The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 457 Comeback Ceremony

Chapter 457 Comeback Ceremony
The three of Man Yixin all rely more on attack speed. Statik Electric Blade or Blade of the Ruined King are the first large-scale equipment that the three heroes choose first in a normal game.

The electric knife can increase the hero's attack speed and critical strike chance. The Blade of the Ruined King is one of the necessary equipment to deal with kite heroes like Vayne. If the opponent chooses the electric knife, the critical strike chance of the three heroes will be steep. Zeng, especially the barbarian king, might be able to take the life of the crispy Vayne after a few consecutive critical strikes; if the opponent chooses the Blade of the Ruined King, then it will be difficult for Ryze and Vayne to escape their pursuit. kill.

At this time, when a group of Korean masters held back to the big screen, they all gasped: The three heroes on the opposite side all made the ghost of Youmeng!
[Phantom Spirit]: Increase attack power by 30, increase critical strike chance by 15%, and increase cooldown reduction by 10%.

Unique Passive: Increase armor penetration by 20 points;

This piece of equipment not only increases the basic attack power of Yixin, but also adds a certain chance of critical strikes. What is even more terrifying is the additional attributes that are increased by active use!
Among them, although Xin Ye pretended to be attack speed shoes when he went out, but because he took more kills, at this moment, he had unknowingly become a thorn in the side of the Korean trio!
When the Ghost of Youmeng is activated, Xinye can really lift the opponent into the air in the blink of an eye.

The existence of the three dream spirits is definitely a huge threat to Ryze and Wayne!In fact, even the prince who has a piece of defensive equipment can't survive ten seconds in the hands of the Man Yixin combination with full firepower!

When the six heroes of the two sides met again on a narrow road, Yin Xiangtie already had a bad feeling in his heart: this match may be more ominous...

When he saw the uniform [Spirit of Youmeng] on Man Yixin, he knew that the general situation was over.

As a top player, Yin Xiangtie also understood in an instant that this situation should be the result of Wu Di's careful calculation: first, choose Man Yixin, a well-recognized cheating combination, to make his side careless and underestimate the enemy; then Using the tactic of brainless rush, it caught one's side by surprise, followed by the tactics of squatting in the grass and the strategy of controlling the line of troops, which made the hero's level and economy of one's own side both at a disadvantage.In the end, although I desperately played a favorable situation of 1 for 2, in fact, this should be within Wu Di's expectation!
In the Howling Abyss map, as long as the hero does not die, he cannot go back to the main base to buy equipment or restore status.And even though I replaced the heads of Juggernaut and Xin Zhao just now with subtle operations, the other party just wanted to die in battle so that they could go back to the city to buy equipment for free!
The appearance of three ghost spirits is enough to maximize the power of Man Yixin's melee combination.Whether it is the Barbarian King who has an invincible ultimate move, or the Juggernaut who harvests sharp weapons in team battles, or even Xin Zhao who regards "falling into the battle until there is no life or death" as a mantra, this equipment can greatly enhance their fire-focusing ability .If the opponent is a little bit luckier and hits a few critical strikes alone, then Ryze and Wayne are basically powerless to resist.

This game... is doomed!This abominable guy's layout ability is still so terrifying... Has everything been doomed since the selection of the Man Yixin combination?

Yin Xiangtie shook his head vigorously, shaking off all the negative emotions in his mind, and then continued to deal with it calmly - he couldn't let the two rookies see the hesitation in his heart.Since the opponent is determined to forcefully start a group, must not back down!In the team battle started under the tower, your side still has a certain winning rate!

Next, the battle situation was as Yin Xiangtie expected.As soon as the three Man Yixin brothers came under the defensive tower, they immediately stared at the positions of Ryze and Wei En. As long as they took a step forward, the three brothers would immediately start a war.

After Yin Xiangtie determined the opponent's strategy, he gave instructions and rushed forward decisively!

However, Man Yixin only had Wayne and Ryze in his eyes!This duo, recognized as a cheating combination, immediately activated Phantom Spirit as soon as they entered their spellcasting range, and rushed towards Ryze and Wayne.

This time, Wei En was the first to fall, because his body was the weakest, and he couldn't stand the beating of the three heroes at all.At first, his operator wanted to show off Wei En's operation, but Wu Di had already predicted the enemy and asked the barbarian king to go out with a real eye.The moment Wei En activated her big move and rolled on the spot, and entered the invisible state, the real eye was inserted into the battlefield - Wei En had no way to escape, no way to avoid, watching the three wolf-like With a vicious tiger-like spirit, it easily ran over his own corpse!

