Chapter 450
Although Wu Di briefly mentioned the characteristics of the three heroes of Man Yixin, Lulu still had no idea.She blinked her charming big eyes, trying to convince herself to accept Wu Di's theory, but finally said with lingering fear:

"Brother Wu Di, Sister Piao Piao and I both know that you are good, and your theory is definitely not wrong. It's just... Sister Piao Piao and I's e-sports skills are completely incomparable with Korean professional players. Before you came to Korea , Didn’t you just say it? The competition among Korean professional players is very cruel, so everyone is practicing hard and giving their all. In terms of fighting spirit, Korean professional players are indeed a model for e-sports players all over the world.

Sister Piao Piao and I... I'm afraid we can only hold you back.I think the law of one god dragging one hole can also be used here! "

Wu Di couldn't help laughing and said:
"Heh, you underestimate yourself too much. You are already a member of the [Most Strong King Group] anyway, and Mu Piao Piao has also made rapid progress in the past half a year. Only by himself alone, he has scored diamonds. Oh, a group of ranks.

I know you guys are a little guilty, but you have to bear in mind every word I say next!
If you want to defeat a powerful opponent, you must win by surprise!And the reason why I asked you to come up with a very trustworthy combination is because this combination has the lowest error tolerance rate!

These three heroes rely on basic attacks for output, and there is no difficulty in operation. As long as the attack timing is just right, when the three of them attack together, someone will definitely hand over the opponent's flash or be instantly killed by us!

Using this combination of team coordination and fault tolerance is to offset the personal strength gap between you and professional players.Perhaps, others will think that we only have one trick - brainless rush into the crispy hero, but this method is just the best way to defeat the strong with the weak!
Since we can't compete with our opponents in terms of team strength, then we will use the simplest way to decide the outcome of the game!Instead of playing hand-to-hand tactics with the opponent, it is better to use the most direct way to make the opponent have to fight us!Each of the heroes developed by League of Legends is very distinctive, and the combination of the three heroes Man Yixin has the characteristics of six words-simple, violent, and direct!
Listen up, let me talk about the basic play ideas!It's very simple, no matter what kind of attack you are under, just remember one thing!Whoever I am hitting, you will hit!Absolutely no distraction!Even if my savage dies first, you must kill the fire target.After reaching level six, the style of play couldn't be simpler.Xin Ye directly aimed at an enemy hero and rushed towards him, then saw the opportunity and released a big move to knock back the heroes around him, and then Barbarian and Master Yi aimed at the same target and continued to output.

Well, this is the tactic, the only tactic... Focus fire without brains, life for life! "

After listening to Wu Di's theory, Lulu seemed to be a little hesitant.

"I understand a little bit! Brother Wu Di, do you think it looks like this... Barbarian has a big move at level six, which can barely be regarded as a tank hero, and after opening the big move, his critical strike rate increases rapidly, and his own The damage output ability should not be underestimated; and Master Yi is a harvest player, even if he is activated, as long as he can use the W skill on the spot, he can also bear a certain amount of damage; He is also the only control hero in this combination who can control the opponent.

It seems that Man Yixin can only use the single tactic you mentioned, but in fact, these three heroes have implied a combination of tanks, output, and auxiliary control? "

Wu Di said with a satisfied smile: "Bingo. I'm telling you, don't underestimate yourselves. You can see that your comprehension is still very high. Well, now that you have decided on a strategy, you should put aside all worries and follow me!" It is also very simple to focus on the target, whoever is the most squishy on the other side will be hit first. If the squishy hero deliberately distances himself from us, he will focus on the person who is closest to us! Yixin is even fighting a tank hero , and the efficiency is not low!"

Afterwards, Lulu and Mu Piaopiao went to the computer confidently, ready to face the most powerful opponent.At the same time, the South Korean trio had disagreements on what kind of lineup to use.

Yin Xiangtie and the two players are not from the same team, and his reputation and strength are far superior to the two teammates, so he set up a violent assassin hero lineup on his own initiative, and killed The enemy hero's purpose is to let the opponent quickly disarm and surrender.

The way to determine the outcome of this 3V3 game is: the side that gets 10 kills first, or directly pushes down the opponent's main base, will be regarded as the victory of the game.

Yin Xiangtie was based on this consideration, so he insisted on letting his two teammates use the assassin dash hero together.

