The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 454 Brainless Advance

Chapter 454 Brainless Advance

Master Yi's [Alpha Strike] can quickly escape the prince's [Heaven and Earth Break], and Xin Ye's E skill can also easily step out of this circular stone wall.Before Wu Di finished speaking, the two of them had already rushed to Ryze!
However, Yin Xiangtie didn't care about it.Ryze and Wayne, who have activated their ultimate moves, have absolutely extraordinary output capabilities. Even if Master Yi and Xinye are not attacked by defensive towers, they will be beaten to death by Wayne and Ryze.At that time, after the barbarian king fell, the defense tower changed its attack target, and the two heroes who rushed into the back row of their own side must also be doomed!
It's just... a small-probability event that he didn't expect happened on the scene: the barbarian king hit two critical strikes in a row in a hand-to-hand fight with him!And it was these two critical strikes that caused the prince who had little life to lie down first!

Depend on!What the hell, this barbarian king's character is so good!

The audience and Yin Xiangtie couldn't help cursing in their hearts, the barbarian king's critical attack is indeed an uncontrollable factor...

In this way, after the barbarian king killed the prince first, he would naturally be able to free up his hands and feet to help the two good brothers focus on Ryze.If there were only two people, Ryze and Wayne might still have a big advantage, but three people...

The barbarian king rolled over on the spot, took advantage of the momentum to leave the prince's circular cage, and came to Ruiz's side in an instant.At this time, Ryze had been picked up into the air by Lord Xin, while Master Yi was bounced away by Wei En with the E skill.

The Barbarian King's health had been hit to the lowest point, when he came to Ryze with [Whirlwind], he had already activated his ultimate move, and the duration had passed for two seconds.His big move can make him invincible for 5 seconds, that is to say, he can still resist the attack of the defense tower and survive for three seconds!
In these three seconds, Wu Di made two general attacks on Ryze, and hung up the W skill on Wayne not far behind him.Although Lord Xin was ejected from a certain distance by Wei En, the timely arrival of the barbarian king still made Ryze's situation not optimistic.

Right now...

It seems that God also wants all audiences to see the power of the three Man Yixin brothers - the Man King with only 1 life value, after approaching Ryze, hit two consecutive critical strikes again!
Three seconds later, the barbarian king fell!However, Ryze was immediately knocked to the ground by the Juggernaut right after him!
"Lulu, let the Juggernaut use the W skill! The defense tower is attacking the Juggernaut! After the Q skill cools down, immediately use the enemy minions to use the Q skill to escape the attack range of the defense tower!" The best solution for a safe evacuation!
The prince and Ruiz fell one after another, while Wu Difang lost only one barbarian king, and Xinye was bounced back by Wei En. There is no serious problem in escaping, so after gaining the advantage, the most urgent task is to see if the Juggernaut can escape sky!

The Juggernaut Master Yi who has turned on the ultimate move can greatly reduce the cooldown time of the Q skill after getting a kill or an assist.So when he used his W skill to reduce the tower's attack, his Q skill Alpha Strike has been cooled down!

A sword light quickly swept across the field, and Master Yi successfully used Alpha Strike to escape from the enemy's formation.

After returning to a safe position, Xinye and Juggernaut plunged headlong into the grass, making Dewayne afraid to go forward and pursue them easily.More than ten seconds have passed since Wu Difang started the team battle. The basic skills of Xinye and Juggernaut should have cooled down. , but the melee heroes with terrifying output will take away the heads.

In this team battle, Wu Difang traded 1 for 2, gaining a head advantage!

The Korean teachers and students outside the arena saw that Wu Di and his two rookie sisters played an advantage. After gaining the obvious advantage, they were shocked, but they were still amazed at the performance of the combination of Man Yixin.

【How can it be!How can Man Yixin, known as the most cheating combination in the history of League of Legends, make our domestic masters suffer so much!Could it be that the timing of the release of our professional players' control skills is wrong? 】

[The release timing... at least in my eyes, is extremely correct.The prince surrounded the opponent's three heroes with a big move, but Juggernaut and Xinye both had rushing skills, and Ryze's control skills were handed over to Juggernaut, Wayne's knockback skills were given to Xinye, and their control skills are the largest Limit the other party to the limit!But... Even so, they were still taken away by the other party with two heads... What's going on? 】

Lee Hyuk, Kim Hye-eun, and a group of Korean masters are also suspicious of this: it is a very easy-to-trust combination, and the operation of each hero can only be described as [face roll keyboard], there is no difficulty at all, and the three heroes are all It is a melee type, and once it is controlled, it is difficult to hit a high burst... But just now, they witnessed an incredible scene with their own eyes.The leading brother in Man Yixin, Man Wang, used his invincible big move to withstand the damage of the defensive tower, while the other two brothers directly focused on a target. After a round of brainless dash, the opponent actually gained a 1-for-2 advantage?
Several Korean masters felt that their brains were not enough.

