Chapter 464
This question immediately caught the attention of everyone in the audience.Everyone looked forward to Wu Di on the rostrum, hoping that he could give an answer that shocked the e-sports world!

Without top-notch strength, everything is just rhetoric.Therefore, whether it is the reporters and fans at the scene, or the friends and enemies in front of the TV, they all value what kind of number Wu Di will say.

Wu Di felt the hot eyes on the scene, his mind turned sharply, and he gave an exquisite answer:

"The exact number... I don't know too well. But I can only say that I am stronger than before!"

Stronger than the previous Wu Di...? !

This answer once again detonated the audience.In the past, after Wu Di won the best rookie, he became recognized as the number one talent in the world. In the next few years, he swept the world, constantly defeating famous masters with his unique [End Style] style of play, and gradually became The strongest in the world.At that time, he was almost invincible.But now, he said... he is stronger than before?This news is of course good news!

The e-sports reporters saw the confidence in Wu Di's eyes, and saw the firmness in his eyes. The maturing No. [-] genius in the world may really be able to change the current situation of China's e-sports downfall!We should still trust him...

After a moment of silence, the reporter who asked about Wu Di's combat power index continued to ask:

"Excuse me, Mr. Wu Di, do you know that in the two years since you disappeared, many powerful newcomers have emerged in China, and the new generation of players from all over the world has also sprung up like mushrooms. Even the first generation of e-sports players Cody, the four strongest among them, has officially come back in Team Brilliant!

You said that your strength is stronger than before, you have the confidence to fight Cody?Although you are two different generations of players, do you think you can beat Cody? !Or let me put it another way... Do you still think that you are an invincible e-sports player, and you will not pay attention to any professional players?Including the senior Cody who once created a miracle in the e-sports world?Do you think you can beat him for sure? "

This question is very acute and sensitive.In the e-sports circle, journalists actually have an unwritten rule in private—that is, they will not deliberately compare two professional players directly!Because any e-sports game, including League of Legends, is essentially a team game. No matter how strong an individual is, the key to determining the outcome of the game still depends on the degree of teamwork and cooperation.

Therefore, the reporter's question obviously violated the unwritten rules. What was his original intention for asking this question?
But to the surprise of all media reporters, Wu Di gave such an answer:

"You can fight."

The reporter immediately followed Wu Di's words and continued to ask: "I heard that Cody in his peak period had a combat power index of nearly [-]! What do you also have a combat power of [-] now?"

Everyone stared at the reporter with wide-eyed eyes, and his question was bloody.Wu Di didn't want to answer his combat power index directly, but he said that he could fight Cody. Then, according to official statistics, Kody, who has reached his forties, has a peak combat power index of about [-]. ...Wu Di has this level now?
Wu Di still smiled lightly, and replied: "E-sports competitions are ever-changing, and any data can only be used as a reference. Players who rely too much on data can hardly achieve the peak. Brother Shui's theory is certainly very good, and he has successfully realized the strength of the players. data, but I think data is just data, and it can only reflect the average level of a player. For players with higher levels, the authenticity of the data is more questionable. In many cases, top professional players cannot use data to Measurable. If you have to do this, then the data will be counterproductive and will become a constraint on the players.

Therefore, my point of view is that I can indeed fight against Cody, but if I want to use numbers to describe my strength, I don't quite agree. "

Wu Di's point of view has been recognized by most e-sports reporters.The Organizing Committee of the League of Legends once conducted statistics on the combat power index of the first generation of well-known e-sports players, and the one ranked first was Yun Wanwan, the phantom god. The combat power value of more than six figures is indeed shocking.However, Yun Wanwan has only won a few championships in her professional career, which is completely different from the actual combat results of Cody and Lu Feng.Therefore, Wu Di said that in the eyes of top players, any data can only be used as a reference, and they quite agree.

The reporter seemed to be instigated by someone. After Wu Di gave such a beautiful answer, he still refused to give up and insisted on breaking the casserole to ask the end: "Mr. Wu Di, your point of view is indeed very realistic. However, I want to ask In a word, before your accident, you said that you would step on the heads of all professional players to win the world championship. Now that you have come back, do you still have this idea? You used to have a lot of gossip, and you were so young that you caused trouble everywhere , now you, will you still do this? By the way, I heard that when you competed with Korean players in the e-sports department of Chung-Ang University, your attitude was extremely arrogant and domineering. Although you have never lost, your behavior has already made the Korean side even more Hate Chinese players. Judging from this incident, you don't seem to have changed much.

