Chapter 433
Lu Li put his hand on Wu Di's shoulder, and said proudly:

"This kind of you deserves the title of [King]! Of course we can't let those foreigners mess up the Chinese e-sports circle!
I'm a big boss, and I don't want to think about things that require brains. In short, if you have any plans in the future, tell me directly, and I will definitely help you, and I will go through fire and water! "

Wu Di looked at Lu Li firmly, and after making sure that there was no one else around except Mu Piao Piao, he lowered his voice and revealed his plan:

"Brother Li, you want to play in the Champions League. I didn't want to delay your pursuit of the world championship, but this is the end, I have to disturb you. After you participated in this competition, the first thing you did when you returned home... was Contact all the top professional players who you think will not be fascinated by money! Of course, people’s hearts are far away, so you need to play a show and test which top players are the ones who sincerely hope that Huaxia E-sports can develop healthily!"

After hearing the words, Lu Li frowned and asked puzzledly:

"Contacting is easy. But after I contact you, what can you do? Can they resist the infiltration of foreign financial groups? To be honest, they are just professional players, not some business giants." .”

Wu Di smiled mysteriously and said:

"Brother Li, think about it, what is the first thing a foreign consortium will do after investing in a domestic giants team?"

Lu Li took two puffs of his cigarette vigorously, and tried his best to think about this problem, but still got nothing.

"Ha, don't play around with me. I told you, I don't like to play these intrigues, so you can just say it."

Wu Di nodded, and then said: "It's very simple. After the foreign consortium enters the Huaxia Kingdom's e-sports circle, the first thing they need to do is to create momentum! They want to let the Huaxia Kingdom's e-sports fans know that they are here now, and they can help The fans' favorite team has brought about earth-shaking changes, and it can even let fans see that the team has the hope of winning the world championship! To make fans buy it, the first thing they have to do... is to compete for the top professional players of this generation in China! "

Lu Li drummed his eyes hard, and suddenly realized: "You mean...they will inevitably set off a new round of transfer storm? Through the transfer, buying famous professional players at a high price will make the team's strength on paper look at least Can compete with the world's top teams? Only in this way, fans will be willing to pay for such a team to buy annual tickets to buy peripheral items. And when the business giants of China see a group of e-sports stars with commercial value, It will also inject a large amount of domestic funds into the names of teams controlled by foreign consortiums. In this way, these Raptors can not only win the reputation of fans, but also make a lot of money?
And you want me to contact those top professional players who sincerely hope that China's e-sports will grow healthily, do you want them to drive up prices and make these foreign consortiums bleed?

Haha, you kid is really talented. Not only can you see through the opponent's movements at a glance, but you have already thought of a countermeasure! "

Wu Di smiled and replied:

"Brother Li, you are only half right. After the foreign consortium takes over the top team in China, it really needs to build momentum, and it also needs to use the heavy transfer of e-sports stars to attract the attention of fans and domestic consortia, but I ask you to contact Top professional players don't just want to make them bleed, what I want is... to let them lose ten catties of meat as soon as they arrive in China! Then, after a long time, they will find out that these initial huge investments will eventually They will all become start-up funds used to stimulate the sound development of China's national e-sports industry!

I need you to act secretly, without fanfare, after determining which top players will not be knocked down by money... let them voluntarily join the [E-sports Professional Players Union]!This trade union is being prepared, and its main purpose of existence is to transfer most of the funds to our hands after causing those foreign consortiums to bleed.In layman's terms, when a professional player is willing to sacrifice his own interests for the development of China's e-sports, while receiving a huge transfer fee, he is willing to put half or more of the proceeds into the union!

I know you're confused again, so I'll just give you an example.Take you as an example!If, after many foreign consortiums take control of most of the top teams, if they want to build momentum and recruit people, they must start with the most famous people.And your title as the number one ADC in the country will definitely make your net worth explode!If you take the initiative to transfer, you will definitely be snapped up!Foreign consortiums only want temporary fame, and they don't care how long you can play!
Assuming that your original worth is 500 million RMB, Team A wants to snatch you and asks for 1000 million, and another team B also wants to get you, asking for 500 million. In the end, CDEFG and other teams with overseas consortium background all joined. Among the teams competing for you, your value is likely to soar all the way, maybe even reach [-] million!
And when a team with an overseas background poachs you and pays a price of 4000 million, according to China's existing transfer system, you can get 500% to 100% of it, which is [-] to [-] million in cash.And in the beginning, if there is no promotion from foreign financial groups, if you transfer, you can only get more than [-] million out of [-] million.

