The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 435 If you are disturbed, you are not worthy of being a king!

Chapter 435 If you are disturbed, you are not worthy of being a king!

After Wu Di met all the people he wanted to see, he brought Mu Piao Piao to meet Lu Lu.

At this time, Lulu occupied three seats in the back row of the auditorium and bought drinks and snacks.When he saw the return of Wu Di and the two, he immediately beamed with joy: "Brother Wu Di, are you back? Come, come, drink some water, and eat something."

As soon as Wu Di saw Lulu's posture, he joked, "Lulu, are you treating this as a movie theater? You have prepared so much, be careful that you will become a big fat man!"

Lulu pouted pretending to be unhappy: "Oh, I'm just a little greedy, I know I'm a little fat, but Brother Wu Di, you have to remember a wise saying—people are hard to break!"

Mu Piaopiao on the side interrupted the two with cold words: "Stay, or go? My personal opinion is that it is not suitable to stay here for a long time. There are too many of your enemies here, maybe you have been discovered by now!"

When Lulu heard this, she also said anxiously: "Yes, brother Wu Di, let's go quickly. Since your business has been done, there is no point in staying here any longer. If someone from that organization finds out, we will There's big trouble!"

However, Wu Di sat down, took a bottle of sports drink and a bag of popcorn from Lulu, and said with a smile:
"I haven't finished my business yet. I still want to see what my old opponents are like now. Come on, don't be nervous, eat what you want, drink what you want, there are tens of thousands of spectators here, hidden in the This is the safest place."

So, while chewing popcorn, Wu Di stared intently at the player-only rest area not far from the game room.

There, all the teams gathered here, Wu Di glanced around and found many acquaintances.

Seeing that Wu Di had made up his mind, the two girls around looked at each other and sighed helplessly.Then, he sat down with Wu Di.However, the two women's minds were not on the ongoing group match—they were watching everything around them from the corner of their eyes.

Two hours passed in a flash.

After Wu Di saw his old rival and friend's performance on the field, he also felt that he had gained a lot. When he was about to invite the two women to go home together, the host announced the opponents of the next group match : Team SOS VS Team Bright!
It turned out that in this finals, Team Brilliant and Team SOS were unfortunately placed in the same group.According to the competition system, the opponents in each group will meet twice, that is, they will play two group matches, earning 3 points for a win and 1 point for a loss. One of the quarterfinals of the tournament.

After seeing these two teams play, Wu Di, who had already stood up, sat down again.

"Brother Wu Di, don't you want to go?" Lulu asked when she saw Wu Di sat back down again.

"Don't go. Watching the contest between my third junior brother and the number one e-sports idol in Korea is also a beautiful thing." Wu Di laughed.

Lulu curled her lips indifferently, and said, "What's the point of this? Didn't that Korean boy be taught a good lesson by Brother Wu Di? His strength is nothing more than that. If it weren't for a lot of hype and publicity, he What's more, his position is jungler, and your junior brother Lu Li mainly plays ADC position, and the two can't duel online, what's the point of this."

Wu Di pulled Lulu back to her seat, turned to her and smiled, "Because the two of you won't talk directly, the match is worth watching."

"Huh? What kind of logic is this? Isn't the match between the two top players the most that fans like to watch?" Lulu was puzzled.

Wu Di patiently explained:
"Yeah, fans like to watch this kind of scene, but I'm not a fan, hehe. What I want to see is...among the two of them, who can make more contributions to the team!

The jungle hero is the core of the team's rhythm in the early stage, while the ADC hero is the main output point of the team in the middle and late stages. Although the functions of the two positions are slightly different, excellent professional players can do their best to help the team gain an advantage.

What Li He has to do is to lead the team's rhythm, gank and support each line in the early stage; what Lu Li has to do is to blow up the line he is on, and quickly build equipment, striving to win in the team battle Make a powerful output.

Look, what I said to my handsome, rich and handsome junior just now seemed to be far-fetched, but I actually wanted to remind him... It's time for him to realize his own unique state.

When Li He played against me, I had a strong feeling that he was playing against me in a certain state, so fighting against a top player who has mastered his state may be more able to stimulate the potential of the rich and handsome junior..."

After finishing speaking, the group match between Team SOS and Team Bright has officially started.After the two sides entered the banning stage, the guest commentator,

It also mentioned an episode in last year's finals.

