443 5 minutes
Jin Huien is worthy of being a battle-tested old Jianghu. After she said a decent word, the reporters also retreated to their seats and stopped pestering Wu Di.

Lulu glanced at Wu Di shyly. When she was squeezed into his arms just now, he tried his best to protect himself.Although she is fully capable of protecting herself, she still enjoys this once-in-a-century opportunity very much, so she quietly stays in Wu Di's arms, watching him shield herself from the wind and rain.

After Mu Piao Piao woke up Lu Lu who was in a daze, she took her to the seat together.Next, after Jin Huien briefly said a few opening remarks, he announced the official start of the coaching competition.

At this moment, Wu Di got up suddenly, interrupted her loudly, and motioned to discuss with her.Jin Huien looked at Wu Di suspiciously, wondering what the hell he was planning, but in front of many media reporters, she still gave Wu Di enough face, walked to his side in person, and asked politely in a low voice:

"What orders does Mr. Wu Di have? Are you not ready yet? Do you need to delay the start time?"

Wu Di smiled and shook his head, and replied: "I don't dare to obey the order, and I'm ready. But before the fight, in order to express my love for the juniors as an e-sports veteran, I want to add a small condition ——Please don’t use the random mode for each heads-up match, just set it as me to choose the hero. After all, I am a senior, of course I have to let the juniors make moves first, otherwise, lest someone say that I am bullying the younger .Of course, I can promise you that whatever type of hero the challenger chooses, I will choose the same type of hero to fight against him, and I will never break my promise!"

Jin Huien stared at Wu Di suspiciously for a long time, thinking to himself that under the watchful eyes of everyone, Wu Di would not dare to backtrack.In the game of League of Legends, heroes are mutually restraining, but since he promised to only use the same type of heroes to fight, he will not take advantage of hero restraint.

Jin Huien really couldn't see any clues in Wu Di's request, so he had to readily agree.

After the negotiation was completed, Jin Huien announced the official start of the coaching competition.And the first student sent by the e-sports department was just an unknown junior.

The student named Han Xuan walked to the front desk tremblingly. After sitting down, he was sweating profusely, and even the palms of his hands were already soaked.

This student never thought that he would have the opportunity to compete with the world's No. [-] talent. Before the game, Jin Huien also told him that choosing him as the first person to appear on the field has a profound meaning.

[Han Xuan, you have been studying in the e-sports department for a year and a half, do you know where your biggest problem is?You don't lack anything, only one thing is missing, that is self-confidence!You are too unconfident. In fact, your strength and talent are definitely in the top ten in the e-sports department!Today, I entrust you with the crucial task of the first battle, and what you have to do is very simple... Let me defend to the end!As long as Wu Di can be delayed, as long as he can be delayed!It doesn't matter if you lose the game until the end of time, it's only natural for you to lose to him, but you must contribute to the glory of Korean e-sports players! 】

After a while, Han Xuan calmed down a little from the tension in his heart. He wiped off the sweat, smiled at Wu Di, and nodded to indicate that the game can start.

As a result, Wu Di glanced at him contemptuously, his eyes were sharp and arrogant, and he didn't take him seriously at all!

After entering the selection screen, Wu Di was even more arrogant and typed a sentence on the public screen:
You only have 5 minutes to play!It only takes 5 minutes to blow you up!
The Korean teachers and students who knew Chinese at the scene immediately translated Wu Di's word for word. Suddenly, there was an uproar inside and outside the lecture theater, and all Korean teachers and students accused Wu Di of being domineering and arrogant.

[This kid is too crazy!I have long heard that he is a guy with eyes higher than the top, but I didn't expect him to be so arrogant! 】

【Unjust is doomed to destruction!He had an accident in the Champions League final two years ago, it must be God's punishment for him! 】

【snort!I thought he would learn to be good after the accident, but I didn't expect it to get worse, and he didn't know how to restrain himself! 】

[Han Xuan come on!Han Xuan showed him the courage and strength of our Korean players! 】——This is what students from other departments who don't understand e-sports said.But when this sentence was shouted out, there was a mysterious silence on and off the field for a long time.Not long after, someone whispered:
[Hey, it's okay to work hard... But that guy is also an unworldly genius who is proficient in all heroes, just a student from the e-sports department... I'm afraid it will be difficult to trip him.What you said is a bit too much...]

[However, the students in the e-sports department are very good!Otherwise, he wouldn't be picked up by a professional team, I think Han Xuan has something to fight for!As long as he faces the battle calmly and doesn't give his opponent too many chances, even if he loses, it will be an honor to lose! 】

[That's true, but what about reality?I think Xuan, but students of the e-sports department know that their opponents are stronger than ever, but they still have to stand up and fight. This kind of spirit is worth encouraging!We still... let's go! 】

When entering the selection process, after Wu Di saw that the opponent had chosen a mage hero, he chose another mage hero without hesitation. Only one hero of the same type will be used to fulfill his promise!

