The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 465 Division of Labor

Chapter 465 Division of Labor
The press conference for Wu Di's comeback was very successful.His amazing performance won the support of media workers, and let e-sports fans and professional players all over the world see a completely different Wu Di.

From the moment the press conference ended, e-sports fans all over the world were excited.The fans who have always believed that Wu Di will come back are naturally full of tears and extremely excited; while some fans who have prejudice against him have also experienced some subtle changes in their views of Wu Di after watching the live broadcast of the press conference.

In short, Wu Di not only announced his comeback through this press conference, but also let e-sports fans and e-sports workers all over the world see his great dream.

Although there are still some black Wu sects who have been talking about Wu Di's past misdeeds from beginning to end, and questioned the statement that someone was plotting against him, but it is undeniable that the world's number one genius is on the journey again!
At the same time, Tianfu University, where Wu Di was studying, also became very lively.Most college students who love e-sports are discussing Wu Di's real identity.Among them, as soon as a few of his roommates saw a familiar student, they would pat their chests and shout loudly [Wu Di is our roommate! 】

Zhang Mingdong, Lu Gang, and Qu Yugeng are now surrounded by their friends, and they keep asking for all the news about Wu Di from them.

[Three big brothers, have you ever picked up Wu Di's soap? 】

[Three bosses, do you know what color Wu Di's underwear is?Don't tell us, you don't know! 】

[Three giants, what kind of girl does Wu Di like? Is that Xia Ninghan really his girlfriend?Did they break up, as the rumors said? 】

[Three, I would like to pick up soap for you, please do me a favor, three of you, and definitely take me to the base of Team King!I heard that their main base is in Yangcheng, not in Tianfu City? 】

However, compared with the three busy roommates, Wu Di is gathering with his team members in the business conference room of Yuxiangyuan, looking at a set of data on the projector with a frown. .

Ye Wuhen stood at the front desk, pointed at the dense pile of data, frowned and said:

"Captain, this is the current economic situation we have to face. The biggest problem we are currently facing is the economic problem!

The [-] million yuan you brought back from Quancheng has all been invested in the construction of e-sports venues.At the beginning, in order to deceive people, we had to let out rumors that we were going to build a venue in Tianfu City, so we did not invest too much manpower and material resources in the construction of this real venue in Yangcheng.Now that you are back, this stadium will naturally have to speed up so that we can have our own home stadium when we enter the Super League.And in order for the venue to be put into use on time in half a year, all the [-] million yuan has been tied up in this venue, and there is no spare money for other places.

However, since King's team has been reorganized and is going to participate in the First Division, according to the regulations of the competition system, it needs an official home venue.Although Wangwang Internet Cafe is a good choice...but I didn't think about it that much before, so I made the appearance of Wangwang Internet Cafe extremely extravagant, and now I can't make ends meet.

In addition, the salaries, subsidies and bonuses of team members and staff, accommodation, team uniforms and daily necessary expenses may seem small, but when added together, it is a considerable amount..."

Wu Di only felt that his eyes were blurred, so he interrupted Ye Wuhen and asked aloud:
"I don't know much about business. So, tell me a specific number, and I'll see if I can get it out?"

Ye Wuhen nodded, and stretched out five fingers: "500 million. 500 million should be enough for us to last for half a year. At that time, after the venue is put into use, we can sell the annual package ticket to make money At that time, we will be able to formally carry out the development of peripheral products to make the team bigger and stronger. Although we are now participating in the first-level league, after all, this is the second-level professional league in China, and various sponsors Businesses and investors will not focus on this level of league, so I do not advocate making peripheral products at this stage."

After Wu Di closed his eyes and thought for a moment, he opened his eyes and said:

"I just have 500 million in my hands. If this number is enough for us to last half a year, then do as you said. Hey, it's really brain-intensive to manage this business, so I can only entrust it to you."

Seeing the team's financial problems, the rest of the members immediately expressed their opinions, expressing that they do not need to pay their salaries for the six months.After Wu Di heard it, although he was very moved, he waved his hands stubbornly and said solemnly:

"The state owns the laws of the country, and the family has its own rules. Since our King's team is going to be on the right track, everything must be done according to the rules. Senior Wuhen and I appreciate your wishes, but the salary is what you deserve, and you must not default on it!
You don't have to persuade me anymore.Speaking of which, the kind of people I hate the most are those unscrupulous business operators who default on wages. "

Seeing that Wu Di could not be persuaded, the members gave up on the matter.But at this moment, Wu Di smiled happily.

