The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 440 Hidden in the DPRK

Chapter 440 Hidden in the DPRK
Yin Xueer's eyes widened, and she looked at the Chinese man in front of her in disbelief.

A few years ago, this man was just an arrogant kid who was the only one in the world. Unexpectedly, a few years later, he has become so powerful.She squinted her eyes, thinking quickly:

"Oh? It seems that amnesia didn't make you regress, but also made you improve a lot? Your analysis is correct. Our Yin Group never fights uncertain battles! The Gao Group seems to have taken the lead, but You can't grab any one of the right time, place and people!
In addition, the "organization" you mentioned is indeed harmful to the interests of our group, and it is only natural for us to ignore you.

As the number one talent in the world, you are the biggest obstacle preventing our Korean team from winning the world championship!

In the e-sports world, the champion is supreme.Without the title of world champion, all investments are likely to be in vain.

However, don't worry, whether it's from a personal point of view or from the general situation, we will not take action against you, the first day in the world who has not yet recovered!You are still one of the sharpest weapons we have against that organization and the legendary team. "

Wu Di was silent, his brain was running fast, and soon he made a plan, ready to let the wisher of the daughter of the Yin Group take the bait!
So, he stood up slowly, stared intently at Yin Xueer's bright eyes, raised the corner of his mouth, and said in a stern voice:
"Oh, you guys won't shoot at me? But why do I feel that you Koreans can't get away from what happened back then!"

As soon as these words came out, Yin Xueer was immediately speechless.Although she did not directly participate in the shocking conspiracy against Wu Di back then.But as far as she knew, a certain Korean team did contribute secretly and became an accomplice of Jones and that organization!
"How do you know?" Yin Xueer settled down and asked the bottom line.

Wu Di laughed, and replied: "I wasn't sure at first, but Miss Yin's words have proved my inference! The Korean team really participated in the incident back then! As for how I know, it's not difficult to infer." At that time, my brilliant team and Jones' legendary team met again in the finals. The attention of both sides was on each other, and they had no time to take into account the situation outside the court.

I clearly remember that when my accident happened, although the broadcast screen in the game room had been tampered with, not far outside the game room were the exclusive seats for the major teams!They are so close to the game, even if they can't see the whole incident, they will definitely notice my abnormality!There is no impenetrable wall in the world. They are so close to the competition room, how could they not notice my abnormality?As a result, they all became deaf and dumb in the end!

Why didn't they respond to the organizing committee immediately?Didn't question any official organization in the first place?There is only one answer, they have long disliked me, so they secretly reached a consensus with the legendary team to eliminate me in the finals!

And they chose to keep silent and not comment on the cause of my accident, because they were also one of the accomplices!

Dear Miss Yin Xueer, do you think my analysis is correct? "

Yin Xueer's eyes widened, she stared straight at Wu Di's clear eyes, her heart was racing like a thousand horses and could not be calm for a long time!Because Wu Di's analysis is exactly the same as the information she has!
Although the game room is a sound-proof room specially set up to allow professional players to participate in the game with peace of mind, most of the game rooms in e-sports venues are not fully enclosed structures!

At that time, during the match at the [King] e-sports stadium in Los Angeles, the audience might not be able to see the situation inside, but the major professional teams sitting not far away would definitely be able to see clearly at a glance when Wu Di had an accident!
Wu Di paused, and then said:

"When I saw you, I remembered one thing! Although I am in a state of amnesia, I can't remember many things. But I clearly remember that a man named Yin Xiangtie in the KKT team was sitting at the front! And I don't need to explain what relationship this man has with you. "

" have fully recovered?" Yin Xue'er changed the subject abruptly, asking a question without beginning or end.

Wu Di smiled lightly and shook his head: "After being plotted against by you guys who are in league with that [organization], I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to return to the previous state! However, I also want to remind you, whoever offends me, I will Give it back a hundredfold!"

Yin Xueer's expression froze, and she asked softly, "You want to take revenge on the Korean team so much?"

Hearing this, Wu Di laughed even more unscrupulously.

"Haha, what's the matter? Afraid that I will find out the truth and retaliate? Heh, you don't have to worry about it at all, because I'm just an ordinary e-sports player. How can I have the capital and qualifications to challenge you big consortiums and powers? But , I am free to express my [respect] to the Korean team!"

From the beginning to the end, Wu Di behaved no differently from her previous self, whether it was words or actions. After Yin Xueer saw that Wu Di was still as arrogant and conceited as before, she felt relieved and rejoiced.Because this kind of Wu Di is the easiest to be exploited, irritated, and caught by others!