[Ha, I don’t know if you still remember, in last year’s Champions League finals, Lu Li led the Brilliant team to three consecutive victories in the quarter-finals, and directly defeated KKT, another top Korean team.In that series, Lu Li won the recognition and support of e-sports fans all over the world with his shocking performance.The ADC heroes he is best at are Outlaws and Night Hunters. I wonder if the SOS team will release these two Luli famous heroes after learning the lessons of their own teams?If one of these two ADC heroes is snatched by Lu Li, then the winning rate of the Bright team will be greatly guaranteed. 】

Before the commentator finished speaking, the SOS team banned all outlaws and night hunters in the ban!

【Wise approach!Last year, the KKT team lost because of the mentality of underestimating the enemy. They didn't do too much research on the Bright team before the game, so they were beaten by Lu Li's ADC hero and couldn't find the southeast and northwest.It seems that the SOS team came prepared. 】

Then, Team Bright also unceremoniously banned Blind Sin and Mantis, two of Li He's best junglers, which caused the audience to discuss a lot.

The best heroes of the top stars in the two teams have been banned by the opponent, so... Which hero will these two people use to fight?
The answer was quickly revealed: Lu Li grabbed the holy gun game Lucian, while Li He sacrificed the spider!

[The top cards and captains of both sides have got a hero that they don't usually use, what kind of performance will they play?Let us wait and see.Well, the biggest highlight of this game is naturally whether Lu Li and Li He, the two leading stars of the team, can help their teams win the group stage! 】

The commentator speaks very fast, but he speaks fluent Korean, which is also to cater to the thousands of Korean audience present.Wu Di couldn't understand, so Lulu translated for him.After he finished listening, he couldn't help laughing:
"This commentary... looks very passionate, but when it comes to the point, it doesn't say a word! It's a bit watery. Forget it, let's focus on the next game. If the SOS team can't help but lose the male gun and Wei En that Gao Fushuai is good at, Maybe they should adopt lane switching tactics to speed up the pace of the game and not give him too many opportunities to develop; and now that they have banned these two heroes, they should still be in normal lane. I am also very interested, Gao Fushuai How is the younger brother's body practiced?"

After the game entered the official game screen, Lu Li was as strong as ever. In just a few minutes, he and his support partner pushed the opposing bot duo out of the experience zone and gained an initial online advantage .

But... the SOS team obviously expected this possible phenomenon. Just when Lu Li controlled the Holy Gun Ranger to press the line of soldiers under the opponent's tower, a spider web rushed from the blind spot of his vision with lightning speed. attack!
At this time, all the audience thought that the Holy Gun Ranger would definitely be controlled by the spider's skill on the spot, but Lu Li, who has been fighting for the title of China's number one ADC for many years, made a slippery step. This control skill!
Afterwards, Holy Gun Game and the assistant stayed in the grass for a while before reappearing online and continuing to suppress the opposing duo.

At this moment, the mid laner of the SOS team and Li He's spider appeared in front of them again, and used the summoner skills without hesitation, trying to get the head of the Paladin Ranger in one fell swoop!When the audience was even more excited, the top laner of the SOS team carried the summoner skill [Teleport].When the bottom lane just started, he had already given up on the line defense mission of the top lane, and teleported directly to the bottom lane!

Five against two!
Under the siege of five people, the bright support player tried his best to block the skill of the Paladin Ranger, but due to the large number of opponents, and the summoner's skill was released just right, after a few seconds, the Paladin Ranger and his support partner turned out to be Both fell in front of their own defensive towers!Looking at the black-and-white picture, Lu Li frowned, feeling entangled in his heart...

Seeing this scene, the commentator immediately said: "This is... a targeted tactic! The SOS team will not hesitate to give up the line of soldiers on the road, but also use their numbers to kill Lu Li's holy gun game and the support around him. This tactic, It's obviously a big move carefully prepared by the SOS team for Lu Li himself!"

At the same time, Wu Di, who was sitting in the auditorium, also frowned, and said to the two girls beside him:
"The next step will be even more troublesome. After Li Ge's *** does not have the two summoner skills of Flash and Healing, the opponent will definitely take care of the team's bot lane... Li Ge's current predicament is obvious!"

Then, to Wu Di's surprise, Lu Li's performance in the next ten minutes was completely like a different person, acting timidly, without the slightest trace of Wang Daoliu's play!

After watching for a while, Wu Di sighed softly:
"Hey, it's all my fault. It seems that what I said to Brother Li before the game, coupled with the opponent's targeted tactics, made him lose his sense of proportion and lose his mind... In this game, due to Brother Li's performance Abnormally, the defeat of the Bright team has gradually emerged.

no!I want to make up for my mistakes.Lulu, do me a favor.You go to the front, and then call out to Brother Li in Korean...

If you are confused, you are not worthy of being a king! "

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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