The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 449 One God and One Pit

Chapter 449
The match between Wu Di and Kim Jae-woo is coming to an end.

When the little murloc controlled by Wu Di took Syndra's first head without bloodshed, the tone of the whole game was actually set!Once the little murloc is ahead of the opponent in level and reaches the sixth level before Syndra, then Syndra basically has no chance of winning.

So, after a few minutes, Wu Di had already won the three heads of Syndra in one go and won the heads-up match!

"Good!" Lulu completely disregarded the feelings of the Koreans around her, and immediately applauded loudly after Wu Di defeated Kim Jae-woo, and, under the disgusted eyes of all the Korean teachers and students, she clapped her hands loudly.This behavior obviously stimulated the senses of all Korean teachers and students.All of a sudden, the Koreans watching the game were looking forward to a professional player who would help them regain their reputation and reputation!

But at this moment, Jin Huien had already walked to the front desk and said to all the onlookers:
"My friends, player Wu Di is indeed worthy of the title of the world's number one genius. In a short period of time, he has defeated five e-sports students and a professional player in a row. No matter what everyone thinks of him, he His personal e-sports prowess is absolutely enviable. However, have you noticed? Wu Di is already showing signs of fatigue! After all, it would be too much for a professional player to be replaced by anyone .

Next, in order to avoid media friends from other countries saying that we Koreans only know how to use crowd tactics to pile up victories, so... I propose that the remaining heads-up matches will not be held.We will use the 3V3 team competition method to compete with Wu Di!Of course, they have all seen that standing next to me are the two most outstanding top players in the Republic of Korea, Lee Hyuk and Yoon Sang-chul!For the sake of fairness, only one of them will appear on the stage. In this way, Wu Di must not refuse this excellent proposal, right? "

After finishing speaking, Jin Huien simply ignored the doubtful eyes of the media reporters present, but directly cast a questioning look at Wu Di.It's just that there is an obvious provocation hidden in this gaze!

Wu Di looked at Jin Huien without flinching, thinking about her sudden change of mind, what exactly is her intention...

At this time, an e-sports reporter raised his own question:
"Director Jin, I very much agree with your proposal. Our Republic of Korea is open and upright, and we will never take advantage of anyone! Now that Wu Di has shown signs of fatigue, let's end the heads-up match and use a 3V3 team match to prepare for today's match." It is very reasonable to draw a wonderful game to an end. However, I would like to ask, there are so many candidates on our Korean side who can play in the 3V3 team competition, but what about Wu Difang? Do we want our Korean players to join his team? ?"

After hearing this, Jin Huien cast a grateful look at the reporter friend: This reporter's question is just enough to make him throw out the real killer!

"That's a good question from the reporter friend! As I said just now, in order to respect Wu Di, we will select one of the two top players Lee Hyuk and Yoon Sang-chul to be the leader of our Korean side, and the other two Just choose from the students of the e-sports department and the new generation of professional players. As for Wu Difang's candidate... I wonder what Wu Di himself thinks about this?"

Jin Huien deliberately said the above words in Chinese and Korean, and then quietly waited for Wu Di's answer with a contemptuous smile.

Wu Di instantly understood what the other party was planning.

He smiled, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he had already figured out a countermeasure.So, he said in Chinese:

"Heh, Director Jin's proposal is reasonable, and I am indeed a little tired. Well, just as you said, we will play a 3V3 team match next. You don't have to worry about whoever you choose. Yes. In my team, of course Koreans will not be allowed to join, so I will choose... these two beauties who came to Korea to study with me!"

Wu Di pointed at Lulu and Mu Piaopiao with a quick finger.

After Jin Huien cried out inwardly, she kept that professional smile on her face:
"It seems that player Wu Di is very confident in himself. Since you don't want us Korean students or players to join your side, of course we won't force others, but... if you use the excuse that your team is not as strong as ours, To avoid failure..."

Wu Di laughed, waved his hand, and interrupted: "Don't worry! Since I dare to choose, I dare to use it! Listening to your tone, do you think your Korean side will win? Haha, that's not necessarily the case. Director Jin , give you four words, please keep in mind—everything is unpredictable!"

When Jin Huien saw that Wu Di successfully "hooked", his arrogance was even worse than before, and he was also happy: "Ha, the impression Wu Di gave me is that arrogant and arrogant, okay? , since you insist on this, we will stop persuading you. Let's have a wonderful 3V3 team match!"

