Chapter 467 Mask

"Ghosts and you depend on each other!" Mu Piaopiao suddenly opened his eyes and glared at Wu Di, "It's you and my false identity [Mu Yunqing] who depend on each other! Don't take advantage of me!"

Wu Di laughed, and a bad taste suddenly appeared: "Okay, I don't take advantage of you, but in order to make those guys believe it, we will inevitably hold hands, kiss on the mouth or something."

"How dare you!" Qin Rou and Mu Piaopiao shouted at the same time, making Ye Ling who was watching in a fog at the side also confused.

"Why are you all so fierce all of a sudden? What are you going to let this man do? I remember when he came in, he was still a handsome young man."

Qin Rou gave Wu Di a hard look, then softly whispered to Ye Ling:

"Don't worry about it, Sister Ye Ling, just take good care of your body. This kid... Anyway, this kid is a bad guy, you must not let him get close to you! Otherwise, he will do bad things!"

"Haha, the three of you women are enough for a play. I still have something to do, so I'll go first, Mu Piao Piao, don't forget to concentrate on acting when the time comes, and don't get caught."

Wu Di let out a long laugh, and then disappeared in front of the three women like a cunning rabbit.

Qin Rou crossed her hips, pointed at Wu Di who left like the wind, and shouted: "I thought you were a bit more serious now, but you still like flirting like before! Don't let me catch you, or you will be in trouble." Eat the good fruit!"


After Wu Di left the elevator apartment, he immediately recovered his calm demeanor.Immediately afterwards, he called Lu Li and made an appointment with him on the time and place.Not long after that, the two sat down face to face in a remote small bar private room on the south gate.

After seeing Wu Di's new image just now, Lu Li thought that the other party had admitted to the wrong person, and when he was about to send Wu Di away, Wu Di said in his original voice: "Gao Fu Shuai Junior Brother, don't come here without any problems."

Lu Li was taken aback for a moment, and he naturally understood that this man whose appearance changed drastically was his elder brother Wu Di!
After the two sat down, Wu Di didn't talk nonsense, and directly revealed his plan to Lu Lihe, which also made Gao Fushuai junior brother feel terrified like listening to a storytelling.

"Wow! Brother master, you don't really intend to do this, do you? That [organization] made it clear that chariots and horses are going to deal with you, and you still want to throw yourself into a trap and play Infernal Affairs? Whether you decide or not, but you If you want to ask my opinion, I absolutely absolutely absolutely disagree!"

Lu Li's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe that Wu Di, who had recovered from his original state, was even more courageous.According to Wu Di's plan, with this new identity, he will approach Dan Qing or the man in sunglasses step by step, and finally find out some core inside information about the organization.

Although the plan is feasible, the danger is too great!Therefore, Lu Li used three [absolutes] in a row to express his opinion.

Wu Di naturally felt Lu Li's concern, but he still put on a posture that even nine bulls can't pull back:
"As the saying goes, how can you catch a tiger if you don't enter the tiger's den? Sister Ninghan is willing to stay by Lu Feng's side and take risks for me. How can I, the client, stand by and watch? If it were you, I think you would do it." more than me?
I am a man, how could I watch the woman I love take risks for me, but I am indifferent? "

Lu Li's expression froze.But he quickly reacted:

"Damn! I was almost fooled by your righteous expression! You are right! Men shouldn't let women into danger, but I think your safety is the most important thing! If there is a slight difference... Aren't you just a piece of fish that was slaughtered at will by others? You can't even escape!"

Wu Di sighed softly, and said stubbornly: "When I just walked in, if I didn't tell you, would you not recognize me at all?"

Lu Li was speechless.

Indeed, as Wu Di said, even if he was given another hour, if he just watched, he would not be able to recognize the present Wu Di.It has to be said that the person who put on makeup and disguise for Wu Di is a top master of cross-dressing.It is worth mentioning that, as Wu Di analyzed before, as soon as Lu Li entered the door, he was attracted by the hideous [scar] on Wu Di's face, and could not concentrate at all.

"Okay, even if I don't recognize you, everyone will not recognize you, but in order to spy on information, you will have some unusual behavior after all, so if you are discovered by the organization, you are not in danger!"

"I will correct two misunderstandings in your understanding. First, I will only deal with them in the field of e-sports. In other aspects, with my ability and ability, I can't do it and I don't want to do it—I Sister Ning Han will not be left alone in the enemy's formation!

