444 5 minutes
To deal with the first four opponents, including the preparation time, it took Wu Di less than half an hour.Suddenly, his prestige and arrogant words and deeds have been deeply imprinted in the minds of Korean teachers and students.

At this time, the fifth e-sports department student entered the field.Wu Di raised his head and held back a glance, and suddenly found that the gatekeeper general of the e-sports department is Yin Xueer, the number one beauty in the e-sports department!

After Gao Tianxiu left, the ranking of this flower has already risen to No.2 in the qualifying contest.And Jin Huien wanted to find No.1 to play, but was rejected by that cold guy.In desperation, she had no choice but to hand over the important task of guarding the student party to Yin Xueer.After Yin Xueer heard the news, she immediately agreed, which also relieved the restless Jin Huien.

Although Yin Xueer's strength is not enough to compete with Wu Di, but it should be able to delay Wu Di for a while, and even make him fight hard, intensifying the consumption of physical strength and energy, so as to pave the way for the professional players who are about to play - this is Jin Huien wishful thinking.

Jin Huien knew that the four students who played before could not cause any obstacles to Wu Di. In fact, their appearance could only go through the motions, and it was only the latter few who put Wu Di in trouble.She knew very well in her heart that against a few student parties, not to mention Wu Di, even if she found a professional player casually, she would easily win.Her main purpose is to confuse Wu Di and drain his energy!These four students are just cannon fodder.

However, Yin Xueer's appearance will definitely surprise Wu Di!Because her strength...is already at the professional level!
According to Jin Huien's plan, only Yin Xueer and the five professional players who are about to enter the stage can really make Wu Di fall into a hard fight.As long as starting from Yin Xueer, the players on the stage can make Wu Di exhausted and consume more energy and physical strength, it will be considered as a successful completion of the task!Even if they are all defeated in the end, it doesn't matter, because the person who appears last will definitely find the place for them and defeat Wu Di in one fell swoop!
Besides, among the five professional players I found, one is more famous than the other, and the other is stronger than the other. Maybe before the final trump card debuts, some of the professional players can beat Wu Di!
Just when Jin Huien fell into beautiful reverie, Wu Di raised his hands, kept flying on the keyboard, and quickly typed out the crazy words that had been sent four times: Your playing time...is still only 5 minutes!

what? !

The Korean teachers and students were completely shocked.Yin Xueer's strength is obvious to all.Although she has not reached the level of being able to defeat Wu Di, but she definitely has the strength to delay Wu Di for a while and bring him into the tug-of-war!

This Chinese person is too arrogant!Don't look at who the opponent is, just talk nonsense, be careful that your face will be swollen later!
Until now, these polite and polite Korean teachers and students have fully confirmed one thing: this former World No. [-] genius deliberately came to the e-sports department to embarrass us!
After strengthening this belief, all Korean teachers, students and media reporters also began to express their solidarity with Yin Xueer.Didn't they believe that the second best student in the e-sports department couldn't even survive 5 minutes?
The game will soon enter the selection process.Yin Xueer chose Mantis, a hero with high explosiveness, and Wu Di, after a little thought, chose the blind monk who can show off his skills the most.

Praying Mantis and Blind Sin appear quite frequently in passerby ranking games and official matches. They are the two most popular jungle heroes in the current version.As the No.1 pick with rhythm, the appearance rate of blind monk is naturally high; and mantis, as a sharp anti-squat weapon and a team battle harvester, is also one of the most favorite heroes of players and professional players.

If it is in a normal 5V5 match, when the mantis and the blind monk meet in a narrow road, under the same level and the same equipment, the blind monk can't actually fight the opponent head-on.Because Mantis' main output Q skill has high damage and short cooling time, if you want to stand up and bomb, the blind monk probably won't take much advantage.In order to kill the opponent, the blind monk must use his four skills reasonably, consume blood first, and then find the right time. Using a burst of RQ skills, he may be able to take away the mantis smoothly.

However, this is just the way of fighting in a normal game.In this long and narrow map of Howling Abyss, both sides are level 3 when they come out, and they can point out three skills, so when the two sides meet, they have actually entered the process of the game!
To fight or not to fight, that is the question.Wu Di, who controls the blind monk, has a clear mind, and has already made up the best plan to win quickly.

At this time, before the lines of soldiers on both sides reached the line, the blind monk directly stepped forward and entered the range of the general attack, and he immediately put a shield (W skill) on himself, and then began to use this skill to automatically The blood recovery effect brought by it fights with the praying mantis.

Of course, Yin Xueer has a very quick adaptability. Seeing that the opponent can't wait to launch an offensive, the mantis in her hand also throws a Q skill on the blind monk without hesitation, trying to knock out a part of the blind monk's blood, and then Then use the general attack to deal with the opponent to the end.If it doesn't work, the mantis can also throw out a W skill that slows down, and then transform into a flying mantis to escape.

