The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 446 Battle Experience

Chapter 446 Battle Experience

As the first Korean professional player to play, Kim Jae-woo was extremely arrogant both in terms of momentum and attitude. Although he liked the Korean audience watching the game, the professional players behind him still couldn't help but feel quite worried.

Jin Zaiyu made his debut very late, and has never had any experience fighting against Wu Di, so naturally he doesn't know how terrifying this guy is.Leaving aside the e-sports talent and strength, if you only look at the battle experience alone, Wu Di can get away from this rookie player by a dozen blocks!
In e-sports competitions, the amount of competition experience is very important.The more games played, the more the players will be able to calm down and respond to all changes without change, looking for opportunities to reverse in the disadvantages, and not giving the opponent room to comeback in the advantages.Professional players who have experienced the battlefield must be much higher than rookies in terms of mentality.Among the basic qualities of professional electric players, psychological quality is even more important than other natural qualities.

When Wu Di suddenly saw that the first professional player sent by Jin Huien was just a rookie who debuted only two years ago, he was already calculating in his heart all the qualities that a rookie should possess: passion, aggressiveness, arrogance, certain strength, No matter how sophisticated he looks on the outside, his heart must be extremely fanatical.

To deal with such a newcomer, language is useless, and besides, don't even think about beating him to heart.Such people, if they have not experienced profound lessons, do not know how to repent and reflect.Even if you were as strong as yourself back then, didn't you slowly understand the importance of reflection after encountering a series of setbacks?

Do you want to teach him a painful lesson and let him improve completely?An idea suddenly popped up in Wu Di's mind, but he quickly vetoed it.Because the top priority, there is only one thing he should do: beat this rookie player with the fastest speed, so as to invalidate the opponent's wheel battle tactics!

Jin Zaiyu chose Syndra, the dark head of state who has super combat power before level [-], and Wu Di sacrificed Tidal Hailing Fitz, who can also deal good damage before level [-].

Syndra is a ranged mage hero, while Fizz is a melee mage hero who can only melee and attack opponents with a harpoon.So, in theory, Syndra can suppress Fitz very well.

However, theory also needs to be proved by practice.Tidal Sea Spirit Fizz, also known as [little murloc], although it doesn't have an advantage in attack range, its explosive power is comparable to Syndra's.Its magical E skill [Old Spirit], commonly known as [Pole Vault], can evade most of the hero's skills, and it is its biggest reliance on the long-range mage hero.And Syndra can only rely on skills to consume opponents before level [-]. Once Fitz rushes in front of her, unless she can push him away from the stun immediately, she will also suffer a lot of damage.

What's more, in the battle map of Howling Abyss, the heroes of both sides are level 1000 as soon as they come out, they can have three skill points, and the initial funds also have more than [-] gold coins, which can buy core small pieces of equipment.Therefore, in this battle mode, Syndra has already faintly gained the upper hand!
If Syndra fights a little murloc, if it is a normal match, then from the first level, she can use the short cooling time of the skill and the characteristics of long-range attack to firmly suppress the little murloc, not only can consume the life of the opponent Value, but also in both economic and experience leading.Even if a first-level little murloc clicks the invincible E skill, it can dodge Syndra's attack skill once, but then in the vacuum period of this skill, the little murloc can only watch helplessly as Syndra's unscrupulous and if the little murloc wants to fight more aggressively, Syndra doesn't have to worry too much about upgrading the Q skill of rush type first-wait until the little murloc rushes in front of him, enters the pile of his own minions and fights with him. It just needs to fight recklessly, or directly predict the opponent's movements, just retreat in advance.Syndra's skill release range far exceeds that of the little murloc's. Coupled with the long-range characteristics, the little murloc has nothing to do with her in the early stage.

However, in the Howling Abyss map, the heroes of both sides can upgrade three skills as soon as they come out, and the gold coins generated at the beginning are enough for the little murlocs to buy the core output equipment [Yaoguang]!In this way, the little murloc's fighting power has already risen to a higher level unconsciously.At this time, if he fights hard with Syndra, he will not be at a disadvantage at all!
And the important link for Syndra to ensure her safety against the little murloc is: whether she can use the E skill to instantly bounce the little murloc away when it gets close!On the contrary, if the little murloc wants to deal out terrifying output from close quarters, the key point is whether he can use [Old Spirit] to evade the opponent's flying skills in an instant!
The confrontation between Wu Di and Kim Jae-woo has evolved into a confrontation between predictive ability and hand speed.Whether the heroes of both sides can play an advantage in the early stage depends on whether the E skills of these two heroes are properly released!
At this time, the soldiers had not yet reached the line, but Jin Zaiyu, who wanted to find a huge sense of presence in front of Wu Di, rushed to the line anxiously, ready to give Wu Di a blow before the line arrived!

