Chapter 459 Growth
Wu Di laughed, and punched Ye Wuhen again:
"Okay, okay! In the past six months, I have been obsessed with improving my e-sports strength, and I have kept my eyes on the outside world. That is because I believe in your ability to handle affairs! This request has been approved! But, you have to think about how to do it. Calm down those gossip guys, they have always been worried about you, this time you have successfully upgraded, I am afraid that you will be blackmailed by them again.

By the way, where are the guys?I thought you would come to pick me up with you.Speaking of which, although I only saw them for half a year, I left in a hurry at the time, and I miss them very much now. "

Ye Wuhen patted his chest pretentiously, opened his mouth and laughed loudly:

"They can't wait to see you. It's just that I persuaded them not to pick up the plane with me. Otherwise, those media reporters who are chasing rumors will definitely catch them asking questions. According to my plan, or Let's wait for the press conference tonight.

Captain, you don't know, just for this matter, those girls have already hit me hard!Also, Xia Jie has already returned to Tianfu City with me, and his current strength... is quite terrifying! "

After Wu Di heard the words, he was immediately taken aback.Let Ye Wuhen use the word [horror] to describe it, it can be seen that Xia Jie's strength has definitely improved by leaps and bounds in the past six months.

"Why is he so scary? Which club did you and him go to for a closed training camp?"

Ye Wuhen deliberately showed a proud expression, and said quite proudly:

"I took him to Hangcheng, dragged the relationship, and closed training in a mid-range team in the Super League. As a result, Xia Jie became a hot potato as soon as Xia Jie and I arrived there! Do you still remember him? The hand speed is so fast? The terrifying hand speed soared to more than 500 at every turn, so that the team did not know how many times he has been approached by that team. Today's young people are pampered at home, have extremely poor endurance, and eat Don't suffer, so Xia Jie, who is extremely talented and understands the principle of "God rewards hard work", became the talent that team painstakingly wanted to poach.

It's just that this kid is also a person who values ​​love and righteousness. Without knowing your specific situation at all, he once told me in private that it would be best if the captain can fully recover. As long as you recover, he will Follow you along the path of e-sports; and if you can't recover, he still won't join any team, just waiting for you to come back.

To be honest, I was deeply moved by his words.A talent like him is indeed rare.For the team's repeated solicitations, he always directly refused, and did not give the other party a chance to "talk".

Just a few days ago, I told him you were coming back and fully recovered, and the kid immediately jumped on top of me and gave me a huge kiss!Grandma's bear, brother, my precious body, which I have guarded like a jade for many years, was actually taken by a man...

Hey, mentioning it is full of snot and tears. "

Looking at Ye Wuhen's aggrieved expression, Wu Di couldn't laugh or cry:

"Okay, don't complain like a bitch, just keep talking, how far has Xia Jie grown now? According to Brother Shui's combat power index calculation formula, how much is his personal combat power now?"

Ye Wuhen curled his lips again, showing an expression of resentment from a boudoir, and said dissatisfiedly:
"Why did you ask about his combat strength first? Why didn't you ask me? After all, I'm also the highest-level player in the King's team other than you!"

"Okay, okay, let me ask you first, senior Wuhen, please tell me the results of the special training for more than half a year. I was wrong, and the underwear was all wrong. Are you satisfied with this way?" Wu Di couldn't stand Ye Wuhen's words With such an expression, he had to ask the question according to his meaning.

Unexpectedly, Ye Wuhen opened a dyeing workshop as soon as he was donated some dyes!

"Hahaha, captain, you don't know, I've become very powerful now! By the way, didn't you go to South Korea? A few years ago, the strongest mid laner in South Korea was also recognized as the top three mid laner in the world. Have you heard of the guy whose ID is Fickle?"

Wu Di was stunned, then nodded immediately: "I heard that, although I have never played against him, he was one of my e-sports idols back then. A few years ago, when I just debuted, he stopped playing games Yes. Until now, I haven’t seen him. This is one of my great regrets. By the way, why did you mention him?”

Ye Wuhen straightened his chest, withdrew his laughing expression, and said solemnly and proudly:

"The me now is [-]-[-] with Fickle back then!"

After hearing this, Wu Di stretched out his hand, put it heavily on Ye Wuhen's shoulder, and said seriously:
"Senior Wuhen, you can't be human without a lower limit! I know, [I and Fickel [-]/[-]] was very popular in the e-sports circle back then. It's a bit outdated for you to use it now."

