445 5 minutes
Tens of seconds later, the blind monk reached the sixth level, and once again killed the mantis who had not yet reached the sixth level with elegant techniques!

Although the blood volume of the blind monk was too low, the blood recovery effect of the W skill and the blood volume pack that would be refreshed every once in a while allowed him to fully recover, so when the mantis came to the line for the third time, Yin Xueer's heart There is already a psychological shadow in the depths:
Can't be kicked by him...can't be kicked by him...kick and die...kick and die...

Yin Xueer was like a devout prayer, silently muttering in her heart not to be kicked by the blind monk.Moreover, he directly made the mantis stand behind the defense tower, keeping a super long distance from the blind monk.

This way...you won't get kicked, so...I can survive 5 minutes.

Unknowingly, Yin Xueer could not forget the insolent words Wu Di said before the fight: Your playing time is still only 5 minutes!
Yin Xueer, who was afraid of being beaten, no longer had the extravagant hope of being evenly matched with Wu Di, and now she only wanted to wait for 5 minutes to make her face a little better.

In fact, whether it was Yin Xueer or the four e-sports students who played before, they all made a cognitive mistake!
The 5 minutes mentioned by Wu Di did not mean the 5 minutes from the start of the match at all.To be precise, Wu Di only unilaterally defined this [5 minutes] as the time for the heroes of both sides to enter each other's field of vision and fight for only 5 minutes.

However, he did not clearly point out the meaning of these 5 minutes.Therefore, this seemingly random [5 minutes] has actually imposed a psychological hint on the opponent!And because these e-sports students don't have much actual combat experience, and Wu Di's prestige has always lingered in their hearts, they pay special attention to the time point of 5 minutes.

In their hearts, the idea is very simple.As long as they survived the 5 minutes of the game, even if Wu Di failed to fulfill his promise, they would successfully block Wu Di in a disguised form.However, this perception is completely wrong.

From the very beginning, Wu Di uttered such insane words in order to give a strong psychological hint to these rookies who lack combat experience.This time limit of [5 minutes] will unknowingly make these newcomers have the psychological hint of [as long as they survive for 5 minutes, they will be lucky enough to complete the task]. Taking advantage of the trance that these pink and tender newcomers appeared at this time, they launched the final offensive!

This kind of strategy is obviously not very effective against experienced and famous players, but it is more than enough to deal with these rookie students who are not even fledgling!

Therefore, whenever the 5th minute comes, these students will breathe a sigh of relief in their hearts, thinking that they have successfully completed the task assigned by Jin Huien, but in fact they will ignore the game itself.

Although Yin Xueer's strength is good, but her lack of experience still makes her fall into Wu Di's way!
When the 5th minute came...Wu Di saw an opportunity. The moment his soldier entered the tower, he directly flew to the soldier with his W skill, and raised his hand and waved [Sky Sound Wave], which was unheard of!
Oops!Yin Xueer, who was lamenting that she had completed the task, suddenly cried out in her heart when she saw the opponent's offensive action.And although she woke up from the trance, the blind monk rushed to him with an irresistible momentum!

This time, the blind monk unexpectedly did not fight the mantis to the end.Mantis originally wanted to exchange heads with the blind monk through the attack of the defense tower, but he didn't expect the blind monk to hand over his ultimate move directly, kicking himself far away!

Immediately afterwards, the blind monk sneaked into the grass, making the defense tower lose its attack target. After the defense tower continued to focus on its own minions, the blind monk swaggered out of the grass and began to attack defense tower.

At this time, everyone raised their eyes, only to find that the life of the full-blood mantis had dropped by half during the round of fighting just now!
However, the blind monk's health is not optimistic, only a little over [-]%, but it is obvious that the giant praying mantis controlled by Yin Xueer dare not go forward easily!

After watching this scene, Jin Huien and a group of Korean experts frowned: This girl...has been beaten out of psychological barrier by the opponent!Now is the best time to attack, why not attack? !Even though the mantis may be killed again, killing the opponent once before losing the game can also increase the morale of one's own team!This beautiful contestant is still too young!In this situation, killing the opponent once and breaking the opponent's record of zero casualties is the most important thing!Losing the game and personal honor and disgrace should have been let go long ago!
And when the game entered the 8th minute, after the blind monk's ult was cooled down, he rushed forward immediately, killed the mantis with three strikes, five divisions and two, and got the third head!
At the end of the game, Yin Xueer unexpectedly burst out laughing.In addition, she specially called Jin Huien, who can understand Chinese, to her side, and asked her to question Wu Di instead: Didn't you say that my appearance time is only 5 minutes?I've been playing with you for 8 minutes!Are you breaking your promise?World number one genius?