Then, after some calculations between Kim Hye-eun and the two Korean masters, it was decided that Yoon Sang-chul, who has a calm personality, will lead the battle!And his teammates are those two professional players who haven't played before.

Of course, Yoon Sang-chul knew that Kim Hye-eun was protecting Lee Hyuk, because if the South Korean side lost the battle, the image of Lee Hyuk, the number one e-sports player in Korea that has been hyped up through hard work, would be hit and destroyed tremendously.However, Yin Xiangtie, who has always paid little attention to fame, still accepted this decision.

In his heart, the depth of his hostility towards Wu Di was beyond the imagination of all Korean players!When that [organization] plotted against Wu Di back then, he was sitting at the forefront where he could see the whole incident clearly, but he never disclosed any details of that incident to the authorities afterwards.

Wu Di, who was defiant back then, once did something that made him feel ashamed, which he still broods on!


After a while, Lulu and Mu Piaopiao walked up to the lecture hall in a daze, and sat in front of the dedicated competition computer.The two women wanted to ask aloud to understand, but Wu Di smiled mysteriously, lowered his voice, and whispered in the ears of the two women:

"Don't worry. Do you think it is absolutely impossible for you to defeat those Korean professional players? So you are guilty? Are you timid?

Hehe, don't be afraid, I have my own tricks! "

Lulu burst out laughing: "Brother Wu Di, don't put on such a bad fart, it's both funny and annoying. Tell me quickly, I know you have a lot of bad water in your stomach. If there is a way to overcome it These awesome Korean players, please tell me and Sister Piao Piao quickly! From the looks of you, you already have the chance to win."

Wu Di smiled softly, and then continued:

"Have you all heard the saying [one god drags one hole]? They Koreans think that I am the [god], and you two are two [holes]! I am a god, and I will never drag you two pit.

Although this statement can be applied to most of the qualifying matches in the public server, it cannot be applied to the three of us!The reason is also very simple - you all have a certain level of e-sports ability, and you are not a [pit]!You must not belittle yourselves and underestimate yourself. In fact, although your strength has not reached the professional level, you are still amateurs.

Moreover, the most important thing is that in this game mode, when facing these Korean masters, I have a winning method that allows you to ignore the gap in your own strength!
This method is... we only need to use the three heroes [Ban Yixin]! "

Lulu was taken aback, and blurted out, "Ban Yixin? The king of the barbarians, Master Yi, the sword sage, and Xin Zhao, the governor of Debang? With these three heroes, can we ignore the gap in strength between ourselves and those masters? But As far as I know, these three heroes were once dubbed by the majority of players as the Three Heroes of the Pit..."

Indeed, as Lulu said, a long time ago, in the first few years when League of Legends was just released, the winning percentage of these heroes was not high after they appeared on the stage. In Marcia, it is portrayed as a cannon fodder-like hero, so players rarely use these three heroes at the same time when playing games.

However, Wu Di went out of his way, asking Lulu and Mu Piaopiao to come up with this famous trio?

Faced with Lulu's doubts, Wu Di patiently explained:
"Everyone thinks that if these three heroes play at the same time, the winning rate is not high. In fact, it is not. First of all, we are playing 3V3 instead of the normal 5V5 game, so we should choose the hero with high single-target damage ability. The first thing to consider; secondly, although Manzi, Master Yi and Xinye are all physical output types, these three heroes have their own characteristics. In fact, they are a trio with distinctive characteristics!
As long as the barbarian has a good character and hits several critical strikes in a row, the enemy heroes will not dare to fight, and once he reaches level six, he will have the famous five-second [Moment of Glory]. Become a tank in disguise, able to absorb a lot of damage; Master Yi's explosive ability is well known, and his ability to clean up the mess is unmatched. His role is to output; finally, Xinye is the He is the only control hero who can fly enemy heroes, repel opponents, break up the opponent's formation, and his own explosive ability is also quite impressive.

The combination of these three heroes will make all crispy heroes terrified!

Since Manzi needs to test a little bit of operation, so... I will fight the hero Manzi, and then Lulu has been studying with me for so long, so you can play Juggernaut. Remember, you must enter the field late and always pay attention to dodge the opponent's attack Control skills; finally, Piao Piao, you can use the letter that best suits your temperament... Once the spear is fired, who will fight for the front! "

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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