The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 441 Hidden in the DPRK

Chapter 441 Hidden in the DPRK
Wu Di laughed wildly and unrestrainedly, and said contemptuously:

"You and your Yin Group still underestimate my appetite! Although 500 million is already a lot in the eyes of many people, in my eyes, it is still worthless! How much does a top-level venue cost? ?How much does an advertisement cost? 500 million is only enough to put a gap between your teeth! And you want me to do Lu Li's work, even if I persuade him, how can he help you?
He is just a professional player, what can he do for you? "

When Yin Xueer saw that there was something in Wu Di's words, the corner of her mouth twitched, and she said with a light smile:
"The hearts of the people are not enough. Do you think 500 million is too little? Or do you think our Yin Group is being taken advantage of, and you can bargain with us casually? Also, although Lu Li is only a professional player, he can do many, many things …You don’t understand investment and finance, and you don’t understand the commercial value of top professional players, so please don’t debate this issue with me.”

At this time, Wu Di turned his body around, turned his back to Yin Xueer, and blinked vigorously at Lulu.Lulu immediately understood, and persuaded from the side:

"Brother Wu Di... I think Miss Yin Xueer's conditions are quite generous! 500 million is not a small amount. With this money, you can reorganize the king's team and make it bigger and stronger. What you have to pay The price is nothing more than talking and persuading the number one ADC in China. If you calculate it carefully, you are very cost-effective!"

Wu Di deliberately showed a embarrassed expression, while Lulu kept persuading Wu Di from the side, which made Yin Xueer happy already.Before she came to Wu Di, she had already made enough preparations.

She knew that Wu Di had a huge amount of income that belonged to him that was hacked by the boss of the brilliant team, so his financial situation must not be optimistic.Moreover, his team has been disbanded, and now he must be trying his best to raise money to reorganize the team.It was for these reasons that Yin Xueer came to find Wu Di and proposed a deal to him.

Five hundred and five yuan is not even a drop in the bucket for the Yin Group, and even Yin Xueer's annual pocket money is much higher than this value.Yin Xueer predicted that Wu Di's financial situation must be poor, and the team she had worked so hard to build could not survive, so she thought that Wu Di was just taking advantage of his tongue, but in fact, his heart was already moved by this price.Coupled with the fact that the Barbie-like girl has been doing his job, Yin Xueer believes that Wu Di will accept it soon!

When Wu Di saw that the double reed opera with Lulu was almost finished, it was time to end, so he had no choice but to pretend to be unwilling, and reluctantly agreed: "Forget it, for Lulu's sake, I will promise you."

【snort!Boiled duck... mouth hard! 】

Then, Yin Xueer and Wu Di discussed the specific matters for a while, and then hurriedly left his room.

"Brother Wu Di, do you really want to help Yin Xueer and Yin's Group?" Lulu asked curiously after finishing the play.

"Of course I want to help! Of course I know what they want to do. The professional teams of the China Super League seem to have a bright future, but in fact investors have encountered a huge bottleneck. They have to face threats from overseas consortiums and They have to face the practical problems of team management and development. The handful of top professional players are the chips they can use to make a big fuss.

Don't worry, I have a plan.Now, I want to tell you another thing - it's time for us to go back to China! "

Wu Di looked out of the window and looked at the sky, and the heroic feeling that had been suppressed for a long time also surged in his heart.

"Ah? Don't you want to get a diploma from the e-sports department before going back? Hehe, you said you wanted to get a diploma before." Lulu joked, but her brows were still full of anticipation for her upcoming return to China.

"No need. As I said, I came to South Korea to recover. Now that I have fully recovered and improved my e-sports strength again, my task has been completed. Next, it's time for me to officially come back!"

Wu Di clenched his fists.Of course he knows that the road ahead is full of dangers and difficulties, but for his great e-sports dream and for the e-sports cause of Huaxia Kingdom, he will stand up without hesitation!

Lulu saw that Wu Di had made up her mind, so she clapped her hands happily and shouted loudly:
"Great! The first day in the world is on the way again! E-sports fans all over the world, where are your screams?"

After finishing speaking, this ghostly girl immediately imitated those fanatical fans and started shouting and screaming loudly.Those who didn't know thought that there was an incident of molestation in Wu Di's dormitory.This also provoked Wu Di to quickly stop her escape behavior in a dumbfounding manner.

"Lulu! What are you doing! If your supporters think that I have molested you and come to me to accuse me, I can't afford it. You are also one of the celebrities in the e-sports department now .”

"Oh, I'm just happy...purely happy, really, brother Wu Di, I've been dreaming about the day when you can officially come back! Once, I thought I would never see this day again, but now I can see it with my own eyes! Think about it differently, if you were me, you would be so excited!" Lulu pouted, but her eyes were full of joy.

