The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 437 The general trend

Chapter 437 The general trend
Following Lu Li's gaze, Qin Rou saw this controversial wealthy team.

This team has won four consecutive championships that no one has come before. If they successfully defend the title again this year, it will be an astonishing five consecutive championships!Although there are many unfavorable rumors about them from the outside world, their strength cannot be ignored.

Seeing this team, Qin Rou also thought of Wu Di's current situation.So she had to temporarily adjust her mood, and no longer insist on looking for Wu Di.

At this time, several members of the legendary team were talking about Lu Li's performance.

"Captain, China's No. 10 ADC is completely different in the first 10 minutes and the last [-] minutes. What do you think?"

Jones smiled coldly and said: "This guy is really not a fuel-efficient lamp. He actually understood the [status] during the battle. Heh, more and more players have mastered the status in this competition. That Huaxia named [Brother Shui] Old Antique is really not simple. One theory has changed the status quo of today's e-sports circle. By the way, is the Korean that the girl said just now really "If you are disturbed, you are not worthy of being a king"?"

A team member next to him nodded in affirmation: "Yes, captain, that's what the on-site commentator said."

Jones looked into the distance, thoughtful.After a while, he suddenly realized: "It's not right!"

Then, under the puzzled eyes of the team members, Jones went to a secluded place, took out his phone, and quickly made a call.

"Mr. Stephen, are you sure that Wu's original style of play was Wang Daoliu, the same person as China's number one ADC Lu Li?"

"Of course, Master Jones. The information obtained by our organization is never biased."

"Is Wu Di still at Huaxia Tianfu University?" Jones asked.

"Yes, he has been in school, and he no longer touches the game of League of Legends. This surprised us too. There is always an eyeliner we secretly arranged by his side, who will report his movements at any time. What's the matter? , Master Jones, you seem to doubt our ability to do things, are you questioning the information we provided?"

Jones paused, and then said: "I'm not doubting, I just feel that something is a bit strange... I'm afraid I'm worrying too much. By the way, Mr. Stephen, since Lu Li and Wu Di have a very good personal relationship, I suggest you also Put some eyeliner around him."

"Hehe, thanks to Master Law Jones' concern and reminder. We organize things and have our own policy. You can concentrate on your game. We will take care of things other than the game."

After saying this, Stephen hastily hung up the phone, which greatly dissatisfied the always proud Jones.

Damn it, you are one of the few people who dare to hang up on my phone.Forget it, a Lu Li probably won't be able to stop his father's monopoly plan.The people in that organization are extremely efficient, and I am indeed a little unfounded...

Not long after the three of Wu Di walked out of the gate of the venue, Jin Huien and Gao Tianxiu also stepped out of the venue, and stopped a taxi to return to South Korea's Chung-Ang University.

Gao Tianxiu, who was sitting in the car, thought about what he saw and heard just now, but still had no clue, so he turned his head and asked in a low voice to Jin Huien beside him:

"Just now Wu Youzhi stayed in two dark corners and in front of the men's toilet for a while. I saw three heavyweight professional players walking there. Sister Hui En, what do you think about this?"

Jin Huien has been in the e-sports circle for several years, and naturally knows the famous America's number one e-sports beauty Yuna and the world-famous "Goddess Knife" Wei Wei, but the third meeting place is in the men's room, she is too embarrassed to pay attention Who did Wu Di go to see.

"I don't know who the third person is. But of course I recognize Yuna and Weiwei. After meeting these two well-known beauties and Wu Youzhi, their expressions were very calm. On the surface, the relationship between them is not Intimacy is just some intersection. However, I am more and more convinced of your inference! May I ask, who in the entire e-sports circle can hook up with these top professional players? Could it be...he really came here Our e-sports department is going to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger to accomplish some ulterior purpose?"

Gao Tianxiu had a sullen face, and after careful consideration, he said:
"The third person he met was Lu Li, the number one ADC in China! Yuna, Wei Wei, and Lu Li, these three top professional players are the most influential figures in the American, European, and Chinese e-sports circles. He Come to see these three people? Heh! I am different from you now, I don’t believe that Wu Youzhi is that person anymore!
The reason is also very simple, if he is that guy, after meeting these three people, no matter what the talk is, with his personality, the faces of these three people will not be so calm at all!You know, that kid was a notorious bad boy in the e-sports circle back then, almost no professional player liked him! "

Jin Huien thought for a while, and analyzed: "Whether Wu Youzhi is that guy or not, I will help you pay attention. How can a newcomer to e-sports know so many big-name players? He went to the most prestigious e-sports in Korea. What is the purpose of coming here in the competition department, I must dig it out for this purpose!"


