The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 448 One God and One Pit

Chapter 448
After hearing the words, Jin Huien immediately turned her head to take a look, only to find that standing behind her were the two most popular top players in the current Korean e-sports circle.One is her underground crush, Lee Hyuk, and the other is the head player of the KKT team... Yoon Sang-tie.Not only is Yoon Sang-tie the number one player in the KKT team, his status is still higher than that of Lee Jae-il, who has fought against Wu Di, and he is also the biological brother of Yin Xueer, who was defeated by Wu Di before!
It was Yin Xiangtie who whispered in Jin Huien's ear before.

Jin Huien frowned, and after thinking for a while, he asked in a low voice:
"You mean... the current Wu Di, just relying on his extraordinary game experience, can make Kim Jae-woo tired? Oh, no! It's to make him lose his face! As a mage hero, if your skills fail to hit opponent, then it can only be a sandbag that can be beaten! You mean that Wu Di has used his rich experience in fighting to make Kim Jae-woo helpless?"

Yin Xiangtie's face is full of flesh, which is completely different from the handsome Li Hyuk.However, this Korean expert who can compete with Lee Hyuk in e-sports still agrees with Kim Hye-eun's words.

"Yes. Every skill release of a mage hero is very important. In a normal 5V5 game, the average professional player likes to use skills to clear troops in order to gain an advantage in experience and economy. Professional players with a higher level Then let your own skills not only achieve the effect of clearing the line of soldiers, but also consume the blood volume of the enemy heroes.

This Kim Jae-woo, who debuted not long ago, is obviously still stuck in the cognition of ordinary professional players.He still has to walk a long, long way before he can barely see Wu Di's back...

This is a one-on-one match, and of course the hit rate is the most important skill.If the skills can't hit the opponent, then everything is in vain.

That guy's e-sports ability has improved a lot compared to my impression!

It was a matter of time before Jin Zaiyu was defeated. Once the little murloc came to Syndra's side, she would basically be powerless to fight back.

I found you now, not to tell you whether Kim Jae-woo can beat Wu Di, but because I have a worry. "

"What are you worried about?" Jin Huien thought that even if Kim Jae-woo loses, there are still four professional players who can take turns to play. No matter how good Wu Di is, he can't stand the crowd.So she didn't understand what else Yin Xiangtie had to worry about.

Yin Xiangtie stared at the big screen intently, and after a moment of silence, he slowly said:

"My worry is... If sister Hui En insists on sending us all out, I think it's a rather unwise choice."

Jin Huien couldn't help asking: "Why? Even if the next two professional players can't make Wu Di suffer, it will definitely increase his physical and energy consumption. At that time, when you and Li Hyuk come out, they will definitely be able to occupy one of them. The first opportunity to win! No matter how strong Wu Di is, he can't beat you two masters in a row!"

Yin Xiangtie stared at the big screen intently, and did not directly answer Jin Huien's question. After watching for a while, he turned to Li Hyuk beside him and asked, "Do you think... if you and Wu Di were singled out, would you be able to win against him?" How many minutes can you hold on to your hand?"

Li He raised his head and glanced at the big screen. At this time, the little murloc had just killed Syndra and got a head.After seeing this scene, Li He frowned, hesitant to speak.

"It's okay, you can just say it. If you feel embarrassed to speak up, I will tell you my answer first. If I fight Wu Di, I can only last for a maximum of 10 minutes." Yin Xiangtie said frankly.

After hearing this, Jin Huien and Li Hyuk looked at each other and were stunned on the spot.

After a while, Li He sighed lightly, and said: " answer is probably similar to yours. This stronger than he remembered. Although he didn't know that he was enlightened in the e-sports department. Something happened, but his performance was impeccable. Even if I went off myself, I couldn’t escape the failure in the end. You and honesty, I thought you dare not admit that you are not as good as Wu Di.”

Yin Xiangtie still had a cold expression of keeping strangers away. He glanced at Wu Di who was not far away, and then at the surprised Jin Huien, and expressed his worries in his heart:
"Jin Huien, you heard it too. Li He and I are not sure that we can defeat Wu Di. Even if your wheel battle tactics can be effective, Wu Di is already a little exhausted when facing us, but he has the dignity of a king after all, so naturally he won't take it easy. I just handed over the victory. The feeling he gives me right now... is quite scary. His personal e-sports strength has reached an unimaginable level, and Li He and I are still far behind in this level.

My worry is... I think even if we Korean masters come out, it will be very difficult to beat Wu Di!

