Chapter 466 Mask

Late at night.

With the bright moon in the sky and the stars like fireflies, Wu Di stood alone on the roof of Yuxiangyuan Hotel with his eyes closed and meditated, letting the cold winter wind blow through his ears.The night wind in the deep winter was biting, but Wu Di's body was very strong, and he didn't care about the cold that ordinary people couldn't resist.At this time, he stood motionless in the center of the roof like a grass in the wind.

After a long time, a graceful figure appeared behind him.After Wu Di noticed it, he pursed his lips and smiled, and said calmly, "You're here."

Mu Piaopiao's eyes were fixed on Wu Di's back, his face was expressionless, no deviation from his usual appearance.

"Here we go. Are you sure you want to do this?"

Her tone was still as cold as before. According to Wu Di's ridicule, the feeling when talking to her was as if everyone in the world owed her a huge sum of money that had not yet been repaid.

"Heh, you have been with me for almost a year now. From your keen insight, you should have understood my character. What I have decided, even if it is an extremely wrong thing in the eyes of the world , I will do it according to the established plan. Therefore, your question is completely unnecessary. "

Mu Piao Piao squeezed out an awkward smile quite rarely, and chuckled lightly behind him:
"You are indeed a stubborn and stubborn person. Well, I will stop talking nonsense. I agree with your proposal!"

Wu Di seemed to have predicted Mu Piaopiao's decision, and after getting her affirmative answer, he smiled lightly:
"Your status is so special, and you are a member of the special department of the country. Although I can't figure out your details, I can see your temper clearly. You will definitely not refuse such a fun and exciting thing."

Mu Piaopiao snorted coldly, the smile on his face stopped abruptly.

"I immediately consulted the department leaders, and they were actually very interested in your whimsical ideas, and they also praised your dedication. Now you are not only a celebrity in the e-sports world, but also become the object of attention of a certain department.

After discussion, they agreed to your approach, but they have a condition..."

"Oh? What's the condition?" Wu Di turned around, his gaze was like a torch. He is a completely different person now than he was a year or two ago.

"Because this matter is extremely difficult and involves considerable risks, their conditions are also very simple. If I judge that you are in a dangerous situation that is about to be exposed, I can terminate the plan on my own initiative and will You take it away safely."

Mu Piaopiao and Wu Di met each other's eyes, and there was a stubbornness in their eyes that could not be changed.

Wu Di sighed lightly: "Okay. Actually, I'm only doing it for Xia Ninghan's safety, and I'm not the kind of tall image your leader said. Since they put forward this condition, of course I wish for it. Safety first Well, I am young, and I still want to continue to fulfill the dream in my heart."

At this time, Mu Piao Piao's eyes showed a trace of doubt:
"Just for Xia Ninghan? I don't think it's just like that... Your father, Wu Tianhao, is a man of great ability. He has come out of the rivers and lakes for you. With his ability and relationship, if he wants to ensure that you and Xia Ninghan I think it is a light and pleasant little thing. You insist on joining his plan and risking your own life. Are you out of revenge?
That [organization] made you fall to the bottom, and normal people should try their best to retaliate after recovering. "

Wu Di shook his head, letting his mid-length hair flutter in the wind.

"You're wrong, Sister Piao Piao. I really hate that organization, and I really want to dismantle them. But I have self-knowledge—with my own strength, I can't compete with them. The field I want to intervene , is actually very narrow, and I will not get involved in fields other than e-sports. Even if you say that, to defeat the organization and let it disappear from the world, it is natural to rely on you members of these special departments. Of course, my Dad is one.

Heh, he just told me some time ago that his book was sold out, and it was very miserable, so he had to find a way to find extra money again.

Therefore, you can invite him out of the mountain to escort you.

Although I don't know what he has done before, what great name he has, but Dad is a man worthy of my respect.

A man who keeps his word is still rare in this era.

Well, I have said so much nonsense before I knew it.Now that the people behind you have nodded in agreement, we can begin to implement the plan.

Friends of the King's team, let them prepare for the First Division with peace of mind, and you don't talk too much.Like me, they are full of longing for the future of e-sports..."

Mu Piaopiao stared into Wu Di's eyes, nodded after a while and said:

"Okay, then the [Persona] plan will start!"

The next morning.

Just when the members of King's Team stood neatly at the entrance of Yuxiangyuan Hotel, ready to return to Yangcheng, the team's home stadium with the captain, Ye Wuhen came late and brought a strange news.

