The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 453 Brainless Advance

Chapter 453 Brainless Advance

Yin Xiangtie has been galloping in the professional e-sports field for a long time, so he naturally figured out the core strategy of the opponent's easy-to-trust team in an instant, so he immediately reminded the two rookies beside him.

However, what surprised him was that these two rookies obviously didn't approve of his ideas!

In the Korean professional circle, rookie players all think that they are the proud ones who can only stand out after inhuman training and unprecedented pressure. The arrogance in their hearts cannot be easily faded away before it fades away.

Therefore, they completely ignored Yin Xiangtie's friendly reminder. They simply believed that they would be able to avoid the other party's concentration of fire by relying on their extraordinary reflexes and hand speed!
Ryze didn't stop his retreat and fought recklessly with the opponent. The rookie player obviously felt that the current situation was not enough to threaten Ryze's life!

However, when he took a step, the Barbarian King's [Contempt] skill with deceleration effects was decisively used, and Ryze, who was facing away from him, immediately had a chicken pattern on his head: this is a sign that the deceleration effect has taken effect !

If the rookie player follows Yin Xiangtie's advice and counterattacks on the spot, Ryze will not be slowed down, and he can use the opponent's approach to his gap to make several effective output.But he has been belittling the opponent's pretty Yixin combination.Especially Master Yi and Xin Ye controlled by the two girls, he even wishful thinking that they can only play at an amateur level.

But to his surprise, under Wu Di's command and leadership, the two sisters have completely cast aside their psychological restraints, played extremely aggressively, and achieved great results!

The repelled Xin Ye finally came to the battlefield again, and used the rush effect of the E skill to successfully slow down Ryze again!Wearing the full attack speed rune and attack speed shoes, Xin Ye also decisively used Q skills and W skills the moment he approached Ryze.In less than a second, Ruiz was picked up by Lord Xin and flew into the air!

The barbarian king and the sword master had already walked in front of Ryze, completely ignoring the damage of enemy heroes and soldiers, and launched a final crazy blow to Ryze.After two or three seconds passed, Ryze collapsed to the ground!

Wu Di's trio got the first blood, successfully occupying the advantage in numbers and momentum!
Although Wei En followed Yin Xiangtie's suggestion and continued to attack the barbarian king, making the barbarian king's life hang by a thread, Ruiz obviously fell before him!

After completing his historical mission, the barbarian king immediately turned around and attacked the prince desperately. Of course, Lulu and Mu Piaopiao kept Wu Di's instructions in mind. Suddenly seeing the barbarian king beheading the prince, he immediately shifted the fire target and killed all the princes. The firepower was aimed at the prince who was still present!

A few seconds later, the barbarian king of course followed Ryze's lead and became the second hero to fall, but his sacrifice also successfully forced the prince's [Flash]!
Wu Di looked at the black and white screen, and after looking at the situation on the field, he immediately ordered decisively:
"Retreat! Retreat immediately, don't let Wei En have a chance to harvest! The prince's health has been knocked out by more than half, and he pretended to attack and went out without buying enough red medicine. His recovery ability will definitely be weak! As long as The two of you dragged on for a while, and the advantage is still firmly in our hands! After your health recovers for a while, you can go up to make up the knife together. The prince is not in good condition, and a mere Wei En can't take advantage of the two of you. Any way. If he wants to go up to show off his skills, you will continue to attack Wei En without thinking!"

After hearing the words, Xinye and Juggernaut immediately withdrew from the battlefield, took the red medicine at the same time, and began to slowly recover their health.Of course, the prince who was not in good condition retreated behind the pawn line and did not dare to attack rashly, and Wei En could only complete the operation of making up the knife in a regular manner, and did not dare to attack the enemy heroes easily.

In the map of Howling Abyss, the resurrection time after the hero's death is much shorter than that of Summoner's Canyon.

Therefore, after a while, Barbarian King and Ryze also rushed to the line again, and the two sides once again formed a 3V3 confrontation.

Yin Xiangtie's face was livid, and after Ruiz arrived on the line, he immediately shouted in a deep voice:

"Just now I told you to fight, but you didn't listen, do you know the consequences now? Your head experience is enjoyed by the barbarian king, but his head experience, you can't share it! If my deduction is correct, they won't now either If they attack easily, they will take advantage of this weak experience and drag it until the barbarian king reaches level six! The barbarian king at level six can use the ultimate move [Endless Rage], and within those five seconds, we will no longer be able to take off the head of the barbarian king. class!
Now, because they will rush into the heroes who have not flashed without thinking, my prince is not in good condition, and he dare not step forward easily. It can be said that we are already at a disadvantage!And all of this is the result of you not following my advice and insisting on retreating! "

This South Korean rookie player certainly understands the situation in front of him.He has received all kinds of training, so he naturally knows that what Yin Xiangtie said is the truth.So, he had to sincerely apologize:
"I'm sorry, Senior Yin Xiangtie... I underestimated the power of the Yixin combination too much. I never imagined that they would completely disregard their own life and death and want to replace Ryze's head... From now on, I will listen to you , arrange it!"

