Chapter 462 Challenger
It was eight o'clock that night.

The lobby on the first floor of Yuxiangyuan Hotel is crowded with people, and it is very lively.At this time, almost all the mainstream e-sports media in the country were dispatched, and all of them arrived at the scene of the press conference.The news of Wu Di's return shocked the land of China, and some diehard local fans in Tianfu City rushed to the scene immediately, cheering for the idol.

Wu Di was wearing a fluffy winter coat and was sitting in the center of the rostrum.Moreover, this was the first time he took off that dark peaked cap in public, and the first time he showed his original appearance to the world.

People suddenly discovered that the impression of the first genius in the world seemed to be very different from the past, both in appearance and temperament.These mature people working in the media industry immediately understood that Wu Di must have had a legendary experience different from ordinary people in the past two years or so.Otherwise, although two years can change a lot of things, it still can't transform an immature child into a young man who is quite a city on the stage today.

Later, I must get to the bottom of it and ask him exactly what he has experienced in the past two years!
At this time, Wu Di glanced over and found many acquaintances.Among them, most of them are media reporters who have done exclusive interviews with themselves.He showed a sincere smile to these acquaintances one by one, which made these old friends even more inexplicable-this world's first genius... It seems that he is not only mature, but also very polite?
Under Ye Wuhen's deliberate arrangement, the news of Wu Di's comeback spread throughout the streets and alleys, and shocked the entire e-sports world.Ye Wuhen deliberately arranged the press conference at night, so that foreign media reporters could take the earliest flight to Tianfu City as soon as they received the news!
In the spacious lobby on the first floor, journalists from various countries have long been hungry and eagerly looking forward to the early holding of the press conference.However, Ye Wuhen did not announce the official start until he sent someone to confirm that the notified heavyweight media had arrived.

Since you want to make a name for yourself, you must do it to the extreme.This is Ye Wuhen's long-standing style of doing things.

And just when Ye Wuhen announced the official start of the press conference, countless flashing lights flashed non-stop. Before Wu Di could say the first half of a sentence, he was dazed by the flashing lights.

This round of flash offensive lasted a full 5 minutes.Wu Di, who turned his head away, did not ask Ye Wuhen to stop such behavior, but quietly waited for the reporters to press the shutter until their hands became sore, then turned his head around, and smiled to everyone:

"Guys, if enough photos are taken, I think we can start the press conference?"

The reporters were very surprised by Wu Di's sincere smile and polite tone that was different from before. After putting down the camera in their hands in surprise, they also fell silent instantly. The sound can be heard clearly.However, compared with this weird scene, a huge question mark appeared in the hearts of the reporters:

Is this Wu Di still the old Wu Di?

After seeing such a scene, some non-media people couldn't help sighing in their hearts:
Wu Di is Wu Di, and only he has such charisma!

Afterwards, Wu Di adjusted the microphone to a comfortable position, and continued:

"Welcome everyone. I am Wu Di, the real Wu Di. After two years, I meet you again. Here, although I have a thousand words to tell you all, in order to speed up the press conference In terms of efficiency, I will make a few statements in accordance with the process.

The first statement, of course, is that I am preparing to officially come back.I stayed in Quancheng for a few days last year. At that short press conference, I already expressed my attitude-I will form a team by myself and start working hard from the low-level leagues.Team King and I are just a challenger...

The second statement, my team is called King's team!Yes, you heard it right, local e-sports fans in Tianfu City should be familiar with it.That's right, this King's team is the team that once reached the finals of the Sichuan Provincial Second Division League.I am Wu Youzhi, the captain of that king team!As for why I chose the pseudonym Wu Youzhi, I will explain in detail later.

The third statement is that I have joined the newly established Huaxia National E-sports Players Professional Union, and I have become the president of the first union!Later, everyone will learn about this news from the official news of the China League of Legends General Organizing Committee! "

After Wu Di casually said the three statements, they detonated the audience like time bombs in an instant!

The reporters under the rostrum were immediately overwhelmed with interest in these three statements. They started whispering in small groups, analyzing the truth of the information in Wu Di's words. At the same time, they also raised countless questions and wanted to ask Wu Di for verification. two.