More than 100 million and 4000 million, the levels of these two figures are definitely not at the same level.And after you get this money, I hope you can spend half or more of it and turn it into the union's reserve fund.

Then think about it, if you alone can get so much money, how much cash will be generated from the transfer of dozens of top professional players in China?

And this union of e-sports professional players, which can only hold players who won't be knocked down by money, exists for this purpose!Of course, in the future, he can also become an independent organization dedicated to safeguarding the rights of professional players.But under the current circumstances, it will become the most powerful weapon to let the funds of overseas consortiums fall into the hands of Huaxia in disguise! "

Speaking of this, Lu Li's face showed embarrassment.

"Wu Di, I have two entanglements.

First, although your method can turn the funds of these overseas consortiums into the reserve funds of our union in the hands of conscientious professional players, after all, when faced with a large amount of money, many people will still be tempted... let Many people are probably not happy that those guys used the money they got for no apparent reason to turn it into a newly established union reserve fund.

Second, if, as you expected, I also become a pawn, I still can't let go of the resplendent.

I have been in the Bright team for a few years, and the club has treated me well. If I want to transfer and leave, I am afraid that I am a little bit reluctant.What's more, if I play for another two years at most, it will be almost time to retire. If I am asked to move my position now, I may not be able to adapt in every possible way.I don't care about money, it doesn't matter how much I earn or how little I earn. My family background is considered good, and with so many years of career, I have saved a lot, which is completely enough to spend.I mainly don't want to embarrass my Bright team.They managed to get me the false name of [No. [-] ADC in China], I don’t want people to say behind my back that I am an ungrateful and despicable villain who crossed rivers and demolished bridges..."

However, to Lu Li's surprise, after he told his difficulties, Wu Di patted him on the shoulder lightly, with a serious expression on his face.

"Brother Li, I will tell you the answer to your entanglement now. The first entanglement is that you are afraid that our trade union will not be able to convince people to put money can rest assured on this point, I have entrusted several people , It is basically certain that our trade union will have the support of the state! If nothing else, national organizations such as the E-sports Development Committee and the League of Legends Organizing Committee will agree with the original intention of our trade union and give great support! After these backgrounds, our trade union believes that it can have a good deterrent and persuasive power, and in terms of finances, Ye Wuhen will entrust it to a third-party authority to manage it in an open and transparent manner. I can't move, he can't move, No one can easily use this fund! This fund will only be used to develop Huaxia's e-sports business, and not be used to be illegally misappropriated by people with malicious intentions.

Nearly an hour ago, Ye Wuhen had already started to do this.In the name of the family consortium, he will join many domestic giants in a joint letter stating the current crisis facing the domestic e-sports industry, and hopes to get the support of the Guozihao organization.I believe that although this trade union was initiated by the people, they will definitely attach great importance to it, so please support it!
As for the second entanglement you mentioned... Please forgive me, Brother Li, even if you have a deep affection for Team Bright, you are likely to face an unexpected ending—the club seems to be developing rapidly, but In fact, its financial crisis has occurred!It is precisely because Cancan's boss wants to expand quickly that it is heavily in debt.If no countermeasures are taken, the Brilliant Club may not survive for a year..."

These words were like a bolt from the blue, which immediately shocked Deluli on the spot!
"You...what did you say? Are you telling the truth? Cui Can is facing a huge financial crisis? The implication is that you are saying that it might really sell me?" Although Lu Li was open-minded, he did not Not stupid, he instantly understood the implication of Wu Di's words.

Wu Di nodded and sighed: "It's not possible, it's certain. Team Brilliant is even contacting foreign consortiums, hoping to solve their own economic crisis... just because these consortiums want to have an absolute controlling stake, they are in a stalemate with the top management of Brilliant No more. I only learned this information from Ye Wuhen."

After hearing the words, Lu Li could no longer control his emotions. He flicked the cigarette butt, clenched his fist, and slammed it heavily on the wall.

"What the hell, I gave everything for the sake of brilliance, but in the end there is still no good result. Hahaha, man is a knife, I am a fish. I didn't expect that I would not be able to escape such a fate..."

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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