Yin Xiangtie sighed softly and said:

"The best opportunity has been missed! Now that we are at a disadvantage, we can't attack at will. Your Ryze has not flashed, and neither has my prince. If they find a good opportunity, the prince and Ryze will become their focus object!

Now... all I can do is wait.They are waiting for the sixth level, and the coping strategy we can do is to wait for the arrival of the sixth level!
Ryze has considerable group damage ability after level [-]. As long as they get together and focus on our heroes, your output ability will be fully displayed.And after my prince reaches level six, he can also use [Heaven and Earth Shatter], a big move to change the terrain.As long as you cooperate well with me, plus the harvesting ability of the sixth-level Wayne, basically it will be difficult for them to make a difference!

Now, just stick to the tower and wait quietly for the hero to reach level six!They are melee heroes, and there is no chance to consume the health of the defense tower... So, all we have to do is wait! "

Yoon Sang-chul is indeed one of the top players in South Korea. With his insight, he analyzed the situation on the field in an instant and formulated the most suitable combat strategy.The two rookie contestants also learned a lot from a ditch, and completely obeyed Yin Xiangtie's command.

Afterwards, the South Korean trio all huddled under the tower to defend, not giving the opponent a chance to attack without thinking.And in the early stage of the game, the damage ability of the defense tower is naturally not something any hero can bear, so after seeing the opponent's behavior, Wu Di also smiled softly:

"Oh, it's exactly as I expected. The opponent is going to defend to the death, and they will wait for the sixth level before finding a chance to fight us.

Well... Man Yixin is a melee hero, so it's not easy to push towers, so you two don't push Taha on your own initiative!After the line of soldiers enters the attack range of the defense tower, we will retreat.Since they have adopted delaying tactics for the time being and want to fight us to the death after reaching the sixth level, then we will do as they wish! "

Looking at the screen, Wu Di has already simulated the future scene in his mind...

After a few minutes passed, although the head ratio of the two sides was 1:1, it was obvious that Wu Di's side had stronger morale.They constantly used Juggernaut's efficient pawn clearing ability to quickly push the pawn line under the opponent's tower, and the Korean trio could only shrink under the tower and complete the operation of making up the knife in a satisfactory manner.

Finally, the six heroes on both sides have reached level six!According to normal circumstances, the sixth level is also the best time to attack!
The prince ate half of his side's medical kit twice, and his health finally returned to half of the level, barely qualifying for another battle.At this time, Yin Xiangtie was racking his brains to conceive a strategy for the battle, but he didn't expect Wu Difang to put on an attacking posture just around the corner?

This... makes no sense?Even if the barbarian king can activate the ultimate move and have five seconds of invincibility, but Wei En's flash is still there, they can't focus on him. In addition, as long as Ryze activates the ultimate move, the movement speed and output ability can be greatly improved , if they rushed in front of them presumptuously, they would definitely end up being wiped out!But why do they seem so impatient?Want to kill us under our tower?

What surprised Yin Xiangtie was that after the heroes of both sides reached the sixth level, the barbarian king had already taken the lead, walked under his own defense tower, and began to cut down the tower?And his good brothers Master Yi and Lord Xin also stood beside the barbarian king on one left and one on the right. Although they didn't go down the tower, it seemed that they didn't pay attention to the three heroes at all in that posture?
Yin Xiangtie let out a cold breath from his nostrils, and said to himself: "Humph! You want to lure me to use EQ Erlian, and then expose me to your attack range, and then kill me with a set fire? Well done, But don’t forget that my ultimate move is to trap you together as pigs! Since you want to be wiped out by the group, I will fulfill you!"

The next moment, without hesitation, Yin Xiangtie asked the prince to use the EQ combo against the barbarian king who was cutting down the tower.

And just as he expected, Xin Ye and Juggernaut also quickly approached him when they landed on the ground.

【Heaven and earth shattered】!
The prince leaped into the air and fell quickly, summoning a ring-shaped high wall around him.This is the special effect of the prince's big move, which can trap the enemy target in this stone wall cage for more than three seconds!
Next, as long as Ryze and Wayne activate their ultimate moves and cooperate with the attack of the defensive tower, even if their own prince will be buried under the tower, they will definitely kill more than two opponents—Yin Xiangtie firmly believes in this.

However, to his surprise, after being trapped in the stone wall by himself, Master Yi and Xinye only casually attacked him once, then turned their guns and locked the attack target on the stone wall just now. On Ryze who has activated his ultimate move!

At the same time, the defense tower of one's own side judged the barbarian king as the enemy hero who made the first attack, and started bombarding him.Wu Di, who was not far away, only said softly in the earphone:
"Okay, leave the prince to me, and you go to set fire to Ryze. The barbarian king will die, but his burial objects are the heads of the prince and Ryze! Remember, don't be afraid, don't be cowardly, our tactics are nothing Brain breakout!"

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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