The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 468 Challenge Record

Chapter 468 Challenge Record
"A record that I can hardly surpass?" Wu Di was stunned, but quickly realized, "Oh, you mean to ask me to challenge the record of 47 consecutive victories? But when I set this record back then, because I hid Therefore, most people don’t know that I set this record. Speaking of which, you are the most ostentatious professional player—you are the only top player who has made his vest name known to the public. .”

After hearing the words, Lu Li smiled innocently and explained:
"I was forced to do this back then. At that time, I could only be regarded as a [little famous] player. In order to make me more famous, the team let me play on the public server and publish my ID. Otherwise, I don't have the time and energy to play public servers.

Well, let's not talk too far.Although few people knew that the [King Invincible] account belonged to you, his record of 47 consecutive victories has never been broken, so you can use your current identity to challenge it... By the way, Your identity... what's your name?It doesn't matter what it is, you can tell it's a literary name with a stage name at a glance, right? "

Wu Di smiled and said, "I definitely won't take this kind of name again. Back then, Xia Ninghan helped me pick up the name [Wu Youzhi] privately, and I didn't even know about it. This time I picked it up myself A majestic and domineering name—inexplicable!"

"What the hell? Inexplicable? Last name is Mo? Hahaha..." Lu Li couldn't stop laughing wildly, and the rough laughter soon resounded throughout the private room, "Why aren't you called Wuming? [Wuming] is the real name. It's mighty and domineering, and quite the demeanor of a master."

"I'm not as big as you, and I don't know why. I just want you not to ask where the name comes from. Talk about business, don't talk about it."

Lu Li stopped laughing, and became a little more serious:
"Okay, okay, I don't ask where the name comes from... Well, my suggestion is that you quickly create a new account. It is not safe to buy other people's accounts or use accounts of acquaintances and friends. Creating a new account is a reliable way .

Then, you recharge points in the game, and use up the quadruple experience cards and quadruple gold coin cards.By the way, it's better to charge more. "

"Recharge more? What are you doing with so much money? Besides, I'm not as rich and handsome as you. How can I have so much spare money?" Wu Di pouted, not very interested in Lu Li's proposal.However, Lu Li laughed and scolded again:
"You idiot, how can you quickly reach level [-] without recharging more money? You can only play ranked at level [-]. Do you think it is easy to raise a new account now? Moreover, the money that is recharged into the game is also easy to use. It's particular. Let me speak slowly...

First of all, your top priority is to quickly upgrade your new account to level 100, so things like quadruple experience cards are essential, and of course quadruple gold coin cards should also be used.In this way, when you reach level [-], you can barely buy one or two sets of universal runes on your account.Then, most of the money you rush in will be used to buy heroes.A hero is not expensive now, only a few tens of yuan.Now the League of Legends has launched more than [-] heroes, and you can spend three or four thousand.There are also discounts for one-time consumption and recharge, don't miss this opportunity. "

"Your sister!" Wu Di scolded angrily, but after thinking about it, although Lu Li's method is a step-by-step stupid method, it is also very safe and reliable.So, he still agreed to this approach: "Well, that's the only way to go. Oh, there is another question, should we attack the new districts or the old districts?"

"Okay, I have doubts about your IQ... You are stupid, everyone on earth knows that Huaxia Country [-] is a place where meteor craters and great gods coexist. If you don't make a name for yourself here, where do you want to fight... Haha, I suddenly thought of a possible funny scene." Lu Li smiled mysteriously, covering his mouth and laughing non-stop.

"What scene?" As soon as Wu Di spoke, he felt something was wrong.Sure enough, after Lu Li laughed enough, he said slowly:

"Think about it, it is said that the low-level qualifying matches in the first district are the most difficult to play in the world. So I was thinking... If one day, you are suddenly pissed off by a group of elementary school students, and you have nowhere to vent... That scene will definitely be beautiful!"

"..." Wu Di was speechless for a moment.Indeed, as Lu Li said, if he really started playing from the new account, it is very likely that he will encounter many craters in the low-rank qualifying matches.Although I broke the law of "one god drags one hole" in a disguised form in South Korea, Mu Piaopiao and Lulu have been studying in the e-sports department for half a year, and their strength has already improved by leaps and bounds. The basic operation and awareness are naturally better than ordinary players. Moreover, he used the combination of brainless and aggressive [Man Yixin], so in a strict sense, Wu Di broke this law on the surface, but in fact the situation at that time was only caused by the novel tactics and the opponent's underestimation of the enemy.

