The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 432 Fighting Together

Chapter 432 Fighting Together
Wu Di met two acquaintances one after another without any emotional fluctuations.After a while, he received a text message from Ye Wuhen on his mobile phone.

[Captain, the information you asked me to inquire about has been confirmed.In addition to South Korea's Gao Group taking over the Brilliant team, there are at least five other powerful top consortiums that will soon infiltrate China's e-sports circle.The teams they are negotiating with are XX, XX...

And once the negotiation is concluded, these consortiums should hold a press conference to announce the news in a short time.This information should basically be correct.Foreign consortiums have indeed begun to attack Huaxia, a huge potential market! 】

[Sure enough!It appears my concerns were valid.Not only the Gao Group, but also several consortiums have already started to act!Senior Wuhen, please consider carefully how to deal with the infiltration of these overseas financial groups.Another point, I presumptuously found some acquaintances and asked them to encourage those overseas consortiums to invest in China's e-sports industry!

My plan keep them coming as often as possible!It is of course best for them to fight each other and lose both sides. If they are not willing to fight to the death, I also want to use the funds they have invested in China's e-sports industry to stimulate the development of my country's e-sports industry! 】

[The idea is very good.The more they come, the more chaotic the situation is. In the end, they find that the competition is so fierce that they can neither stand out nor make money here. They will withdraw their capital and leave in a few years?Are you thinking about it, Captain? 】

[Yes!I really think so, and China's national e-sports industry is just at the beginning, and some funds are needed to stimulate its development.Once these overseas consortiums find that their money has been wasted, they will inevitably retreat. 】

[Captain... I have studied finance and management and other subjects related to business.I'm afraid this matter is not easy.Your plan is on the one hand, it may be feasible, but I am more worried that these foreign consortiums have a deeper purpose in entering the Huaxia Kingdom. 】

【What purpose?Don't they just want to make money? 】

[Making money is one aspect, but the other aspect is...their entry is likely to make the Chinese e-sports circle a mess!
If while making money, it can not only destroy the development of e-sports in China, but also benefit the progress of their own e-sports, these consortiums will definitely not get tired of it!Moreover, if these consortiums reach a consensus and are not incited by others, but coexist peacefully, then they can still achieve their goal of collecting money.

I have an ominous premonition that if Huaxia's domestic consortia are unwilling to come forward to resist these overseas consortia, within a few years, Huaxia's e-sports industry will plummet!
Based on the future I can foresee, I can say that in time, when these overseas consortiums have collected enough money and withdraw from China's e-sports industry, our country's e-sports industry will be devastated and seriously ill.Faced with this mess, our domestic consortia will definitely not take over. In the end, the e-sports industry in our country will stagnate, or even go back ten years! 】

[What should I do then?If a large number of financial groups infiltrate and live in peace with each other, will they still succeed in encircling money in the end? 】

【Hey, Captain, if we can change this situation, we need you. 】

【ah?I?What can I do, I am nothing now, not even a professional player...]

【wrong!Captain, think about it carefully, if these consortiums want to make money from Huaxia e-sports fans, what kind of prerequisites do they need?
They had to make their own team look like it could win the championship, at least on the surface!

Moreover, within a few years, the team can win one or two championships, only in this way, fans will buy it!Only then will they be willing to spend money on the team they support!And if you can turn a team without a consortium background into a Chinese champion or a world champion, do you think fans will still expect those foreign consortiums?Will you still support it as always?In the e-sports world, the champion is supreme!Without the championship title, all grand blueprints are just clouds! 】


Immediately afterwards, Wu Di and Ye Wuhen sent dozens of text messages to each other, and after discussing a lot of issues, he slowly closed his eyes, and his brain was running fast: infiltrating...crisis...consortia... Funding... Momentum... Controlling... Unions...

a long time.

He opened his eyes suddenly, took his mobile phone and sent a text message to more than ten people including Wu Tianhao, Ye Wuhen, Jin Qiqi, and then quietly waited for their reply.

After a while, Wu Di's cell phone became noisy.He answered the phone for a while, and sent text messages for a while, so he was very busy.

After nearly an hour passed, he walked to a secluded corner and sent a message to the third person he wanted to see tonight.

Afterwards, Wu Di walked to the door of the men's room, quietly waiting for the arrival of the third person.

