Chapter 460 Challenger
Ye Wuhen gave Wu Di a bitter look, then sighed softly, and explained the reason:
"'s her aura. Her domineering aura makes it hard for me to resist. If I don't pay attention, I will lose."

"It seems that she has grasped the essence of Wang Daoliu's style of play. Hehe, it's pretty good."

Hearing Ye Wuhen's explanation, Wu Di immediately reacted - Lin Xiaoxiao has been practicing Wang Daoliu's style of play with his uncle, and this style of play pays the most attention to the extreme nature of offense. In terms of momentum, it really crushes other players. Genre of play.Therefore, although Ye Wuhen is a little bit stronger than Lin Xiaoxiao, if he loses his momentum, he is likely to lose the game.

After Wu Di figured this out, he asked again:
"What about Su Yiyi, why is she so weird?"

As soon as Su Yiyi's name was mentioned, the bitter look on Ye Wuhen's face deepened again.

"Su Yiyi...not to mention. Now I just feel that standing in front of this girl, I can't hide what I'm thinking. Her amazing calculation ability has become stronger again. When I look at her, I seem to know everything in my heart." It was seen through by her."

"Huh? You once said that she is just a super rich second generation with eyes above the top. How could it give you such a feeling?"

Wu Diqi said, very puzzled.According to common sense, Su Yiyi's tsundere attributes are at the diamond level, with emotions written all over her face, although it's a little oily, but others can see through her thoughts at a glance.However, after not seeing her for more than half a year, how come this girl has learned how to read her words, and how much more city do you have?
With a bitter face, Ye Wuhen explained a little bit:
"Captain, you don't know. After I met her yesterday, she walked around me, and then deduced that I haven't washed my hair for three days, and I haven't showered for seven days. Many months. Although what she said was true, I just rushed back from other provinces, and of course I didn't have time to pay attention to personal hygiene, but she said something later, which directly shocked me!"

"What did she say?" Wu Di suddenly became interested.

"She said... Judging from the dullness of your eyes, you have basically been training for more than eight hours of e-sports training every day for the past six months. Discomfort in the lumbar disc and spine? Shifu’s dream is to establish a fair and transparent e-sports kingdom, so that the world can accept e-sports and understand the positive energy it brings—persistence and respect.

You did [persist], but you don't seem to [respect] your body.If you don’t respect your body, you don’t respect your parents. If you develop chronic diseases in your body because of e-sports, then you are violating the purpose of the captain..."

Wu Di was taken aback.

He never expected that it had only been more than half a year since he hadn't seen each other, and the realm of his beautiful apprentice had reached such a level?
Indeed, as Su Yiyi said, the reason why e-sports has not been recognized by the world, especially by the elders, is because it does not help us improve our physical fitness like traditional sports. Sitting in front of the computer for a long time is extremely easy to make mistakes. Spine and lumbar problems, and even wrist and eye complications.However, most e-sports players are relatively young, and their physical strength and energy are at their peak, so they don't pay attention to some minor problems, but these minor problems are likely to be revealed after their retirement.Therefore, Wu Di has been thinking about how to keep e-sports players in a healthy physical condition.

"What about her? How many hours does she practice every day? Didn't you ask her what she should do?" Wu Di couldn't help asking.

"Of course I asked. As a result, this girl smiled secretly and didn't answer my question directly. Instead, she said to me—after Master and the old man come back from Korea, you can ask him and he will know." Ye Wuhen said honestly .

"Ask me?" Wu Di was confused, and after thinking for a while, he understood Su Yiyi's implication, "Ha, yes, you should ask me, I have had a lot of experience in Korea for the past six months. The reason for the Korean e-sports atmosphere It’s so strong and outstanding talents emerge in endlessly because they have a unique training mechanism. When I first went to South Korea, I participated in a summer camp training. As a result, guess what I did the most with a group of Korean students in that training camp What is it? It’s physical exercise! And their concept is also very novel-without a good body, even if you have extraordinary talent, you can’t show it.”

Ye Wuhen was taken aback for a moment, buried his head in thought, and replied, "Captain, what do you mean... We also need to do physical exercise while training for e-sports?"

Wu Di nodded and agreed:

"That's what it means. The half-year trip to South Korea has also changed some of my inherent concepts. I used to think that only by sitting in front of the computer all day long can I improve my e-sports strength... Actually it is not. Physical exercise can relax us. mentality, strengthen our physical fitness, and aerobic exercise can especially activate the brain. Oh! I forgot to tell you, I was in a long-distance run, and I realized a lot of things while running, and then I immediately started e-sports Training, and finally perfected my Ice King style of play!
Now I... under normal circumstances, the combat power index should be around 8000. "

"Damn it!" Ye Wuhen swears, but his face is extremely excited, " are too good! Now that you have fully recovered, our king team can reunite! I believe that with you Under his leadership, we were able to win the world championship! Do you remember what I said?"

