Chapter 456 See Through
The three of Man Yixin came to Ryze in an instant, which also surprised his controller.With the lessons learned from the past, of course he will not sit still!
Under his reputation, there is nothing in vain, this Korean professional player with good reflexes, immediately showed extraordinary reflexes--when Xinye's spear was stabbed twice, Ryze decisively surrendered Flash yourself!

Phew... The professional player just breathed a sigh of relief, secretly thinking that Ryze would finally not repeat the same mistakes, and when he became the first hero to fall, the opponent had already responded quickly.

"Turn the fire! The target is the prince! Lord Xin, use your big move to bounce Wei En away first!"

"The prince flashed back. I turned in the W skill, and Vayne was slowed down! Turn to fire, Vayne!"

"Vayne handed in a flash, and Ryze came up again, turn the fire! Ryze!"

In just ten seconds, Wu Di gave one correct instruction after another, and the Man Yixin group on the big screen also advanced and retreated properly, and cooperated with each other tacitly.During this period of time, their actions were quite unified. The three violent output flow melee heroes, relying on this brainless rush tactic, forced all the [Flash] of the opponent's three heroes to come out!

"Finish, call it a day! Don't chase after me! Master Xin, your life value is not optimistic. Hurry up and run away!"

When Wu Di gave the last order for this team battle, the South Korean trio quickly retreated to a safe position. Wei En chased for a while, and found that the bloody Xinye had handed in a flash, so he quickly retreated and joined the big team. The troops meet.

In the second team battle, although the two sides did not produce any kills, the initiative on the field was quietly held by Wu Difang.Neither the Barbarian King nor the Juggernaut Flash has been used, and the opponent's three heroes have already lost the most important means of life-saving. At this time, they only need to wait until the cooldown of the ultimate move of Man Yixin's combination is completed, and then they can start a team battle again and win it all at once. other side!
Next, Wu Di asked his hero to adopt the tactic that drives opponents crazy: line control!
Line control is an art, whether it is a 5V5 official game or a 3V3 mode, as long as the dominant side firmly controls the pawn line within its own half area, then the opponent will lose most of the experience and money provided by the minions.

The three South Korean heroes didn't show up, so naturally they didn't dare to step forward to complete the last knife operation easily, and Wu Difang's barbarian king and sword master just stood in the front position, firmly restricting the opponent's movement, and all the last knife Give it to Lord Xin to complete.Xinye's W skill can restore his own health, so after 2 minutes, Xinye's health has recovered nearly half, and he has the qualification to charge in team battles again.

On the other hand, the South Korean side, they can neither go forward to make up for the knife, nor have a better way to recover, until the pawn line is pushed down the tower by the opponent again.They had to retreat collectively, abandoning the guards of the first defensive tower.

If Man Yixin made a brainless charge at this time, it would probably be the rhythm of seeing whoever is destroying whoever.In the few seconds when the barbarian king carried the tower, with the lethality of the barbarian Yixin combination, it is believed that the speed at which the likes of Raizween fell could only be counted in seconds.

Wu Difang easily pushed down the enemy's first defense tower, and his advantage on the scene is getting bigger and bigger.Although the South Korean trio [Flash] had finished cooling down again, they were already beaten into a rut.As a combination with a very low fault tolerance rate, it is easy to believe that as long as the three of them act together and use the brainless rush tactics to the extreme, then Vayne and Ryze, who have no equipment, basically cannot fight the opponent's damage at all.

The team battle competition is which side has the stronger damage ability!Although the output ability of Juggernaut and Barbarian King is very dependent on the quality of equipment, the damage ability of Ryze and Wayne is more dependent on the support of equipment than these two heroes.If they start a team rashly, Ryze and Wei En may not be able to fight against the three of Man Yixin.

Right now...

After ten minutes of fighting, Yin Xiangtie, who was silently watching the screen, suddenly had a flash of light in his mind, and saw the flaws of the Man Yixin combination!
"Vayne, Ruiz, get ready, I'm going to start the team first! We all made a cognitive mistake! The Yixin combination is not as powerful as imagined!"

As soon as they heard the senior's shout, the two rookies couldn't help asking: "Senior Yin, the combination of Man Yixin and the three of them did a lot of damage. Although we have a chance of winning by fighting for damage, we are not sure. !Are you sure you want to fight first?"

The corner of Yin Xiangtie's mouth twitched, and a firm look appeared in his eyes:

"Don't worry, the shortcomings of the Manyixin combination have not changed from the beginning to the end! Although their explosive ability is strong, the shortcoming of their short hands and less control has always existed! We were disturbed by the opponent's use of this combination before, and lost Calm judgment! It’s a very easy-to-trust combination, why is it almost never played in the official game? That’s because after the analysis of the tactical designers and architects of the major teams, the shortcomings of this combination are too obvious, and in the face of more control When there are too many lineups, it is basically the end of the game, so they are dubbed by the players and players as the "cheat combination"!
Wu Difang's other two student players can't compare with you in terms of strength and operation, but this team can make up for the gap in their strength to the greatest extent with the combination of Man Yixin with a very low error tolerance rate.

