Chapter 461 Challenger
After more than half an hour passed, the commercial vehicle slowly stopped at the entrance of Yuxiangyuan Hotel.

As soon as Wu Di stepped out of the car door, several pretty figures rushed in front of him.Then, these girls of different colors stood in a row, gave Wu Di a military salute in a proper manner, and then shouted in unison:
"Welcome the captain back! Lin Xiaoxiao, Su Yiyi, and Jin Qiqi report to you!"

Wu Di was rendered speechless by this scene, dumbfounded.In his impression, Lin Xiaoxiao could definitely do such a thing, but...why would the calm Jin Qiqi and the arrogant Su Yiyi also mess around with her?
Wu Di stepped forward, lightly flicked [the culprit] Lin Xiaoxiao's forehead, and said with a smile:

"You girl, this must be your ghost idea!"

Lin Xiaoxiao made a grimace, and smiled back: "Of course it was done by me! Master Shigong has finished his studies and has recovered as before. Naturally, I will lead my good sisters to welcome you! Hehe, you are satisfied!"

"Satisfied with you big-headed ghost, there are too many people here, hurry up! Go to a quiet place, and I will talk to you about the past, it is not convenient to talk about it here."

So, surrounded by a bunch of people, Wu Di walked into Yuxiangyuan Hotel, and then went directly to its business conference room.

In this huge conference room, there were already several people waiting for him.

After the uncle saw Wu Di's figure, he strode towards him directly, slapped him heavily on the shoulder, and laughed loudly:

"Hey! My big apprentice is flushed, it looks like he has fully recovered! I am so relieved for the teacher."

As a result, to everyone's surprise, Wu Di directly withdrew all his smiles, and bowed respectfully at ninety degrees in front of the uncle with a dignified expression.

"Master, it was all my fault back then. Because I was so smooth, the pride in my heart continued to swell, so that you have suffered for several years. Here, I solemnly ask for your forgiveness! From today From the beginning, I will uphold your e-sports spirit, let Wang Daoliu play flourish, let e-sports be recognized by the world, and let e-sports finally stand on a higher stage!"

Everyone stared dumbfounded at Wu Di's amazing move, and then was deeply moved by Wu Di's words.

All of a sudden, everyone suddenly realized: the number one genius in the world, with the restoration of memory, truly awakened!

At this time, Yun Wanwan pulled the bewildered uncle behind her, gently helped Wu Di up, and said with a soft smile:
"Oh, don't give him such a big gift, he is living a life as sweet as honey now. Xiaodi, if you compliment him again, he will definitely fly into the air, and then fall I don't know how painful it is to come down.

Are you fully recovered?Just recover, just recover.Us old guys, it depends on your generation.The dreams we have never seen are entrusted to you. I hope you will continue to work hard and live up to our entrustment. "

Wu Di nodded forcefully, and replied: "Aunt Wan, I will work hard, and I will do my best."

"That's good. Heh, your little friends, but after waiting for you for a long time, this old and disrespectful guy and I will leave first. You chat first. When the press conference comes, My uncle and I will definitely be there to support you!"

After finishing speaking, Yun Wanwan turned around and gave the uncle a hard look, making the uncle silent, and then obediently followed Yun Wanwan out of the business conference room.

After watching the two e-sports veterans leave the conference room, thunderous cheers erupted in the somewhat empty and quiet conference room.Xia Jie walked to Wu Di's side and took the lead in applauding, followed by other members, clapping their hands desperately.

"Everyone... Thank you everyone! I know, I kept you waiting for a long time!"

Wu Di was a little moved.

Xia Jie, Gao Shou, Xiao Li, Jin Qiqi, Lin Xiaoxiao, Su Yiyi, Ye Wuhen, including Lulu and Mu Piaopiao who accompanied him to Korea...these respectable and lovely partners don't know when they will recover. Under the preconditions, I still waited for myself without complaint or regret, and hoped that I could fully recover and return to the team to lead everyone to move forward.If they didn't trust Wu Di and had absolute confidence in Wu Di, everyone would have parted ways long ago.

This is a kind of trust, and it is trust without burden!At this moment, in Wu Di's eyes, these teammates with different personalities but fanatical hearts are close comrades-in-arms who can entrust their backs!
Xia Jie hugged Wu Di tightly, and said in a low voice: "Captain, I will not hold you back now. I have been waiting, waiting for your return. Now that you are back, then... we can here we go!"

