The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 447 Battle Experience

Chapter 447 Battle Experience

After being approached by the little murloc with the W skill turned on, one can imagine the fate.In addition, Jin Zaiyu had thrown out Syndra's two skills just now with full confidence, and her attack ability was quite limited for a period of time, so the method of handing over the flash was very correct.

Will the little murloc continue to flash up and fight hand-to-hand?A group of Korean masters couldn't help but have this question in their hearts.In their cognition, the practice of exchanging flashes for flashes is not a loss.

But to their surprise, the little murloc turned around and left without entanglement with Syndra.Seeing that the opponent stopped chasing him, Jin Zaiyu let out a sigh of relief in his heart, and then asked Syndra to drink the red medicine, and began to slowly recover his health.

After the lines of soldiers from both sides reached the line, Syndra's health had also recovered, so Kim Jae-woo didn't learn his lesson at all. He controlled Syndra to step forward and prepared to use skills to consume the little murloc's HP again.

This time, Wu Di didn't use the way of going straight, but swayed left and right and used [big swinging step]!
Looking at the little murloc approaching him as if dancing samba, Kim Jae-woo committed the most taboo of professional players at this critical moment: indecision!
Because he knew very well that once the little murloc made up his mind to attack him and fight Syndra hand to hand, whether his QE combo could accurately hit the opponent would become the core factor in determining the outcome of this attrition victory.Syndra has lost [Flash], if his QE combo fails to hit the opponent, then waiting for Syndra's end will be clear at a glance!
Just when Jin Zaiyu was hesitating, Wu Di had already made a bold move: the little murloc handed over [Flash]!
And this flash also brought the little murloc into the casting range.

As soon as Jin Zaiyu saw the opponent's move, he knew that the opponent was going to attack him by force, and the scene of the previous QE combo was also gathered in his mind like a haze, which could not be dissipated for a long time...

Damn it!
At this time, Kim Jae-woo showed the characteristics of many fledgling rookies: a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers!

He widened his eyes, first used the W skill to catch an enemy soldier behind him, and then stared intently at the little murloc, always on guard against him using [Ghost].

Once the little murloc jumps on the fishing rod and uses strange spirits, all his skills will be invalid.But Jin Zaiyu is familiar with the gameplay of most mainstream mid-lane mage heroes, and he knows that the key to winning or losing a confrontation between them lies in whose skills can hit the opponent, so he watched the little murloc intently, preparing to show his flaws. , pushing it away in one fell swoop.

【Naughty Strike】!The little murloc used this long-reserved skill, ready to get close to the opponent and start a hand-to-hand fight.

Seeing this scene, Jin Zaiyu immediately calculated the positions between the two, predicting that the [Naughty Strike] at this distance would definitely make the little murloc come a long distance behind him!Then... the moment he landed, he used the two skills of QE to bounce him to the edge, and he was dizzy for a moment, then he made a detour and quickly retreated!Then, using the distance between the two sides, continue to use the Q skill to consume it!
wrong!Can't do that!

The reflexes he showed when he dodged my QE combo was too fast!He must have expected that I would use QE [-]nd Company when the murloc landed, and if he used [Ghosts] immediately after landing, then my Syndra would be in danger!What else can I do?

In an instant, Jin Zaiyu caught sight of the enemy soldier who was caught by Syndra... There is a way!
After a new plan in his mind, Jin Zaiyu immediately controlled Syndra to turn backwards, and quickly threw the enemy soldier in his hand towards the place where the little murloc landed.This action is a feint.

If the little murloc doesn't use [Old Spirit] immediately, then it will be slowed down, so that it can't catch up with itself, and if the little murloc releases the ancient spirit immediately, then his QE combo will be slowed down. Impossible to be cracked by it!
It has to be said that although Kim Jae-woo is a rookie player who has just emerged, his e-sports strength is still extraordinary.This routine, continuous wiping and fighting, can not only deceive the opponent's skills, but also retreat while fighting. Without knowing it, it can consume the life value of the little murloc. It can be said that there is no problem with his operation and judgment .But...his opponent is not an ordinary person, he is facing Wu Di, the world's number one genius who has raised his e-sports prowess to another level!

After the little murloc landed, he didn't turn around and attack Syndra in a straight line. Instead, he twisted his body and made a [right-angle move] towards the left of the screen!This positioning technique allowed Syndra's W skill to hit the open space!
The loss of skills made Jin Zaiyu feel a little bit disappointed, but because the little murloc used the right-angled positioning technique, the current position is still a long distance away from Syndra. If it wants to fight with him in close quarters, You can only use [Old Spirits]!In addition, it is impossible to touch itself in a short time.