May I ask if you are like this, will you repeat the same mistakes you did back then? Can we in Huaxia e-sports still count on you to create greater glories? "

As soon as these words came out, all the members of the King's team immediately glared at each other. The hot-tempered Xia Jie had already stood up, and when he was about to question the reporter, Wu Di waved his hand to signal his partners not to act aggressively. .

It seems that this reporter is here to make a fuss, and the questions he asks are sharper than the last one. Moreover, the press conference held by Wu Di is broadcast live on the e-sports channels in various countries. The atmosphere that Wu Dixin worked so hard to create was extremely inappropriate.

After thinking about these points, Wu Di smiled casually and said:
"Well, I did say those things back then. Everyone has a time when they were young and ignorant and arrogant. I don't deny that I was very annoying and uncomfortable. It can be said that few people like that Me. You asked a good question, everyone is worried about whether I have changed. My body has indeed fully recovered, and I as a person...

Hehe, if you feel that you have changed, you have changed, and if you feel that you have not changed, then I have not changed!Here, I also want to make an important announcement-whether it is a player from China or a force from abroad, Wu Di, I am standing here now!
If there are any plots and tricks, they will all be aimed at me alone, if there are any backstabbing, all will be directed at me alone!
When dealing with the enemy, I will no longer be merciless. For my close comrades-in-arms, I will do my best to protect them from the wind and rain!

You want to say that I have changed, yes!I have changed, and I know that without the support of my partners, it is impossible to realize my dreams; if you want to say that I have not changed, yes!I haven't changed too much. For those guys who like to play tricks and lose their humanity for money, I can become worse than you!You can say that I am ugly, or that I protect my weaknesses, Wu Di is such a person!

I have paid too much for my dream, for the recovery of e-sports in China, and for the cause of e-sports.If you have to find an answer from me today [Have I changed or not], then the answer is... I will have no fear, no complaints and no regrets, in order to make e-sports recognized by the world, for the sake of Let the king team win the world championship. In order to make my partners realize their dreams, I, Wu Di, will show the blood and courage of the Chinese people. Even if the road ahead is bumpy and full of thorns, I will lead my partners to overcome obstacles. , fight to the end!

The fire of my dream has never been extinguished, and my glory will coexist with my partners! "

After Wu Di impassionedly expressed his attitude, the media reporters were also shocked by his love and dislike.At this time, no one cared about whether Wu Di changed or not, and no one doubted Wu Di's attitude anymore.Such Wu Di, although his words are still a bit lofty and domineering, but in fact he has firmly determined to go on the road of e-sports!

He is arrogant, he is conceited, his eyes are high above the top, but he has been calculated by others, and he has been silent for two years; now he understands the truth and strengthens his beliefs. The obvious blood and courage in his words make everyone People's hearts were shocked.Maybe, he will still encounter all kinds of difficulties, maybe, he will still have various problems, but, what kind of height will a world number one genius who is determined to give everything for e-sports reach?What will a world number one genius who understands the true meaning of e-sports spirit bring to the e-sports world?
Everyone sweeps the snow in front of the door, don't care about the frost on others' tiles.This is an old saying that Chinese people have fulfilled for a long time, but Wu Di has shown his determination to shoulder all the responsibilities and hardships on his shoulders...

Such Wu Di is worth looking forward to!

In an instant, the words "We support you" resounded through the lobby on the first floor of Yuxiangyuan Hotel. Hundreds of media reporters, whether they were reporters who had done an exclusive interview with Wu Di, or newcomers who had recently stepped into this industry The reporters all shouted these five words in unison.

Wu Di was also very moved when he saw his old friends from the media whom he hadn't seen for a long time.After the excitement, he calmed down and knew that today's press conference had achieved the result he wanted, so he stood up slowly and waved to everyone:

"Everyone, that's it for today. We met in the First Division. Oh, by the way, I forgot to remind everyone, they don't want to promote the king team to the sky.

We are just a challenger.The team is brand new, and I am also brand new. What we have to do is to climb to the only peak step by step.That's all I can do..."

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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