Chapter 463 Shock
Every sentence of Wu Di's words is more shocking and exciting.

The media reporters present were all good people, and they immediately understood what Wu Di's third statement meant!He must have known some of the truth about the incident, so he joined the newly established professional player union? !wrong!Maybe this trade union was secretly planned and established by Wu Di, with the purpose of uniting all Huaxia players?

Most of these reporters are Chinese.They all have the blood that Chinese people should have!Suddenly hearing that Wu Di had amnesia symptoms not because of himself, but because of someone's tricks, all of a sudden, the crowd was excited and hotly discussed.

As they became more and more agitated, their voices demanding official intervention and re-investigation became louder and louder.

Ye Wuhen and Wu Di were very satisfied with this effect. When the reporters were outraged and took out their phones to contact relevant people, Wu Di stopped them.

"Everyone, please calm down. I, the client, tell you the truth so that everyone can unite and protect the e-sports world of our China. It is impossible to find evidence for that incident. We have no way of knowing who the manipulator is. The reason why I dared to tell the truth in front of so many media is to remind professional players in Huaxia and even the world. I changed my name and surname. In order to avoid some unnecessary troubles.

However, I have nothing to fear, I love e-sports, I come back again for it, and I sincerely hope that everyone can treat what I just said rationally.

If you really want to seek justice for me, please calm down and don't do anything out of line.Of course, I have no control over how non-Chinese journalists will report on this matter..."

This sentence caused the media staff of China to direct their contradictions at the foreign reporters present.Some domestic journalists who are proficient in foreign languages ​​have begun to communicate with them in English, the international common language, so that they must report truthfully and not criticize Wu Di any more.Such a scene is of course what Wu Di and Ye Wuhen most want to see.

While the journalists from this country were communicating with journalists from other countries indignantly, some people sitting indoors watching Wu Di's press conference were also frowning and fidgeting.

Among them, China's top players were already in a cold sweat by Wu Di's words.Reminiscent of what happened to Mermaid Ye Ling and No. [-] ADC Lu Li in the finals of the World Champions League last year, they believed Wu Di's words more and more in their hearts!

The e-sports world has been manipulated by a mysterious organization?Moreover, it seems that they are professional players who specialize in dealing with our Huaxia country?

This terrible idea began to shake the professional players who were unwilling to join the union.Many top players are planning to contact Wu Di immediately after the press conference after thinking hard!
And the leader of a special department of Huaxia Kingdom was also watching Wu Di's press conference at the headquarters.

While admiring Wu Di's courage to tell the truth about the incident, they also frowned.That [organization] is becoming more and more dangerous. Although the special security departments of various countries are pointing their fingers at that [organization], due to its deep-rooted network of contacts and no clues to be discovered, so including Huaxia Including the special departments of the country, all countries are still at a loss for this organization.

In addition, the heads of the [organization], including the sons of the BOSS, Danqing and Stephen, were all staring at the live broadcast of Wu Di's press conference.

Dan Qing pursed his lips and smiled, and said to himself: "He is really a brave and interesting opponent. Without any evidence, just a few words can make many people sleepless tonight. At the same time as it is unfavorable to the image, it will also make the people of Huaxia Kingdom take protective measures against it, and it can also win over the hearts of many Huaxia players and forces. It is a plan to kill three birds with one stone... Hehe, I never thought that after you fully recovered your memory, you have become It’s so terrifying. Not bad, only when you get stronger and stronger, will I be more determined to defeat you in one fell swoop!”


After a few minutes of private discussion, the scene of the press conference also fell silent.

Wu Di looked at Su Yun, and the beautiful reporter instantly understood the meaning in his eyes.

"Mr. Wu Di, on behalf of Tianfu E-sports Weekly, I would like to express my sympathy for your experience. If you have any conclusive and credible evidence, please notify us as soon as possible. Those who commit crimes are exposed in front of the general public!

Next, since you, the person involved, don't want to mention the reasons for your accident, I think... let's get back to the topic and continue to ask a few personal questions about you? "

Wu Di smiled and said, "Excuse me."

"You said that you have formed the King's team and participated in the finals of the Sichuan Provincial Second Division League. But as far as I know, this King's team has lost the qualification to advance because it voluntarily gave up the game. Do you want to use the King's team? In the name of playing in the amateur league?"

