Chapter 436 Kingly State

Lulu was puzzled, but she followed Wu Di's instructions.

All of a sudden, most of the local Korean viewers were attracted by Lulu's voice and her Barbie doll-like face. Although they didn't understand what this beautiful girl meant when she said such words, they still whistled. And booing to express solidarity with the beauty.

The scene got a little out of control.The voices of the audience affected the contestants' game, so the host and the commentator began to signal the majority of pinks in the microphone to be careful not to be too enthusiastic, so as not to affect the performance of the two teams, and focused on telling Lulu, an enthusiastic fan, to sit down quickly. Go back to your seat.Moreover, the on-site referee also suspended the game.

After completing her mission, Lulu naturally withdrew and retreated.The interruption of the game also made Lu Li interested in what happened during the game.

In the end, the narrator translated Lulu's words in the two languages, and Lu Li, who was a little confused and unwilling to fight, instantly understood that the beauty who suddenly appeared came for him!

The game room uses sound-proof materials. If you just shout from the outside, it is still difficult for the professional players sitting inside to hear clearly.However, it was Lulu's bold and somewhat inexplicable behavior that allowed Druri to hear her exact words from the narrator.

If you are confused, you are not worthy of being a king!
That's right, I'm playing games now, playing my favorite e-sports game!How much dry hair do I care?who I am?I am one of the only remaining fruits of Wang Daoliu's style of play!What should I do?I want to lead the team to win the game, and I want to carry forward the Wang Daoliu style of play!I want all fans to know... Lu Li is the number one ADC in China!

Hahaha!Lu Li was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed wildly. The abnormal performance of China's No. [-] ADC who was lost in this game also surprised his teammates a little.

As the heartthrob Qin Rou who joined the Brilliant team replacing Ye Ling, after seeing Lu Li's strange behavior, she couldn't help but asked curiously: "Xiao Lizi, why are you laughing so much? Don't you come up with your number one in the country?" With the style of ADC, we will definitely lose in this group match. Can you still laugh at this time?"

Lu Li had known for a long time that this new teammate who had worked with him for less than a year had an ambiguous personal relationship with his master brother, so he stopped laughing, turned his head and said mysteriously: "If I tell you, your sweetheart is here right now." In the stadium, believe it or not?"

This time it was Qin Rou's turn to be dumbfounded.After a while, she raised her head and glanced around in the auditorium, but was stopped by Lu Li.

"Don't look. He did come, and he has recovered all his memories! Well, let's not talk about this, just like you said, if we don't work hard in this game, we will give up the victory Our Huaxia team has fought against Korea for so many years, so we must not lose our momentum! The girl just now must have been entrusted by him to deliberately create this little chaos, in order to remind me, don't worry about things outside the game And messed up the mind.

And this episode also made me suddenly enlightened.Come on, heartthrob sister, let you see and see, I am also a strong person who can comprehend [status]! "

In the blink of an eye, Lu Li, who was a little absent-minded, had an earth-shaking change in his aura!At this time, he swept away the haze in his heart, his eyes were determined and resolute.He stared at the computer screen, muttering to himself:

"Under the reminder of my brothers and sisters, I was able to do something that my uncle hadn't done! Hahaha, it seems that few people can match my talent! Wang Daoliu's style of play, of course, is what I understand. [Royal State]!"

Qin Rou on the side suddenly saw that Lu Li seemed to be a different person. In addition, she knew that Wu Di had come to the scene, so she thought that the game was over, and she was also determined to fight with the leader of her team , come to turn things around!
Lu Li, who has entered a magical state, hastily adapted to this wonderful battle state, and then issued orders:

"Change tactics, adopt four guarantees and one tactic! Push forward in a group in the middle! In the first round, they will inevitably rely on their equipment and economic advantages to forcibly start a team battle. At that time, don't panic, fight steadily, and do your best to protect me! I I will lead everyone to defeat Team SOS!"

All the teammates thought that the game would be lost due to the abnormal performance of the ace, but they didn't expect that after being provoked by the beautiful fans, the heroic captain and ace broke out completely different from before. Their momentum greatly improved their self-confidence and morale.

"Okay! Captain, we can't let the Korean players underestimate us! Since we are going to fight, we have to have a good fight!"

As a result, all the teammates were like the German general manager Xinye who was holding a long gun and shouting "Falling into the battle until death and no life", aroused infinite passion in their hearts, and they were ready to complete the battle under the leadership of Lu Li. A seemingly difficult counterattack!

In the ensuing game, under the leadership of the domineering Lu Li, the energetic players launched a Jedi counterattack!