What they received was the most formal professional training, and they participated in the extremely high-level professional league of their country, and the opponents they faced were also well-known domestic masters in the world, but why did Wu Di lead two little-known cheaters? Paper, how can it do this?Could it be that Wu Di's strength has reached an unfathomable level, and he can drag two pits with one mind?Or is it quite Yixin, a cheating combination, underestimated by us?In fact, this combo is one of the best combos that absolutely applies?

impossible!A group of Korean masters denied this idea in their minds.The reason is also very simple. According to what they have learned and seen, the combination of Man Yixin is not strong in control, and they are all melee heroes. It is very easy to be defeated by the opponent's kite-flying tactics. , but as long as you can't get close, there is no danger for your own hero!

These orthodox-educated professional players only felt that Wu Difang not only used the recognized cheating combination, but also took the initiative to take the initiative on the court. It's totally unacceptable for a master to be mediocre!

Similarly, the three Yin Xiangtie who were fighting against their opponents were also very puzzled why such a situation occurred.

The prince can pick up the enemy heroes, and can also circle the opponent's three to provide output opportunities for his own heroes. Ryze can control, fight and resist, Wayne is full of agility, and his continuous output ability is also extremely terrifying... According to their understanding , such a combination, how could they lose to the cheating combination of Man Yixin?Is there a problem with your own operation?This is even more impossible. Although the three of them have different strengths, they are all serious Korean professional players. Whether it is e-sports talent or personal strength, they are enough to make all amateur players proud.Besides, there are two amateur players in the opposing team!
Yin Xiangtie and the three were puzzled.

At this time, the curious baby Lulu also asked Wu Di in surprise and joy after seeing that her side had gained a certain advantage:

"Brother Wu Di, are we... are we really that strong? We can even be compared with Korean professional players? Besides, the combination of Man Yixin is easy to use? Is this a high-end combination that has been ignored by e-sports people?"

Facing Lulu's question, Wu Di laughed heartily and said heartily:
"Heh! Lulu, don't be too happy! Since you want to know why this situation happened, let me explain to you and Mu Piaopiao. It's quite easy to believe that this combination is popular among players and professional players. It's not unreasonable to jokingly call it a cheating combination!
These three heroes have no control skills, and they are all melee heroes, so they are very easy to be kited by the opponent. This is the biggest reason why they rarely appear in official games.However, we were able to play such a situation, which was within my expectation.

First of all, the map [Howling Abyss] is very suitable for this combination to play.This map has no complicated terrain, it goes straight, and there is no cover except for a few rare bushes. This kind of terrain is the most suitable for the brainless rush tactics that are quite easy to believe!Because the opponent is inevitable!
Secondly, in this mode, the Manyixin combination is the most able to give full play to its advantages.As soon as they come out, they are level three, so the power of these three people together cannot be underestimated. In addition, the initial gold coins are more than 1000 gold coins, which makes these three heroes who are more dependent on equipment, able to have different levels when they go out. Vulgar fighting power.

Then... there are some details and luck factors.For example, I asked Xinye to carry the attack speed rune and give priority to making attack speed shoes so that he can use the acceleration effect of the W skill to immediately pick up the opponent in a short time as soon as he approaches the enemy hero.Xin Ye's armor-piercing passive effect can also maximize the output power of these three physical attack heroes.In addition, under the opponent's tower just now, the barbarian king hit four consecutive critical strikes, which was beyond my expectation. These four critical strikes came with a bit of luck.However, you have to remember... Sometimes, luck is also a part of strength.Now that I have chosen the Barbarian King, his critical chance must not be ignored.

In fact, even if the barbarian king couldn't hit the crit at that time, it didn't matter. Xinye's big move is still there, and the cooldown time of the three skills is also faster. At that time, it will be a 2 for 2 situation at most, and we will not suffer.

One more thing, both of you should keep in mind!The characteristics of the Yixin combination will be seen through by the opponent soon!As long as their skill connection is accurate, and the Juggernaut or Xinye is killed on the spot first, then this combination will have no deterrent effect at all!If they are still afraid of starting the team first, or if they insist on using the Man King's invincible big move first, then the Man Yixin combination will continue to make them suffer!

Therefore, we cannot fight for a long time.It can’t be delayed until Ryze and Vayne make core output equipment, or the prince can make a large piece of defensive equipment, otherwise, our brainless assault tactics will lose their threat.This combination... seems to be more powerful in the later stage, but in fact, when facing top players, its brainless rush tactics are only suitable for the early stage of the game! "

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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