There is nothing wrong with Yin Xueer's plan, and her operation and reaction are also very fast, but when Mantis hits a Q skill, she suddenly finds that the damage effect of this skill is not obvious-the blind monk's health has only dropped a little With a cut of blood, his health has not been knocked out as much as imagined!
what happened?

Yin Xueer quickly glanced at the blind monk's outfits and attribute points, but found that the blind monk did not make defensive equipment, nor did he use defensive talents and runes... Strange, why do I feel that the blind monk is tougher than imagined? Some?
When the blind monk attacked Tanglang for the second time, Yin Xueer suddenly realized!
The level 3 blind monk added two points to the W skill [Golden Bell Cover]!This is all about fighting head-on. The shield and blood recovery effect provided by the level 2 W skill will of course create the current situation that is conducive to the blind monk's close-to-hand combat!
Yin Xueer, who mainly attacks the jungle position, has experienced strict professional training, so she knows the damage value of the jungler's skills by heart. When she found that the Q skill of the mantis did not deal enough damage as expected, and found that the blind monk's After the blood recovery effect of the basic attack was a little abnormal, she immediately understood that the opponent did not play cards according to common sense-the level 3 blind monk did not upgrade three different skills, but tapped the W skill twice!

This is not the time to fight recklessly!You have to wait until the special effect of the blind monk's W skill disappears before you can fight him hard!Without the Q skill, the output ability of the blind monk is still very problematic!
Thinking of this, the mantis immediately fled away.After Wu Di saw the opponent's movement, he didn't pursue it either. After gaining a slight advantage, he stepped aside in a proper manner.

After the little soldiers arrived on the line, he began to clean up the line in an orderly manner.

He is also very particular when he fights minions, because he only beats the minions with more health, even if this will make him miss some last hits!

When Yin Xueer saw the little soldier arriving, after some calculations in her mind, she decisively manipulated the mantis to stride towards the blind monk!

The blind monk knew that the opponent hadn't used the three skills. If he didn't retreat, his blood would be consumed by the opponent's Q skill.

However, just when everyone thought that the blind monk would temporarily leave the line, the blind monk still beat the enemy minions without fear, and unexpectedly withstood the Q skill of the mantis.However, this Q skill did not cause much damage to the blind monk, because the [Golden Bell Cover] had once again shrouded the blind monk!
Then, Mantis tried to get close to the blind monk, and when he was about to use the position of the minion to fight against him, the blind monk slapped the ground with one hand and used the E skill to slow down!
This E skill not only hit the praying mantis, but also reduced the blood volume of the minions around the blind monk by a lot.

Some masters who watched the battle could tell at a glance that the blind monk's move was to grab the fourth level!Without the Q skill, he is not flexible enough, not elegant enough, he must grab a level advantage.

Father, like son.The masters on the side saw the blind monk's plan, and Yin Xueer, who had very little experience in battle, of course couldn't see the opponent's real intention.She manipulated the mantis to constantly look for opportunities to attack, but Wu Di just walked around among the small soldiers, basically giving him little chance.

After the second wave of minions arrived on the line, the blind monk immediately took away a minion and reached level 4!
A golden light flashed on the blind monk's body, and at the same time, a special effect light wave of [Sky Sound Wave] flew rapidly from an incredible angle,
Accurately hit the praying mantis standing slightly forward!

[Echo Strike], normal attack, [Thunderbolt] normal attack, [Golden Bell Shield], normal attack.Wu Di, who had fully recovered, controlled the elegant blind monk like a tiger descending the mountain, launching a tidal attack on Yin Xueer's praying mantis with the momentum of a tiger preying on it.

How can Yin Xueer stop Wu Di, who has reached the peak of e-sports qualities such as hand speed, responsiveness, anticipation ability, rhythm, etc.?

The mantis was too emaciated to defend, and its HP had already lost half, so it had no choice but to spread its wings and get out of the blind monk's attack range.

This wave of Wu Di's offensive came very fast and very fast, and Yin Xueer, who still bears the title of rookie, is hard to parry.

After driving the praying mantis out of the experience area, the blind monk began to perform an incomparably accurate flying Q performance.Although the lethality of his Q function cannot be compared with that of Leopard Girl's javelin, Yin Xue'er was in an absolute position in just 2 minutes with the Q skill that was fired without fail, combined with the blind monk's own agility. downwind.

Immediately afterwards, Wu Di did not give his opponent any chance to breathe. When the line of soldiers reached the tower, the blind monk forcibly jumped the tower and killed the mantis!At this time, 4 minutes had just passed!

As the top player in the e-sports world who can snowball to accumulate advantages, after the blind monk killed the mantis and gained an online advantage, he played even more recklessly...

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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