However, the two newly promoted professional players are always worried about Wu Di's previous performance.They believe that even though Wu Di's teammates are students from two e-sports departments and their strength is not as good as their own, they still have super fighting power under Wu Di's leadership!Therefore, they believe that although the use of assassin heroes can make their own output super strong, but after a set of skills is completed, they will not have the ability to continue fighting.Both rookies are more willing to use a more secure way of cooperation to win this game.

The reasonable lineup in their minds is: a tank hero, a mage control hero, and an ADC hero who can continue to produce output capabilities.

When Yin Xiangtie saw that the two rookie professional players had doubts about his own judgment, and wanted to use a relatively slow lineup for the game, he became angry in an instant.

"You two young brats, you are inexperienced and don't listen to the advice of your seniors. If you really want to fight with that trash lineup, I will end!"

It has to be said that Yin Sang-chul's reputation in the Korean professional circle is not good. He has always been known in the circle for his temper and haste. So when he bulged his eyes as big as a bull's-eye, the two rookies He also shrank his neck, and immediately fell silent.

Jin Huien saw that the trio representing the South Korean side had internal strife before fighting, so she frowned and walked over.

"What are you guys doing?! You are playing on behalf of South Korea, and your opponent is one of the best geniuses in the e-sports world. At this critical moment, what are you arguing about? 3V3 is different from normal 5V5. You can neither blindly pursue output capabilities, nor Use a regular lineup similar to 5V5! My suggestion to you is... Two people use a hero with control skills! The other person uses a second-man mage hero or an ADC hero with strong one-on-one ability!

In terms of manipulation and personal strength, how could those two girls be your opponents?So your tactics can be completely simplified - use point control heroes to limit their front row, and then concentrate on instant kills!Then it's time for you to show off your skills and consciousness. With your reflexes and operational abilities, the two female students on the other side will definitely not be able to match you! "

Jin Huien's opinion was approved by the two rookies who played.After Yin Xiangtie narrowed his eyes and met Jin Huien's eyes for a long time, he asked slowly:

"What do you mean by that... Do you want me to use Jarvan, the prince of Demacia who is the best?"

The corner of Jin Huien's mouth curled, and he couldn't help laughing: "Of course you want to use Jiawen, and your opponent is Wu Di. Is it reasonable for you not to use the hero you are best at? You can choose the other two candidates. My suggestion has been finished, and the rest You decide."

Yin Xiangtie thought about it carefully, and felt that Jin Huien's proposal was indeed good, so he nodded and agreed.

In the end, according to the heroes that the South Korean trio are good at, they finally decided on the heroes to be on the stage: Prince, Ryze and Wayne.

When the two sides entered the selection process, Wu Di was in the first choice. After thinking about it, he decisively took out Tryndamere, the king of the barbarians!He quickly pressed the OK button, which also made the audience exclaimed.

As we all know, the hero of the barbarian king is actually quite a test of character.Because his main output method is whether he can hit enough critical strikes on the enemy heroes after his anger is full!If the barbarian king has a good personality and continuous crit strikes in basic attacks, then no hero can confront him head-on, and if the barbarian king has a poor character and can't get a crit effect after fighting for most of the day, the barbarian king without equipment Basically, he lost the qualification to fight recklessly.

The barbarian king is a hero who depends on his character.Wu Di gave up the other heroes he was best at, but chose a hero who depends on his character and appearance?This move caused everyone to think deeply.

After the South Korean side saw the appearance of the barbarian king, they were only a little dazed for a moment, but then they followed their own established tactics and came up with a lineup of prince, wandering mage Ritz and night hunter Vayne.

This lineup has physical output and spell damage output, and the prince, Ryze, and Wayne all have control skills. On paper, the Korean side seems to have taken the lead in the lineup.

And when Wu Difang finished the selection, all the audience's eyes were full of excitement, it was completely unbelievable!

Barbarian King, Master Yi, plus... a Xinye?The classic Man Yixin combination?

After a moment of silence, the audience burst into laughter.Anyone who has played League of Legends and has a little common sense about League of Legends will know that the combination that is quite credible is known as the most cheating combination.These three heroes are all physical output types, and they all require melee combat. As long as the opponent has enough control heroes, then these three heroes will be hung up and played for fun!
The South Korean team's lineup is not only not weak in output, but also has more control skills, which should be more than enough to deal with Man Yixin.Therefore, from this moment on, in the bottom of the hearts of the audience, the moment they saw Man Yixin appear on the stage, they already believed that Wu Difang would definitely lose!

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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