Syndra's Q skill and W skill can be released while moving, and Jin Zaiyu has practiced Syndra for a long time, and he has already mastered the timing of releasing these skills very skillfully. Just before the little murloc stepped forward, he saw When it seemed that he was about to attack Syndra, Jin Zaiyu had predicted its possible course of action, and threw a dark magic ball on the little murloc's way forward!
Will the first Q skill hit?The answer was soon revealed: the little murloc neither dodges nor dodges. He neither uses fancy displacement skills nor E skill to shorten the distance between the two heroes, but insists on this skill!
World number one genius?I bother!My Q skill is only used to test your reaction and hand speed, but I didn't expect you to be like an old man in his seventies and eighties, who can't react at all.The e-sports world is our world after all, you guys who have passed the golden age, just go back to retire obediently!

Jin Zaiyu's heart was already surging because of the hit of this skill. He thought that Wu Di was exaggerating. He couldn't dodge a probing skill he threw casually, so how could he compete with himself?
Just when he thought that he could continue to consume the little murloc's blood volume with the skill that never fails, he suddenly found that although the little murloc suffered damage from a skill, he still strode forward in a straight line The way came to Syndra!

Don't die?This way of moving is to play me as a target?
Jin Zaiyu chuckled lightly, and his hands were unambiguous.He knew that once the little murloc rushed into Syndra's eyes, it would be difficult for him to deal with, so he controlled Syndra to take a few steps back, and when the little murloc was about to enter its attack range, he prepared again. Send out a dark orb of darkness!

At this moment, facing the aggressiveness of the little murloc, Syndra had two choices.

The first is to throw a dark magic ball on its traveling route, and then use the E skill to repel it. If the hand speed is faster, you can grab the dark magic ball and prepare to see it on time The machine releases the W skill with a deceleration effect.This style of play does not seek to kill the opponent, but a tactic of consumption. As long as the opponent's blood volume is worn down while keeping oneself unscathed, it will be considered a success;
The second is to retreat directly, keep Syndra and the little murlocs away from each other, and look for every opportunity to throw the Q skill to consume the opponent's HP. This is an extremely cumbersome and effective fight Law.

However, Jin Zaiyu thought that Wu Di was not enough for him to use the wretched way to deal with it, so he decisively threw another dark magic ball on the way forward of the little murloc—he was going to use the first method, first use The three skills beat the little murloc hard!
And when he recalled the little murloc's unresponsive action when he was hit by his own skills before, he already felt underestimating the enemy.That's why he decided to hand over his skills easily, and was going to dodge immediately after finishing a set!

Syndra's QE combo requires the user's hand speed to be extremely fast, which is a technique she often uses.But when Jin Zaiyu thought that this technique must be able to hit the little murloc, he was dumbfounded in the blink of an eye.

When the dark magic ball just appeared on the ground, the little murloc had already soared into the air, and used [Old Spirits]!
What kind of swift reaction is this?Is this the little murloc who was randomly hit by the dark magic ball just now?This not on the same level at all!

Jin Zaiyu was taken aback, but due to inertia, he pressed the E skill without hesitation at the same time as the Q skill was thrown out... This is an instinctive reaction of an e-sports player.

When a player or professional player is about to use a set combo technique to attack an opponent, if he is very confident in himself, then he will not hesitate to perform the combo.And Jin Zaiyu hit the little murloc very easily with the first magic ball, so he was full of confidence in himself. He believed that with Wu Di's reflexes, he would definitely not be able to avoid his QE combo.But... the fact is that the little fish had predicted the enemy first, and made a brilliant operation that shocked the spectators.

As a result, this skill that can knock the opponent into the air immediately fails when facing the little murloc sitting on the fishing rod!

The little murloc seemed to have calculated the opponent's movements accurately, not only did not take the damage from the dark magic ball, but also successfully evaded Syndra's repelling skill. Strike] has been sent out impressively!
Mischievous Strike is the little murloc's signature rush skill, and after making a flare, the little murloc can trigger a certain amount of extra damage every time the skill is used.When the little murloc rushes in front of the enemy hero, he must activate the W skill before that, so as to deal all the tons of damage.

Therefore, when the little murloc took advantage of the naughty blow to come to Syndra, Kim Jae-woo was shocked and had to let Syndra immediately hand over his [Flash] and run away.

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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