They are media workers who have been catching wind and shadow all the year round, and are good at amplifying one or two rumors infinitely. Back then, Wu Di suddenly fell. Based on the diagnosis of an authoritative American brain doctor, the superficial statement [Wu Di suffered from intermittent amnesia due to excessive stress] has become a deep-rooted impression in the minds of the public.But in fact, many media reporters with amazing insights are still investigating the truth of the year.

At this time, Wu Di made these three statements, which obviously meant more than he said!The real reason for his accident back then must be something else!

The reporters were excited, raising their hands to ask questions first. Ye Wuhen looked around and let the local e-sports media in Tianfu City who had a good relationship with him speak first.

After obtaining Ye Wuhen's consent, a female author with a good figure was the first to stand up and asked aloud:

"Mr. Wu Di, hello, I'm Su Yun, a reporter from Tianfu E-sports Weekly. Hehe, although I have many questions I want to ask you, let me ask the most concerned question on behalf of the fans. Your body has already Are you fully recovered?"

Su Yun's appearance was obviously arranged by Ye Wuhen in advance.After hearing this question, a group of media reporters immediately reacted: Yes, after Wu Di's accident, he has been in a state of amnesia. Although there seems to be no problem on the surface, what if he is just holding on?An unhealthy number one genius in the world can only be a bluffing paper tiger.

Wu Di smiled and motioned Su Yun to sit down.

"Actually, since I can sit here and meet friends from the media calmly, I have already explained the fact that I have fully recovered. The diagnosis given to me by the authoritative American doctor was incorrect! I What happened back then was not caused by me, but by man!"

As soon as these words came out, the audience was shocked!

No news is more exciting than this sentence!The reporters, who were used to digging out the truth of the incident, began to whisper. They talked about Wu Di's words with disbelief on their faces.

At this time, Su Yun was also performing the pre-arranged script step by step.She sat on the armchair, straightened her chest, and asked again: "Mr. Wu Di, you said that your accident was man-made? Who on earth has the guts to tamper with in the e-sports world competition? Yes, what is the reason for your amnesia?"

Wu Di still kept that calm smile, and replied clearly word by word:

"I was drugged and became unconscious, and the person who did it was a man in sunglasses pretending to be an on-site prosecutor. Everyone should remember that the brilliant team I was in was complained by the opponent We were cheating, especially me, and then the on-field prosecutor came into our game room... and that's when a man in black with sunglasses caught me off guard and injected a small tube of drug in my neck. I wanted to hold on to him, but I didn't expect the medicine to be very powerful, so I was a little light-handed at the time. I didn't realize the danger of the medicine, so after discussing it with my teammates After the second round, I decided to continue the game. Because we were already leading 2:0 in the big score, and we had a huge advantage in the third final, so I thought that as long as I persisted for another ten minutes, I could win. To the long-awaited world champion.

But later, as you can see, I didn't hold on, and I didn't know anything about what happened after I fainted. "

Su Yun deliberately showed surprise. She had already known the truth about Wu Di's accident.She pretended to be surprised and continued to show superb acting skills:

"What? You were drugged at the time? Are you sure what you said is true? If so, then your matter will definitely cause an uproar in the e-sports world! You know that guy in sunglasses Man, do you want to deal with you out of personal grievances, or does he have people behind the scenes to support him?"

Wu Di paused, glanced around like a torch, and dropped a blockbuster again:
"There must be someone behind him to support him! But... what I say now is groundless, no matter what I say, even if it is very close to the truth of the incident, but because there is no evidence, you will not fully believe it. So, everyone knows this. Yes, I don't know anything else. The reason why I held a press conference was not to hold this man in sunglasses accountable, because it has been more than two years since the incident happened, and the evidence is definitely not easy to find. Now is the era of paying attention to evidence, and it is impossible for you to believe that the incident is like this based on my one-sided words.

Today I am here to tell the reason for my accident, the purpose is nothing else, just to remind all the top professional players in Huaxia... shrinking and escaping are not the attitudes you should have!

Whether it's public or private, I think you all should join the Huaxia National E-sports Professional Players Union!

Once you shrink back, you...maybe the next me! "

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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