finishing speaking, Yuna once again showed the exclusive privilege of women: changing faces as quickly as turning the pages of a book!
In an instant, she changed from a shocked expression to a little woman's coquettish: "Well, don't you just let me go home with me to meet my family, how stingy! Fortunately, I still miss you all the time .Since you want my family to contribute money to help you, then I don’t think you have any excuse to avoid that promise? As long as you come back to the United States with me once, I can promise to help you!”

Wu Di stared at Yuna's big blue eyes tepidly, and after looking at them for a while, said slowly:

"Yuna, I really don't want to think about relationship issues right now. You should also know that that [organization] may be planning how to deal with me anytime and anywhere. I hope you and your family can think about the suggestion I made. To I know that the big family in South Korea, the Gao family, has purchased 51% of the shares of Brilliant, and has become the veritable owner of Brilliant Club. If you don’t take action, Huaxia, the largest potential market in the e-sports industry, will be taken by the Koreans. Oh?"

As soon as these words came out, Yuna made a move that puzzled Wu Di and Mu Piaopiao at the same time: she put her hands on her chest, and she no longer showed the enthusiasm she had just now.Especially in her eyes, the joy of seeing Wu Di again disappeared in an instant.

"Di, you have changed a little... Although it is a great joy that you have recovered your memory, I would rather you are still the same you half a year ago! Do you think I don't know the real purpose of your doing this? You want to use me You want to compete against the Gao family in South Korea, and then you just sit and watch our snipe and clam fight, and then come to be a profitable fisherman? I have also studied Chinese culture a little bit. I know this truth well!"

Wu Di did not deny that his intention was directly exposed by Yuna:
"Yes, you are right, this is one of my plans. Although Huaxia has many consortiums and families with financial strength, there are very few who are willing to invest in e-sports. In e-sports is still Not recognized by the world today, they think that other industries are their way to make money. Except for a few teams such as Huiguang and Cancan, the remaining so-called [strong teams] in the Chinese Super League are all relying on Countless sponsorships are struggling to maintain operations. The commercial giants of Huaxia Kingdom neither want to give up the new industry of e-sports, nor do they want to take risks and invest heavily, so most of them adopt the investment policy of investing a small amount and waiting for changes. This is an excellent opportunity for the consortium behind you to enter the Chinese e-sports circle. If you miss this village, this store will disappear. Don't be arrogant with me.

If you insist on thinking that I am using you, then I have nothing to say.When I talk and do things, I always go straight. If I find you, I won't be afraid of being criticized by you!If you insist on asking my real purpose, I don't want to hide it from you.

I want to build an e-sports kingdom!But now I can do nothing on my own... That's why I found you. "

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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