"Captain, he won't go back with us for the time being. However, [he] will accompany us in order to deceive others."

Ye Wuhen pointed to the team's special minibus, and everyone suddenly found that there was already a man wearing a peaked cap sitting by the window in the bus.

The members took a closer look and found that this person was [-]% similar to Wu Di, so they immediately teased Ye Wuhen:

"Senior Wuhen, don't you think you didn't take advantage of you yesterday? Why is this the captain, okay?"

Ye Wuhen withdrew his cynical smile in a rare way, and said solemnly:

"Let's talk in the car, there are too many people talking here."

When everyone boarded the minibus and began to set foot on the road to Yangcheng, they realized that the man in the bus who was almost exactly the same as the captain was really not their own captain!

This is how the same thing?Who is this man?Why do you look so similar to the captain?
Among the members, only Xiao Li, the tactical analyst, knew the identity of this man.So he temporarily acted as a commentator and explained the general history of this man.The team members were also shocked when they learned that the [organization] was able to use such methods against the captain.However, when Xiao Li told everyone to keep their mouths shut, everyone realized that the fully recovered captain should now be playing a bigger chess game...

South of Tianfu City, in an elevator apartment in Qinshan District.

Ye Ling blinked her big clear eyes, staring intently at Qin Rou's smearing of makeup on a strange man's face.Like a skilled craftsman carving a handed-down handicraft, Qin Rou is focused and serious.

Two hours later, after Qin Rou completed this [handicraft], she non-stop did the same thing on another woman's face, which made Ye Ling dumbfounded.

The man who had already completed the work came to Ye Ling's side and looked at her with mixed feelings.

And Ye Ling looked at the strange man with a prominent scar on his face, felt his breathtaking gaze, subconsciously took two steps back, and trembled slightly, as if he was a little scared.

Qin Rou turned her head and said coquettishly: "Hey, dear, what are you doing? Don't you know that I have a scar on your face? I deliberately made this scar realistic and scary, yes The biggest barrier you use to hide your identity. But the scar is not for you to scare Ye Lingjie! Get back quickly, don't scare Ye Lingjie!"

It turned out that this man was Wu Di!
After being scolded by Qin Rou, Wu Di spread his hands helplessly, walked to a full-length mirror, and looked at himself in the mirror carefully.

His own hair was deliberately trimmed by Qin Rou. Although the current hairstyle is still broken, the left half of the hair is unusually long, so that after the hair is tied down, it can barely cover the scar on his left face. 【scar】.

This scar was seven or eight centimeters long, and of course it was from Qin Rou's hand. Looking from a distance, it would definitely have a shocking effect.

And Wu Di's eyes, eyebrows, and nose were all disguised by Qin Rou in a special way. It can be said that if you don't get close to Wu Di for a long time, then from the appearance, you can't see it in the mirror at all. That man is Wu Di himself!

Coupled with that horrific scar, people who come into contact with Wu Di will pay all their attention to it at the first time, and then they will not be able to tell Wu Di's true identity.

Wu Di looked at the new image in the mirror with satisfaction, and said casually: "Ha, Sister Rou's skill is really strong. In this way, I don't think anyone will be able to see my true identity anymore. This scar... Well, from now on, my new nickname will be Scarface!"

Qin Rou smiled and replied: "Of course my camouflage skills are strong enough. But I also want to remind you of two things. The first thing is that this makeup can only last for four or five days at most. Do not get wet, once it is soaked in water, the makeup will be worn off immediately, and your true face will be exposed. Therefore, it is best for you to reapply makeup every once in a while. I teach both methods and materials Here you go, you have to keep in mind. The second thing is that you can no longer speak normally from now on. In order to prevent those smart guys from discovering your true identity, you must change your voice. And the best way to change is It is natural to lower your voice and deliberately make your voice hoarse. You can practice from now on, of course, it is best not to speak."

Wu Di cleared his throat, and immediately said in a low tone: "Is it just like this?"

"Well, it's barely ok. Alright, go practice by yourself, don't delay my makeup for Piao Piao. By the way, there is one more important thing... You must get familiar with your new identity in a short time!"

"My new identity? I'm a folk e-sports expert, who has been living a hard life since I was a child, and has no one to rely on. I just want to find a platform to realize my e-sports dream... In addition, I am dependent on this sister Piao Piao by my side! I left If you can't leave her, she can't leave me!"

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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