"Ha, Senior Wuhen, you said that if I go to the underground black market in Quancheng to get his vote, is this method feasible?"

Ye Wuhen pouted, and told Wu Di the truth.

"Are you still going? After learning that you are Wu Di, the Xue family was so angry that they just issued a statement on the Internet, announcing that you are not allowed to enter the underground black market in any way!"

Wu Di laughed dumbly and said: "Oh? It seems that I can only dispel this idea... Well, I won't talk too much about business matters. You and Ye Qi can figure it out. Then, tell me about the current Premier League situation."

So, Ye Wuhen removed the business data from the projector and replaced it with a pairing map.

"Team against the war, oh, our king team has already participated in half of the schedule, and has just met with another [-] first-level teams. In the standings, it is currently ranked third. But this position is not safe. In the Behind us, there are at least four or five teams that are not much different from our points. If you are not careful, you will easily be overtaken by them. According to the competition system of the First Division, the top three teams will directly get the qualification to participate in the Super League. Qualifications! So, for the top three we're bound to get it!
This matchup map lists exactly the opponents we will face in the second half of the First Division..."

Wu Di looked at the matchup map, then looked at the standings beside him, and suddenly pointed to the first-ranked Hebei Provincial Team and the second-ranked Guangxi Provincial Team and asked in doubt:
"Among these two teams, are there any players worthy of our attention, or do these two teams have backgrounds worthy of our attention? I remember...the e-sports atmosphere in these two provinces is not strong? Their e-sports The level of competitive teams should generally not be high. How did these two teams outperform teams from other provinces and cities? Tianfu City, Quancheng City, Shanghai Stock Market, and Beijing City are the four major e-sports cities in China. How to calculate, It won't be the turn of the teams from these two places to occupy the top two places, right?"

At this time, Ye Qi, who had been silent all this time, stood up and answered the question instead of Ye Wuhen:
"We have played against these two teams, and their strength is indeed very strong. The only two losses we lost in the first half of the season were against them. How should I put it, their personal strength is actually It should be almost the same as the previous anti-war team, but their team battles are particularly good, and their tactics are very novel. I guess there should be a top-level tactical analyst behind these two teams."

Hearing this, Xiao Li interrupted directly: "Show me the video of your game later, and let me identify whether, as you expected, behind these two representative teams, there are two Top tactical analyst."

"Well, I'll leave the analysis to Xiao Li. I've read the schedule. Basically, it's a single match or a double match a week, and the matches are not intensive. In this way, senior sister Ye Qi will be in charge of the match. , and then you, Senior Wuhen, will be in charge of the business. We will divide the work like this for the time being.

In addition, I want to tell you one thing, I hope you will be mentally prepared. "

After hearing the words, everyone cast puzzled looks at Wu Di, wondering what the captain would order.

"In principle... I will not participate in any matches in the First Division, so whether the Kings can appear in the Super League in half a year depends on everyone."

There was an exclamation in the conference room.The team members were very puzzled by Wu Di's approach.

Wu Di smiled and explained:

"I made this decision mainly because of three considerations. First, if I appear on the field too much, my style of play and personal characteristics will be seen clearly by interested people. And we are only participating in the A Therefore, I don't want my opponents to know too much about my current strength. Second, after I recover my memory, I will naturally recall my career, that is to say, Compared with you, my current battle experience is really a heaven and an underground. Although the level of the first division league is not top-notch, it is especially suitable for you to hone. ;Thirdly, don’t forget my current situation. What I said at the press conference has almost brought me to the forefront, and I will definitely become the target of public criticism, so before I officially enter the Super League, I still don’t think about it. more publicity. And, I also have more important things to do...

Of course, if you encounter a hurdle that you can't pass, and I need to make a move, I will play in the game. "

At this time, the team members asked the same question at the same time: "Captain, if you don't play games, what do you mainly do?"

Wu Di smiled mysteriously, and replied, "You will know when the time comes..."

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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