Chapter 438

Wu Di sat in front of his computer in an even manner, and after completing the training of a subject in an orderly manner, he turned his head to comfort the aggrieved Lulu:

"Heh, you can control what those media say? You can't control it, so, let's keep calm and do what we should do. By the way, have you reviewed all the theoretical lessons of the e-sports department today? I think Those theories are of great help to you."

Lulu still puffed her cheeks, staring at the ball of torn newspapers in a daze. After hearing Wu Di's words, she came back to her senses: "Review? I'm very angry today, I don't have any thoughts Go study! Brother Wu Di, why are you so indifferent?
These media, whether it is professional e-sports media or mainstream media, are hyping up the legendary team and Jones, and they all use you as a negative example!They say that if you can understand what teamwork is, you will be the one standing on top of the e-sports world, not the legendary team. "

Wu Di stood up, stretched out his finger and tapped Lulu's forehead lightly, and said:

"Silly girl, if things can be done with just your mouth, do you still need to work hard and persevere? The higher they climb now, the better for us. You have to understand the principle of big trees attracting wind. Besides, I don't want to worry about anything now, I just want to study the ultimate state well... Opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared. In the e-sports world, if you want to dominate the world and complete the hegemony, you must not have strength. Since Team Legends and Jones reached this point with world champions, so... I'll fight them back in the same way!

Lulu, don't you like to read martial arts novels? Mr. Jin's most common sentence is... He lets him be strong, the breeze caresses the hills, he lets him down, and the moon shines on the river.

Everything can't go too far, the legendary team and that organization have come to an end, and what awaits them is the time of destruction! "

half year later.

The world of esports is changing.After Wu Di arranged everything, he also lived an ordinary and fulfilling life in the e-sports department of Chung-Ang University in South Korea.Although he repeats the three-point-one-line life of classrooms, dormitories, and cafeterias every day, he goes to the school playground every morning and when everything is quiet to practice physical exercises and fighting skills.Completely immersed in the pure e-sports life, he gradually fell in love with this kind of leisurely life in which he doesn't hear anything outside the window and only concentrates on e-sports.

In the past few months, Wu Di has completed all the training items of the e-sports department in a satisfactory manner, and never misses every tactical theory class. After this long and slightly boring study, he only feels that he has gradually Found the trick to integrate Bingxin state and Shashen state!

The state of Bingxin emphasizes the extreme tranquility, while the state of killing God requires maintaining an arrogant and hot heart. The two seem to have no common ground at all, but Wu Diling discovered the fusion of these two by virtue of his extraordinary talent. The key point of the state!
Bing Xin is the core, and the killing god is outside.

Use a terrifyingly quiet mentality to control the strongest offensive style of play, and use a calmness like a ten thousand-year ice cellar to offset the arrogance and arrogance in the killing god mode.Although he had tried this method before, he couldn't control it at all since his memory had not recovered; and after he fully recovered, with Wu Di's continuous efforts and attempts, he had successfully merged the two states together!
A new state is born!This wonderful realm of movement in stillness and stillness in movement also made Wu Di's mind more mature.For a moment, he thought of the Ice Emperor style of play that he had developed before recovering his memory.

There are three major characteristics of the Ice King style of play.

The first major feature is to give up the concept of first hand and second hand. While attacking, pay attention not to give the opponent an opportunity to take advantage of it, and when defending, pay close attention to whether the opportunity to attack appears!In short, attack when there is an opportunity, and wait for the opportunity when there is no opportunity.You don't need to be obsessed with blowing up your opponent as soon as you come up, and you don't have to worry about blindly defending the opponent's morale.There is no difference between the first move and the second move. What the Binghuang style of play really needs to do is to try every means to gain an advantage in the line.

The second major feature is the [Back to Basics] mentioned by Yun Wanwan.Whether it's laning or team battles, give up fancy skills and use the most primitive and effective basic operations to gain an advantage!Wu Di, who has fully recovered, is able to use all skills, and as he matures, he has long passed the age where he only wants to show off his skills for applause. Now he can judge the situation and use the most reasonable and effective skills or techniques on the court. It is a means to deal with opponents.

