The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 439 Yin Xueer Visits

Chapter 439 Yin Xueer Visits

After Lulu heard the words, she buried her head in deep thought, then immediately raised her head and said excitedly:

"I understand! Look at my expression, right? When we usually conduct public server qualifying matches, such a situation often occurs-your top laner has an advantage; your own mid laner has an advantage; your bottom laner and Playing in the jungle still has the advantage. But even if all the routes of our side have the advantage, sometimes we still cannot win the final victory of the duel!
And the reason for this is also very simple.Because in the qualifying matches of passers-by, most amateur players, no matter how high their personal level is, after entering the team battle period, their actions are not uniform, and they cannot find the so-called key points of victory or defeat, so they cannot Turn your advantage into a win. "

Wu Di nodded affirmatively and said: "That's right. Many amateur players have actually made a cognitive mistake when they complain about their teammates' lack of power. How. Both sides are passers-by, there is no unified command, and the teamwork is not high, so the key factor for winning the qualifying match depends on which side makes fewer mistakes! Knowing that the other party will form a group, there is no vision Going to fight wild monsters or ward in places, so that you are instantly killed by your opponent; knowing that a certain hero of the opponent has a great advantage, you still insist on killing the opponent solo, but you are killed instead; knowing that your side is at a disadvantage, still Take the lead in starting a team without fear, leaving your core output heroes with no protection or output space at all... Such examples emerge in endlessly. In fact, in my opinion, as long as the amateur players who play on the public server have a little bit of teamwork awareness, it will not be difficult. If the waves don't spray, it is still very easy to score.

That's a long way off, so I'll continue with what I just said.In professional leagues, you often see such a phenomenon—the economic gap between the two sides is very large, even more than [-] gold coins, but the disadvantaged side can use the opportunity of winning a team battle to win the final victory, which shows that They have grasped the [crucial points of victory and defeat] very well.

The appearance of key points of victory and defeat is also very particular.Usually, it will appear in the battle for the dragon, and the attack and defense battle under the tower.

But there are also special examples, such as a very classic comeback case in the early years, I don’t know if you still remember it.

Team A pushed down the two defense towers in front of Team B's main base, and could directly destroy the main base to win the game. However, due to the loss of the last key team battle, Team B started a Jedi counterattack. After the team wiped out Team A, They pushed from the middle all the way to the high ground of the A team.From the point of view of the situation, Team B can already complete a shocking reversal.But... After the five members of Team A were revived, they made an astonishing move!Among their five heroes, there is a hero who carries teleportation, and there is also Shen who can teleport next to his teammates with his ultimate move!

So, the hero carrying [Teleport] used his minions to teleport to the opponent's main base first, and then Shen Ya followed closely and came to the enemy's main base.The two-man team started the final demolition work, while the remaining three teammates stayed at their bases to hold off the opponent's tower demolition operation.

In the end, Team A won, because their ingenious teleportation tactics made the efforts of Team B go to waste...

I use this example to tell you that in actual combat, theory must also stand the test of practice.The [key points of winning or losing] that I emphasized will also change according to the situation at that time.But... now, I can still see clearly and find the only key point that can determine the outcome of the game!Even, for the special case I mentioned just now, I can calculate everything in advance! "

Lulu silently listened to Wu Di's words thoughtfully, and Mu Piaopiao beside him also listened with great interest, showing a concentrated expression.However, when the two of them learned that Wu Di had actually been able to discern the [crucial point of winning or losing], the two women still sighed.

After explaining to the two girls, Wu Di rubbed his stomach and suggested going out for a Korean barbecue.

Of course, Lulu would not refuse any reasonable request from Wu Di, so she took him and Mu Piaopiao out of the dormitory together.

But... when they walked to the gate of the student apartment, they found a beautiful figure waiting there for a long time.

A tall female student with a height of nearly 1.7 meters faced the three of Wu Di with her back. Her perfect curves and shoulder-length hair made the passing students exclaim.This female student is the recognized number one beauty in the e-sports department——Yin Xueer.

Of course, the three of Wu Di didn't think that the girl from the e-sports department came to chat with them, so when they passed by her, they gave her a curious look, and then strode away.But just when Wu Di took two steps, Yin Xueer said in Korean:

"Please wait, classmate Wu."

Lulu, who was acting as a verbal interpreter, saw that the beautiful woman had named Wu Di by name, and suddenly felt a sense of vigilance in her heart. She stepped forward, stood in front of Wu Di, squeezed out a forced smile, and asked softly. road:
"Hello, are you classmate Yin Xueer? Classmate Wu doesn't know Korean, so I can act as your translator. May I ask what you can do with him?"