Ye Wuhen still slapped his swollen face to pretend to be fat, and refused to admit defeat:

"Captain! You have to trust me! The team felt that I had the potential to become a professional player like Fickel, so they focused on letting me learn the heroes he was good at. Now I am really strong."

"Bragging, according to Brother Shui's combat power index calculation formula, FAKE's combat power is at least over [-], and your combat power is over [-]?"

Wu Di intentionally held back Ye Wuhen's glance, making him feel like a deflated ball, and he couldn't help sighing softly:

"Captain, do you want to be demolished? Do you not want to be demolished! When you come out to mess around, you have to bring some ideas! You can see in "One Piece", the three-sword Sauron is living with the future One Piece King Luffy. That's right, they also shouted the slogan of becoming "the world's number one swordsman". So, I said that I and Fikel are [-]-[-], which is also a slogan.

As for the combat power, I am fully fired now, and I can barely reach about 3000.How about it, it's powerful enough!This number is already comparable to professional players! "

Wu Di suppressed his smile, held it back for a while, and couldn't help but burst out laughing:
"Alright then... since you strongly believe that you can split with Fickle [-]-[-], I won't discourage you.

In this way, assuming that Fickle's combat power index is [-], and you only have [-], then I'll call you [One-quarter Brother Fickle]? "

"Captain! People are difficult... really can't be dismantled! But... a quarter of Fickel? Haha, this title is good, gracious, I accept it for the time being." Ye Wuhen was actually very satisfied with Wu Di's casual nickname , which made Wu Di even more feel that after half a year, senior Wuhen didn't escape the most, only escaped more!

"Okay, are you satisfied, then tell me about the situation of the team members. What about Xia Jie? Xia Jie's combat power index?"

Ye Wuhen cleared his throat, regained his composure, and a look of envy flashed in his eyes.

"Xia Jie... His current combat power index has reached 3500, that is to say, he is now at the level of a first-line professional player!"

"What? Are you telling the truth?" Wu Di was startled, and then asked, "Xia Jie's combat strength was less than 2000 before. In the past half a year, he has grown to this point?"

Ye Wuhen nodded, with admiration in his eyes:

"That's right. Captain, you can't even imagine what kind of devil training this rather naughty man has endured for more than half a year! And most of the training was imposed on him by him, plus His e-sports talent is different from ordinary people,

His unwavering belief, extraordinary e-sports talent, and strong fighting spirit have allowed him to grow at an unimaginable speed in the past six months or so.He is indeed a rare e-sports genius, but his experience... prevents him from getting a good training.Otherwise, he would have been famous for a long time. "

Wu Di looked at the scenery outside the car window thoughtfully, and recalled the scene when he first met Xia Jie in his heart.

Back then Xia Jie was coaxed and deceived to other places, and then under the instigation of those bad guys, he robbed Wu Di.As a result, Wu Di, whose force value was somewhat terrifying, subdued him, but instead of arresting him and taking him to the police station, he gave him a chance to start over.

And now he turned out to be a comrade in arms fighting side by side with him to realize his great dream...

Heh, everything is a causal cycle...

Wu Di came back to his senses and continued to ask:

"Okay, I already know the growth of you two big men. What about those girls? Hehe, you haven't mentioned it, is it because those girls have become stronger than you? Don't be embarrassed, anyway, you don't care about anything."

"Captain... you went to South Korea, why is your balance insufficient? You need to recharge your morals! What are you talking about. However, those girls... really impress me!"

Ye Wuhen paused, then continued in a slightly serious manner:

"I won't say much about Jin Qiqi. She has a big family and a great business. Her personal connections and financial strength allow her to practice e-sports in the best environment. Her current combat power index is probably above 3000.

Here, I want to focus on the two sisters Lin Xiaoxiao and Su Yiyi——I really want to ask you, Captain, where did you find these wonderful things?The combat power index of the two of them has exceeded 2500! "

"Isn't that too weird?" Wu Di was taken aback, and couldn't help asking.

"Isn't that weird? Xia Jie and I, including Jin Qiqi, are doing closed training in a professional team! And the two girls are just following the phantom god aunt and uncle, learning from the team in Ye Qi's anti-war team They don't have the same standardized training plan as us, but they have grown up quite fast. It is said that the uncle has already handed over all Wang Daoliu's style of play to Lin Xiaoxiao!

Now this ferocious girl is really ferocious.When we just met yesterday, we clamored to fight me one-on-one and gambled money... In the end, I lost 1000 yuan for snack money to her... I'm ashamed. "

Wu Di was surprised: "Isn't your combat power higher than hers? How could you lose?"

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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