That being the case, instead of being defeated by him alone by ten people, it is better to use another method to make him suffer setbacks here! "

Jin Huien thought for a while, and felt that Yin Xiangtie's words were very reasonable, and Li He also made it clear that he was not Wu Di's opponent. If he insisted on playing, the ending seemed to be doomed.

"What can you do? Most of the Korean e-sports media are here. If we go back on our word and say we don't want to fight halfway through the fight, wouldn't it make people laugh? You two are the top players in the country anyway. Professional players, you can’t let Wu Di do whatever he wants in the e-sports department, can you?”

Therefore, Yin Xiangtie confessed the thoughts in his heart:

"There is a method. It's very simple. In terms of personal strength, Wu Di is definitely the leader of the crowd. The way of single-handed competition is just asking for fun. Therefore, if you want him to suffer here, you must let him play in the team. Race!"

"Team competition? We have agreed with him in advance that we will only have ten single-handed matches. If you suddenly appear in a team competition like this...he will definitely not want to! He can't be foolish enough to agree. After the challenge, he will definitely have various reasons to leave here, and according to your expectations, he will leave the e-sports department with great honor!
I absolutely do not support the practice of the team competition! "Jin Huien vetoed Yin Xiangtie's proposal.

However, it was the first time that Yin Xiangtie showed a smile, but this smile was quite ugly!
"Heh! When did your thinking become so inflexible? Who said you want him to play ten heads-up matches?"

After hearing this, Li Hewen, who was at the side, suddenly became enlightened and said:

"You mean... After he finishes this match, or after another fight, we will speak immediately—[We don't want to take advantage of his fatigue and forcefully fight him one-on-one] Tournament]? Then, it was logical to propose a team match instead of the heads-up match?

In this way, the media reporters will of course feel that it is reasonable. On the one hand, they will praise the professional ethics of our Korean professional players, and on the other hand, they will also think that it is a very reasonable way to start the team competition immediately? "

"That's right, that's what I mean. Counting this one, Wu Di has already fought six games in a row. Regardless of the opponent's strength, he will already be tired. When the game is over, we will use this high-sounding excuse to propose A reasonable suggestion in the team competition will definitely stop Youyou's mouth and win a good name, and that guy can't refuse."

Jin Huien buried her head in deep thought, and agreed:
"This is indeed a good way to achieve the best of both worlds. It can save the face of both of you, and it can embarrass Wu Di in another way. But... what method will the team competition adopt? Also, what kind of arrangement will be made for Wu Di What about his teammates? Want us Korean students or players to join his team?"

At this time, Yin Xiangtie looked up at Lulu and Mu Piaopiao who were sitting on the seats, curled his mouth, and whispered in a cold tone: "Three-on-three... the team competition will be held in three-on-three format He will definitely let the two Chinese women who came with him join his team. Then, in order not to let others gossip... Li He and I can only appear on the stage at the same time. The other two Anyone can find it.”

"3V3?" Li Hyuk and Jin Huien exclaimed in unison, and immediately understood the good intentions of Yin Xiangtie's arrangement.

No matter how strong Wu Di is alone, he will never be able to hold two of them together!These top professional players naturally know the profound meaning of the famous saying [one god drags one hole].

One god drags one hole.This was originally a catchphrase used by the majority of amateur players to describe the game of qualifying. Its meaning is: if there is one person in your team who is of a very high level and has reached a level far superior to the other nine, then with his strength, It is possible to lead a weak teammate to win the game together with your own team.

This person's level is extremely high, which is the "god" in this sentence, and the teammate who is not strong enough is the "pit" in this sentence.One god drags one hole, that is to say, no matter how high this person's level is, he can at best make up for the mistakes made by the only one in the team.But if there are two or more cheaters in the team, even if this powerful person tries his best, he will not be able to lead his team to the final victory.

This is the meaning of [One God Drags One Pit].

Kim Hye-eun, Lee Hyuk, including Yoon Sang-tul who proposed the 3V3 proposal, all of them took the two girls next to Wu Di as "bad guys" for granted!And Wu Di is just a [God], and one God definitely can't afford two cheaters!

This perception is deeply ingrained in their hearts.Therefore, after the three of them looked at each other tacitly, they looked at each other with a knowing smile.

"Now that we have decided on this idea, the most important thing now is to get Wu Di to take the initiative to accept our proposal. Do you think he can't see the intention of this 3V3?" Jin Huien was still a little worried.

Yin Xiangtie glanced at the flamboyant Wu Di, and affirmed without looking back:
"He will definitely agree! Although we don't know whether he has fully recovered, his temper has not changed at all! As long as we stimulate him with words, he will definitely agree and enter the trap we set!"

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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