Chapter 452
Will the barbarian king take the lead in explaining here, and will he get first blood by the South Korean side?
Wu Di, who has calculated everything accurately, will naturally not let this unfavorable fact happen!In a blink of an eye, the barbarian king's figure moved, and [Flash] was timely handed over.

The heroes on both sides exchanged summoner skills with each other. According to the usual saying, this situation is called [this wave is not a loss].

However, just when the South Korean trio was about to retreat at the right time and stay away from those three vicious and cheating combinations, the barbarian king immediately saw the opportunity and released the W skill [Contempt] on them!
[Contempt]: Shortcut key W.Tryndamere the Barbarian taunts enemies, reducing the physical damage of nearby enemy heroes.Enemies who turn and flee are slowed for a few seconds.

This skill is released just right.Wu Di had quick eyes and quick hands, and at the moment when the three opponents made a retreat posture, he handed over [Contempt], which made all three heroes of the opponent slow down.

At this time, after being repelled by Wei En, Lord Xin had already continued to enter the battlefield, stabbing the prince's chrysanthemum, and Lulu, who controlled the sword master, also seized this excellent output opportunity, chasing The prince beat him violently.

In order to strengthen the prince's output ability, Yin Xiangtie directly made [Brutal Power] when going out.Although this equipment makes its attack power good, it is not so hard to fight.After the Juggernaut and Lord Xin chased after him for a while, the prince's blood volume also dropped by half!However, Wei En, who continued to output damage to the Juggernaut while retreating, still caused some damage to the Juggernaut. After Wu Difang chased and fought for a while, he gave up the pursuit when he saw it was good.

On the whole, Wu Difang has a slight advantage in this battle between the six heroes of the two sides!

Ryze was forced to use two summoner skills, and his health was not optimistic. He had to wait for about [-] seconds before he could use the recovery effect of the red medicine to make him capable of fighting again; although the barbarian king was forced to flash, But because of the recovery effect of his Q skill and the red medicine, he will be able to recover faster than Ryze in the near future; although Master Yi, the swordsman, was attacked by Vayne, his W skill can restore a certain amount of blood Although compared to the prince who was chased for a few seconds, his situation is relatively safe; the biggest advantage Wu Difang gained was the round of chasing the prince after forcing Ryze to flash.

Because the prince made an output equipment, he could only buy one red medicine, so his recovery ability was actually very weak.Compared with Juggernaut, basically if he can't successfully use the EQ two combo again, then he will put himself in prison as soon as he enters the enemy line.

Wu Di looked around at the status of the six heroes on the field, and let out a sigh of relief in his heart: the first battle was won!

Next, the little soldiers also arrived on the lane. The three of Yixin Man are all melee heroes, so they naturally dare not go to the little soldiers to complete the operation of finishing the knife. The long-range Vayne and Ryze are not easy to save fuel. Lantern, if anyone in Man Yixin dares to get close to Xiaobing recklessly, he will definitely be beaten up by the Korean trio.

However, just when all the spectators who knew a little about League of Legends thought that the Yixin combination would not come forward easily, Wu Di whispered to the two partners in the earphone:

"Piao Piao, your Xinye is in the best condition. After a while, you will go directly to the soldier and make a move to make up the knife. The two rookie professional players on the opposite side will definitely think that you are asking for a dead end, so they It will definitely focus on you. At this time, after Ryze uses the W skill to control you, as long as you recover your mobility, attack Ryze immediately! But be careful, don't be hit by the prince's EQ combo Hit!

Let me teach you a trick to ensure that you can fly Ryze smoothly!Professional players usually have [obsessive-compulsive disorder] when using those conventional skills and routines!
Moreover, the most important thing is that they have determined that you two female players are just a scam, so they will definitely carry this obsessive-compulsive disorder to the end in terms of play style!

And what is obsessive-compulsive disorder?It means that when a skill is played halfway, it will not hesitate to make the next operation in order to complete the whole skill!Although the top players have perfect self-control ability, they can judge whether the skill can hit the opponent in the process of using the skill, and then take the most reasonable operation, but most professional players face the so-called rookie or the tailwind game. Sometimes, there will be this kind of obsessive-compulsive disorder that forces myself to complete a specific operation!
Generally speaking, when they face opponents who are weaker than themselves, they will not stop abruptly when using skills and routines!

In layman's terms, it means that professional players will not be cautious when fighting opponents they think are rookies. They are quite confident in their own strength and responsiveness, so the manifestation of obsessive-compulsive disorder is more prominent.Even if this is the case for a rookie professional player, let alone Yin Xiangtie who has been famous for a long time.

When the prince's E skill German flag hits you, he will definitely use the Q skill non-stop to complete the basic operation of the EQ two-hit combo.

