Chapter 442
It was the twelfth lunar month of winter, and there was already heavy snow falling outside the window. Lulu breathed out, feeling very guilty—she didn't want Wu Di to be played with by the Koreans with a cart wheel before returning to China.

"Wheel battle? Hehe, this is a good idea."

Wu Di looked at the ground thoughtfully, thinking of countermeasures in his heart.

"Are you still laughing? Oh, it's all my fault, brother Wu Di, let's... let's just leave!" Lulu was going to use the strongest of the 36 tricks——walking is the best strategy!
But Wu Di flatly rejected the proposal.He already had an idea in his heart, he couldn't help laughing and said:

"That's not right. You girl, I just told you that Dayin is going to hide in the court. These Koreans like to use me to sacrifice flags and use me to perform surgery. Then come. Before the comeback, come up with a big deal!
So, Lulu, you didn't make a mistake, on the contrary, you did me a big favor. "

Seeing the confidence on Wu Di's face, Lulu asked doubtfully:
"Are you planning to deal with those Koreans? Or because of my recklessness, you just figured out a way to deal with it?"

Wu Di smiled mysteriously and said:

"Of course it's a matter of course. I didn't expect that you, who are cautious, would pose a problem for me. But the boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge. Since they intend to make things difficult for me, I will come along and let them be the appetizer for my comeback!

Isn't it just a wheel battle, nothing to make a fuss about.They wanted to realize this strategy, but they ignored an important factor!If the wheel battle is to take effect, it has to be delayed for a long time, and I just don't give them any chance to delay! "

After lunch, there was already a familiar figure standing at the door of Wu Di's room——Jin Huien.

"The first day in the world came to our e-sports department. It's really beyond our expectations. But do you think it makes sense to do so? Well, we don't want to investigate too much why you sneaked into our e-sports department, just ah , in order to thank us for taking care of you for more than half a year, you have to make some contributions to our e-sports department.

Classmate Wu, oh, no, it's Classmate Wu Di!More than 100 people in our e-sports department are all adoring your name, and no less than dozens of people have found me, asking me to contact you to see if I can give you a mentoring session before you return to China game? "

Jin Huien got straight to the point and told the reason directly.

Without the slightest hesitation, Wu Di agreed, "No problem! I have borrowed your land for more than half a year, and I have also learned some of the essence of Korean e-sports. I still have to repay this kindness. Your so-called mentoring game is a single game." Challenge?"

Jin Huien was stunned for a moment, then squeezed out a hypocritical smile and said:
"Of course it's a one-on-one match. You can't make it into a team match if you are alone and don't have suitable teammates. Don't rush to agree, except that the students of our e-sports department have admired you for a long time and want to compete with you." In addition to asking for advice, our Korean professional players were also shocked and pleasantly surprised by your arrival, so they also asked me to contact you to see if we can talk to your e-sports students after you have mentored students from the e-sports department. Gathering with old friends? Of course, using a heads-up match to show your respect is exactly the way these professional players are most willing to use."

To Jin Huien's surprise, Wu Di laughed without hesitation, and readily agreed:
"No problem! Shout out to anyone who can come! I also want to meet these defeated generals who have been defeated by me! If they still want to feel uncomfortable in my hands, I will accompany you! Oh, yes, it depends on you As the deputy director of the e-sports department, for the sake of taking care of me for so long, let me give you a piece of advice! You'd better not bring your wishful man, Li He, here.

This kid is promising now, and he is already the number one e-sports idol in Korea. If he is beaten to shame again in front of me, it will be embarrassing.This is my special care for Director Jin, a friendly reminder to you. "

Jin Huien's lungs were about to explode.

If Wu Di just looked down on the students of the e-sports department, or other professional players in the Korean e-sports circle, she would still be able to hold her breath.But Wu Di didn't open which pot and which pot to mention, but named Li He by name and said that Li He should not make fun of himself, which made her furious immediately.With a sullen face, she responded with a fake smile:

"Okay, great! Since the first person in the world is willing to accept all the challenges, then at eight o'clock tonight, we will be waiting for you in the lecture theater of the e-sports department! At that time, I will elect five student representatives and arrange five I don’t know if you agree with this arrangement? Of course, if the first person in the world thinks that we Koreans are doing something wrong and deliberately arrange round-the-clock battles to embarrass you, you can also reject me on the spot!
But I also said my ugly words before - I have notified the familiar local e-sports media, and they will arrive at the scene tonight to report on the heads-up match.Let me also give you a piece of advice, our Korean e-sports media likes to use [exaggerated] reporting methods the most!If you refuse to take part in the challenge, the next day you see in the media such things as [the world's No.重] For these titles, don’t blame me for not reminding you beforehand. "

Wu Di laughed arrogantly: "Hahaha, don't use aggressive tactics, don't worry, I will definitely fight! How many rounds can a group of Korean punks go in my hands?"