Did you read my press conference?As I said, my partner, my beloved, and my best friend are the most important people in my life!I will not risk them again!I want them and you to know that I have everything!
Second, I recovered my memory, learned a lot, and realized a lot. Please don’t look at me with the same eyes as before.Since I want to do it, then I will do it to the extreme!You have to trust me, Brother Li. "

Wu Di's eyes were firm, Lu Li opened his mouth to speak but stopped, finally closed his mouth, and depressedly took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth.After igniting it, he desperately spat twice and let out a long sigh:
"Well, since you insist on this, I won't persuade you much. In short, be careful in everything. If there is anything wrong, you have to get out in time! Otherwise, if something happens to you, I will find those The guy is desperate, and I will do what I say!"

After Lu Li finished smoking the cigarette in his hand, Wu Di saw that his mood had calmed down, so he smiled softly and said:
"Let's get down to business. I came to you because I want to tell you the plan, and I want you to give me advice. Now, in this situation, what should I do to attract the attention of you in the shortest possible time?" Did you notice Danqing or the guy in the sunglasses? I know that after the overseas consortium took control of China, almost most of the teams are recruiting, and after the new year, the new season of the Super League will kick off. What do you think I am? Should we go for the idea of ​​Wu Shuang and Ke Di's Brilliant team, or should we focus more on Danqing who is building a strong team?"

"Is your news...reliable? Is Danqing really building a powerful team? Also, is your twin brother Wu Shuang, including one of the strongest four, Cody, really part of the organization? You You need to make sure the source of the news is reliable before I can analyze it for you." Lu Li said calmly.

"The news is very reliable. Wu Shuang and Ke Di, a pair of mentors and apprentices, should be inseparable from that organization. Just like you said, they appeared in front of the world to trouble me; and Danqing is indeed I am organizing a team, and Sister Ninghan has received his invitation letter and agreed to join! In addition, as far as I know, Tang Hao was also invited to join! Oh, yes, Tang Hao is also Cody's apprentice. This For now, few people know about it.”

Wu Di told Lu Li all the information he had, which surprised him too.

"Well, the information you said shocked me. By the way, can you talk about their purpose for doing this?"

"I don't know the specifics of Danqing's formation of the team, but his purpose of doing so must be inseparable from the organization's plan!
[Organization] has a close relationship with the legendary team. Now the legendary team has achieved five consecutive championships, and its reputation has already reached its peak. The [organization] has also taken advantage of this situation, and basically firmly established the European e-sports market. It's in their own hands... So, their next goal should be Huaxia's e-sports market!Huaxia has a large population and is the biggest potential market. If an overseas consortium wants to get a piece of the pie, that organization will definitely not let go of this piece of fat!

In addition, Wu Shuang and Cody's master and apprentice, I think their appearance is more due to personal factors.On a specific occasion, I had a wonderful three-on-three match with old-timers such as Cody and Shui.

In that game, I saw Cody's strength-to be honest, this old man really made me awe-inspiring, he actually comprehended an ultimate state at the age of [-]!However, I can see that because of his age, that state cannot last for too long. After he joined the Brilliant team, he also returned as a coach and player-I inferred from this point.Also, my brother Wu Shuang... This is another person who gives me a headache.My scumbag father has been reluctant to tell me what happened to him back then, but only told me that he is my real brother.So... I don't even know how to face him..."

When Lu Li heard this, he interrupted Wu Di:

"Okay, there's no need to say more. After I analyzed it with my simple brain, I should focus on Danqing! If you can get his favor, let him send you an invitation letter Enough."

"I think so too..." Wu Di nodded and continued, "But what should I do to attract his attention? You know, he recruits all first-class experts. If I use This new identity, I am afraid it will be difficult to attract his attention."

However, Lu Li suddenly laughed and scolded: "You idiot! You are so clever but you are mistaken by your cleverness! Want to be famous in the e-sports world? What is the fastest and most direct way?"

"The fastest and most direct way?" Wu Di frowned, his mind spinning sharply, but despite all his efforts, he still got nothing.

Lu Li looked at Wu Di's frown, and burst out laughing:
"Forget it, don't bother thinking about it, let me tell you. In today's Huaxia Kingdom's e-sports circle, the most direct way to become famous is to go to the underground black market in Quancheng, but they have already issued a notice on the Internet, prohibiting You go in and out there. Although it is difficult for them to recognize you if you change your clothes, the old man of the Xue family is not a fuel-efficient lamp. If you go, you may be exposed...

Naturally, this method will not work, so there is another method the public server, create a record!Yes, it is to create various records that [Wu Di] can hardly surpass! "

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(End of this chapter)

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