In the Champions League finals, after eight days of fierce competition, the final champion was decided.

With an unstoppable momentum, the legendary team passed all the way and defeated the strong enemy, and finally won the shocking five consecutive championships with an undefeated record!When Jones held up the championship trophy that symbolized the highest honor in the e-sports world, the whole world lamented that they created a history, created a dynasty, and turned these five years into their era!

The world's major e-sports professional media have sung praises for this, hyping up the bitter history of the legendary team's struggle and their inexhaustible achievements.

With the hype of the e-sports media, the consortium behind Jones and certain companies under the organization have also begun to welcome massive investments.When the e-sports industry is about to become an industry with a complete industrial chain, some big financial groups naturally do not want to miss this excellent investment opportunity, so they took out their checkbooks one after another and offered huge sums of money to sponsor the legendary team in order to take advantage of this team The impact of five consecutive championships to promote its own brand effect.

Suddenly, the threshold of the legendary club was almost broken.There are countless consortium companies who come to the door to show their favor and say that they will spend [-] to [-] million yuan.And that [organization] took advantage of this great opportunity to start a money laundering operation!They will also inject capital into the legendary team, and they will also invest huge sums of money in the name of their subsidiaries to obtain sponsorship rights, but then they will use their relationship to build the hardware facilities that the legendary team will expand or develop new player training software projects. Take it into your arms.In the end, in fact, his money returned to his own pocket after going around with the Legendary team, and he would make extra money without anyone noticing.

When the world's top consortiums realized that the e-sports industry has gradually become a huge industrial chain that does not suppress other mainstream industries, some business giants also began to meet frequently and discuss whether they need to enter the emerging industry of e-sports.Other big forces who have long been displeased with the consortium behind Legend and that organization have also begun to meet frequently to discuss how to resist the possible monopoly of e-sports!

The consortium and the [organization] behind the legendary team seem to be doing well on the surface, and they have a tendency to dominate the e-sports industry, but in fact their actions have attracted countless hostile eyes!The e-sports industry seems to be calm and the Legendary family dominates, but behind the scenes, there are turmoil, and all kinds of powerhouses are ready to move - they will not let a hostile force swallow the big cake of e-sports alone.

On the other side, Wei Wei and Yuna are also starting to act according to Wu Di's idea, but the original intentions of their actions are different.

Yuna wants her family to get a share of the e-sports pie in the hands of many tycoons, while Wei Wei is simply following Wu Di's arrangement and using her personal network to lobby everywhere.No matter how the two women act, these top financial groups have locked their investment targets in the most potential huge market-Huaxia Kingdom.

Various consortia and forces are secretly intriguing underground, and the world's major mainstream media have also begun to pay attention to the rise of the e-sports industry.These mainstream media, which usually only report on major national events and world situations, suddenly saw their peer e-sports media becoming popular, and turned their attention to the e-sports industry.And the deeds and news reported by these so-called laymen who don't understand e-sports are basically the same topics that professional e-sports media have used before.

Among them, what they reported the most and what people talked about most was the fact that the legendary team defeated the brilliant team three times in a row to win the world championship.

Among them, Wu Di's name was naturally used in various ways.The e-sports professional media used his name to deliberately exaggerate the legendary team's five consecutive championships, which is an amazing achievement that is harder than reaching the sky; while the mainstream media mentioned Wu Di's name, it is blindly following the trend, because it is exaggerated in disguise. The unrivaled achievement of a legendary team.

At the same time, after the legendary team achieved five consecutive championships, Jones has also become the most admired e-sports idol by fans who don't know the truth.Being able to lead the legendary team to the top of the e-sports world for five consecutive times, as the captain, Jones certainly has a lot to do.

On the Internet, fans from various countries have also started to argue, and one of the topics they debated the most is: Has the e-sports world been ruled by legendary teams and Jones?Next, will the legendary team win the sixth, seventh or even more world championship trophies?Has Wu Di, the former number one genius in the world, really stopped rising after sunset?


Lulu tore the newspaper in her hand into shreds, and said angrily to herself:

"What kind of media are these? I don't know anything, I just know to write nonsense! As a result, the fans' positions have begun to change. The support rate of the legendary team on the Internet has always been high? How slippery It's a big joke in the world!"

(End of this chapter)

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