The second target of Man Yixin's pursuit is naturally Ryze, whose equipment has not yet been formed.Although this mage hero has good explosive power and can fully use defensive equipment, he still can't withstand the violent blows that are quite easy to believe.Within a few seconds, he had already fallen down again.

And with Ryze and Wayne both down, the head ratio has become 6:4.

Standing under the tower, the prince watched Man Yixin approaching fiercely, but he didn't bother to resist, even though he was killed on the spot by the opponent.

The head ratio is 7:4!

Then, Yin Xiangtie got up suddenly, and said directly to Jin Huien angrily: "Stop fighting! We surrender!"

All the Korean teachers and students present heard Yin Xiangtie's words, and for a while, they also froze in place, completely at a loss.And a group of media reporters who watched the world's first genius show with their hands holding up the photos in their hands dullly, wondering if they should press the shutter to record the completed event...

[Hey, Yoon Sang-tie, you are also a representative of Korean e-sports, why did you choose to give up so easily? 】

[Yeah, the outcome is judged on who gets ten heads first or gets pushed out of the main base.Now they are only three heads behind, even if the opponent pushes down the second defense tower and the barracks, the two defense towers in front of the main base can still be the last barrier!Why give up?The e-sports spirit means giving up? 】

【snort!A world-class jungler who can be compared with Li Hyuk?I bother!Only know how to retreat in the face of a strong enemy?Don't even have the courage to fight to the end? 】

[Hey, I think the arrangement of the e-sports department is very problematic!If Li Hyuk, our No. [-] e-sports idol, was arranged to play, it might not be the result.He might have won the game long ago, and we can all start celebrating now! 】

At this time, Korean teachers and students in other departments who did not know the way began to target Yin Sang-tie.The extremely ugly words reached his ears one after another, which made his ashen face even worse.

Yin Xiangtie was silent for a while, then raised his head and shouted suddenly:
"Scream! If you have the ability, come and fight! Come! Come and save the dignity of Korean e-sports, come and defeat the world's number one genius! If you are really capable, stop talking nonsense and come directly to the stage to fight him!

Ah!Li Hyuk?Now invite him to come up and restart the round!If he dares to play, he will fight Wu alone! "

After yelling like venting, Yin Xiangtie stared at his blood red eyes, took a deep look at Wu Di, then threw everything down, walked straight out of the door of the auditorium, and walked away.

Jin Huien called out twice behind him, but Yin Xiangtie had made up his mind to go, and disappeared from everyone's sight after a while.

How should this be done? !Why is this Yin Xiangtie really a fool, did he think that he could eliminate the fact that he was not as good as Wu Di if he didn't carry the game to the end?By doing this, you will further confirm his undefeated reputation as the number one genius in the world!
With two female students, they can beat the two Korean professional players led by you!

Jin Huien was very anxious, thinking about how to clean up the mess, but Li He beside him was staring at Wu Di.At this moment, he was really afraid that Wu Di would challenge him by name... because, through careful observation, he found that the current strength of the number one genius in the world was definitely above his own!

However, Wu Di obviously had no desire to fight anymore, he stood up slowly, walked up to Jin Huien with the word "sorrow" written on his forehead, smiled lightly, and said:

"Director Jin, let's call it a day. I still have to catch a plane. If I continue to fight, it will delay my itinerary."

It turned out that after Wu Di learned that he was going to compete with Korean masters tonight, he expected that the news that he was in Korea would be widely spread. [Performance] It's worthless.Therefore, he asked Lulu to book a late-night flight in advance, and prepared to embark on the journey back home after the game!
Only by returning to Huaxia Kingdom and his own territory can his personal safety be guaranteed.

When Jin Huien heard that Wu Di was going to catch a plane, the big rock hanging in his heart also landed safely.She was thinking that Wu Di might not be forgiving and forgiving, and insisted on finishing the game, but the other party sent a good news.

"Well, I wish you the best of luck. Since you're on your way, it's inconvenient for me to keep you. There's no need to hold a press conference. Do you think this arrangement is okay?"

"Okay!" Wu Di responded bluntly, then glanced at Li He, who had fought against him, then turned his gaze away, and said to Jin Huien, "Tell Li He, step up training, sooner or later, I will have a formal meeting with him Compete on the field. Director Jin, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to you for taking care of me for more than half a year!"

Jin Huien bit the root, squeezed out an awkward smile, and replied in a low voice:
"You're welcome. Sooner or later, you will be defeated by us Koreans!"

Wu Di smiled, didn't answer, just turned around chicly, and strode forward with the two girls.

Before going out, he said loudly without looking back:

"Thank you Director Jin for arranging such a grand comeback ceremony for me! Thanks again!"

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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