It is worth mentioning that Lu Li decisively changed the team's dual-core play style into a single-core four-guarantee-one tactic, which is indeed a stroke of genius.Originally, in Team Brilliant, although Lu Li was at the peak of his power and invincible in the country, in order not to put him under more pressure, the team's main tactic was to adopt a dual-core style of play—whether it was the former Ye Ling or the current Qin Rou, They are all top players in the mid laner.In this way, the opponent can be afraid of the target of the fire.

In a team battle, there is only one chance to deal a wave of fatal damage, and no matter who the opponent chooses as the focus target, the remaining core of the Bright team is enough to cause headaches for the opponent.

And Lu Li, who has entered a certain state, has suddenly improved a lot in strength again. He asked his teammates to temporarily change tactics, of course, he is also full of absolute confidence in himself!

The SOS team obviously saw the change in the opponent's tactics. After squinting for a while and watching the situation on the field and the performance of the opponent's biggest player, Li He also suggested: "Everyone, the opponent has changed their tactics and adopted a four-guarantee-one style of play. , although the difficulty of killing has increased a lot, it has also reduced our focus targets. Come on, don't hesitate, don't hesitate, we are ahead of everything now!"

Next, the SOS team and the Bright team launched a final battle in the middle.Due to the advantage, the SOS team took the lead in starting the team battle without mercy!

Twenty seconds later... Most of the local Korean audience in the venue thought that the SOS team would use this team battle to declare victory in the game, but they didn't expect that ten heroes on the field would complete the team battle. After the battle, there is only one person left!
This person is exactly the Holy Gun Ranger Lucian controlled by Lu Li!

he is alive! ***Alive?How can it be?All the fans, whether they were Koreans who supported Team SOS, or audiences from other countries who stood in a neutral position, were very surprised that the Holy Gun Ranger became the only remaining fruit of the team battle.

Looking at Lu Li's performance in the previous team battle, Wu Di also showed a knowing smile.

"Legend... the one bathed in blood is the phoenix, and the one that emerges from the cocoon is the king!
Brother Li was disturbed by my words, and his performance was abnormal, but at this moment, he stood out from the cocoon, and the sublimation of his mentality allowed him to comprehend a certain state!The rebellious army took the head of the general from it, and led their subordinates to overcome obstacles and sweep the battlefield!This is what a king can and should do!
In this team battle, Li Ge performed the kingly way of ruling the world to the fullest.In this team battle, while he didn't waste any output opportunities, he also escaped the opponent's siege by virtue of his extraordinary prediction and manipulation.Although the battle situation is extremely tragic, as long as the ADC he controls is still alive...he can sweep the battlefield!

Li Ge succeeded, great!Only a person like him who can afford and let go at any time can find his own kingly way! "

Of course, Wu Di and Lu Li are from the same lineage. Although they don't know what the name of the state Lu Li entered is, they both regard it as the "royal state"!
And after Team Brilliant won the team battle in the Jedi counterattack, their morale was like a rainbow, and they were united as one.In the following several team battles, each team member showed excellent team execution, and implemented the four guarantees and one tactic from beginning to end.

After 10 minutes, the ups and downs of the focus battle came to an end——Team Bright successfully completed the big counterattack, and they won the game!
Compared with this victory, what is more important is that the team's top card, Lu Li, finally took that solid step towards the top powerhouse by chance and coincidence!After the transformation, Lu Li and Wu Di, these two passionate men who practice kingship, also possess the top e-sports strength that shocks the world!
After the game, Qin Rou was distraught.Even, she didn't even bother to complete the routine of going to the SOS team's game room to shake hands after the game.She ran directly to the auditorium, trying to find the man who had been dreaming of her all this time.

Only a few people knew about Wu Di's departure from Korea. Because Qin Rou was preparing for the China Super League and the Champions League, Wu Di did not have time to tell her.It has been nearly two months since Wu Di came to South Korea, and there was no news about Wu Di, and Qin Rou had long been troubled. After learning that he came to the finals, of course, she wanted to see him as soon as possible.

But...Wu Di and the three of them had long since disappeared into the vast crowd.

Lu Li walked to Qin Rou's side, looked at her lonely expression and sighed in a low voice:

"Don't worry. The master brother has fully recovered, and he will find you sooner or later. He told me his plan. Today's competition is over, and I will tell you what he said verbatim. He didn't see you because he was afraid of accidents, don't forget what happened to him more than two years ago!"

After finishing speaking, Lu Li raised his head and glanced at a certain corner.And in that corner, all the members of the legendary team are gathering to discuss the group match that just ended!

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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