The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 455 Brainless Advance

Chapter 455 Brainless Advance

Lulu memorized all Wu Di's words in her mind, and although Mu Piaopiao beside her didn't say a word, she also silently remembered the characteristics of the pretty Yixin combination.Then, they stared at their computer screens with full attention, ready to do their best not to hold Wu Di back.

In their hearts, they are just a low-level player, not even a player.But under the leadership of Wu Di, they were able to gain an advantage in the match against three Korean professional players. This alone is enough to shock people!
Wu Di felt the seriousness of the two daughters and their enthusiasm for e-sports, so he smiled knowingly and continued:

"If you are really interested in e-sports and want to become a professional player, this game should be your battle of enlightenment. Every player will have an unforgettable game in his long career. game or game.

Such an opportunity is hard-won, you should cherish it.Although your current personal strength is still far behind your opponents, as long as you persevere and work hard, one day, maybe you will reach their level.

Now, let's continue to use the simplest and most direct tactics of violence, and let those Korean opponents who are still racking their brains to conceive countermeasures be crushed! "

At this time, the South Korean teachers and students and Yin Xiangtie were just as Wu Di expected-they were racking their brains to think about how to deal with the pretty easy-to-believe combination that seemed to be able to solve all problems with violence.

However, Yin Xiangtie thought hard for a long time, but he was still at a loss, and the two rookie professional players beside him had no good way to deal with it, so he could only suggest aloud: "Senior Yin, let's adopt a more conservative strategy? See They look like, maybe after the cooldown of the barbarian king's ultimate move, he will jump over the tower and kill us again?"

After thinking about it, Yin Xiangtie looked at the current situation, nodded and said: "Well, let's wait and see for a while, you two should do a good job of making up the sword under the tower, try to get as many gold coins as possible, and I won't steal the money from the soldiers. During this period of time, the cooldown of [Flash] on both sides has been completed, even if they want to force it, we can still escape in a flash.

Although this is the case, you two are output positions, so you must pay attention to your position, and don't be easily caught by them.My prince can immediately use EQ Erlian to escape if something goes wrong. "

Before he knew it, Yin Xiangtie hadn't realized that he was overwhelmed by the opponent's aura, and his own judgment had some problems.In fact, if they dare to fight hard at this time, they may not be opponents of the Yixin combination...

Next, Wu Di and his friends still played very aggressively.However, when they attacked the opponent's tower again and again, they found that the opponent's three-person team paid great attention to their positioning.The situation has reached a stalemate.

"They won't come out, what should we do?" Lu Lu asked anxiously.

But Wu Di pursed his lips and said with a smile, "It's expected. Let's back off and squat in the grass!"

"Squat in the grass?" The two girls asked softly at the same time, very puzzled by this [Grass Conglun] exclusive combat plan.

The tactics of squatting in the grass first began with the banner figure of the League of Legends-Galen, the power of Demacia.This big man with the title of "Grass Cong Lun", because he has been promoted by the peripheral products of the League of Legends as a silly and insignificant but also a bit domineering image, so he is still loved by the majority of heroes.

And his most classic tactic is to squat in the grass, take advantage of the moment when the enemy hero walks into the grass carelessly, and quickly kill the opponent with a set of skills with good damage effects.This tactic is often particularly effective against novice players who have just come into contact with League of Legends.But League of Legends has been popular for several years, and there are fewer and fewer novice players, and the success rate of this tactic is getting smaller and smaller.Therefore, although Lulu and Mu Piaopiao are not professional players, they still have some e-sports skills. When they heard Wu Di tell them to squat in the grass, they immediately felt that their brains were not enough.

"You heard me right, and I said it right. Our next tactic is to squat in the grass. As long as they dare to enter the attack range of the Yixin combination, we will swarm them!" Wu Di saw the doubts of the second daughter, so Patiently explained.

However, this explanation made the two women even more confused, completely unable to understand why Wu Di set up this tactic.

Opposite is a Korean professional player!Would it be so easy to be defeated by squatting in the grass?As long as the prince just throws a German military flag into the grass, he can easily find the location that is quite trustworthy.When the time comes, Wei En will directly fix one of them on the wall, and the situation will be dangerous!
"You misunderstood." Wu Di suddenly saw that the doubts on the faces of the two women did not retreat but increased, so he explained again, "I told you to squat in the grass, not to implement the tactics of squatting in the grass. If they dare to make a [face] They don’t deserve to be called professional players if they behaved like exploring the bushes. The squatting in the bushes I mentioned is just a psychological tactic. Now they hide under the tower to defend, and they won’t easily walk up to the line. The opportunity to attack will not come easily, so we can only retreat and leave the line actively. Only in this way can we lure the snakes out of the hole and let them obediently leave the defense range of the defense tower and reach the open space in the middle. The fundamental purpose of our squatting in the grass is to lure them all out, not to implement the squatting grass tactics that can be seen through at a glance!"