5 minute later.

All the Korean teachers and students inside and outside the lecture theater, including a group of media reporters, stood there completely dumbfounded like petrified statues!

This extremely arrogant Huaxia e-sports genius really only took 5 minutes to beat his opponent to hang up, and he didn't even dare to come out for a fight!
The tutorial game uses the map of Howling and Far-reaching. The winner is determined by whoever gets three kills first or pushes down the opponent's main base.And after the hero controlled by Han Xuan was killed by Wu Di twice in a row in just 4 minutes, he had to hide in the rear in order to delay the game, and never dared to go online to fight Wu Di again!
The entire heads-up match lasted only 10 minutes, but in fact, Han Xuan's hero, just as Wu Di said, only played for less than 5 minutes.In the rest of the time, Wu Di was completely bored and manipulated the hero to advance continuously, without any difficulty at all.

Han Hyun walked down the stage in despair, not even daring to meet Jin Hyeun's eyes.However, Jin Huien still pretended to be a kind teacher, and comforted him well before he left.

At the same time, the Korean teachers and students who watched the game also knew how powerful Wu Di was from this first contest!Although this guy with eyes on the top of his head has a very bad attitude, his e-sports prowess is definitely not something that ordinary people can match.

Then, the second student representing the e-sports department quickly walked onto the stage.This student representative is none other than Cui Mingxiu, who has some connections with Wu Di!Wu Di and Cui Mingxiu have already known each other for the summer camp training and the Li Xiangyuan incident.

He looked at Wu Di curiously, with complicated expressions in his eyes, but after a while, he took a deep breath and adjusted his mood.

Here's an opportunity!This is a chance to prove yourself!This guy has been rumored to be terrifying by the outside world. Is his personal strength really that strong?I don't think so!As long as I can drag him down for a long time in this heads-up match, my reputation will naturally be established on the spot!Of course, if there is a chance to defeat him, I must not miss it!
Just after Cui Mingxiu gave himself a full tank of anger, Wu Di once again typed out a sentence on the public screen that was even more arrogant than before:

Cui Mingxiu, hehe, we are still destined.For the sake of taking good care of me, I will extend your appearance time... five minutes and one second!I take good care of you.

These words were also translated by the troublemakers and passed into the ears of the onlookers.These Korean teachers and students were all staring at each other, full of indignation, this Huaxia finally made it clear that they came to the e-sports department to mess things up!Immediately, there were voices denouncing Wu Di on and off the field, but this guy didn't take it seriously, just smiled at Cui Mingxiu, and arrogantly posed a knife-handed posture on the neck, which made Cui Mingxiu shudder.

Entering the selection process, Wu Di still held his arms in front of his chest. After watching the opponent choose an ADC hero, he also chose another ADC hero without stopping.

Another 5 minutes passed by.

The Korean teachers and students were stunned, completely unaware that this seemingly unrecovered world number one genius could really do what he said!

In the past 5 minutes, the hero controlled by Wu Di killed the enemy hero three times in a row and successfully won another game.

And the scene of these three kills appeared so fast that even Cui Mingxiu didn't even realize that he was defeated.He sat on the armchair blankly, his eyes were dull and his expression was dull. 5 minutes ago, he vowed to take Wu Di as a stepping stone to his fame, but 5 minutes later, he was defeated in a hurry.

The gap between reality and ideal... is huge!

Jin Huien suppressed the anger in her heart, and after comforting Gao Mingxiu, she arranged for the third student to play without stopping.

The Korean teachers and students saw that this student was a little famous, and he was the top five in this year's e-sports ranking competition, so they also had a small hope for him, thinking that he could at least let the student who had already used his nostrils to fight The Chinese men who are watching everyone suffer a little bit.

However, Wu Di still arrogantly typed the same sentence on the public screen: Your playing time is only 5 minutes!
This time, the opponent chose a hero who was often used as a jungler. With a big wave of his hand, Wu Di also pressed the OK button on the icon of a jungler hero.

The result, of course, was exactly the same.Wu Di, who is fully fired, is not something that these so-called [talented] e-sports students can compete head-on. About 5 minutes is enough time for Wu Di to complete three kills.

When the fourth student came to the stage, he was already sweating and restless.The lessons learned from the past are still vivid in my memory, and this time he, the master of the future, will certainly not escape the fate of being defeated by his opponent very quickly.

A few minutes later, the fourth student was defeated by Wu Di!
 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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