Don't you see that the opponent has only one tactic?That is to use the barbarian king's invincible big move to rush forward without thinking and seize the first-hand advantage!

As long as we see through this point, then we no longer need to be afraid of each other.As long as we can gather Fire Juggernaut or Xin Zhao first under the tower, then their combination will lose its deterrent effect.

Newcomers, it's time to let the audience in your country see your true strength.Come on, it's time for us to fight back! "

Yin Xiangtie had just seen through the reason why the Man Yixin team had the upper hand in the scene, but he did not expect that the opponent would immediately step forward before he made a move!

It was still the barbarian king who took the lead in attacking, so that he could bear all the damage from the defensive tower; it was still Xinye who followed closely, rushing in front of Ryze immediately, and using the Q skill to immediately fly Ryze into the air.

And Ryze's operator still reacted immediately, and handed over the cooled [Flash]!
Only this time, Lord Xin also moved his body, and flashed decisively to hand it over!

Ryze was knocked into the air, the Juggernaut rushed to him, and the barbarian king, ignoring Wei En's attack, waved his sword desperately without fear of life and death, vowing to kill Ryze immediately.

With the joint output of Man Yixin and the three of them, although Wei En and the prince escorted them, the explosion of these three heroes was too high. After a while, Ryze was killed on the spot and became the first hero to fall again.And the time for the barbarian king's big move, who took on the heavy responsibility of fighting the tower, is about to pass, and at this moment, his life is also hanging by a thread.

Seeing Ryze's death suddenly, the prince also surrendered his big move [Heaven and Earth Crack], trying to trap the three of Man Yixin in the stone wall, so as to create an output environment for Wei En.

But at this critical moment, the operators of Yin Xiangtie and Wei En made a mistake in coordination!The prince's original intention was to enclose the three of them in the stone wall, but Wei En bounced Xin Ye away with his E skill at the same time as he cast his big move, so as not to threaten his life.This small mistake in coordination also turned the situation in favor of Wu Difang again!

Yin Xiangtie didn't have time to reprimand this rookie, because now he can only create an excellent harvest for Wei En by outputting desperately.

However, because Man Yixin has controlled the line for a period of time, the level is superior, and Wei En has no equipment support, he did not produce enough output during the time when Ryze fell.And before the barbarian king fell, he saw the timing and threw the W skill he had kept in his hand, which caused Wei En, who had to turn around to avoid the Juggernaut, to have the unfavorable special effect of being slowed down.In this way, Xinye who was bounced back made a detour, and together with the Juggernaut who activated the ultimate move that can reduce the cooldown time of all skills, concentrated all the firepower on Wei En!

In the chaotic battle, the barbarian king followed in Ryze's footsteps and became the second hero to fall, but the joint attack of Juggernaut and Faithful still caused the crispy Wei En to fall quickly.At this time, on the South Korean side, only the prince was left alone in front of the tower, neither advancing nor retreating.

Wu Di took a look at the situation, and made Lulu and Mu Piaopiao make another unexpected strategy: Juggernaut and Xinye started to push the tower!If the prince dares to come, even if he is played one for two by the opponent, he must be killed!

Facing the masters, Lulu and Mu Piaopiao also became more courageous as they fought.They obeyed Wu Di's arrangement and began to attack the defense tower.And Yin Xiangtie put his mind on it, and directly controlled the prince who was in good condition to use the EQ two combo!
The prince made a brutal force, so naturally he could deal a lot of damage.Both Juggernaut and Xinye have no means of saving their lives, so it is still easy to exchange one for two!And the Juggernaut and Xin Ye fought hard with the prince under the tower, not to be outdone.

Yin Xiangtie's strength and manipulation are of course several levels above Lulu and Mu Piao Piao's. He constantly uses the defensive towers to move around, and he is also extremely proficient in moving and slashing. After a while, he really managed to exchange 1 for 2!

When the South Korean teachers and students saw that Yin Sang-tie had recovered the stage and played this wonderful scene, they also gave applause and cheers without hesitation.The current situation is that Wu Difang is temporarily ahead by one head!With such a weak advantage, relying on their own professional level, they will definitely be able to easily regain it - they see the hope of turning the situation around!

However, after the brilliant 1-for-2 operation, Yin Xiangtie frowned, and secretly screamed in his heart that something was wrong.The Korean master who was watching the battle also saw why Yin Xiangtie was frowning after a short period of joy.

Economy...the economic gap between the two sides is a bit big!Big enough for the opponent to make core output equipment!The opponent's equipment is ahead of one's own because of economic advantages!
The experience and money of the previous waves of small soldiers, the money of a defensive tower, and the small advantages in kills and assists allow Wu Difang's three heroes to make their own core equipment!In addition to getting the head of the prince, our side can produce some durable equipment, the equipment of Ryze and Wayne is half a level behind the opponent!

What equipment will they buy?
 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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