"Remember. You said that in the world of e-sports, champions come first."

"Yes, I know your ultimate ambition. It is no longer to win the world championship, but in the e-sports world, if you want to realize your ideal, you must come up with a convincing report card!"

"Don't worry, I know what to do. By the way, this time I brought back a student from the e-sports department from South Korea, named Li Xiangyuan. He probably won't arrive in Tianfu City until tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. You should make good arrangements then."

During the conversation, Wu Di suddenly thought of Li Xiangyuan.

Ye Wuhen nodded, and made an OK gesture, but suddenly his expression froze, and he withdrew his jumping appearance.

"Captain, I am so happy to meet again after a long absence. I have forgotten a very important thing."

"Tell me." It was rare for Wu Di to see such an expression on Ye Wuhen's face, and he immediately responded positively.

"I want to inform you of two things. The first thing is that the professional union of Chinese e-sports players has been established! But... there are not many top players who are willing to join your plan... Until now, counting Li Ge and There are less than ten people who are fans of thousands of people!"

Wu Di smiled knowingly, and replied: "It's expected. It's okay. I've already thought of a good idea. I will announce it at the press conference tonight. Maybe... it will shake some players. You don't have to force it. Let's talk about the second thing."

At this time, Ye Wuhen hesitated for a while and couldn't say a word.He sighed for a while, and stared at Wu Di for a while, not knowing how to speak.Seeing this, Wu Di thought that he had encountered some difficulties, so he told him to say it was okay.

"Okay, I'll just say it straight. The original plan was...for your personal safety, captain, and to create a good environment for you to recover your memory, our King's team was temporarily disbanded and disappeared from the eyes of the world. Then the uncle and the phantom god Auntie went to Ye Qi's Anti-Fighting Team. While teaching Ye Qi and improving her personal strength, she also helped the Anti-Fighting Team continue to compete in the professional league.

You should also know the terms of exchange between Ye Qi and the uncle.Uncle and Aunt Phantom God promise to pass on all the knowledge they have learned in their life to Ye Qi, and then Ye Qi must hand over the anti-war team to us after you fully recover!In this way, our team of kings can start fighting from a higher starting point again.

After more than half a year of hard work, the anti-war team has successfully entered the first division of Huaxia Kingdom!And, it is still in the battle now!After I heard the news of your recovery, I immediately contacted Ye Qi and wanted to discuss with her about the handover of the team... This girl agreed very readily, but she has two conditions, and they must be fulfilled of! "

"Conditions? What conditions? Or two?" Wu Di's mind appeared in the image of Tianfu City's No. [-] school belle.This iceberg beauty has always been scheming, and even her benefactor uncle was successfully fooled by her, causing the uncle who didn't want to accept any more apprentices to relapse again.Thinking of this, Wu Di's heart tightened, he didn't know what kind of conditions this beautiful woman wanted to put forward.

"Captain, do you know that Ye Qi is my cousin?" Ye Wuhen didn't answer Wu Di's question directly.

"Ah? She is your cousin? Oh, that's right. Both of you have the surname Ye, and your family background seems to be rich. Since they are relatives, it's easier to talk about it? As long as the conditions she raises are not excessive, We can all agree." Wu Di breathed a sigh of relief.

However, Ye Wuhen said in a difficult way: "The first condition she raised was...she wants to fight you one-on-one. This should be fine, right? The reason why she wants to fight one-on-one with you is also very simple... She said she wanted to know how close she was to being the best in the world."

"No problem, I'm fine. What's the second condition?"

Ye Wuhen looked at Wu Di, Shi Shiran said:

"The second condition is... She said that no matter what the outcome of the heads-up match with you, she will join the King's team! And... we must promise her a main position! If we agree to these two conditions, she will Only then will the anti-war team be handed over!"

At this time, Wu Di hardly hesitated, and directly agreed:
"No problem! Let her join, and then promise her a main position."

Ye Wuhen sighed: "Captain, are you sure? This very scheming, I'm afraid we won't be able to handle her. Since I was a child, although I grew up with her, I have never tried to please her in front of her." Eat the fruit."

Wu Di looked out of the window and said a meaningful sentence: "Senior Wuhen, our current enemy is not Ye Qi, nor is it other top players in China. Our enemy is... the threat from overseas! Now, I have fully recovered, then we must unite all forces that can be united. From now on, we are just a... challenger."

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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