Chapter 451
The Korean teachers and students inside and outside the lecture theater began to laugh at Wu Difang's lineup.

【Haha, I laughed so hard, I thought Wu Difang was going to use some shocking lineup.The result is the most unusual combination of quite Yixin!This lineup is definitely decided by Wu Di!Unexpectedly, he led two novice students and dared to use such a lineup. Is he too conceited, or are those two students only playing these two fake heroes? 】

[It is indeed a bit unexpected.As an amateur player, I know the reputation of being quite trustworthy, whoever uses it will cheat!Besides, Wu Difang is still facing our Korean professional players!I believe that this game will end soon, Yoon Sang-tie cheers, and correctly let Wu Difang only play for 5 minutes! 】

【right!Use his own way to treat his own body!Wu Di is so arrogant, he used 5 minutes to run on our e-sports students, then we have to fight back, let him know that we in Korea are not easy to bully!The opponent has two e-sports students, and they are girls, Yin Xiangtie, you must solve the problem within 5 minutes! 】

Numerous cynicisms reached Lulu and Mu Piao Piao's ears.

Mu Piaopiao was cold-tempered, she just frowned at these provocative words, and didn't pay attention to them, but the extroverted Lulu was very upset when she heard it, and just as she was about to reply to the onlookers in Korean, Wu Di said He reached out his hand to stop her behavior.

"Heh, Lulu, don't be too impatient. If you really love e-sports, then you have to learn to be calm.

E-sports is the same as traditional sports, there will be thousands of live audiences cheering for their favorite teams, and there will also be countless media talking nonsense on the Internet and paper media.If you don't even have this concentration, then you can't become a professional player. "

Wu Di's words made Lulu calm down.At first, she followed Wu Di to South Korea just to serve as his translator and satisfy her selfish desire to be with Wu Di.However, after getting along day and night for more than half a year, she gradually discovered that Wu Di has a serious and enthusiastic attitude towards e-sports, and is full of ambition and ideals.Subtly, her interest in e-sports also increased greatly.

Before she knew it, under Wu Di's influence, Lulu had a strong desire in her heart: she wanted to become a professional player!She wants to be Wu Di's comrade-in-arms and fight side by side with him!
At this time, her emotions eased down, and she re-recognized her ideal goal. In an instant, her eyes became completely different from before.

Wu Di looked at Lulu in surprise, and was very relieved by the change in her eyes.After seeing Lulu's eyes of respect for e-sports, he also felt warm in his heart.

Since I can infect Lulu, then I will definitely be able to move thousands of viewers!Then I can rely on my own efforts to make e-sports accepted and recognized by the world!
This the purest e-sports spirit.

After a while, Wu Di withdrew his thoughts of drifting far away, and began to prepare for this much-anticipated 3V3 match!

His memory has all been restored, so the personal information of Yin Xiangtie, who he had fought against, has been reflected in his mind.Yoon Sang-tie, KKT's ace player, is good at heroes and is the prince of Demacia, and his jungle style is also unique.In the official game, he doesn't like to take the initiative to gank, but is used to counter-squatting the opponent after calculating the opponent's jungler's movement!This late strike style is very similar to Yun Wanwan's [Second Hand Style] style of play.

After analyzing the play style of the main opponent, another important thing came to Wu Di's mind:
I have quite a feud with this Yin Xiangtie...!When I was in full swing, I ran into this guy in the Champions League.As a result, after his Brilliant team won the knockout match, during the routine handshake ceremony after the match, he... used to refuse to shake hands with this well-known Korean player in front of everyone!

At that time, I once said a very hurtful sentence: In the e-sports world, the winner is king; you, a defeated general, are not worthy of my initiative to shake hands with you!
After recalling this scene, Wu Di also showed a bitter gourd expression.

No wonder this guy looked at him with hostility... And when he had an accident, he was sitting at the front and witnessed all the abnormal scenes, but he didn't disclose any information to the authorities afterwards.

Hey... NoZuoNodie!If you don't try to die... you really won't die!
Thinking of this, Wu Di also withdrew his mind.Since I hurt your self-esteem back then...then, I will do my best to express my apologies for this match!If I leave room, even if we win, it will be an insult to you!
When this 3V3 game officially started, Wu Di also entered the state of the newly realized Ice King in an instant!
In this state, Wu Di's logical reasoning ability and predictive ability are even higher than Bing Xin's state.After carefully analyzing the characteristics of the opponent and the chosen hero, he directly said to the two friends in the earphone:

"Fight a wave directly, just before the pawn line arrives! The target of the fire... the wandering mage Ryze! Sister Piao Piao, I told your Xin Zhao to bring the rune of full attack speed, so bring it. "

Mu Piaopiao snorted coldly, but still hummed the word [En] from his nostrils.