Wu Di's words were sharp and ear-piercing, Jin Huien didn't want to make trouble here anymore, so he stomped his feet and walked away.

At this time, the news that the Huaxia freshman from Huaxia who came to the e-sports department to study is the world's number one genius has spread like wildfire. The students in the entire apartment showed expressions of surprise and joy after seeing Jin Huien leave. .

They huddled in the aisle of the apartment, wanting to step up and take a closer look at the once biggest player in the e-sports world, but they dared not take that step lightly because of their feelings.Many students pointed and commented on Wu Di from a distance away.

Seeing this, Lulu unceremoniously pulled Wu Di into the room, closed the door, and it immediately became much cleaner.

"Brother Wu Di, are you really going to compete with those students and professional players? They made it clear that they want to embarrass you with chariots. You are certainly strong, but your energy is always limited alone. I'm afraid you won't be able to persist." So long."

Wu Di smiled confidently and said:
"Didn't I say it before? If the exhaustion tactics of wheel-to-wheel battles are to be effective, they must be able to hold me back. But do you think students from the e-sports department, or those professional players, have a few more in terms of personal strength?" Can you drag me for two or three 10 minutes?
Let me tell you the truth, in terms of my personal laning strength, even if Lee Hyuk and Lee Jae Il try their best, I'm afraid I can only last about 15 minutes! "

that night.

The cold winter nights come very early, when the sky is as dark as the bottom of a pot.Yinyue climbed up the branches early, exuding a soft and comfortable light.

Hundreds of teachers and students gathered outside the lecture hall dedicated to the e-sports department.They came here upon hearing the news, of course they had received the news that the former pinnacle king of the e-sports world was about to come here to compete with a group of Korean masters.

But obviously the lecture theater couldn't accommodate such a huge crowd of onlookers, so the staff of the e-sports department had to quickly install a projection screen outside the classroom, so that the teachers and students watching the excitement could see the whole process of the heads-up match.The more than 200 seats in the classroom are naturally reserved for all the students of the e-sports department, and they can't wait to interview dozens of local Korean media representatives on the first day of the world.

At exactly eight o'clock, under the escort of two women, Wu Di finally squeezed through the crowd and entered the auditorium.In an instant, countless flashlights flashed continuously, and more than a dozen professional e-sports reporters raised their microphones and swarmed in front of Wu Di.These reporters also completely disregarded Wu Di's identity as a Chinese, opened their mouths like a cannonball in Korean, and asked Wu Di non-stop.

Mu Piaopiao was strong and strong, holding a dozen or so people on top of each other, preventing these fanatical media reporters from approaching Wu Di, while Lulu on the other side did not have so much strength to forcibly resist the crowd of reporters.Seeing that she had been squeezed into Wu Di's arms, the gossip e-sports reporter immediately took this rare embrace scene into his camera.

"Mr. Wu Di, have you fully recovered?"

"Mr. Wu Di, I heard that you have been studying in the e-sports department for more than half a year. Do you also recognize the e-sports atmosphere in Korea?"

"Mr. Wu Di, is the girl in your arms your girlfriend?"

"May I ask Mr. Wu Di, what is your real purpose for coming to the e-sports department? Tonight you will play several heads-up matches with outstanding students from the e-sports department and well-known Korean professional players. Are you sure? "

"Mr. Wu Di, do you think you will definitely beat all your opponents? Are you looking down on Korean players by doing this?"

"Wu Di, do you feel that you are super strong, so you are not afraid of this wheel battle? If you lose here, your reputation will disappear in an instant?"

"You kid, do you really look down on Korean professional players and all the e-sports players in the world, just like the outside rumors?"

The reporter's questions became more and more pointed, and the smell of gunpowder became stronger and stronger.However, Wu Di couldn't understand these Korean words, so he didn't bother to answer them one by one. Instead, under the arrangement of the staff of the e-sports department, he managed to pass through the crowd of reporters and walked to the computer used for the competition.

At this time, Jin Huien also stepped forward, stopped the [Enthusiasm] reporters behind, and said with a smile in Korean:

"Dear friends from the media, it is a great honor for our e-sports department to invite Mr. Wu Di to conduct a coaching match with our students and professional players, but now is not the best time to interview. We will arrange a press conference for ourselves, please stay calm and watch the upcoming exciting games quietly from the sidelines."

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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