Yin Xueer shrank her chin down, and politely responded with a small smile.This subtle gesture indicates that her tutor is excellent.

"That's great. I'm not good at communicating with boys, and I'm a bit embarrassed because of the language barrier. I came to Wu to talk about the game just now. It's not a big deal. Lulu can I can't thank you enough for being my translator."

Yin Xueer is very humble, which made Lulu, who wanted to embarrass her a little bit, too embarrassed to act too much, so she also smiled and said:

"Okay. But we didn't pay attention, so you are the jungler just now."

"'s inconvenient for us to stand here and talk, can we go to classmate Wu's dormitory?" Yin Xueer suggested.

Lulu asked Wu Di for her opinion. Although the three of them were a little surprised at the sudden arrival of this beautiful woman, they agreed to her proposal out of politeness.

After arriving in Wu Di's bedroom, Yin Xueer did not sit down, but maintained a ladylike standing posture, and asked straight to the point:
"Student Wu, are you really just a rookie in e-sports?"

Wu Di was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said: "You say yes, you say no...I don't deny it either."

To the surprise of Lulu's two daughters, Yin Xueer agreed with this ambiguous answer.

"Very good, I am very satisfied with Wu's quick talk. Then I will open the window and speak out. Through the duel with Wu just now, I can see that Wu is obviously not a newcomer to e-sports. On the contrary, what Wu has shown It's impossible for you to appear on your sophistication if you don't have several years of professional league training.

In addition, I know your true identity perfectly!Of course, I didn't come here as a threat, but I have something to ask - I want you to help me, contact the professional team in the China Super League! "

As soon as these words came out, the three of Wu Di were shocked on the spot.

Did this girl know Wu Di's real identity?She came here because she wanted Wu Di to contact Huaxia Kingdom's super team?
For a moment, a vigilant look appeared in Wu Di's eyes.

"Student Yin Xueer, do you say you know who I am? Then please tell me, who am I? Where did you know it? If you can't explain these two questions clearly, I don't think we need to continue communicating gone."

Yin Xueer smiled, and replied without stopping:
"You are Wu Di, the number one genius in the world! Then, I came to this conclusion after studying all the videos of your e-sports ranking competitions in the past six months."

If what Yin Xueer said is true, then Wu Di has to admire the insight of this Korean girl.But he didn't believe it easily:

"Oh? I don't know what you're talking about, classmate Yin Xueer. I'm not Wu Di."

At this time, Yin Xueer smiled mysteriously, took out a USB flash drive under the gaze of the three of them, and after obtaining Wu Di's consent, silently inserted it into Wu Di's computer, and then she skillfully clicked out a video file , and press the play key.

Two 10 minutes later.

The expressions of Lulu and Mu Piaopiao were somewhat normal, but Wu Di showed an expression of extreme shock!

In this video, after Wu Di lost his memory, he recorded the highlights of all the competitions he participated in in the past two and a half years!Including all the qualifying competitions he has played in the e-sports department for the past six months!
Yin Xueer seemed very satisfied with Wu Di's surprised expression, so she laughed softly:

"This video should explain the problem, right? You may still be a little unbelievable, how could I get these videos? In fact, you underestimated your influence back then. You have tens of millions of fans, and I am one of them One. And it is precisely because of your amazing performance that I chose the thorny road of e-sports. Because of this, I pay special attention to your every move, including your whereabouts after the accident that year. To be honest, I also I know it clearly!
You don't have to doubt whether I can get these videos, because I have this ability...Gao Tianxiu, you still have an impression, now he has become prosperous in Huaxia Kingdom, although the Gao Group behind him is The top three conglomerates in South Korea, but the Yin Group behind me is the number one conglomerate in Korea.

So ah, I have said so much, you are smart, you should know what I want to do. "

Wu Di put the information together and went through it in his mind, and soon discovered Yin Xueer's real purpose.With his identity exposed, he already knew what Yin Xueer wanted to do, so he also calmed down and said with a smile:

"Student Yin Xueer, do you think my inference is correct?

First, when you came to me, you just wanted to use my hand to help you connect, so that the Yin Group behind you can enter the Chinese e-sports circle?The Gao Group has been here for more than half a year, and your Yin Group has only now made up its mind. It seems that you already have a good development plan?Presumably the Gao Group, which plays the role of asking for directions, has provided you with enough important reference information.

Second, since the Yin Group has learned all the information about me, it has neither sent charcoal in the snow, nor made trouble, and has been in a wait-and-see state. At this moment, it is a little impatient to enter the Chinese e-sports circle. All these signs show that ...That [organization] seems to have touched your bottom line!You want to beat it?Or, do you want to replace it? "

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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