Will you use ghosts to get close to me?If you dare to use it, after landing, the little murloc will be knocked back and stunned by my QE combo!

Will you come straight to me?If you desperately want to get close to me, then I will not use the QE second company, and only use the Q skill to consume your blood while moving, and then use the E skill to knock you back at the right time.

No matter what method you take, the little murloc has no flash, and the Q skill has been used. What you hold in your hand now is only one E skill...

After calmly analyzing the situation on the field, Jin Zaiyu's temporarily subdued pride rose again:

Ah!It must be a coincidence that he dodged my QE two combo just now!He has been out of battle for a long time, and his strength has dropped sharply!

Before the little murloc handed over his [Flash] without hesitation, I thought he had calculated the distance correctly and would use his Q skill to come to me not far away!It turned out that his [Flash] position was clearly a mistake... Using [Naughty Strike] in this position will only allow the little murloc to go through a long distance behind Syndra!
You are old... Then you just wait to be killed by my kite!
Kim Jae-woo is completely caught up in self-aggrandizement.If Wu Di is proficient in Korean at this time and knows his true thoughts in his heart, then he will definitely type such a sentence on the public screen:

Young man... still too hot-blooded.Even if your strength is similar to mine, but I have one thing, which is much richer than yours.With just this one thing, you are sure to lose!

What is Wu Di more than Kim Jae Woo?Battle experience of course!Counting from Wu Di practicing League of Legends with his uncle at the age of 12, he has been in contact with League of Legends for nearly ten years now!In the past ten years, Wu Di himself has counted... Whether it is an official game or a private practice match, whether it is a regular 5v5 game, or various singles, doubles, and triples, he has played at least More than [-] games!

One percent of talent, plus 90.00 percent of sweat and hard work, can achieve the name of genius.This wise saying from Edison's mouth is vividly reflected in Wu Di!Others think that Wu Di is extremely talented in e-sports, so he can achieve such a great achievement, even his fellow apprentice Lu Li is convinced of this.But they only saw Wu Di's talent, but ignored his persistence!It can be said that Wu Di's efforts, sweat, and pain in order to improve his e-sports strength are much more than many top professional players!

Even if the Korean professional league has a dense competition system, how many games can Kim Jae-woo play in two years?Five hundred, one thousand, or two thousand?

Wu Di can foresee all situations that Kim Jae-woo can foresee; Wu Di understands all the games that Kim Jae-woo is familiar with.Jin Zaiyu wants to use Syndra to play kite tactics with Wu Di's little murlocs, and wants to use E skill to bounce the little murlocs away and increase the distance between them?If he had such an idea, he was totally wrong!
Wu Di raised his eyes, and instantly understood the strategy that Jin Zaiyu was about to use.Then, a knowing smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and at the same time, he controlled the little murloc to make a strange footwork that made people completely unable to grasp the law.

The little murloc sometimes moves to the left, sometimes to the right, sometimes stops, and sometimes rushes forward. This footwork is not only like a zigzag step, but also like a right angle. In addition to the murloc's two or three painless basic attacks, her Q skill [Dark Ball] twice in a row was easily dodged by the little murloc!
Facing the little murloc's approaching every step of the way, as well as his own skills constantly failing, Jin Zaiyu was already sweating profusely, and the pride that had arisen in his heart was gone!He knew that as long as the little murloc took a few more steps, Syndra could not escape the fate of death!

[What pace is this?A new type of displacement method developed on the first day in the world? 】

The Korean masters who watched the battle had long been stunned, and at the same time, doubts arose in their hearts.

And Jin Huien, who wanted to see Wu Di suffer, was also shocked by Wu Di's performance.At this time, a master beside her saw that she was looking a little lost, so he immediately touched her arm to wake her up.

"This is a gap in experience, which laymen can't see. Wu Di used far more experience than his opponent to predict where the opponent's skills might be released at the moment before the opponent's action... This is a kind of fighting instinct , nothing surprising. When you play tens of thousands of League of Legends games with your heart, and summarize and summarize after each game, then you can also reach this level. There is no need to guess [small What kind of pace does the murloc use?” This question is exhausting. It’s just a movement movement made in advance to avoid Syndra, that’s all…”

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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