Chapter 458 Returning to China
When the three of Wu Di were sitting on the plane, looking at the moonlit night view of Seoul full of thoughts, the dedicated lecture hall of the E-sports Department of Chung-Ang University in South Korea was already full of voices, very lively.

As for the all-around player Li Xiangyuan who wanted to follow Wu Di to develop in China, he was immediately dumbfounded after knowing Wu Di's true identity.Wu Di didn't have time to talk to him in detail, so before he left, he specifically asked him to go to Huaxia Kingdom alone, and he would arrange people to take care of him.

After Yin Xiangtie and Wu Di left the lecture theater one after another, Jin Huien faced the invited media reporters alone and held a brief press conference.During the period, some reporters who were very dissatisfied with what happened tonight also raised sharp questions.

[Excuse me, Director Jin, is what Wu Di said before leaving true?Did the e-sports department already know Wu Di's true identity? He has been studying in the e-sports department for more than half a year, and he showed up in a hurry today to play against the Korean masters. Was it a deliberate arrangement by you? 】

[Excuse me, Director Jin, why does the e-sports department, as the birthplace of Korean e-sports talents, allow a world-class well-known player to come here to study incognito?Has your e-sports department secretly reached an agreement with Huaxia's e-sports team to carry out in-depth cooperation? 】

[Excuse me, Director Jin, two top Korean players appeared here tonight. Not only did they fail to defeat Wu Di, they brought honor to our country's e-sports career, and even allowed the opponent to win a big victory. What do you think about this matter? 】

One after another, the coefficients of sensitive questions reached Jin Huien's ears. Although she was very troubled and embarrassed, she still squeezed out an official smile and answered the reporters' questions one after another.

Of course, she emphasized that the e-sports department didn't know Wu Di's real identity at all, and he entered the e-sports department as a special recruit.In addition, she also pointed out that tonight it was only the number one in the world who showed up to play these few coaching games in order to repay the e-sports department. , specially pointing out the students of the e-sports department.And the final game against professional players was just adhering to the spirit of promoting exchanges between players from China and South Korea, not the so-called [comeback ceremony] arranged by the e-sports department.As for whether Wu Di has fully recovered, or whether he will make an official comeback, the entire e-sports department knows nothing about it.

It is worth mentioning that Jin Huien also explained Yin Xiangtie's behavior of not continuing the game to the end: Yin Xiangtie had to leave the field because of a sudden emergency at home, not because he was afraid of Wu Di.

Jin Huien, who is good at public relations, faded most of Wu Di's scenery tonight with a few words. After hearing Jin Huien's explanation, the Korean media reporters, although they were like a mirror in their hearts, they also instantly understood what the next day's report should be. to write.They are all Koreans, so naturally they don't want to see or report the fact that a top player in China wantsonly manipulates professional players from his country.

The turmoil in the lecture theater had just passed, and Jin Huien also breathed a sigh of relief. She looked at Li He beside her, and forced a wry smile: "Oh, this guy is really not easy to deal with. What exactly did he do in the past half a year, but I'm sure that his current e-sports strength has become extremely terrifying. Moreover, you have to thank that silly boy Yin Xiangtie. He has become your scapegoat. If you If the No. [-] e-sports idol plays, I'm afraid he will follow in his footsteps and be defeated by the No. [-] genius in the world!"

Li Hyuk nodded, without saying a word of nonsense, he left the auditorium with a solemn expression.Jin Huien knew what he was thinking, and also knew that Wu Di's performance tonight would definitely cause an uproar.Looking at Li He who was drifting away, she couldn't help muttering to herself:

"Tonight, I'm afraid many people won't be able to sleep..."

The next morning.

A Boeing 767 luxury airliner landed slowly at Tianfu Airport. Wu Di and the three of them just rubbed their sleepy eyes. When they were about to get off the plane with other passengers, they suddenly found that there was a sea of ​​people outside the cabin, and it was very lively.

Hundreds of media reporters held their cameras and microphones high and stared intently at everyone walking out of the cabin, their fiery eyes full of anticipation.

Of course they were waiting for Wu Di to appear.Korean counterparts spread the news of Wu Di's comeback to the entire e-sports world overnight.After receiving the first-hand information, the Huaxia National e-sports media mobilized their forces within a few hours. After inquiring about the landing time of Wu Di's flight, they rushed to Tianfu City Airport impatiently, ready to grab the first-hand information.

Wu Di, the number one talent in the world, had an accident in the World Champions League more than two years ago, except for a brief appearance in Quancheng, there was no news about him.Now, he turned out to be the first to study at the most prestigious e-sports department of Chung-Ang University in South Korea for more than half a year?This news is certainly worth digging in depth.

What's more, according to reliable sources, before Wu Di left Korea's Chung-Ang University, he had announced that he was about to come back. This is undoubtedly the most important breaking news!