Thinking of this, Wu Di sighed softly: "When I was not a professional player, I said a famous saying - a thousand pits are easy to meet, but a victory is hard to find. Unexpectedly, today, I have to experience that again. It’s a hearty life. Wait! Brother Li, you almost got me into it again! I can do it in double row, as long as I find a good partner, I don’t need to score points in the form of single row! The winning rate of double row Naturally, it will be much higher!"

Lu Li was taken aback, then smiled casually:

"Square? Who are you duoing with? No, that's why you're looking for me... I won't do it! Brother, my time is very precious. If you don't have thousands of dollars, brother will generally not appear!"

Immediately, Wu Di also frowned. At this point in time, where can I find someone for a double row?wood fluttering?According to the plan, she can't get involved in the field of e-sports... and other acquaintances can't find it, otherwise, as long as Danqing is not a fool, she can see some clues... This is a troublesome matter.If it's a solo queue, maybe I really have to linger in the lower ranks for a long time, but if it's a duo queue, where can I find a partner?I can't find any acquaintances around me, including the number one ADC in the country right now.If I really beat the previous winning streak, then someone will definitely investigate my partner... It's nerve-wracking.

Wu Di frowned, quite worried.After Lu Li saw this, he generously said:
"Hey... that's all, I don't like seeing you! I'll help you double row, okay? As for the appearance fee, it's free."

Wu Di gave Lu Li a supercilious look, and after expressing his worries, Lu Li was also on the spot, suddenly realizing:

"Yeah, I forgot about this, it looks like you can't find anyone around you... What should I do?"

Wu Di shrugged and said helplessly: "What should I do? Cold salad! Fried eggs in cold salad, the more fried the better! Forget it, let me think about it again, and I won't bother you about it. Oh, I came here for Another important thing.

The professional player e-sports union has been established for a long time, but there are very few professional players who are willing to join, but I deliberately disclosed some information about the organization at the press conference in order to arouse the vigilance of domestic professional players.In the past two days, I have received many calls from professional players who I have some friendship with, and they are all asking about my situation.But I didn't say it directly, but let them contact you.After all, you were also plotted against by that organization at the time... I believe that with you as a special case to testify, they will naturally change their original position, and maybe they will join the professional gamer e-sports union.

Brother Li, after I go to execute the plan, I will leave this matter to you.Among domestic professional players, there are still a considerable number of people who have blood and courage and refuse to bow to the evil forces. "

Lu Li withdrew his smile, and solemnly agreed: "Okay, this matter is on me! Huaxia's e-sports industry has really reached a precarious situation... I came here because I have an important news to tell you!"

"What news? Why do you suddenly look so serious?" Wu Diqi said.

Lu Li raised his head, looked at the constantly flickering neon lights in the private room, and heaved a long sigh, with conflicting expressions of reluctance and reluctance in his eyes.

"Hey... long-term pain is worse than short-term pain, let me just say it straight. What you told me at the beginning has already happened! Team Bright has indeed fallen into a quagmire where it is difficult to move forward. If there is no investment from outside funds, their Basically it will declare bankruptcy. And once this happens, then all that is left is to sell the club...

So, just two days ago, the brilliant family members made a decision: he only kept 49% of the shares, and the remaining 51% was open for recruitment!And it will only be sold to powerful consortiums, and will not be sold in bulk!That is to say, due to poor management and serious losses, he has already started to retire... Although he can still hold most of the shares, he has voluntarily given up the dominant position.

As we all know, whoever owns 51% of the shares has the right to speak!And if no consortium is willing to take over...they will sell me and Qin Rou together to make up for the club's financial losses!

I have been summoned by the boss alone two days ago. Although his attitude is sincere and his words are quite helpless, I am still very entangled!I have been in the Bright Club for so many years... the relationship between the top and bottom is quite good, if the club really sells me to other teams... my heart will be as painful as a knife!

I just spoke to Qin Rou yesterday. She said that she doesn't care at all. Anyway, she has only been here for a year, and she doesn't have a deep relationship.So, I... really don't know what to do.Of course, if it is really for the normal survival of the club and they want to sell me to fill their finances, I have nothing to say, and I will take the initiative to do so.I just feel uncomfortable! "

After Wu Di patiently listened to Lu Li's complaints, he suddenly burst out laughing:

"Brother Li, don't worry! I have a good errand for you. I guarantee that Team Bright can get through the crisis smoothly, and you don't have to leave! But, from now on, you have to find a way for me to meet the boss Bright. Since he is willing to keep 49% of the shares instead of selling them all, it means that he still has a hard time letting go of Huaxia E-sports!"

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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