Yin Xueer's words cheered up all the Korean teachers and students present.All of a sudden, the voices condemning Wu Di became louder and louder.

As a result, Wu Di laughed and asked Lulu to say something like this instead:

Yes, I did mean that your playing time is only 5 minutes.But my so-called [5 minutes] means that the heroes of both sides appear in each other's field of vision and the confrontation time is only 5 minutes!At other times, it doesn't count at all!If you don't believe that the hero you control hasn't been on the scene for more than 5 minutes, you can use the replay camera to do the math!
Yin Xueer is a Korean daughter who was born with a golden key in her mouth, how can she stand Wu Di's provocative method.In a rage, she directly asked the leader of the e-sports department to replay the last game!

As a result, after careful calculation, the meeting time between the mantis and the blind monk really did not exceed 5 minutes!
Yin Xueer raised her finger and pointed at Wu Di angrily, but she couldn't say anything from her open mouth.Wu Di shrugged nonchalantly, and curled her lips and said, "Director Jin, please let this emotional lady go to rest first, there are still five professional players waiting to compete with me."

After hearing this, Yin Xueer became even more furious, but Wu Di came over at this moment and made a handshake gesture to her?

Yin Xueer was taken aback for a moment, and immediately understood that this was Wu Di reminding the two of them that there was still a deal secretly, and it was not worth hurting their friendship here.So, the wealthy daughter of the No. [-] Korean consortium had no choice but to swipe Wu Di's hand angrily, and then walked back to her seat without looking back.

When Jin Huien saw that Wu Di made his promise of [5 minutes] come true by using forceful words, he was also very angry.However, she still had a smiling face on the surface, and whispered to Wu Di with a dark smile:
"The number one genius in the world, your mouth is as powerful as your e-sports prowess. Are you proud of defeating several outstanding players in our e-sports department in such an understatement? Hmph! I really want to see , How long can you run rampant in the hands of our country's professional players! Next, you are waiting to jump into the fire pit, you can't stop!"

After finishing speaking, Jin Huien turned his head and squeezed out an official smile to the media reporters present, and then said:

"Thank you friends from the media for coming to the scene to help out. Through the five games just now, everyone must have felt the strength of Wu Di, the world's number one talent. Yes, he is very strong, ridiculously strong, and terrifyingly strong. But... We Korean e-sports professional players are the ones who shrink back? The following professional player will be the first to appear on the stage, and he is..."

Before Jin Huien finished speaking, a burly figure rushed to the front desk, and quickly walked to the computer and sat down.

"Stop talking nonsense, start fighting now! I've been waiting for this day for an untold amount of time! The number one in the world? That was before, and tonight I'll remove your gold-lettered signboard!"

Jin Huien was very satisfied with the provocative words said by this man, and quickly added:

"Well, it seems that Kim Jae-woo from the OZN team can't wait. But for the sake of fairness, I still need to inform Wu Di of his personal information."

Then, Jin Huien wanted to tell Wu Di some personal stories about Jin Zaiyu in a symbolic way, but Wu Di waved his hand impatiently and said contemptuously: "Introduce what? Someone I have never heard of. At best, he is a newcomer." Such a person is not worth getting to know, so hurry up and announce the start of the game!"

Jin Huien really couldn't stand Wu Di's arrogant attitude, but in front of the reporter, she had to suppress her anger and said through gritted teeth: "Then, I will announce that the sixth heads-up match will officially begin!"

Before the start of the previous match, Jin Huien declared that it was a "guidance match", but from this heads-up match, Jin Huien has quietly called the guidance match a heads-up match, and the implication is also very obvious: those previous video games Of course you can guide the competition students, but when facing these professional players, you are no longer a guide...

The game starts soon.

Kim Jae-woo is not very old, he is a typical young and mature professional player.He has only joined the professional team in the past two years. He is a new player who has just emerged. Although he debuted not long ago, he is also well-known in the Korean e-sports circle. The OZN team is a veteran Korean team, and being able to serve as the main mid laner in such a team shows its strength.

Currently, Kim Jae-woo ranks ninth in the year-end Korean mid-single rankings last year.

As soon as he entered the selection process, Kim Jae-woo immediately chose the Clockwork Demon, and cast an extremely provocative look at Wu Di, and said in Korean on the public screen:

Just now you gave [5 minutes] playing time to the students of the e-sports department, now, I will return this to you!You are in front of me, and you only have 5 minutes to play!
Lulu, who was sitting not far away, saw that the other party was so arrogant, she quickly translated his words and told Wu Di.After Wu Di learned about it, he didn't get angry, but smiled contemptuously, and asked Lulu to reply directly in Korean:
Ignorant newcomers always think that they can be better than blue than blue.But they don't know that there is only one end result... a crushing defeat!
 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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