In the past two years, the best result of Huaxia's e-sports team in the World Series was last season's Brilliant team, led by Lu Li, which reached the semi-finals of the Champions League Finals.Although the results of the semi-finals made people remember the bright team and China's number one ADC Lu Li, but other than that, China's e-sports has nothing to be talked about by fans and the media.

It is undeniable that during the two years since Wu Di disappeared, China's e-sports status has also plummeted.

Even, many so-called professionals concluded that Huaxia National E-sports will go back several years with Wu Di's disappearance, and that Huaxia E-sports teams are no longer competitive in the international arena!

The intrusion of countless overseas consortiums into China's e-sports market is a strong proof!Because they feel that Huaxia Kingdom has lost a leader in the e-sports circle, and the domestic consortium has temporarily failed to see signs of e-sports recovery, and is unwilling to increase investment, so the overseas consortium with advanced insight extended its tentacles to Huaxia country.

Those fans or experts who were not optimistic about Wu Di back then also understand that what China needs most now is a strong and positive image of the number one e-sports idol.

Therefore, when the news of Wu Di's comeback spread like wildfire, the media exploded.They came to Tianfu City from all directions, just to find out whether the rumors of their Korean counterparts were true.

The moment Wu Di stood at the cabin door, the reporters who were already familiar with the shape of his peaked cap raised their high-powered cameras and clicked on him non-stop.

Although Wu Di turned his head away to avoid the bright flash for a while, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.This is what he wanted!
He put aside all trivial matters, devoted himself to studying e-sports in the e-sports department of Chung-Ang University, and successfully recovered all his memories. He could have returned to China early and started to implement his plan.But as he matured day by day, he gradually understood the truth that haste makes waste.Only by working steadily and steadily can we finally realize our grand dreams.

However, after his e-sports prowess has become great, all he has to do now is to make a high-profile comeback and announce his return in a high-profile manner!

Although now he no longer pursues fame and fortune like before, and is defiant, but the situation forces him to do the same!

After the reporters took pictures for a minute, Wu Di turned his head and smiled at everyone.Just as he slowly walked down the steps, and the reporters rushed forward to get the first-hand information first, a relatively large team approached not far away.

The leader, of course, is Ye Wuhen who hasn't seen him for a long time!Behind him, dozens of burly men in black bodyguards were dressed in uniform suits, looking from a distance, their aura was very frightening.

Ye Wuhen walked up to the media reporters and waved, attracting the attention of all the reporters.

"Hello, friends from the media. I am Wu Di's spokesperson. He has just returned to China and is a little tired. Please be considerate and don't interview him at this time. Of course, we will not let everyone make a trip in vain. Tonight at seven o'clock, We will hold a press conference at the Royal Fragrance Hotel, and Wu Di will answer all your questions at that time.

Now, please make room for me to pick up Wu Di and go back to rest and rectify. "

It turned out that Wu Di had already notified Ye Wuhen to pick him up.Because of the [organization], he believed that after returning to China, the road would not be smooth sailing.And the organization will definitely realize that [Wu Di] that he has been monitoring for half a year is just a fake!At that time, I will definitely be confronted by the organization again.

Therefore, Wu Di asked Ye Wuhen to arrange everything in advance. For his appearance, Wu Di understood his appearance and smiled at him knowingly.

However, the media reporters certainly would not listen to Ye Wuhen's suggestion. The moment Wu Di walked down the steps, a dozen or so reporters who thought they were agile rushed to Wu Di and asked loudly:

"Wu Di, have you really fully recovered? Are you really going to come back? Which team will you join? Are you really going to form a team by yourself as rumored?"

Seeing that Ye Wuhen couldn't persuade the enthusiastic reporter, he waved his hand and asked several bodyguards to surround Wu Di and the three of them, escorting him all the way to the waiting hall.Immediately afterwards, he and Wu Di got into a commercial vehicle together, and after letting Lulu and Mu Piao Piao sit in another commercial vehicle, he hurriedly left the airport...

After the commercial vehicle drove slowly for a long distance, Wu Di punched Ye Wuhen hard, and said with a smile:

"Your attitude... is too exaggerated. I just told you that I might have some troubles after returning to China, but you assembled such a magnificent team to escort me. People who don't know think it is Which financial group's eldest son has come to Tianfu City, please ask you, Young Master Ye, to greet him in person."

After hearing the words, Ye Wuhen immediately returned to his jumping appearance, covered his chest and yelled:
"Report to the captain! In the past few days, I have exhausted my efforts and worked so hard for the King's team that my chest suddenly felt unbearable pain. I'm a member of Team King! With my hard-working appearance, I must be worthy of A-level or above!
Hmm... I think I've barely made it up to the rank of an S-rank player now! "

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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