After listening, Lulu's eyes lit up, and she suddenly understood: "I understand! As long as they leave the attack range of the defense tower, no matter where they are, we will have the opportunity to use the brainless assault tactics again! It's easy to trust the combination The core tactic is... brainless assault! Therefore, no matter when and where, everything we do is to prepare for this tactic!"

Wu Di smiled and nodded, and cast admiring eyes on Lulu's understanding.

The most intimidating tactic of the Man Yixin combination is of course the brainless assault.Coupled with the fact that one's own personal strength cannot be compared with the opponent's at all, so the most direct, simplest and most effective strategy is this brainless rush tactic that looks like the behavior of a primary school student.

After tens of seconds passed, the three heroes of Man Yixin quietly retreated to the grass at the edge of the center of the map, no longer showing their faces, no longer appearing in the sight of enemy heroes.And no matter where the line of troops reached, they kept squatting in the grass, ignoring them.

OK?Those three heroes imitated the three Demacia brothers?Squatting in the grass is their exclusive big move, isn't it?

(The three brothers of Demacia: Jiawen, the prince of Demacia, Xin Zhao, the governor of Demacia, and Galen, the power of Demacia.)
Yin Xiangtie glanced at the screen, also puzzled.The former No. [-] genius in the world still kept making strange moves as before.Back then, it was because of his weird tactics that he was able to target heroes in the same position and limit the opponent's performance. His nickname of "Terminator" came from this.

However, his highly targeted style of play... is only aimed at a certain hero.Now this game is 3V3, does he also want to use endless strange moves to defeat himself like back then?

Thinking of this, Yin Xiangtie immediately thought of what Wu Di said to humiliate him back then.All of a sudden, a cavity of anger welled up in my heart.

"Pay attention! Later, I will let the prince stand in a position where he can release the EQ two combo, and throw the [German flag] directly to the edge of the grass! If they are in the first grass, I will not Hesitantly control the prince to perform a double attack. At that time, Wei En, you must keep up with the prince's actions and directly pin one of them to the wall! Then... everyone will use their big moves and fight them head-on!"

"But, Senior Yin, their explosiveness is higher than ours now! If we fight recklessly..."

"Scared! Now the head ratio between the two sides is only 3:2, they are only one head ahead, don't let this small disadvantage restrict your hands and feet! You are all professional players, and the opponent is just two e-sports students, I am not afraid Wu Di, are you still afraid of those two female students?"

Yin Xiangtie resorted to aggressive methods on his teammates.And after being in the professional arena for many years, he has vaguely noticed some characteristics of the Manyixin combination.Although he was burning with anger and hated Wu Di deeply, he could still control his temper well in this e-sports arena.

After his careful analysis, he concluded that the Man Yixin combination must have weaknesses!It's just that he can't comprehend this weakness for the time being, he just has a feeling that if he wants to defeat this combination, he must attack first!
"Remember! Wei En, your E skill must be used on Juggernaut or Xin Zhao, not on the barbarian king! Then, let's focus on the hero fixed on the wall, don't spread the fire." Yin Xiangtie Added a sentence, and then the controlling prince took the lead to walk in the forefront, leading Ruiz and Wayne towards the grass where the Yixin group was located.

"Here we come! Sister Piao Piao is ready, as long as you have a chance, you will go up and stab them! Oh, I love Suo Rui, you are the one who stabbed them with Zhao Xin, hehe." Lulu had a frenzied look on her face, and she had already replaced Wu Di. gave the most correct instructions.

Three steps, two steps, one step!
When the prince's flag was thrown in the grass, the indifferent Mu Piao Piao's eyes suddenly widened, and he manipulated Xin Zhao to rush out of the grass!And his target is...Ryze!
Correct judgment!
Wu Di secretly screamed in his heart, and greatly appreciated Mu Piao Piao's actions.Because, the prince can use EQ two combos to fly away his own heroes, and Wayne can roll on the spot in time, avoiding Xinye's three-stage Q skills, except that Ryze can only use [ Flash] in order to escape Xinye's advance.

After suddenly seeing Lord Xin make the most correct move, the barbarian king and the sword master also rushed out of the grass together, and locked the target of the fire on Ryze...

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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