The rest of the team members cast enthusiastic gazes on Wu Di. Xia Jie's words, that is, their words, are indeed as he said, the King's team will start their journey again from today!
Then, the team members who hadn't seen each other for half a year began to happily greet each other. Wu Di also sat among them and shared with them what he had seen and heard in Korea.

After everyone had a good chat, Ye Wuhen asked everyone to sit back in their seats, and announced the official start of the King's Team Conference!The topics to be discussed at this conference are, of course, how to rebuild and how to deal with possible crises.

Everyone aired their opinions, and after discussing for two or three hours, basically all the things to be decided were confirmed.Finally, Ye Wuhen jumped out again:
"Okay! This team conference has come to a successful conclusion! So far, the king team has officially come back!
The latest news will be inserted below, because the captain values ​​me very much, and in view of the great contribution I have made to the King's team... I have been promoted to an S-level player by the captain! "

"What? Did you make a mistake! Did you seal it yourself? Eh? Wait! Now that senior Wuhen has been promoted, it is a great thing! Such a good thing, we naturally have to celebrate it! Come, come, Wuhen Senior Hen, you must spread the money. Spread the money, everyone!" A group of guys who regarded Ye Wuhen as a fat sheep quickly came to his side, which made Ye Wuhen immediately cast a look of help to Wu Di .Unexpectedly, the captain just shook his head, sighed, and said, "If you don't won't die."

After a while, the team members who squeezed Ye Wuhen dry left him contentedly, and the senior Wuhen who had been greatly hurt walked to Wu Di with heavy steps, and was about to tell him someone While waiting for him, there were several rhythmic knocks on the door of the conference room.

Lin Xiaoxiao ran to open the door bouncing around, only to find that Ye Qi, the first school of Tianfu City, had come uninvited.

"Would you not welcome me?" After entering the door, Ye Qi smiled lightly, and after scanning her eyes once, she landed on Wu Di.

Seeing that the annoying cousin had arrived, Ye Wuhen had no choice but to pat Wu Di on the shoulder and said in a low voice:
" can take care of yourself. My cousin is extremely difficult to deal with."

Then, after he put the laptop he had prepared for two days on the conference table, he greeted all the members to leave the conference room together.As for the reason, Ye Wuhen also briefly explained to everyone after going out.

In the meeting room, it became quiet again.

Ye Qi walked up to Wu Di, looked at him, didn't speak, didn't move, just stared at him like that.

Wu Di's current state of mind was no longer comparable to what it used to be. Seeing that the iceberg beauty was unwilling to speak first, he became patient and played a game of eye contact with her.

About 5 minutes later, Ye Qi was the first to burst out laughing with a snort.

"Oh, I heard that you have fully recovered. It seems to be true. Well, my opening remarks are as simple as that. We don't need to talk too much. My stupid cousin must have told you what to do, right?"

Wu Diyun smiled lightly, walked directly to a laptop, turned on the computer without hesitation, and sat down: "Let's start, I don't like talking nonsense too much now. Since you are destined to Becoming a member of the king's team, I don't bother to care about your real purpose, anyway, I only have one sentence for you."

"Oh? What? Wu Di... Heh, I should call the captain." Ye Qi turned on the computer calmly.

"In the king's team, there are my dearest comrades-in-arms. No matter what you want to do, don't hurt them! If there is any, don't blame my ruthless subordinates! Now I don't mind being unfavorable to the team or me. People playing tricks and tricks!" Wu Di said firmly, every word was very clear.

Ye Qi was taken aback for a moment, but quickly regained her composure: "Don't worry, I will tell the captain what I want in the future. So, let's start the one-on-one fight now. Captain, please go all out! Now I am very powerful!"

15 minutes... This heads-up match only lasted 15 minutes.

Ye Qi was sweating profusely staring at the computer in front of her, frowning; while Wu Di gently put down the mouse and keyboard, walked to the window of the meeting room, and habitually looked at everything outside the window.

After Ye Qi came to her senses, she smiled and said to Wu Di by the window:

"Captain, what style of play did you use just now? Or, did you use many styles of play just now? Why do I feel that your style seems to have changed? Have you used [Status] just now?"

Wu Di turned his head and said with a smile: "The style of play just now is called the [Ice Emperor Style] style of play. It is a top-level style of play that combines the strengths of various schools that I have only completed recently. I just did not use the state .If the status is used, this heads-up match may be shortened by half."

When these words came out, Ye Qi was of course dumbfounded.However, the mature and glamorous woman quickly adjusted her mentality:
"Thank you Captain for your enlightenment, then... I will try my best to cooperate with the Captain at the press conference tonight!"

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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