And the third characteristic of the Ice Emperor style of play is that with Bing Xin's calmness and calmness, he combines other styles of play that seem to be incompatible at all!
Due to their own personalities and characteristics, each professional player will be good at different styles of play, but generally speaking, they can only be divided into two categories: offensive and defensive.Extroverted players must like to attack and win the game by crushing; while introverted players will adopt a late-strike strategy and use a constant strategy to find the key points to win the game .But no matter what type of player it is, the style of play it is good at will eventually remain unchanged due to the personality of the professional player itself.Essentially speaking, the singleness of character makes the playing style of professional players no longer have variability, which also limits the development space of professional players in disguise.

You can't have an extroverted and cheerful pro who never takes the initiative to attack throughout the game, and you can't have an introverted and calm pro who suppresses the opponent from the beginning.This is determined by the personalities of professional players.

However, Wu Di has gone through a big change, and with the careful teaching of Yun Wanwan and his uncle, coupled with his own shocking comprehension and talent, he has successfully broken the shackles of this character-limited style of play!
He has successfully used his new state to master all styles of play that are mainly offensive or defensive!
When Wu Di successfully merged Bingxin state and Killing God state together, the Binghuang style of play he created also reached the state of Dacheng naturally.

At this time, he has already improved his e-sports strength by a large amount!And, he named this new state... [Ice Emperor State]!
When Wu Di had just finished playing an e-sports ranking match with the completed version of the Ice King Style, Lulu and Mu Piao Piao beside him had their eyes widened in surprise—in this ranking match Here, Wu Di's performance is impeccable!
His timing of advances and retreats has been perfected. Regardless of team factors, Wu Di's personal laning strength is completely beyond the cognition of the two women.

"It's too strong, Brother Wu Di, your style of play... makes no one find any flaws at all? The opponent obviously knows how powerful you are, and deliberately made targeted arrangements for you, but you can bypass them The traps he set helped his side win the game in an unexpected way...

Your current style of play... I always feel that there are shadows of various styles of play, but overall, you haven't implemented those styles of play consistently.But it is this variability that makes the other party unable to grasp your personal rhythm at all. "

Wu Di put down the mouse and smiled slightly: "Heh, Lulu, you have also grown. You can see this, which means that your strength has made a qualitative leap. That's right, in the ranking contest just now, I used There are no less than five styles of play. Moreover, I also saw that the opponent was planning tactics against me, so I responded in ways that they could not imagine. My style of play is called the Ice King style of play. Its main The characteristic is to give up some conceptual shackles, try to gain an advantage in online or team battles, and finally find the key points of the game, and turn the advantage into victory in one fell swoop."

"Brother Wu Di, I can understand what you said earlier. No matter which method is used, the first thing to do is to gain an online advantage during the laning phase. Otherwise, when entering the team battle phase, you will fall into a passive position. Because the equipment If you don't have an advantage in economics and economics, you can only take a defensive position in the team battle period in most cases. However, if you have the online advantage, you can increase the weight of victory in the team battle period.

But... What exactly do you mean by the [crucial point of winning or losing]?
According to my understanding, it refers to the team battle that determines the final outcome of the game? " Lulu asked curiously.

Wu Di laughed and explained patiently:
"This statement is half right and half wrong. Because your statement only stated the form of the key points of victory and defeat, but not its essence. That's why I made this evaluation. It is indeed as you said, but the final victory or defeat Before the decision is made, there will be a key team battle. The winner of this key team battle will also become the final winner of the game. There is no doubt about this.

But my Ice King style of play and the supporting Ice King state are able to accurately find out when is the best time to start a team!
The dominant side will inevitably play more aggressive in the later stage of action, and is not afraid of the last blow of the inferior side, but as long as it is aggressive, there will be flaws!Maybe it's a hero's positioning error, maybe it's a hero's core control skill that isn't released properly, in short, there must be a flaw that can be exploited by the disadvantaged side!As long as this fleeting flaw is grasped, the disadvantaged side will be able to turn the tide and recover all the disadvantages through a team battle!
On the contrary, if the dominant side acts in a unified manner and fights steadily, the disadvantaged side will have no chance.In this way, the key points of victory and defeat will be firmly in the hands of the dominant side.

Therefore, I emphasize why we need to establish an online advantage during the laning period, because only in this way can we ensure that the initiative is in our own hands.And what I call the key point of victory or defeat is the timing of the last team battle!
Of course, there are more variables in the qualifying match in the public server, because they are passers-by and their actions will not be unified, so even if they win the key team battle, they may lose the chance of victory due to various waves in the end.My theory is more used in professional leagues. "

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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