When dealing with opponents of the same level, maybe they will be cautious, but when dealing with you who they think are not strong enough, they will definitely expose the [obsessive-compulsive disorder] to the full!
Piao Piao, let me tell you, even if the Prince's EQ Erlian is released extremely coherently, it will definitely not be as fast as [Flash]'s release speed!

So, you only need to remember one thing - when you are hit by the prince's military flag, you immediately use flash in the direction of the slash!

Professional players are quite particular about skill cohesion when playing games.So when Ryze's W skill first fixes you in place, the prince will never use EQ two combos to allow the control skills to be used repeatedly.And when you regain freedom of movement and are hit by the prince's German flag, don't think too much, just use flash!This trick will definitely allow you to escape the prince's EQ combo!
After avoiding the prince's EQ combo, your task is very simple - just put all your energy on Ryze!If Wayne wants to use the E skill to bounce you off, don't be nervous, as long as you keep Xinye's E skill, you can rush into the battlefield again after being bounced, use the E skill to get close to Ryze, and use the Q skill to kill you It's knocked off!
Remember, while flashing, if Wayne on the opposite side reacts quickly, he will decisively surrender the repelling E skill. At this time, you must keep the E skill and the W skill that increases the attack speed in your hand.After you re-enter the casting range, lift Ryze away in one go.As long as Ryze is knocked into the air by you, plus the 15% armor-piercing effect of Xinye's passive skill, Ryze who has not flashed will definitely be killed by us!

Our output ability is terrible. If Juggernaut and I have a good character and hit consecutive critical strikes, basically Ryze will fall first without any suspense.And if you are unfortunately killed on the spot by the opponent's joint efforts, you don't have to be discouraged. My barbarian king and Lulu's sword master will definitely not let you die in vain.The state of the prince is not optimistic either! "

Wu Di told Mu Piaopiao the details of Mu Piaopiao's operation at the fastest speed, and the taciturn girl nodded immediately after listening to it, without saying a word of nonsense.

Wu Di looked at the soldier's position, and immediately shouted after seeing the right moment: "It's now, pretend to fill that infantry!"

After receiving the instructions, Lord Xin took a step forward and made a move to make up the knife, and the Korean rookie professional player on the opposite side obviously defined this behavior as a "desperate move", so Ryze waved his hand, and it was already handed over. I got the W skill to fix the opponent in place!
The following plot was staged completely according to Wu Di's script: while Ruiz was holding Xin Zhao, the prince's German military flag was also thrown on the top of Xin Ye's head, and Wei En seized the opportunity and began to attack Xin Zhao. attack.The next moment, when the prince resolutely handed over his Q skill and prepared to fly Xinye who had suffered huge damage into the air, Xinye had a flash of intelligence and handed over [Flash]!
All the Korean teachers and students in the audience opened their mouths wide, watching in disbelief that Lord Xin used his flash to escape the prince's EQ double combo at this critical moment, and came to the side of Ryze who did not flash!

And Wei En's operator, just as Wu Di expected, after seeing this scene, did not have time to marvel at Xinye's reflexes, and directly handed over his E skill, knocking Xinye back a certain distance.

Before the operator of Ryze had time to let out a sigh of relief, the Juggernaut had already used [Alpha Strike] and came to Ryze's side again!

This wave after wave of brainless attacks made the new Korean player who had to control Ryze break out in a cold sweat, and when he immediately retreated, the Barbarian King also used the displacement effect of [Whirlwind] to move To his side!
After Yin Xiangtie saw this situation, he immediately shouted:
"Ryze don't retreat! Focus on the barbarian king! The barbarian king didn't flash, and he didn't have displacement skills anymore. Their target of focusing fire is you. Keeping back will make them unscrupulous, and it's easy for Ryze to lose his life in vain! Instead If we are taken away by their brainless rush, we might as well fight back on the spot and fight them head-on. As long as we can fight off the barbarian king with low life value, we will not lose. If the opponent uses a very trustworthy combination, then it will It's just brainless rushing into a person!"

Until now, Yin Xiangtie finally understood why the other party chose this so-called cheating combination.The two girls around Wu Di must be inferior to his two teammates in e-sports, so using this combination that can advance without thinking can offset the difference in individual strength between the two sides to the greatest extent!

The brainless operation of face rolling keyboard, as long as you are a player, you can use it as you like!The opponent's combat intention is very clear: that is to attack a wave first, use the [Flash] skill of one of our heroes, and then seize the opportunity to rush into this hero without life-saving skills again, and then use the strategy of life-for-life , Let yourself take the lead in downsizing!

And there is one and only one way to deal with this kind of brainless rush!That is spell output!Let's see who falls first!

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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