Wu Di looked at Lulu with a smile. In his heart, this girl with an angelic face has always been very supportive of him, and he also yelled the slogan that made him feel a little ashamed... However, it's not about caring about the love of his children right now. when!
Wu Di withdrew his smile and said solemnly:

"This matter has to be discussed in the long run. Because once I announce my official comeback, I will become the target of public criticism again. My memory has completely recovered. In my impression, not only the professional players from other countries are very hostile to me before, but even the Chinese people Among the professional players, a large part of them sneered at me.

Therefore, in order to make the enemy underestimate the enemy, I still have to continue to appear in front of the world wearing that [arrogant] mask.In this way, I will naturally be controversial. "

Lulu was puzzled, and asked suspiciously: "Why did you do this? You have finally become a mature man who understands right and wrong, why do you still pretend to be as humble as before?"

Wu Di smiled and flicked Lulu's forehead lightly:
"Hey! I knew that you, like everyone else, thought I was indecent before! You see, when you are in a hurry, you can tell the truth immediately."

Lulu covered her forehead, pretended to be in pain, and said coquettishly: "Oh, although you were arrogant and domineering before, at least your nature is not bad. I don't think you are indecent. Also, playing hurts others Brother Wu Di, you have to pay for medical expenses!"

"I'm not joking. Let me tell you the truth. The reason why I pretend that my personality hasn't changed a lot is to confuse those opponents and enemies! You saw it just now, that Yin Xue'er thinks she can figure out my temper , step by step to set me up, I pretended to be hooked. But in fact, she will never be aware of my real purpose!
Since I want to fulfill that dream, is understandable to be a little black-bellied.

What did you say?It seems that the original words are... the small hermit hides in the wild, the middle hides in the city, and the big hermit hides in the court.

These three [hermits], large, medium and small, are the three spiritual realms of hermits.

People who see through life often want to live a life of seclusion.There is no competition with the world, so some people disarm and return to the field, this is Xiaoyin;

Living in seclusion in the noisy market, ignoring others and the noise, so as to seek peace of mind, this is Zhongyin;
As an official in the court, facing the filth and strife of the world, he can maintain a pure and remote state of mind, not contending with the world, not messing with the world, and living a leisurely life. This is the highest state of seclusion. Such a person is the real Hermit, so called "big hermit".Since I want to confront those who are good at intrigues and tricks head-on again, I naturally have to achieve this realm of great hermit! "

Lulu and Mu Piao Piao were stunned by Wu Di's words at the same time.

It never occurred to them that although Wu Di has been reticent in the past six months, obsessed with improving his e-sports skills and ignoring world affairs, he has actually become extremely mature in his heart.

At this time, the way Lulu looked at Wu Di was already a little different.But...Wu Di didn't confront her directly, but told her: "You two, you can make preparations now. After booking the air tickets and dealing with other matters, we will return to China in the next two days!"

noon the next day.

Just as Wu Di was sitting in the dormitory, waiting for Lulu and Mu Piaopiao to deliver the air tickets, there was a hasty knock on the door of his room.Wu Di hurriedly opened the door to have a look, only to find that Lulu was panting heavily with a flustered expression.

"what happened?"

"Brother Wu Di, it's over. Don't blame me! When I went to the leader of the e-sports department to go through the withdrawal procedures, because Jin Huien has been sneering at you, saying that you are just a deserter and cannot go through the cruel professional baptism. It’s good to return to China early, and their e-sports department doesn’t have to bear the charge of [improper education]. I was in a hurry, so... I told you your real identity! I think, you are the first person in the world to condescend to come to e-sports Studying in the department gave them great face... In the end, when Jin Huien found out that you were Wu Di, she smiled instead of anger, and proposed to let the students of the e-sports department come to pay their respects to the [former] world No. [-] One day! Even, she has notified the Korean professional players she is familiar with, saying that before you return to China, they will come to experience your strength together! She also said... If you dare not challenge, you can only prove that Huaxia's electrician The professional players in the competition are...all paper tigers!

I got into a big disaster this time... I didn't expect Jin Huien to do this. "

Lulu drooped her head, a little embarrassed to face Wu Di.Wu Di laughed, waved his hands and said:
"Haha, if you come, you will be safe. Don't blame yourself, I really want to meet those old Korean friends before leaving!
By the way, Jin Huien means that those professional players and e-sports students want to compete with me? "

"En! That's what she means. And her purpose is clear at a glance! She just wants to use the wheel to fight, make you exhausted, and finally send a top expert to defeat you in one fell swoop! As long as you lose, they will be happy. As for the method, They don't care at all!"

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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