Lulu next to Wu Di looked at Wu Di in surprise while acting as an important translator.Through the performance just now, she felt that she seemed to be unable to grasp the increasingly black-bellied brother Wu Di...

After some calculations in her mind, Yin Xueer proposed:

"Wu Di, it's useless to talk more. I know you really want to make a comeback, but you don't have the financial resources at all! In this way, I will make a fair deal for you, on the premise that you can put down your guard against me! Because you had an accident back then, and I have nothing to do with it. Any relationship! To be precise, you were still an e-sports idol in my heart back then!"

Wu Di raised his eyebrows, his arrogance was beyond words.

"You? Are you worthy of making a deal with me? An unknown person, what qualifications do you have to make a deal with me, who is the first person in the world?"

Yin Xueer was neither angry nor surprised, she smiled and said: "Of course I am not qualified. The Yin Group behind me is absolutely qualified, right?"

Hearing this, Wu Di lowered his head on purpose, pretending to be troubled.After a while, this proudly raised his head and said:
"How do you want to trade?"

Yin Xueer, who didn't know the truth, saw that Wu Di seemed to have taken the bait, so she happily smiled and said:
"It's very simple. You help our Yin Group enter the Chinese e-sports circle. We will provide you with a sum of money so that you can pull up a team by yourself so that you can make a comeback! You should not refuse this condition. Because in That's what you did half a year ago! All the materials of the aborted [King's Team] are still in my hands."

At this moment, Yin Xueer's demeanor changed quietly, and she was not at all the obedient girl that was widely rumored in the e-sports department.Now she is smooth enough and sophisticated enough!

Wu Di clapped his hands, and sighed intentionally: "Ha, the famous number one beauty in the e-sports department, it is rumored that she is not good at talking to people at all, and she is very shy by nature, it seems that she is just pretending. Your acting skills can be compared to Oscar Oh, the queen of the movie."

Yin Xueer replied: "The disguise is just to enable myself to better achieve my goal. Well, let's stop talking nonsense. Do you agree or disagree with my deal?"

Wu Di stood where he was, feigning a thoughtful frown.After a while, he said slowly:

"Tell me the specific figures, how much money have you prepared for me? I thought about it, and this question is the most critical."

Yin Xueer immediately stretched out five fingers, and said, "50 RMB."

"50? Are you sending beggars away? Could it be that I, the number one genius in the world, is only worth 50? Sorry, it seems that you are not sincere at all, we have nothing to talk about! Slow down, don't give it away!"

Wu Di showed his arrogance to the fullest, even Yin Xueer, who is quite good at acting, couldn't tell that Wu Di was acting!

However, Yin Xueer seemed to know that Wu Di would resolutely refuse, so she smiled coldly again and said:

"50... Just kidding, with your reputation as the number one genius in the world, you must look down on this price. I won't go around with you anymore. 500 million yuan! Before the matter is completed, half of the down payment will be paid. Pay the other half, and you can sign a written contract! This is the final decision after our discussion, and I believe this figure is enough for you to build a team with impressive combat power!"

If it was before, Wu Di might be really tempted by this 500 million, but now that he has fully recovered, he knows what he wants and what he wants to do, so he pretends to be extremely tempted by this number. Appearance, but actually have another plan in mind.

"Heh! With such a big hand, the Huaxia National Team you are looking at must not be a mid-lower team? Let me guess... If I want to help, then there must be someone closely related to me in this team Existence; and the money given to me is so big, then this team must also be one of the top three in the China Super League... In summary, the team you are looking at is my tall, rich and handsome junior. The... Brilliant Team?"

As soon as these words came out, no matter how deep Yin Xueer was in the city, she was shocked by Wu Di's logical reasoning ability.As he said, after analyzing all the teams in the China Super League, Yin's Group definitely believes that the Brilliant team is the most suitable for them to invest in!

Team Brilliant has been heavily in debt due to its rapid development. The most urgent problem at present is to obtain investment to solve the debt problem. On the other hand, Team Brilliant has performed exceptionally well in the past two years and has a good reputation in China and the world. , so such a well-known team that needs money has become a piece of fat coveted by the Yin Group.

"Although you are not a healthy person...but you are indeed very powerful. That's right, we do want your help to contact Lu Li and Team Bright. We know that you and Lu Li have a very good friendship, but if once If he makes up his mind to help us, the success rate of this matter will be greatly improved!" Yin Xueer narrowed her eyes slightly, and said so...

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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