After a while, Lu Li walked up to Wu Di carelessly, skillfully took out a Chinese cigarette, lit it, put it in his mouth, and raised his hand, wanting to pat Wu Di on the shoulder, but unexpectedly, Wu Di's footsteps swayed , Lu Li's hand was empty.

"Hehe, Senior Brother Gao Fu Shuai, if the team leader finds out that you are smoking, you will be punished."

Lu Li shook his hand, laughed and said, "I'm the top card in the team, they don't dare to do anything, but I'm still very obedient, you see, I only smoke when I go to the toilet, it's still very good for them. By the way, let's talk Are you really fully recovered? The action of hiding from me just now was quite smooth."

At this time, Wu Di withdrew the friendliness on his face, held Lu Li's shoulder solemnly, and said in a deep voice:

"Brother Li, the current situation is very serious! Help me!"

Lu Li was very surprised, and said puzzledly: "I'm definitely on your side. I won't say any big words about going up the mountain of swords and going down into the sea of ​​fire. Anyway, it takes people to pay for people, money for money, and strength for strength. It's just... Is your analysis in the text message reliable? The entry of the largest consortium from South Korea into China’s e-sports circle will really cause huge waves?”

Wu Di looked dignified and patiently explained:
"Although it was thanks to Gao Tianxiu that I was able to fully recover, he is one of the biggest enemies of our China e-sports! I have carefully analyzed all the consequences of their family's entry into the China e-sports circle. Apart from the value of those long-established professional players, it is of no benefit to the development of Huaxia e-sports!

After recovering my memory, I thought a lot in my room and searched a lot of information, so I quickly realized the real reason why Gao Tianxiu and his family entered China e-sports!

If an emerging industry wants to thrive, it does need a lot of capital investment, but in China, if the e-sports pie is to grow bigger and bigger, it must rely more on our domestic financial groups.Just imagine, if Gao Tianxiu's family can build Brilliant Club into a complete industrial chain and list it abroad in the form of a company, whose money will most of the funds they raise be?It's not Huaxia people's money!They run clubs and teams, and the astronomical figures they earn on paper are not even the money of Huaxia e-sports fans!Most of the money will fall into their pockets in the end.And if the money can be used to improve the current e-sports atmosphere in China, and sincerely allow talented young people with dreams to obtain a platform to realize their ideals, this is what I want to do most!
Although the e-sports industry has developed rapidly in recent years, it seems to be a booming industry, but if a foreign consortium comes to the country to make a fortune, and then just pat their ass and leave, this approach will not It will cause a large outflow of funds that China can use to develop e-sports, and it will make e-sports, which is not well recognized by the world, even more misunderstood!
What is eSports?It is a fringe sport that cannot be compared with traditional sports!If it can't change the world's cognition for a day, it is impossible to have a healthy growth environment!These foreign consortiums are nothing more than taking a fancy to Huaxia, a market with huge potential, and regard the e-sports industry as a tool to make money!

Brother Li, we can't sit idly by like this, even though we are only professional players, since we know the essence of these things, we can't just sit idly by! "

Wu Di's every word is sonorous and forceful, and his attitude can be seen at a glance.

Lu Li tapped Wu Di, nodded, and agreed:

"You are right. Although our treatment has been greatly improved, there are still a large number of fringe players who love e-sports who are still living in dire straits, and these consortiums came to China to invest money on the surface Speed ​​up the development of e-sports, but in fact the ultimate goal is just to make money!

Don't worry, with our relationship, you don't have to do so much ideological work for me, I will definitely help you!
But, master brother, why did you seem to be a different person after you recovered your memory?You speak these principles clearly and logically. Have you studied finance in your free time? "

After Wu Di confirmed that Lu Li was on the same side as him, he calmed down a little and sighed softly:

"Hey, I haven't learned that, I can understand that these are all the credit of Ye Wuhen... However, maybe you don't believe it, after I played a duel with Gao Tianxiu in the e-sports due to something, my The memory showed signs of recovery. Then, the change in mentality made me let go of everything completely, and in this way, I recovered and regained the memory.

However, I have always been worried about Gao Tianxiu and his family's actions, so after recovering my memory, the first thing I did was to think carefully about how their behavior would affect China's e-sports industry. what to bring.Through some data inquiries, I have already told you all my inferences, so I came to you and asked you to fight side by side with me. "

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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