"Very good, next... you buy the attack speed boots directly, and then buy a long sword and enough red medicine. If the other party flashes and hand it over, then go directly to Prince Demacia! Remember, if Vayne focuses the fire You, you must pay attention to your blood volume, and escape in time."

After Wu Di arranged the opening tactics, he controlled the barbarian king and brought the two brothers to the line. After a quick glance at the opponent's outfit and attributes, he said softly: "The tactics remain the same. If the prince rushes into the grass, hit him directly." Ryze not far behind!"

After seeing that Man Yixin had all sneaked into the grass, the South Korean trio entered into the grass opposite them.At the same time, Yin Xiangtie also acted decisively and gave instructions decisively:
"Get ready! If the flag issued by my E skill hits the opponent, then I will immediately use the EQ two combo to knock them into the air! Don't miss this excellent output opportunity!"

After speaking, the prince took the lead and walked to the edge of the grass.Half a second later, the prince waved his hand, and the E skill [German Army Flag], which can detect the grass field of vision, landed in the middle of the opponent's grass!
When the military flag fell to the ground, the figures of Man Yixin and the three were instantly exposed in the opponent's field of vision.When Yin Xiangtie saw the German flag, although he missed the opponent who was standing in the front, but in this position... using the EQ second company, the three heroes can be picked up at the same time!
With this in mind, Yin Xiangtie immediately handed over his Q skill and used his EQ two combo by relying on his extraordinary reflexes.

The prince, dubbed by the players as tall and tall, quickly passed through the grass with a golden afterimage. It seemed that it was very difficult for the three Yixin brothers to escape the fate of being picked up...

Wu Di, who went all out, would certainly not let his barbarian king be blown away by the prince's general technique.The moment the prince's flag fell into the bushes of his own side, he had already predicted the opponent's next move, so he directly let the Man Dynasty roll on the spot in a diagonal stab, and used the E skill [Whirlwind].

It was this skill with a displacement effect that allowed the Man King to escape from the casting range of the prince's Flying Combo, but the Man King's good brothers Master Yi and Lord Xin couldn't dodge enough and the prince picked him into the air!
"Hit the barbarian king! He turned in the displacement skill, so he can't escape death!" Yin Xiangtie judged the situation and immediately gave instructions.

The barbarian king took the lead by himself, and entered the attack range of Ryze and Wayne, and of course became the target of the opponent's fire.

Ryze used the W skill to fix the barbarian king, and Wei En also started to attack the barbarian king, and the prince turned around and rushed to the barbarian king, ready to work together with his teammates to kill the barbarian king.

As soon as Ryze's immobilization effect was released, the badly injured barbarian stepped directly into the enemy's grass, without any intention of retreating at all!
When the South Korean trio were puzzled by the barbarian king's desperate behavior, after landing, Xin Ye seized the favorable opportunity of the barbarian king's entry into the grass to provide a view, and directly shot his spear and rushed towards Ryze!

Xin Ye, who used the three skills of Q, W, and E at the same time, swung two shots in a row in the blink of an eye, and was about to pick Ryze into the air.At the same time, Master Yi also used the Q skill [Alpha Strike], and he came to Ryze's side in an instant, and the two of them attacked him violently!
Xin Zhao is wearing an attack speed rune, and his outfit is a pair of special effect 25 shoes that increase his attack speed by 2%. In addition, Xin Zhao's W skill will provide him with a lot of extra attack speed, so the Korean group is in a daze. In the meantime, Ruiz was stabbed into the air by Lord Xin.

At this time, in order to rescue Ryze, Wayne belatedly used the E skill with a knockback effect.Although he repelled Xinye, Ryze had been picked up in mid-air.

How could the barbarian king miss this excellent opportunity, he directly took advantage of the opportunity of Ryze floating in the air, walked up to him, and beat up Ryze together with his good brothers.

After landing, Ryze saw that his blood volume had dropped by three-quarters in an instant, and immediately turned around and surrendered the life-saving [Flash] skill.

From the time the prince used EQ Erlian to enter the opponent's grass, to when Ryze handed over the flash and barely saved his life, only five or six seconds passed.Everything came too suddenly!

The South Korean trio never expected that Xin Ye would take the route of attack speed, and the barbarian king who showed up first was just a decoy.

After forcing out Ryze's flash, the prince finally joined the battle group and beat up the half-blood barbarian king.Wei En skillfully used the walking and slashing skills, and finally hit the third general attack, causing the Barbarian King's HP to drop a lot.The situation on the field changed rapidly - the barbarian king looked in danger at this time!
 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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