"Heh, that's a good question. I just wanted to explain it to everyone. Our Kings team has successfully acquired the Reverse Warriors team that is currently competing in the First Division! Later, we will officially release the news. After the handover is completed After the ceremony, the Anti-Fighting Team will cease to exist, and our Kings team will directly start from the First Division. Sitting next to me is the owner and captain of the Anti-Fighting Team, Ms. Ye Qi. After the merger ceremony of the two teams After that, she will also join the King's team and become one of us!"

Ye Qi stood up, nodded and smiled at the reporters, and admitted that Wu Di's words were all true.

Another blockbuster... The reporters have been overwhelmed by the explosive news one after another.But just as they were quickly recording these important information, Wu Di said forcefully again:
"The goal of our king team is... to win the world championship! Please allow me to introduce the members of our team... Ye Wuhen, Xia Jie..."

After Wu Di introduced his friends next to each other, he stopped, smiled mysteriously, and said to all the reporters:
"The tactical consultant of our king team is the special guest of this press conference. Next, please use the warmest applause to invite the pride of our Chinese e-sports - the uncrowned king uncle, and the "Phantom God" Yun Wanwan!"

Dazed... All the reporters in the audience were stunned.

Although the fame of Uncle and Yun Wanwan is not so shocking among contemporary fans, in the hearts of these media reporters, it is the supreme existence that cannot be desecrated.Two of the four strongest players in the first generation of e-sports players are the tactical advisors of Team King?Wu Di, Wu Di, how can you tell other teams to compete with you?
At this time, Yun Wanwan walked ahead in a gentle and elegant manner, and slowly came to Wu Di's side, while the uncle, with a look of decadence, sat down beside Yun Wanwan with slow steps that he thought were noble.

"Oh, I have another news to inform you all. Uncle, he is my master Wu Di! My well-known [Ending Style] style of play is transformed on the basis of his old man's Wang Dao Liu style of play. And Uncle In the past few years, I have accepted five apprentices. I am the big brother, followed by [Goddess Knife] Wei Wei, who has been fighting in the European e-sports arena, and Lu Li, the number one ADC in China, is his third apprentice. In the past two years , He accepted two female apprentices, Ye Qi and Lin Xiaoxiao. Currently, both Ye Qi and Lin Xiaoxiao are members of our king team."

There was an uproar.

Uncle's weight in the e-sports world is naturally at the highest level, how can the disciples he trains be worse?Look at Wu Di, look at Weiwei, look at Lu Li!Therefore, the reporters also instantly pointed the cameras at Ye Qi, the iceberg beauty, and Lin Xiaoxiao, who was a little shy and hadn't adapted to the big scene.

After a while.Su Yun's drama was all over, so she smiled at Wu Di and Ye Wuhen, and stopped asking questions.The press conference also entered the time for free questions.

An e-sports reporter from Quancheng grabbed the qualification to ask questions.He hurriedly stood up and asked:
"Mr. Wu Di, we already know your plans and goals. But I would like to ask, is Wu Shuang, who is currently playing for the brilliant team, really your twin brother as rumored? If so, why are you two brothers not together?" A team fighting side by side? Is there something else hidden in this?"

Wu Di was taken aback for a moment, but quickly thought of a countermeasure:
"I can only tell you that he is indeed my twin brother, and I have nothing to say about the rest."

Another piece of gossip worth digging into!
A group of media reporters hurriedly recorded it, and this reporter also hurriedly asked again:
"Mr. Wu Di, it is rumored that Tao Zheng, the former boss of the Brilliant team, deducted most of your due salary. Is this incident true? And you are not willing to return to the Brilliant team. Is it because of this reason? Another point is that now Brilliant The team has changed hands, what do you think of the Korean consortium entering the Chinese e-sports circle?"

Wu Di shook his head and responded: "I don't want to return to the Brilliant team because of other reasons. I don't want to answer the first two questions you asked. As for the Korean consortium entering the Huaxia e-sports circle, I really don't know." He has a unique understanding. I think... it is time for the domestic consortia to increase their investment in the e-sports industry. Otherwise, the big pie of the e-sports industry will soon be divided up by foreign forces."

As soon as this remark came out, all the reporters in the audience automatically made up their minds again.Obviously, Wu Di's answer, on the one hand, protected the image of the brilliant team, and on the other hand, he was very disgusted with the entry of foreign financial groups.

The world's number one genius... has really matured...

After Wu Di answered a dozen questions, the press conference came to an end.

At this moment, a reporter stood up and asked the last question:
"May I ask Wu Di what is your real strength now? If you use the combat power index to describe it, what is the specific number?"

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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