The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 431 Friendship is offside, lover is not full

Chapter 431 Friendship is offside, lover is not full
Yuna glanced at Wu Di from head to toe and then from toe to head again, and the wariness on her face disappeared a lot.

"Hey, I don't know what you're thinking. But your suggestion is indeed a good one! I'll go back to work first, and if my family agrees, I'll contact you again. Heh, this is really a dramatic change... Before I lost my memory, I said I wanted to invest in your team, but you were unwilling; after recovering, you took the initiative to find me to invest, and the nature changed quietly. Di, can you promise me one more thing? Whether I will become rivals with you, I hope that in private, you and I will still be close friends, a relationship beyond pure friendship, this feeling... I feel very warm."

Wu Di pursed his lips and smiled, and stretched out two fingers:

"Yuna, you are wrong about two things. The first thing is... I didn't ask you to invest in my team. I can take care of my team without any external force. So, your The target of the investigation should be other teams in the China Super League.

The second thing... What you said just now, are you doubting our relationship?In my heart, whether I have amnesia or not, I think the relationship between you and me is a relationship beyond friendship.If you like this feeling, I can keep going with you. "

After hearing this, Yuna raised her eyebrows and asked with a smile, "Oh, then tell me, what is the relationship between us?"

"Friendship is offside, lover is not full."

After finishing speaking, Wu Di walked around in front of Yuna with lightning speed, then waved his back to her, and sighed:

"No matter what happens in the future, if you don't change, I won't change."

Yuna had mixed feelings in her heart.This is the first time that Wu Di has clearly stated the relationship between the two.All of a sudden, in her eyes looking at Wu Di's back, various emotions arose spontaneously...

Next, Wu Di took out his mobile phone, and soon sent another message, and then he walked to another corner of the venue, waiting for the second acquaintance he wanted to meet.

After a while, Wei Wei, dressed in short T trousers, quietly appeared behind Wu Di.

"Eldest brother? You have fully recovered? Congratulations."

Wei Wei's words are lukewarm, making people completely confused about her mood at the moment.Wu Di turned around and showed a sincere smile:

"Second Junior Sister, oh no, I used to like to call you Wei Wei Mei Mei... How are you doing these days?"

Looking at the clarity in Wu Di's eyes, Wei Wei also smiled back: "It seems that he has really recovered. Should this be good news or bad news?"

"Oh? Let me hear what Meimei Meimei has to say?" Wu Diqi said.

"You made it very clear to me in the text message. You asked me to start using my connections in Europe to find powerful consortiums, and then persuade them to invest in China's e-sports circle... I won't say that I can It can’t be done. I just want to ask you, my dear senior brother, what kind of medicine is sold in your gourd? Are you not afraid that people in the organization will find you if you appear here so boldly?”

In her words, Wei Wei still revealed a strong feeling of caring.This "Goddess Knife", who has been a brother and sister with Wu Di for almost ten years, still misses Wu Di.

Wu Di smiled casually, and replied: "It's okay, didn't you see me today, unusually handsome? One more thing, you have to remember..."

Before finishing speaking, Wu Di gently pinched the tip of Weiwei's nose with lightning speed, and under her surprised and amazed eyes, he continued: "You are a little devil, I will always be your elder brother Okay. From now on, you are not allowed to put on such an unfathomable city mansion in front of me. I still miss the days when I played with your childhood sweetheart."

Touching his nose slightly, he looked at Wu Di inexplicably in astonishment, and immediately reacted:

"Oh! Are you telling me in this way that when you lost your memory, you asked me to be your lover in China, was it just a joke? Well, I agree with your understatement and make yourself stupid. The way to erase the words... But, didn't you once say that when you fully recovered, you would give me an accurate answer? About the relationship between us. "

Wu Di replied indifferently: "I have already answered you, just now."

Wei Wei was taken aback for a moment, but soon understood what Wu Di meant: "That is to say...we are just brothers and sisters? You don't want to tell me yourself——we have nothing to do? Can I understand it as Are you avoiding the question?"

"I really don't have the heart to talk about this issue right now. I have more important things to do, not to mention... I have always had a knot in my heart, and you should know it." Wu Di sighed.

"Is it because of Xia Ninghan?"

Wu Di didn't answer, but stared at the ground in a daze, but after a while, he calmed down his mood and said again: "Wei Wei, although you grew up abroad, you are indeed a real person. Huaxia people. Huaxia e-sports is now facing an unprecedented predicament, can you still stand by? From a personal point of view, I am your big brother, and I hope you will help Huaxia e-sports. Publicly speaking, you have the ability and strength to help Huaxia E-sports grow healthily, do you also want to escape?"

As soon as these words came out, Wei Wei also brushed away the entanglement of those children's love, and said directly and solemnly:

"You made it very clear in the text message, and I have also carefully analyzed it. Huaxia's e-sports industry really needs someone's support to grow healthily. The fundamental purpose of those foreign forces and financial groups that have begun to extend their tentacles to Huaxia It's just for the purpose of getting a vote in Huaxia and leaving. In essence, it is not conducive to the development of Huaxia's e-sports.

The e-sports industry is a new industry, and its biggest potential market is still in China, a country with vast land, rich resources and outstanding people!And those foreign consortiums must have seen this, so they couldn't wait to start to fight for the largest market.

I agree with your idea. Use your strength to let those consortiums who have ideas about Huaxia's national e-sports industry fight to the death, and then wait until they fight to lose both sides, and then reap the benefits of the fisherman, while letting their Money stimulates the development of e-sports in China, and at the same time unifies the rules of the industry so that e-sports in China can develop in an orderly and sustainable manner...

To be honest, I would never have guessed that you came up with this strategy.No matter what you look like after you regain your memory, I will stand by your side without hesitation!
However, I still have three questions... Are you sure you can clean up the battlefield after the gunpowder?Are you sure you can cover the sky with one hand and play with those big consortiums between applause?Are you sure that the funds from these consortiums can greatly stimulate the development of e-sports in China?"

Unexpectedly, Wu Di shook his head, smiled wryly and said:
"I just recovered my memory, and it's not like I picked up some overpowering golden finger like in fantasy novels. How can I guarantee that the plan will be carried out flawlessly as I expected? However, when I was fighting in the second division, I once met a group of wealthy second-generation people who were full of passion and dreams for e-sports. They would rather be criticized by others, but also express their love for e-sports in their own way, and there is an e-sports club in their city Big moth. Even so, they are still working hard without regret.

What I do is just expressing my ideals in my own way.

It is up to people to make plans, but it is up to God to make things happen. If I don't even have the courage to make plans, then my e-sports dream will be nothing but nothing in the end, and will eventually become a cloud.

It doesn't matter whether I have the ability to turn the tide, the important thing is that I am moving forward bravely for that great e-sports dream! "

In Wu Di's eyes, there is an indomitable momentum, which deeply touches Wei Wei.

After a moment of silence, Wei Wei said decisively: "Okay! I'll help you, senior brother! Also, please be careful of that organization. That organization is too powerful, I'm afraid of you..."

Wu Di waved his hand and said with a soft smile, "It's okay. For the development of Huaxia's e-sports and for e-sports to be recognized by the world, I am willing to give everything. But, this time, I will be more cautious and pay more attention to teamwork .Look, didn’t I come to look for you as a powerful helper? For that plan, you must also take care of yourself. Now we don’t have the strength to trip up that organization, and we don’t have the strength to control the overall situation. Everything must be tolerated.”

Wu Di pinched Wei Wei's nose again, and then left with Mu Piao Piao not far away.

Before reuniting with Lulu, Mu Piaopiao, who had a panoramic view of Wu Di's words and deeds, finally couldn't bear the doubts in his heart, and blurted out: "You found these two women... Although I don't know their details, But I can see that the second girl's attitude towards you is very sincere, and nothing she said is deceiving you. But the first girl is not so reliable. However, her eyes are also very tangled , your sentence [friendship is offside, lover is not full] has a great impact on her, can you see all these things?"

Wu Di stared straight ahead expressionlessly, and did not answer her question directly.After being silent for a while, he said slowly:
"Treat people with sincerity and be true. I have done what I should do, and the rest is... to move on."

After Wu Di's back completely disappeared from sight, Wei Wei still stood there, motionless.

Many fragments of the past flashed through her mind, one of which was... On a certain day in a certain year, 12-year-old Wu Di once saw herself tripped by a stone and started to cry, she put her hands on her hips, Righteously said to himself: Why are you crying? !You are the woman who wants to realize the great e-sports dream with me, and you are the partner who is destined to fight side by side with me. What are you afraid of with this little pain?Don't be afraid, if you are in pain and tired, I will stand in front of you and protect you from the wind and rain!I am your big brother!
 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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